The Vanished

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The Vanished Page 21

by Tim Kizer

  They waited one more week, and then Tom mailed David a disposable cellphone.

  On June 27, six days after David’s guilty plea hearing, Tom asked Devon what they were we going to do with the girl.

  “We’ll see,” Devon replied.

  “Do you want to kill her?”

  Devon scratched his chin thoughtfully and said, “Do you want to kill her?

  Tom shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “You think you should keep your promise to let her go in six years?”

  “Maybe I should.”

  “Besides, she did nothing wrong, right?”

  Tom nodded.

  “Are you getting soft, John?”

  “No,” Tom said in a slightly indignant tone.

  “It’s okay to be merciful.” Devon paused. “We don’t kill without reason, we’re not maniacs.”

  Devon had no problem with killing David Miller’s daughter. Contrary to common belief, a child’s life was not precious. Thousands of children died in car crashes and other kinds of accidents every year, and the world was doing just fine. Besides, epilepsy was incurable, so they would save Annie from a lifetime of misery by killing her. A lifetime of misery and loneliness. Who would marry a woman with epilepsy? There weren’t going to be many suitors, that was for sure.

  Speaking of epilepsy, because Dilantin and Tegretol were prescription drugs, they didn’t provide Annie with medication, so she simply had to endure the seizures.

  “Let’s keep her alive, then,” Tom said.

  “You’re not having second thoughts, are you? It’s too late for that, my friend.”

  “No, I’m not having second thoughts.”

  Chapter 27


  A minute after Vincent fell asleep, Devon called Tom and said that he was on his way. Tom’s Ford Focus was in a paid parking lot one block from Devon’s hotel. Devon’s plan was to move Vincent to Tom’s car, leave his Camry at the hotel, and go to Tom’s house in Tom’s Ford Focus.

  Glancing at Vincent, Devon grabbed his duffel bag from the backseat, opened it, and took out an Astros baseball cap and a pair of thin leather gloves. He put on the cap and the gloves and tossed the bag into the backseat. The cap was part of his disguise, as were his sunglasses, which he slipped on before starting the car.

  When he reached the lot where Tom was parked, Devon pulled into the space to the left of Tom’s Ford and switched off the engine.

  “Vincent, I want you to open your eyes right now,” he said.

  Vincent opened his eyes. His stare was vacant.

  “Now I want you to step out of the car.”

  When the investigator climbed out of the Camry, Devon closed the door and said, “Now get in the back of the car on your left.”

  Vincent did as instructed, and Devon followed him into the backseat of the Ford Focus.

  “Who is he?” Tom asked after Devon made Vincent fall asleep.

  “A private investigator. He asked me about you.”

  “Why did you bring him here?”

  “I want to ask him a few questions.”

  “Are you sure he’s asleep?”

  “If he wakes up, use your stun gun.”

  Followed by Tom, Devon drove to his hotel, left the Camry with a valet, and then got in Tom’s Ford.


  When Devon walked into the living room, he saw that Tom had covered the entire floor with plastic sheeting, as he had requested. Devon commanded Vincent to sit down in the chair in the center of the room, and he did. Tom settled on the couch. Devon told Vincent to close his eyes, then took the wallet from the investigator’s pants pocket and studied the driver’s license.

  “John, give me the handcuffs.” He put the investigator’s wallet on the coffee table.

  Tom gave him the handcuffs, and he said, “Vincent, get up.”

  When the investigator stood up, Devon cuffed his hands behind his back and then ordered him to sit down.

  “Vincent, did you tell anyone you were meeting Devon LeRoy today?”

  “No,” Vincent replied.

  “Why did you ask Devon about Tom Powell?”

  “I’m looking for a kidnapped girl by the name of Annie Miller. I believe she was kidnapped by Tom Powell. I think Tom Powell or his accomplice hypnotized Annie’s father, David Miller. I wanted to find out if it was Devon LeRoy who taught him hypnotism.”

  Devon and Tom glanced at each other.

  “Do you think it might be Devon who hypnotized Annie’s father?” Devon asked.


  “Who hired you to look for Annie Miller?”

  “David Miller.”

  “Have you told David Miller about Devon LeRoy?”


  “Why do you think Annie was kidnapped by Tom Powell?”

  “David put Tom in prison eight years ago. Tom kidnapped Annie to punish him.”

  “Do you have any proof that Tom kidnapped Annie?”


  “Tom Powell died about a year ago. How can you think he kidnapped the girl?”

  “Tom’s alive. I believe he faked his death.”

  “Do you have any proof he’s alive?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Devon was pleased to hear that. Mister Daley had nothing but suspicions, which were worthless without evidence.

  However, the very fact of the investigation was bothersome.

  “Who did you tell that Tom kidnapped Annie?” Devon asked.

  “David and Carol.”

  “Who’s Carol?”

  “David’s wife.”

  “David Miller confessed to killing Annie, didn’t he? Why do you think Annie was kidnapped?”

  “David didn’t kill Annie. The kidnapper forced him to confess.”

  “Did David tell you that?”


  Devon sighed. Sadly, his intuition proved correct: David Miller had broken the agreement he had made with Tom. He was supposed to keep his mouth shut, and instead he had blabbed to a private detective, even though his daughter’s life was at stake. What a jerk. David Miller wasn’t a man of his word.

  This breach warranted punishment.

  “When did David hire you?”

  “In May.”

  “When did he tell you that he’d been forced to confess?”

  “In early June.”

  “Who else knows that David was forced to confess?”

  “His wife.”

  “Anyone else?”

  “I don’t know. David didn’t tell me.”

  “What made you think Devon LeRoy helped Tom Powell?”

  “I found a charge on Tom’s credit card statement for a ticket to LeRoy’s show in Vegas. I thought he’d met LeRoy after the show and asked him to teach him hypnotism.”

  “Ask him when the last time was that he visited David in jail,” Tom said to Devon.

  Devon relayed the question to Vincent, and the investigator said, “Eight days ago.”


  When they were children, Carol would hide his toys and then walk around with a shit-eating grin on her mug, looking happy as a clam, shouting from a safe distance, “I’ll never tell you where it is because you called me an assface.”

  The most annoying thing was that he couldn’t use force on her: first, Carol was a girl, and second, she was two years younger than him. Tom trembled with helplessness. The information he needed was stored in the disgusting head of this stupid girl, whom he wanted to tear apart like an enraged tiger but, unfortunately, wasn’t allowed to. He had wished thoughts were writings on tiny scrolls of paper, and he had pictured himself shaking all of the scrolls out of Carol’s skull through her ears or mouth and finding the one that contained the location of his gorgeous Hot Wheels Mustang.

  As he watched Devon effortlessly extract information from Vincent, Tom couldn’t help admiring him. It was almost like mind reading.

  Tom was glad to hear that Vincent had visited David Miller in jail eight days ago: the fact th
at David was behind bars meant that the police didn’t know he had nothing to do with Annie’s disappearance.

  Tom was afraid that David had told the cops he was being forced to confess to killing Annie and that the cops had believed him. The news reports of David’s confession had not allayed Tom’s fears because they might have been disinformation, a trick to convince the kidnappers that David had complied with their orders. Even when David’s name appeared on the list of Collin County jail inmates, Tom remained doubtful. They didn’t visit David in jail because they thought it was too risky. Tom had become more inclined to believe that the police were not in cahoots with David after reading the transcript of David’s plea bargain hearing. Now his last doubts were gone. He was sure rich boy David Miller wouldn’t have moved into a jail cell just to make the charade look real.

  “Any other questions, John?” Devon said.


  “Please tie him to the chair.”

  Tom did as he asked, and Devon said, “Vincent, when I count to three, you will come out of the trance. One. Two. Three.”

  Vincent’s eyelids fluttered slightly, and a moment later he opened his eyes.

  “What happened?” he asked, looking at Devon.

  “Everything’s fine, Vincent.” Devon smiled.

  Vincent glanced around and said, “Why did you tie me to the chair?”

  He saw Tom, but his eyes didn’t linger on him. The bastard was trying to pretend he didn’t recognize Tom.

  “Just in case,” Devon said.

  “Did you cuff my hands?”


  “Where are we?”

  “My friend’s place.”

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “An hour.”

  “Did you hypnotize me?”

  “Yes.” Devon nodded.

  “Can you untie me and take off the cuffs?”

  “I’ll do it later.”

  He must have already figured out why the floor is covered with plastic sheets, Tom thought.

  “Are we in Houston?” Vincent asked.

  “Yes. Please meet my friend Bill.” Devon pointed at Tom.

  Vincent looked at Tom and said, “How are you doing, Bill?”

  “I’m fine,” Tom replied.

  “So what are we doing here?” Vincent asked.

  “We’re having a chat,” Devon said.

  Vincent appeared calm, but Tom sensed he was scared. Only a mentally retarded person wouldn’t be scared under the circumstances.

  “I think I want to go to my hotel,” Vincent said.

  “Don’t be scared. Everything’s going to be fine, Vincent.”

  “I’m not scared. By the way, is Devon LeRoy your real name or your stage name?”

  “It’s my real name. Do you like it?”

  “It’s a good name.”

  “Why did you ask me about Tom Powell?”

  “Tom said he talked to you in Vegas.”

  “You said Tom’s your friend, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. He’s my friend.”

  Devon took out Tom’s picture and held it up. “This is Tom, isn’t it?”


  “He looks just like my buddy Bill, doesn’t he?”

  Vincent looked at Tom. “You know what? You’re right. He does look like Tom.”

  “Did you lie to me about Joe?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you really have a friend who wants me to help him quit drinking?”


  “Tell me the truth, Vincent. You can’t hide the truth from me.”

  “Cut the bullshit, man,” Tom said. “We know everything.”

  “You told us a lot of interesting things while you were in a trance, Vincent,” Devon said. “We know you’re looking for Annie Miller. We know you suspect Tom kidnapped her.”

  “Did he kidnap her?”

  Devon glanced at Tom and said, “Yes. That’s why you’re here.”

  “Is Annie alive?”

  “You think she might be alive?”

  Vincent hesitated and said, “Yes.”

  “Do you really care about this girl? Or is it just about the reward Mister Miller promised to you?”

  “I really care about her.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Vincent.”

  “I’m telling you the truth.”


  “So is she alive?”


  “You told David you’d let her go in six years.”

  “And? People break their promises all the time.”

  Vincent’s face darkened. “You… You’re pieces of shit. She was only five years old.”

  “Her death was painless, if that’s any consolation.”

  Grimacing, Vincent said, “You’re going to burn in hell, you motherfuckers!”

  “Are you angry?” Devon asked.

  “It shows, doesn’t it?”

  “You know, Canadian Indians have a very interesting method of trapping bears. They’ve been using it for hundreds of years. Here’s how it works. They hang a log and a big piece of meat on a tree, and then plant a couple dozen stakes in the ground under that tree. A bear smells the meat, climbs up the tree, and tries to get to the meat but can’t do it because the log is in the way. So the bear pushes the log away, the log swings aside, then comes back and hits the bear. The bear gets angry, pushes the log again and again and again until he finally falls from the tree and gets impaled on the stakes. A pretty clever trap, in my opinion. So let me give you a piece of valuable advice, Vincent: don’t get angry. Don’t be like this poor bear.”

  “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”

  Devon laughed. “Vincent, you need to watch your mouth. My friend has a gun. He might shoot you.”

  “Why did you kill Annie?”

  “Maybe it was a joke.” Devon grinned. “Maybe she’s alive.”

  “Are you married?” Tom asked.

  “No,” Vincent said.

  “Are you gay?”

  “No.” To Devon, Vincent said, “Is Annie alive or not?”

  “You’re so persistent. I like that.” Devon took Vincent’s cell and its battery out of his pocket and placed the battery back in the phone. Then he put the investigator into a trance.

  “I’m going to dial Carol Miller’s number,” Devon said. “I want you to ask Carol if she’s in Houston. If she is in Houston, tell her you want to show her something important and ask her to come to this address.”

  He wrote the address in his notebook and held the notebook so that Vincent could see it.

  “Tell Carol you’ll explain everything when she gets here. Tell her it’s about Annie. After that you’ll say that you’ve got to run, and you’ll say goodbye.”

  Devon dialed Carol Miller’s number, tapped the Speaker button, and then held the phone to Vincent’s mouth.

  “Hello,” Carol said.

  “Hi, this is Vincent. Are you in Houston?”


  “I want to show you something important. Can you come to Sugar Land?”

  “Is it about Annie?”


  “Okay. What’s the address?”

  Vincent gave Carol the address, and she said, “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “I’ve got to run. Goodbye.”


  Devon terminated the call.


  The fact that Carol was in Houston was no coincidence. It was a sign. The universe was telling him that he should take care of Vincent and Carol today. And Devon knew exactly how he was going to do it.

  “Why do you want my sister to come here?” Tom asked.

  “She knows you’re alive. She knows you kidnapped Annie.”

  “Do you want to kill her?”

  “Didn’t you say she was a traitor? Traitors deserve to die.”

  Tom nodded.

  “Do you think we should let Carol live?” Devon asked.

  “I think she has to

  Devon patted him on the shoulder.

  “Can you ask Vincent if David calls him from jail?” Tom said.

  “Sure.” Devon turned to the investigator and said, “Vincent, does David Miller call you from jail?”


  “How often?” Tom said to Devon in a low voice.

  “How often?” Devon said.

  “Once a week.”

  “When was the last time he called?” Tom said.

  “When was the last time he called?”

  “Last Friday.”

  Tom went to the master bedroom and came back with a cellphone voice changer.

  “Can I have his phone?” he said.

  Devon gave him Vincent’s cell, and he plugged the voice changer into it. Devon figured Tom was planning to talk to David Miller if he called the investigator.

  “What if I tell David that I’ll kill his daughter unless he commits suicide?” Tom said. “Do you think he’ll do it?”

  “I don’t know. It depends on how much he loves her. My guess would be that he won’t kill himself.”

  “Because she’s adopted?”

  “That’s one of the factors.”

  Another factor was that David was selfish. It had become apparent to Devon when David had amended his confession to get a better plea bargain. The fact that David was selfish pleased Devon because it confirmed that there was nothing wrong with looking out for yourself. Devon was selfish, too, and was proud of it.

  “Do you want David dead now?” Devon asked.

  “No. It’s not time yet.”

  Ten minutes later, they moved Vincent to the kitchen, where he couldn’t be seen from the porch (Tom’s front door opened into the living room).

  Chapter 28


  At 3:23 pm, Carol called Vincent’s cellphone. Devon instructed Vincent to ask Carol where she was, and took the call. Tom went to the window facing the street and looked out.

  “She’s here,” he whispered.

  “I’m here. Where are you?” Carol said.

  Tom drew his gun and stood to the left of the front door. Devon muted the phone and told Vincent to ask Carol to come inside. Then he unmuted the cell.

  “Come inside,” Vincent said.

  Devon walked to the front door, opened it, and waved to Carol, who had started toward the house. “Carol, please come in!”


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