Capitalism Wakes Up!

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Capitalism Wakes Up! Page 4

by Ali Shariati

  Volume 4: Return

  Volume 5: Iqbal and Us

  Volume 6: Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals

  Volume 7: Shiism

  Volume 8: Prayer

  Volume 9: Alid Shiism/ Safavid Shiism

  Volume 10: Class Orientation in Islam

  Volume 11: History of Civilizations (I)

  Volume 12: History of Civilizations (II)

  Volume 13: The Fall into the Desert

  Volume 14: History and Knowledge of Religions (I)

  Volume 15: History and Knowledge of Religions (II)

  Volume 16: Islamology Irshad (I)

  Volume 17: Islamology Irshad (II)

  Volume 18: Islamology Irshad (III)

  Volume 19: Husayn: Heir of Adam

  Volume 20: What must be done?

  Volume 21: On Women’s Issues

  Volume 22: Religion vs Religion

  Volume 23: World View and Ideology

  Volume 24: The Human Being

  Volume 25: Selfless Human Being

  Volume 26: Ali

  Volume 27: Study of Iranian-Islamic Identity

  Volume 28: Approach to Understanding Islam

  Volume 29: Appointment with Abraham

  Volume 30: Islamology Mashhad

  Volume 31: Characteristics of the Contemporary Century

  Volume 32: Art

  Volume 33: Conversations in Loneliness (2 vols)

  Volume 34: Letters

  Volume 35: Miscellaneous Works (2 vols)

  2. Detailed Guide to the Contents of the Volumes of the Collected Works

  The dates of the year the lecture was given is first given in CE dates and then in Persian dates. The pages numbers given refer to the page numbers in the Collected Works.

  Volume 1: To Familiar Listeners 356 pp

  To his father

  1972/1351 pp 3-41

  1977/1356 May 16 (Ordibehesht) pp 42-47

  His last major writing.

  To his wife

  1958/1337 pp 41-49

  Unknown pp 52-53

  To his son

  1972/1351 (Aban 24) pp 54-63

  1976/1355 July 29 (Mordad 7) pp 64-66

  1976/1355 December-January (Dey) pp 67-76

  1977/1355 January-February (Bahman) pp 76-80

  1977/1355 January-February (Bahman) pp 81-90

  1977/1355 January-February (Bahman) pp 91-93

  1977/1355 March-April (Esfand) pp 94-98

  1977/1355 March 19 (Esfand 28) pp 99-104

  1977/1355 March 21 (Esfand 29) p 105

  1977/1356 March-April (Farvardin) pp 106-111

  1977/1356 April-May (Ordibehesht) pp 112-115

  1977/1356 April-May (Ordibehesht) pp 116-117

  To friends

  ca1971-71/1350-51 pp 121-123

  n.d. pp 124-125

  ca1971/1350 pp 126-127

  n.d. pp 128-133

  1972/1351 November 25 pp 134-148

  See V. From Husayniyah to Zaynabiyah for English translation.

  1975/1354 pp 149-150

  ca1976/1355 pp 151-157

  ca1976/1355 pp 158-162

  ca1976/1355 pp 163-199

  ca1976/1355 pp 202-215

  To two martyrs

  1977/1355-56 March-April (Esfand) pp 219-23

  1977/1355-56 March-April (Esfand) pp 233-238

  Two testaments

  n.d. pp 241-255

  ca 1977/1355 pp 256-258

  Last writings

  1977/1356 April-May (Ordibehesht 26) pp 260-261

  To his son

  1977/1356 April-May (Ordibehesht) pp 262-263

  To his daughters

  1977/1356 May-June (Khordad 29) pp 264

  In the publishers notes, explanation is given about the arm or logo of the Husayniyah which comes from a calligraphy in Jalal al-Din Rumi’s place of burial which says, “Oh Master Mulana.” The la comes from Mulana.

  Volume 2: Revolutionary Self-development 328 pp

  2.1 Preface pp 3-9

  1970/1349 April-May (Ordibehesht)

  Text written for Iqbal and Us but repeated here. First time printed in Persian. Title by editors.

  2.2 How to Remain pp 11-57

  1977/1355 January 2 (Muharram 11th 1397AHL)

  Tape. Also called “Conversations with the 11th Night.” Recorded in a private gathering. Among those present on the 11th of Muharram were Hejazi, Khamenei and Mutahhari. Issues were presented by Shariati. The group expressed its views and Shariati spoke seeking an answer. Title from the text by editors. First time printed in Persian.

  2.3 Mysticism, Equality, Freedom pp 59-90

  Tape. Date unknown. Also in letters (vol. 1, p. 143). First time printed in Persian. Translated into English and published in Marxism and Other Western Fallacies (Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1980).

  2.4 Love-Monotheism pp 91-113

  Text. Date unknown. Also called Love. First time printed in Persian.

  2.5 Freedom, Auspicious Freedom pp 115-128

  Text. Date unknown. Title by editors. First time printed in Persian.

  2.6 Revolutionary Self-development pp 129-184

  1976/1355 Summer


  2.7 Knocking on the Door of Truth pp 185-196

  1976/1355 December-January (Dey)

  Tape. Private. Title from a verse in Jalal al-Din Rumi’s Mathnawi based on a Tradition from the Prophet. First time printed in Persian.

  2.8 Peace (salam) in the Ritual Prayer pp 197-210

  Private meeting. Date unknown. Written after 18 months in prison. First time printed in Persian.

  2.9 Hurr: Man Caught Between Tragedy and Salvation pp 211-247

  1976/1355 Fall

  Text. Read in a private session in Muhammad Humayun’s home. Ashura night 1397/ December 31, 1976/ Dey 10, 1355. Most complete text here. Includes notes in the margin of the manuscript.

  2.10 Night of Power (qadr) pp 249-254

  Text. Date unknown. No title.

  2.11 The Night Journey (miraj and isra) pp 255-263

  In response to Questions and Answers. Date unknown. First time printed in Persian.

  Volume 3: Abu Dharr 286 pp

  Book One

  3.1 Abu Dharr Ghifari pp 1-200


  First time printed in Persian. Translation of a text in Arabic by Jawdat al-Sahar. Shariati’s Introduction to the translation has been translated into English and published in And Once Again Abu Dharr (Tehran: Abu Dharr Foundation, 1985).

  Book Two

  3.2 And Once Again Abu Dharr pp 201-263

  1972/1351 July-August

  Text. Husayniyah Irshad. Text consists of a speech given before the play. He had been told that a bomb had been planted to kill the players. He then continued his Introduction so that if anyone be killed, it would be him. English translation published (Tehran: Abu Dharr Foundation, 1985).

  Volume 4: Return 477 pp

  Book One

  4.1 Return to Self pp 3-33

  Speech at Jundi Shapur University. Date unknown. Printed along with other speeches:

  4.2 When the Ranks are Clear

  4.3 The Miracle of Faith and Consciousness

  Book Two

  4.4 Return to which self? pp 35-401

  Text. Date unknown. First time printed in Persian. Written during his last years. Shariati edited the typed version.


  4.5 The Fate of Thoughts

  4.6 Contemporary Reformers

  4.7 Revolutionary Political Leftists

  4.8 Society and History

  4.9 Where are we in history?

  4.10 Philosophy and Science of History

  4.11 Marxism and the Course of History

  4.12 The Responsibility of Intellectuals

  4.13 Determinism of History

  4.14 The Mission of the Intellectual

  4.15 Assimilated

  4.16 Discontinuity of History

  4.17 Historical Conscience

  4.18 Feeling for the Past and C
oming to Know Historic Self in the East

  4.19 Pretending to be Modern

  4.20 Colonialism and Assimilation

  4.21 Serving and Reforming

  4.22 Intellectual vs Pseudo-Intellectual

  4.23 African Colonialization

  4.24 Incompetence of the Marxist Western View with a Colonialist Analysis

  4.25 Marxism and Analysis of Infrastructure

  4.26 Nationalism and Marxism

  4.27 What I Infer from Religion

  4.28 Manifestation of Islam

  4.29 Sociology and Commitment

  4.30 Technique of Becoming an Intellectual

  4.31 Three Bases

  4.32 Relation Between Knowledge and Action

  4.33 Years of Decision-making. What should be done?

  4.34 Critical View of the Intellectual

  4.35 Scientism

  4.36 The Geography of Words

  4.37 The Responsibility of the Intellectual in Our Present Society

  4.38 Summary

  4.39 We have Several Historic-Cultural ‘Self’s’

  4.40 Intellectual: Conscious Thinker Having an Ideology

  4.41 Order of the Design of Schools of Thought

  4.42 Materialism

  4.43 Marx, Socialism and Materialism

  4.44 World View Based on Logic, Consciousness and Orientation

  4.45 The Story of the Creation of Adam and Adam’s Sons

  4.46 Which Religion?

  4.47 My World View is Based on a Spiritual Interpretation of the World


  4.48 Fanon’s Last Will and Testament pp 403-407

  Volume 5: Iqbal and Us 308 pp

  Book One

  Iqbal: The 20th Century Reformer pp 21-116

  1970/1349 April-May (Ordibehesht)


  5.1 Introduction

  5.2 Iqbal: The 20th Century Reformer

  5.3 Iqbal: Manifestation of Self-Reconstruction and Reformation

  5.4 Iqbal is Not Deceived by the West

  Book Two

  Iqbal and Us pp 117-288

  Text. Date unknown, sometime after being released from prison in the spring of 1975. First time printed in Persian.


  5.5 Iqbal’s Ideology

  5.6 Iqbal’s World View

  All sections of Volume 5: Iqbal and Us dealing specifically with Iqbal Lahouri have been translated into English in addition to Author’s Preface printed in Volume 2 of the Collected Works, under the title: Iqbal: Manifestation of the Islamic Spirit. Publication date, spring, 1990. Distributed through KAZI Publications, Chicago.

  Volume 6: Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals 266 pp

  6.1 A Word to the Reader

  Volume 1: 23 Years in 23 Days

  Volume 2: The Place of the Covenant (miyad) with Abraham

  Volume 3: Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals

  Part One

  6.2 Introduction to the Shorter Pilgrimage (umrah)

  6.3 The Season (musum)

  6.4 Ihram at the Place of the Appointed Time (miqat)

  6.5 Making Your Intention Known (niyyah)

  6.6 The Ritual Prayer in the Place of the Appointed Time

  6.7 Prohibitions (muharramah)

  6.8 The Kabah

  6.9 Circumambulation (tawaf)

  6.10 The Black Stone (hajar al-aswad) and the Oath of Allegiance (bayat)

  6.11 The Station of Abraham (maqam)

  6.12 The Search (sa’y)

  6.13 The Cutting of Nails or Hair (taqsir) and the End of the Longer Pilgrimage (umrah)

  Part Two

  6.14 Introduction to the Longer Pilgrimage (tamatu)

  6.15 Arafah

  6.16 Mashar

  6.17 Mina

  6.18 Stoning the Satans (rami)

  6.19 The Sacrifice (adha)

  6.20 The Trinity of Idols

  6.21 The Festival (id) of the Sacrifice

  6.22 The Pause (wuquf) After the Festival


  6.23 A General Look

  6.24 After the Festival of Sacrifice: Stoning

  6.25 The Last Message of Revelation

  6.26 A Final Word

  6.27 The Return


  This volume was completed and published sometime in 1971. Translated into English in an abridged form and published by FILINC: Houston, 1978. Complete translation published 1994 (Joint Publication of ABJAD Book Designers and Builders, Chicago. Distributed by KAZI Publications, Chicago under the title Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals.

  Volume 7: Shiism 363 pp

  Book One

  7.1 Shiism: A Complete Political Party pp 3-168

  Lecture 1:

  1972/1351 October 24

  Lecture 2:

  1972/1351 November 12

  Speech. Husayniyah. Two lectures. Lecture 1 previously printed in Persian. Lecture 2, first time printed in Persian. Shariati edited the texts of both lectures. It was as a result of the second lecture that the Husayniyah Irshad was closed and ten months later Shariati put into solitary confinement for eighteen months.

  Book Two

  7.2 The Revolutionary Role of the Reminders and

  Reminding in History pp 169-226

  1972/1351 September 12

  Speech. Husayniyah. Printed before in Persian. Text edited by Shariati.

  Book Three

  7.3 The Responsibility of Being a Shiite pp 227-267

  1971/1350 November 6

  Speech. Husayniyah.


  Footnotes to Book One and Book Two added by Shariati pp 269-319

  Volume 8: Prayer 195 pp

  Book One

  8.1 Prayer pp 3-35

  1959/1338 Summer

  Translation of the book by Alexis Carrel (1873-1944). Translation printed in Paris.

  Book Two

  8.2 The School of Sajjad: Consciousness, Love, Need and Jihad in Prayer (The Philosophy of Prayer) pp 37-90

  1970/1349 April 2

  Speech. Husayniyah.

  Book Three

  8.3 Prayer: The “Text” pp 91-124

  Two writings. Dates unknown. One given at the end of the above lecture and the other is an older text. Part of the latter was translated into English in Martyrdom (Tehran: Abu Dharr Foundation, 1985).

  Book Four

  8.4 The Most Beautiful Worshipped Spirit pp 125-179

  1972/1351 September 13

  Speech. Husayniyah.

  Volume 9: Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism 315 pp

  9.1 Deceitful Shiism/Truthful Shiism pp 3-16

  Date unknown. Introduction to a play on the Sarbedaran which was not allowed to be performed by the regime.

  9.2 Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism pp 17-265

  1971/1350 October 31

  Speech. Husayniyah.

  Contains: Introduction; Setting the Stage; Movement and Institution; The Ottomans and the West; Suddenly an Attack from Behind; An Example of the Logic of Safavid Shiism; The Logic of a Shiite Alim; The Assembling of Religion and Nation Nationhood: The Shuubi Shiite Movement; Religion: The Shiite Shu’ubi Movement; Negating Shiism Through Shiism; Western Christianity and Safavid Shiism: Foreigners in Karbala; The Ideological Bases of the Two Sects


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