A Promise Made (Promise #2)

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A Promise Made (Promise #2) Page 12

by Anissa Garcia

  “Ready for a day out, Red?” Hank gave a small huff as Josh gripped his leash tighter.

  I nodded, unsure how to greet him after our heated moment last night, so instead of saying anything, I kept silent and grabbed a light sweater, my keys, and wallet. He backed onto the porch with Hank, and when I closed the door behind me, making sure it was locked, I felt a large hand grasp my arm and turn me around.

  “Good morning, love.” In a flash, his lips were on mine, his hand at the base of my neck pulling me in. I complied easily, kissing him back with ferocity as I clasped onto his bicep, feeling the power he contained underneath. Our mouths moved with perfect synchronization, his tongue delving and waving with mine. As he trailed over my jaw, he dug his fingers into my hair and tugged my head back, getting easier access to my neck. My nerves felt every sensation his mouth left, including the sting from his stubble. I imagined what it would feel like between my legs, and ribbons of desire swirled in my stomach from the thought, a moan escaping. He nipped on my skin where my pulse thrummed, my mind pleading he’d continue. I wanted more. Despite telling myself it was too fast, things could get out of control, I needed it.

  A bark from Hank, along with his large paw scratching at his jeaned leg stopped Josh in his quest to leave a damn hickey on my neck. He pulled away, looking down at the dog, leaving my body aching from his absence even though he was mere inches away. It was still too far. I desired him taking up all of my space, crushing my body under his, and I wondered why he had stopped it from happening the night before. Ah, yes, that time thing.

  “Someone’s jealous,” I said shakily, looking down at the pup. I scratched between the dog’s ears, and he instantly perked up from the attention.

  “You’re fine, Hank.” Josh leaned down and kissed him on the head. “But no French kisses for you, pal.”

  “Poor Hank doesn’t get your French kisses? No wonder he’s jealous,” I winked as we made our way across the yard to the Jeep.

  “He gets cuddles, he’s perfectly loved.”

  “Cuddles?” I questioned softly. “Now I’m the one who’s jealous.”

  The spring weather was perfect for a day outdoors. It wouldn’t be long before the summer would approach and bring the wave of heat with it, but for now it was nice to be among nature, taking in the beauty of the city. We made our way near Lady Bird Lake, finding a spot in the shade under the trees, watching families playing, people reading, sleeping, and kicking back. I sometimes forgot how fun this city was. It had an energy and vibe that made me fall in love with it, however, after school finished, I immersed myself in work.

  Gone were the days of concerts, parties, clubs, and bars. Every now and then, there was an outing with my girls, but it mostly consisted of movies, bookstores, restaurants, and an occasional night at a show. Dates sometimes took me to a nice restaurant, but I couldn’t remember the last time anyone wanted to take me on a day date to a park.

  Josh carried a picnic basket in one hand and held onto Hank’s leash with the other. The idea of him going picnic basket shopping was adorable, and I was curious as to what else he had planned out, if anything at all. That kiss at my front door took me for another loop, and right when I thought he wasn’t into me, his actions said otherwise. This man had me turning in circles.

  The part of this park allowed dogs to be unleashed, so he let Hank roam around us, calling him when he got too far off. A Frisbee and a tennis ball would keep Hank entertained later in the day. Josh took out a blanket from the basket and set it on the ground. We made ourselves comfortable as he took out a bottle of wine and some small but sturdy plastic glasses. Wherever he had picked up this basket from, it had almost anything we could need.

  An array of gourmet cheese and meats were uncovered, along with fruits and vegetables. The attention to detail was incredible, from silverware to small containers of hummus and veggie dip, nothing went unnoticed.

  I watched as he took out two portable dog dishes and served water in one, and dog food in another. “Hank, drink your water,” he commanded, yet it was so sweet it sounded like a request. The dog lapped up the water, and I smiled as I grabbed a block of cheese with a toothpick and chewed, the smoked Gouda hitting my taste buds with delight.

  “This is really something else.” I sat back with my wine in hand, taking a tiny sip. “So, tell me, do you picnic often, Mr. McKenzie?”

  “Never, actually.”

  “Never? Well, for never it sure seems like you’ve made it an art. You even brought wet naps.”

  “In case of spillage,” he explained with a nod. “I looked up what was needed for a picnic.”

  I stifled a laugh. “Are you OCD?”

  His smile was almost blinding as he blushed a tiny bit. “No, I just like to make sure I’m prepared.”

  “For everything?” My eyebrow raised in a challenge for him to open up, let me know what was going on inside of him. “Prepared or in control?” My imagination was getting the best of me, vectoring between what had happened to him in the past that made him this way, to how he would be with me in the future if this actually worked. With Aiden, everything had to be to his liking, I had to remain under his thumb, and he definitely always had to feel superior. It was all the work of a narcissist who needed to be in control.

  “Don’t do that, Red.”

  I gave him a dark glance. “What?”

  “Don’t make me out to be a bad guy. My job requires a lot of dedication and determination, but it in no way implies the need to be controlling, demeaning, or manipulative. Don’t classify me with him. Please.”

  It never failed to amaze me that he identified what I was getting at. Then again, Josh was one of the most perceptive people I’d ever met. From the moment he had laid eyes on me, it seemed he knew what I was about, an understanding and compassion shining through in his temperament. No matter how I judged him from the start, he always stayed level-headed. I shook my head in exasperation, knowing I was in the wrong. I had to stop labeling him like all the others. “I’m sorry.”

  “Relax, Marla. Have a little faith.”

  Faith? Faith was something I hadn’t thought about in some time. Faith was believing in something I couldn’t see, and I’d much rather something be tangible. But when I looked into those sparkling eyes, I thought I might be able to believe in him and give him that faith. “I’ll try.”

  “Good.” He smiled with satisfaction, sitting up and popping a piece of cheese in his mouth. Hank brought the tennis ball over and Josh threw it, letting it land on the grass as the playful boxer ran after it full speed. I watched as they played, my body and soul beginning to ease, forgetting the chaotic world I’d been living in the past few months.

  I laid back, gazing through the tree branches to the sky above, letting myself float off with the clouds. Closing my eyes, I was drifting into a dream state, when an irking voice made me open my eyes. “I thought that was you.”

  “Cameron? What are you doing here?” The man currently making my work life a living hell hovered over me. I pushed myself up from the blanket hastily, my body going into automatic panic mode. He brought that out when he was around.

  “I came for a nice stroll in the park, and here you are. Funny, isn’t it?”

  My lips pressed together as he got closer to me. He had no reservations about invading other people’s territorial bubbles, especially mine. “Funny. What are the chances, right?” My face stayed emotionless, trying not to give away any preconceptions toward him.

  Josh was chatting with some kids that were playing with Hank. I wish he would just tell this guy off, but he knew nothing of my troubles with Cameron, nor did he have any idea what I put up with when it came to my work. “Marla, I know I’ve been tough on you these past few months, but you’ve got it in you to be great. You need the push.”

  I froze, confused with his backhanded compliment. His hand rested on my shoulder, his thumb grazing over me. He was beginning to crawl under my skin, pissing me off to no end as he continued, “If yo
u stick with me, stay close to my side, I can train you properly. Working together can mean everything for this business. I’m afraid you’re drowning in a sea of competition, and you really need that edge. It’s not too late for you to get better at this.”

  The thought of working with him more than needed made my stomach churn. I wasn’t sure I could deal with his constant passive-aggressive behavior. “I’ve been at this job for a long time, Cameron. I appreciate your concern, but if I need a push or more training, I’m sure Roger will let me know.” I backed away, shrugging his hand off of me.

  He huffed, sticking his hands in his pockets. “My father doesn’t need to be distracted with an account manager’s requests when he’s dealing with a twenty-five million-dollar business, Marla. But it’s cute that you think you can run to him as if he were your own daddy.”

  Astonishment from his response rippled through me as a hand rested on the small of my back. I was only able to exhale properly when I realized Josh was beside me, giving Cameron an intimidating glare. His face was hard, his eyes cold and wide as he slid his hand around my waist, pulling my body beside his. “You work in Marla’s office,” Josh said dryly.

  Cameron’s eyes squinted with indignation as he looked up at Josh. “I’m her boss.”

  “Ah, yes. Cordon is it?”

  “Cameron,” he corrected acidly.

  “No offense, but why are you bothering Marla on her weekend off?” No beating around the bush, Josh asked exactly what I had wanted to.

  “I am offended. I was only taking a stroll, saw her, and wanted to say hello.”

  “You’ve said it. Now you can let us get on with our day.”

  “Josh,” I gasped, trying to hide my worry at the situation as I saw the tension between the two escalate. They might as well have a pissing contest at this point. “Josh and I were just relaxing. I’ll be fully prepared for Monday morning,” I gave a thumbs up and groaned inwardly at my lame attempt to be nonchalant.

  “I thought you and Holden were having a little fling, Marla. I can’t seem to keep all your boyfriends straight.” His ugly scoff made me want to hurl something at him, but nobody seemed more upset than Josh, whose fists had curled at his sides, his jaw muscle ticking as he clenched his teeth together.

  A low growl sounded and a strident bark followed. Hank stood by me on full alert, his lips curled back showcasing razor sharp teeth toward Cameron. He placed his palms out and chuckled, moving back slightly. “Whoa, you got a good guard dog there. Or two, I should say.” He glanced to Josh then back to me. “I’ll see you at work, Marla.”

  Cameron walked away, never looking back, but my heart rate hadn’t calmed. My breathing improved slightly when Josh turned to me, cupping my face in his large hands. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” I nodded curtly.

  He kept his eyes on me. “You want to tell me what that was about?”

  My hands flailed around as I tried to gather my wits. “I’m… he’s… the whole situation is just awful.”

  “What’s he doing to you, love?”

  I refused to let tears fall as he guided me to sit down with him, Hank moving by my side. “I went on one date with him. It was ages ago, and I only went because he badgered me into it. It was right before his father had given him a job at the firm. He would only ever go by, and he passed himself off as a friend of one of my co-workers. As soon as I found out who he was, I told him I wouldn’t go out with him again. Not only that, but we just didn’t get along. The date was awkward and uncomfortable.”

  “He’s not your type.”

  “He’s wearing slacks at the park for God’s sake. Of course he’s not my type.”

  Josh’s face remained serious as I stroked Hank’s soft fur for comfort. “Is he harassing you, Marla?”

  “No.” I thought about it for a moment, but there was no way I would report the boss’s son to HR. My job was important to me. Roger would be devastated, or worse, he’d take his own son’s side and fire me. “No, I’m okay, Josh.”

  He didn’t believe me, and I wondered why in the world he wanted to deal with me at all. He clasped my hand in his and kissed the top of it sweetly, making my heart melt. “Sweetheart, can I ask you something?”

  I must’ve grunted a compliance of some kind because he asked it. Honestly, I was too busy gawking over him. “Do you love your job?”

  I breathed in and mulled the question over. “I…I did.” A sadness covered me as I spoke it out loud. “I used to be so happy, but ever since he arrived, things have changed. My ideas get shut down or he takes credit for them. We’re losing accounts, numbers are falling. I keep trying to figure out how this can be happening, where I’m going wrong, but—”

  “You know it’s not your fault, don’t you?” His voice was stern, knowing. “You need to talk to this guy’s supervisor.”

  I shook my head in defiance. “His supervisor is his father, Josh. There’s no way this would be a winning situation for me.”

  He chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating something. “Have you ever thought of opening your own marketing firm?”

  “No. I’ve never wanted to start from scratch. I don’t mind helping out new businesses or giving advice. I did hope to have Cameron’s job, and that’s where I thought it was going until he stepped in.”

  Josh nodded. “So, where did you get your tough work ethic?” He leaned over and grabbed a couple of grapes. He shot one in his mouth then smiled and put one against my lips. I let his fingers graze me as he set it on my tongue softly.

  “My parents were financial advisors for a large firm. They were gone most of the time, but they worked hard, and definitely instilled that in me.”

  “And your sister?”

  I shook my head, rolling my eyes. “She was the baby. She didn’t have to work for much. And still doesn’t try to. She dropped out of school, works as a bartender, sets her own schedule while mom and dad send her money.”

  “That doesn’t seem very fair,” he said picking up a cube of cheese and chewing on it. Hank moved, putting the weight of his upper body on my thighs as I massaged him. “You always took care of her?”

  “I had to. Nobody else would.”

  His eyes focused on my lips, coveting them as he leaned closer. “You’re an amazing woman,” he whispered, going in for what would definitely make my day a hell of a lot better. I couldn’t wait to taste him again, gnaw on that bottom lip, and nip at it with my teeth. Before our lips touched, a ringtone blared out and he parted, reaching in his pocket to retrieve the device I was about ready to smash.

  He looked down at the screen, his face changing from soft to wary, and then troubled. I glanced at the phone, not meaning to snoop, but curious as I read the name “Evelyn” across it. I swallowed at the darkness of his expression as he grappled with whether to answer, and I knew this woman meant something to him. “You can get it if you want.”

  Hesitation played over him until he pressed the ignore button and shoved the phone back in his pocket. “No. Today is for you.”

  Today was for me. As opposed to another day being for Evelyn? Or Jenny? How many women was this guy dating? The ugly green monster of jealousy was raking its head out, but I remembered that we were in no way exclusive, and pushed the feeling deep down. We would have our fun, he’d leave, the end. Why the hell it hurt so much was beyond me, but it was something I needed to get over. But was he someone I could possibly get over? Getting involved with this man was like throwing my heart into the center of a burning fire. It would be hot, passionate, and then die down leaving nothing but ash. For now, I’d go with the flow, but I was desperately trying to fool myself into thinking I could handle him.

  The rest of the day went off without a hitch, except for the part where I forgot doggie bags and Hank thought it clever to relieve himself on the sidewalk. My unpreparedness for that wouldn’t have been an embarrassment, except Marla got a kick out of it and laughed as she teased that I would have to pick it up with my bare hands. She then, however,
found some leaves and carefully handled it herself. I knew she loved that dog.

  I dropped him off at Zach’s and then zipped Marla over to Clark’s Oyster Bar where we shared at least four dozen oysters. The smile on her face throughout the day made me happier than I imagined it would, and only when Cameron had swooped in and taken her joy, had my own attitude changed. She had been shaken up by him, he affected her deeply, and quite frankly, the man was creepy as fuck. I despised that she had to work for that vile man.

  The thing that tugged at my heart even more was when he mentioned her string of boyfriends. I didn’t care how many guys she had dated, I only cared about how many she dated now. I wanted that number to be one. I wanted that one to be me. It had been so long since I found someone that gave me the sensation of flying, but this woman did. She made me anticipate the future, one in which she was a part of, and that wasn’t something that happened often. In fact, it hadn’t happened at all.

  The night passed on as I took her to Mozart’s Coffee Roaster’s and Bakery. We ordered coffee, she ordered a pastry, and we sat on the deck overlooking Lake Austin. Music from a local band filled the atmosphere, the weather was amazing, and I felt I could stay there forever.

  A few college kids sat near us, enjoying the spring evening, but one ass in particular kept eying every inch of Marla. She was too immersed in her mocha, chatting away at the pattern they made in her cup, then guessing how they might have made her cannoli. She had no idea that this kid gawked over her, followed along by two men that passed by, checking her out, then instantly catching my leer. Whether she was aware of them or not, she paid them no mind.

  “So, tell me about your strict regiment,” she began as she opted to pick up the cannoli in front of her and bit into it as opposed to using a fork. “Would having a piece of this decadent dessert throw you off course?”

  My gaze burned on her lips where bits of cream sat, and I wanted to growl with a carnal need, kiss it off of her, and have her right then. I kept my composure. Control reined in, I curled my hands into fists, nails digging into my skin. However, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “In a way that would be worth every single lick and taste, sweetheart.”


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