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Jailbait Page 17

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  I looked over at the man at my side, Lynn, and asked, “What’s he talking about?”

  Lynn shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “You were talking about how we were all bad at doing crimes,” Sin continued. “You even boasted about beating the shit out of a prisoner in front of his granny. You watched that old woman fall on the ground with her hand to her heart. Did you know that old granny had a heart attack and died? Did you know that prisoner you were transporting was in there because some motherfucker tried to take a bat to his granny, and instead of letting that happen, he shot the man with a pistol that’d he’d found? One he thought he might need because he’d escaped a gang that wanted him. Then you went and caused that same granny to up and die, and made that kid witness it.”

  Sadler obviously wasn’t going to receive a beating from me tonight only.


  Piece of shit.

  “That boy shot another boy that was a friend’s son.” Sadler tried to wiggle free of Sin’s grasp, but Sin was a big motherfucker. And he knew what he was doing when it came to restraining a man. You learned fun things like that over your military career. But I was sure it was his time in prison that really honed those skills.

  Lynn hummed underneath his breath. “Fucker’s about to die.”

  I shook my head.

  “Sin,” I said quietly.

  Sin’s eyes came to mine, and they were furious. “What?”

  “If you kill him before I get there, I’m going to be really damn pissed. This man just beat the shit out of my woman,” I growled.

  Sin sighed, long and loud. “Fuck.”

  “Plus.” I grinned wickedly. “I don’t think I really want to kill him. Wouldn’t it be more fun to send him to the prison that holds the prisoners he transported and ultimately terrorized?”

  Sin’s grin went fucking huge.

  “Well, now that you put it that way, I think it would be way more fun to make sure that he visits the one that he does the most transports to,” Sin said. “That way, we could ensure that he has a great stay with a few fellows he made sure to kick at their lowest.”

  I nodded once as I rubbed my chest. “I need to get back to Swayze.”

  The thought of her not remembering me felt like a hole was eating away in my chest.

  Just the thought of walking in there and her not recognizing me was like a shot right to my heart.

  “She remembers you,” Zach said.

  I glanced up and over to see him walking my way. “I was talking to her after you left. She remembers everything.” He glanced over at the man that Sin was still restraining. “She just didn’t want us to get shot because she felt like that asshole right there would get pissed that she remembered him. She also relayed that this was the man that she heard on the phone. That message on the one we got out from behind the dumpster. The one that Ignacia was supposed to get.”

  I whipped my head in Sadler’s direction.

  His face had gone pale.

  Now that he mentioned it, the voice did sound familiar.

  Son of a bitch.

  Now, I’d had suspicions that he was dirty. But I hadn’t realized just how dirty.

  “I guess it makes sense now,” I said as I looked at the piece of shit. “You transporting inmates to the jail. You transporting young girls into sex trafficking. Transporting. Same line of work. Sort of, right?”

  I clapped Lynn on the shoulder. “Please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t take all the fun away from me. I’d really like to join in.”

  Lynn flashed me a grin. “I’ll see what I can do. No promises, though.”

  That last comment was directed toward Sadler, who now looked a little unsettled.

  Yeah, I’d been on the receiving end of one of those stares when I’d first met him. It was like staring into a black hole and seeing your death in their depths.

  Then, without another word, I headed back up to the room that Swayze was occupying.

  I found her on her back, leg still in traction in the air, staring at the door as if she was waiting for someone.

  The moment that I walked back through, her entire demeanor wilted. “Oh, thank God you came back.”

  I flashed her a grin, even though when she started talking, one of the cuts on her lip started to bleed.

  I caught up a couple of paper towels off the wall, then walked to her, gently pressing the paper towel to her lips.

  She sighed.

  “That hurts,” she admitted.

  I felt my chest squeeze at the thought of hurting her.

  I looked at her right hand which was covered in another cast. The one that I’d been holding yesterday when she’d first rolled in.

  The one that I hadn’t known was broken while I was holding it.

  This time, the squeeze of my chest nearly took the breath right out of my lungs.

  “Did the doctor or nurse explain to you what all is wrong with you?” I asked carefully. “And how long you’ll be in the hospital?”

  She grimaced. “The nurse explained I’d be in traction a week. She said that we’d have to make sure that I was turned so I didn’t get bedsores. And let me just tell you, when she turns me, it hurts. Everywhere.”

  I sighed, running my finger down the length of her jaw on the right side. That seemed to be the only part of her face that wasn’t affected during the brutal beating she’d received.

  “You’re here for a while,” I said. “And then when you’re back at home, you have just as long on bed rest. Though you won’t be in traction.”

  She groaned. “That sucks.”

  “That is nothing,” I rasped, my hand clenching at my side. “My God, Swayze. You were broken. You had fifteen broken bones. Your right tibia. Your right ulna. Multiple fingers and toes. You also have a broken foot, but that won’t matter all that much since you’ll already be in a cast.”

  She sighed. “But I survived.”

  I bent down and pressed my lips to that unblemished spot on her chin.

  “You survived,” I confirmed.

  “Where’s Zach?” she asked, looking over my shoulder for him.

  I frowned. “He’s visiting with Sadler, whom we detained in the parking lot. I caught him red-handed. He’s not going to be making any more surprise appearances, so you can rest easy on that.”

  She sighed in relief. “I knew you’d protect me. I also knew you’d figure it out without me having to tell you.” She winced. “Zach was like, super-duper mad that I wasn’t telling you that I remembered you,” she informed me. “I’m sorry that I had to lie, but that man scares the holy hell out of me. And I didn’t want him to pull a gun out on you and surprise you.”

  My eyes softened.

  “Zach used to date a woman that was hit by a car,” I explained softly, moving until my right ass cheek was resting on the edge of her bed, my hand now resting on her good leg. Which was comical since it was the one that was broken the last time that she’d been beat up. She now had two bad legs, no matter how you looked at it. “When the woman recovered, she no longer had memory of her time spent with Zach. It’s a hard subject for him.”

  I saw the moment it registered on her face. Then I felt bad for telling her because I knew that she felt badly in return.

  “I still stand by what I did,” she sighed. “But I would’ve been a little more nice about it when he asked me after you left the room. But the thought of Sadler shooting either of y’all was abhorrent to me.”

  “We’re okay, baby,” I said softly, twirling a piece of her hair around my big calloused finger.

  “He won’t get out of your reach?” She yawned, and her lip started to bleed again.

  I dabbed it with a paper towel.

  At her last comment, her eyes grew heavy, and for the first time since she woke up, I could tell that things weren’t hurting as badly on her since she’d gotten the dose of pain meds from the nurse.

  What little I could see of her eyes looked glazed.

��m tired,” she admitted.

  I brushed a piece of matted hair out of her face.

  “Then go to sleep,” I suggested.

  She widened her eyes.

  “I’ve already missed a whole half a day of seeing you,” she said softly. “I don’t want to miss anymore.”

  I pulled up the closest chair and planted my ass in it.

  “Will you hold my hand?” she asked, indicating the one that I’d held twenty-four hours ago while broken.

  “Yeah,” I confirmed as I picked her hand up in mine and then closed my fingers around her delicate ones. “I can do that.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “I love you, Trick.”

  She didn’t hear my reply because she was already asleep.

  “I love you, too,” I vowed.


  I Googled my symptoms. Turns out, I just need my hair done.

  -Swayze’s secret thoughts


  2 months later

  I was bound and determined to go into work today.

  In fact, I already had my route planned out.

  I just needed to make sure to wait for the man in my life to leave first before I did it. Otherwise, he’d stop me before I even got started.

  “Whatcha doin’ today?” I asked carefully. “Where are you off to so early?”

  Trick looked at me in bed, practically naked but for Trick’s shirt and my cast, and said, “Why are you asking?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Because normally you don’t get out of this bed until nine. Now I’m suspicious since you got up early, and you won’t tell me where you’re going.”

  Trick grinned at me.

  “I’m going to the courthouse to watch when Sadler’s brought in on charges,” he answered. “Then, I’m going to find Ignacia. I heard that she was back in town. And I want to impart a few things, hopefully help her relieve her conscience about what she’s done wrong in her life. Let her know that it would be prudent for her to turn herself in.”

  “Ignacia is back in town? Since when?” I found myself asking.

  He shrugged. “I don’t actually know. Hunt called me this morning during my run to tell me that she was sighted back at her rental house. He’s got eyes on it, though. He’ll make sure not to lose her.”

  After everything had gone down in that alley a few months ago, followed shortly by me receiving the ass kicking of a lifetime, Ignacia had gone missing. Now she was back, and I hoped that they knew what they were doing. Ignacia had a lot to pay for.

  I sighed.

  “But what if I wanted to go get something to eat?” I asked. “How am I supposed to eat, Trick?”

  The whiny question had my boob, which was covered by his shirt—which happened to be my only covering whatsoever—going haywire.

  I hadn’t worn a bra in three weeks.

  Granted, they’d cut off my favorite one and I hadn’t had a chance to replace it.

  But, saying that, I kind of liked not wearing bras.

  Even more, I liked the way that Trick stared at my unbound breasts.

  Not that he would do anything about his desires that I could read all over his face.

  In the weeks that I’d been home after the incident, he’d done nothing more than kiss me.

  First it was on my chin, which happened to be the only spot on my face that hadn’t bruised. Then it’d been a chaste kiss on the lips.

  Now it was a small, barely there hug that he could give me without squeezing me too tight.

  And honestly, I wanted my Trick back.

  I wanted his rough caresses. I wanted his smacks on the ass. I wanted his hands in my hair as he pulled…

  “What are you thinking about?” Trick asked, bringing my thoughts once again to the present.

  I pulled my shirt up, and then pointed at my vagina, which was bare.

  I’d done some pruning of the bush last night—very awkwardly with casts on, might I add—in hopes that he would notice. In hopes that he would do something about my constant aching need.

  I knew he’d seen it, yet he didn’t do a damn thing about that ache.

  He barely even looked at it.

  What had he done? He’d picked up his fuckin’ Xbox controller, then turned on his new Call of Duty game that he’d taken up playing since he’d been in the house with me so much lately.

  At first, that stupid game hadn’t bothered me.

  Other than the constant ‘you’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me’ and ‘that wouldn’t happen in real life’ or the ‘I shot that motherfucker in the head. He should be dead’ comments, generally I just loved having him next to me.

  He would play while I would read. He would yell while I would smile.

  Honestly, until last night when I’d shuffled into the room naked just to see what he thought of my shave job, I hadn’t hated that game at all.

  But now, I hated it. I wanted to burn it. I wanted him to want me.

  “I’m thinking about the fact” —I pointed at my crotch— “that I spent thirty minutes shaving this and you didn’t even notice.”

  His eyes went hot for a few seconds. “Oh, I noticed.”

  I ground my teeth to try to acquire some patience, but today that just wasn’t happening.

  “Then why won’t you fucking touch me?” I cried out. “I’m a horny bitch, Trick! You’ve slept beside me every night. Prodded me with that fantastic fucking dick for hours, and you won’t freakin’ touch me! Trick, I freakin’ ache!”

  Trick stared at me like I had a few marbles loose.

  Then, without a second thought, I reached between my legs, swiped my fingers through my folds, and held the evidence up for him to look at.

  “Trick, all you had to do was drop that towel this morning, and I was aching for you,” I grumbled. “I’m horny.”

  I went to wipe my fingers off on his t-shirt and yank it down for good measure.

  He caught my hand before my fingers could meet the fabric.

  With slow, precise movements, he brought my hand up to his lips and sucked each finger into his mouth, slow and succulently.

  I felt things inside of me burst into flame.

  That small ember that never seemed to go out when I was around him was stoked into a full-blown roaring inferno.

  His eyes were hot as he watched me watch him.

  And when he finally pulled away, when he’d sucked each one perfectly clean, he pulled away, allowing my hand to drop to the bed.

  “You think it’s been easy these last few months?” he rasped. “I’ve been thinking about your hot little pussy for twelve years. Jacking off to just the thought of how sweet it would be. Now I know what I’m missing, and it’s even fucking worse. I know how you clench around me. I know how great you feel. I know how you taste. I know the sounds you make when you come. I know how great it feels to fucking come inside of you. How slick and wet it is when I allow myself a few last pumps with our fluids combined in your tight cunt. I know things, goddammit. And I miss them.”

  I swallowed hard. “I won’t break anymore.”

  “No,” he agreed. “You won’t. But I’m still terrified that I’ll hurt you. And how do you think that’ll make me feel if I hurt you?”

  I ripped my shirt off and spread my legs wide.

  “I’m right here, Trick,” I said softly. “And you won’t hurt me anymore. Just don’t punch me in the face, and we’ll be good.”

  I tried to lighten the moment with humor, but obviously that was the wrong thing to say.

  “I’d never, not ever do that,” he hissed, reaching for his shirt that’d once been on my body and reaching over to tug it back over my head. “If you need me, I’ll be…”

  It was at that point that I knew that he was going to leave without fixing this ache.

  So, I did what any woman would do.

  I started to cry.

  Big, wracking sobs that shook my chest.

  And he groaned.

  That was how I found myself in his lap,
my naked bottom half on his large erection resting over his jeans, and his arms wrapped around me.

  I started to rock even as I cried, and he groaned again.

  He cursed when I said through tears, “You’re going to have to change your jeans. I’m getting them all wet.”

  He started to roll me over, but that was when I took full advantage of having a smaller cast, one that only went from my lower knee down.

  I scrambled for his jeans, thankful that he hadn’t had a chance to put a belt on or button them yet, and started to unzip him.

  He cursed and said, “Swayze!”

  But I kept going, knowing that this was my only chance.

  Between one breath and the next, I had him out of his jeans and in the palm of my hand. Seconds after that, I had him sheathed in my pussy.

  We both froze.

  Me because I wasn’t accustomed to his size anymore. Him because I’d just forced him to have sex with me when he didn’t want to.

  His hands squeezed my hips, then he cursed and pulled back as if he’d been burned.

  I grabbed hold of his face and forced him to look at me.

  “I have no more bruises,” I told him. “Nothing hurts anymore. The cast is off my hand. The cast on my leg comes off in two weeks. I’m not broken, Trick.”

  Tater, who was now home from the vet, wrapped himself around my leg and glared at his owner right along with me.

  Trick’s eyes were practically burning with fire. “No, but I am.”

  I felt my heart shrink.

  I’d forced him into doing something he didn’t want to do.

  I started to pull myself off of him.

  Except, before I could get halfway off his shaft, he yanked me back down.

  I gasped at the feel of him. At the way he stretched me to almost bursting.

  At the way that I felt utterly right in a way that I hadn’t for so freakin’ long.

  “Motherfucker,” he growled. Then he kissed me. He kissed me with everything that I’d been wanting. “Goddammit.”


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