Capitalism Wakes Up!

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by Ali Shariati

  1970/1349 August 13, 14

  Speech. Husayniyah. Translated into English and published (Albuquerque: ABJAD Book Designers and Builders, 1988).

  22.2 Mothers! Fathers! We are to blame! pp 55-170

  1971/1350 October 30

  Speech. Husayniyah.

  22.3 Yea Brother! That’s the way it was! pp 171-192

  1971/1350 November 11

  Husayniyah. 21st Ramadan. Speech. Translated into English and published (Tehran: Hamdami Foundation, 1980).


  22.4 Toynbee: Civilization-Religion pp 195-198

  Text. Date unknown.

  22.5 Good-bye City of Martyrdom pp 199-212

  1972/1350 March

  Written when expelled from Mashhad University.

  22.6 If it were not for the Pope and Marx pp 213-224

  Text. Date unknown.

  22.7 Round Table: Questions and Criticisms pp 225-344

  1971/1350 December 14

  Volume 23: World View and Ideology 486 pp

  23.1 World View pp 1-34

  1972/1350 October-November

  Speech. Translated into English and published in Man and Islam (Mashhad: Mashhad University, 1982).

  23.2 Monotheism and Multitheism pp 35-62

  1971/1349 January 31

  Speech. Makkah.

  23.3 Ideology I pp 63-100

  1971/1350 October-November

  23.4 Ideology II pp 101-124

  Questions and Answers. Date unknown.

  23.5 Ideology III pp 125-134

  Date unknown.

  23.6 Culture and Ideology pp 135-172

  Speech. Tehran. Also called “Culture, Civilization and Ideology.” Translated into English and published in Culture and Ideology ( Houston: IRIS, 1985).

  23.7 Ideology IV pp 173-254


  Speech. Mashhad. After release from prison. Also called “Method of Approach to the Quran.” Tape called “Quranic Terminology” and “Key to the Understanding of Quranic Terminology.”

  23.8 Ideology V pp 255-354

  Speech. Tehran. Also called “Words of Adam.”


  23.9 Questions and Answers pp 357-382

  Date unknown.

  23.10 Intercession of a Totem and Intercession of Ideology pp 383-392

  Date unknown.

  23.11 Migration and Civilization pp 393-440

  1969/1348 December 26, 27


  Volume 24: The Human Being 407 pp

  24.1 Human Being and Islam pp 3-16

  Abadan. Date unknown. Also called “Humanism in the Philosophy of Adam’s Creation.”

  24.2 Freedom pp 17-30

  Date unknown.

  24.3 The Human Being , Islam and Western Schools of Thought pp 31-132

  Mashhad. Date unknown.

  24.4 The Free Human Being —Human Freedom pp 133-246

  Date unknown.

  24.5 Human Being and History pp 247-304

  1968/1347 December 28


  24.6 Existentialism pp 305-332

  Melli University. Date unknown.


  24.7 Aloneness pp 335-340

  Date unknown.

  24.8 Philosophy of the Creation of the Human Being pp 341-352

  Date unknown.

  Volume 25: Selfless Human Being 473 pp

  25.1 Humanism in the East and West pp 3-88

  Mashhad. Date unknown.

  25.2 Human Rebellion pp 89-116

  Date unknown.

  25.3 Four Prisons of the Human Being I pp 117-158

  Abadan. Date unknown. Translated into English and published in Man and Islam (Mashhad: Mashhad University, 1982).

  25.4 Four Prisons of the Human Being II pp 159-184

  Abadan. Date unknown.

  25.5 Selfless Human Being pp 185-228

  Tehran University. Date unknown. Also called “Human Being and the World.”

  25.6 Complete Human Being pp 229-284

  1968/1347 December 11,12


  25.7 Neo-reactionaryism pp 285-290

  Date unknown.

  25.8 Needs of the Human Being Today pp 291-320

  Ahwaz. Date unknown.

  25.9 About the Book pp 321-348

  1969/1348 December 15


  25.10 Wishes pp 349-360

  Tape. Date unknown.


  25.11 The Sad End to Jung’s Life pp 363-432

  Date unknown.

  Volume 26: Ali 698 pp

  26.1 Commentary on Sermon 32 pp 3-5

  Translation into Persian of Sermon 32 of the Nahj al-Balaghah and Commentary upon it. Date unknown.

  26.2 Ali : A Myth-like Reality pp 5-66

  1969/1347 March 6,7

  Speech. Husayniyah. Printed as “Legend in History.”

  26.3 Our Century in Search of Ali pp 67-112

  1972/1351 August 25

  Speech. Husayniyah.

  26.4 Ali is Alone pp 113-132

  1969/1348 December 2

  Speech. Husayniyah. Also referred to as “Ali and Aloneness.”

  26.5 What need is there for Ali? pp 133-154

  1971/1350 November 7

  Speech. Husayniyah. Also called “23 Years Struggle for the School, 25 Years Silence for Unity and 5 Years rule for Justice and Ali: School of Thought and Action, Unity, Justice. Tape called “23 Years Self-sacrifice for the School of Thought and Action.”

  26.6 Ali : Founder of Unity pp 155-194

  1971/1350 November 12


  26.7 Qasitin, Mariqin, Nakithin pp 195-376

  1972/1351 October 29

  Speech. Husayniyah. Refers to: Those who deviate, those who miss the truth of religion and those who break their allegiance.

  26.8 Followers of Ali and Their Anguishes pp 377-390

  1972/1351 October 26


  26.9 Ali : His Fruitful Life After Death pp 391-460

  1969/1348 December 3, 4, 5

  Speech. Husayniyah. Also printed as “Ali ‘s Life After Death,” “Victory After Defeat,” “Victory in Defeat.” Third part also called “Ali : The Complete Human Being” and appears in volume 25.

  26.10 Ummah (Community) and Imamate (Leadership) pp 461-634

  1969/1348 March 31-April 1,2 3



  26.11 History and Ali pp 637-647

  Date unknown.

  Volume 27: Study of Iranian-Islamic Identity 360 pp

  27.1 History of Islamic Iran Until the Safavids pp 3-78

  1969/1348 October-November

  Lecture. Mashhad. Called “History of Iran Until the Mongols.”

  27.2 Return to Self pp 79-226

  Date unknown.

  27.3 Islamic Renaissance: A Glance Beyond a Century pp 227-252

  Date unknown. Also called “Message and the Study of History.”

  27.4 Sorrows pp 253-260

  Tape. Date unknown. Part One called “Wishes” appears in volume 25.


  27.5 Shiism: Place of Birth of the Aryan and Semitic Spirit pp 263-298

  Date unknown.

  27.6 Neighboring Countries pp 299-320

  Date unknown.

  Volume 28: Approach to the Understanding of Islam pp 686 pp

  Book One

  28.1 Pre-Islamic Arabs pp 3-48

  Mashhad. Date unknown.

  Book Two

  28.2 Approach to the Understanding of Islam pp 51-88

  1968/1347 October 25, 26

  Husayniyah. Translated and published (Tehran: Hamdami Foundation, 1980) and appears in On the Sociology of Islam (Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1979).

  28.3 Some Special Characteristics of the Prophet pp 89-126

  Speech. Date unknown.

  28.4 From Migration to Death pp 127-248

  1969/1348 September

  Text. Published in Pers
ian the two volumes in Muhammad (⁄): Seal of the Prophets along with articles by other scholars including Ayatullah Mutahhari to celebrate the beginning of the 15th century of the revelation of the Quran and the actualization of the Prophet to prophethood. August-September, 1968/ 1347.

  28.5 Study of Some Events of Early Islam pp 249-288

  Mashhad. Date unknown. Also called “History of Islam.”

  28.6 Salman the Pure pp 289-412

  Written by Massignon. Date unknown. Translation and Introduction by Shariati. Another Introduction by Abdal Rahman Badawi. Introduction to Massignon by Henri Corbin.

  28.7 A Glance at the Successorship of Imam Rida pp 413-424

  Speech. Qum. Date unknown.

  Book Three

  28.8 School of Islamic Education pp 427-526

  Text. Mashhad. Date unknown.


  28.9 Necessity for Coming to Know Islamic History and Civilization pp 529-544

  Date unknown.

  28.10 God in the Various Religion pp 545-550

  Date unknown.

  28.11 The Concept of World View in Open and Closed Societies pp 551-562

  Date unknown.

  28.12 The Quran and the Computer pp 563-580

  Date unknown.

  28.13 The Principle of Taqlid pp 581-608

  Date unknown.

  28.14 Righteous and Good Deeds in the Quran pp 609-636

  Date unknown.

  28.15 Cultural Geography of Arabia pp 637-642

  Date unknown.

  28.16 A Glance at the Quran pp 643-660

  Date unknown.

  Volume 29: Appointment with Abraham 704 pp

  Part One

  29.1 Appointment with Abraham pp 3-114

  1970 March 19-22

  Lecture 1: The Meaning of Endurance in the Hajj; Leaving the Golden Age: The Change from Primitive Common Ownership to Individual Ownership; The Religion and Philosophy of the Heart; The Monotheism of Abraham vs Idolatry

  Lecture 2: Introduction to Hajj; Cain and Abel; The Cycle of the Beginning of Ownership; The Cycle of the Beginning of Machinism; The Movement of Abraham

  Worship in the View of Islam; At the Appointed Place, ‘I’ Changes to ‘We’

  Lecture 3: Introduction; The Loneliness of Today’s Human Being: ‘I’ vs ‘We’;

  Submission After Rebellion

  Lecture 4: Introduction; Direct Expression/Symbolic Expression; Symbolic Acts; Union, Society, Movement/Migration

  Parts Two and Three

  Hajj: 23 Years in 23 Days pp 115-538

  Speeches on the hajj in 1970/1349 and 1971/1350. He gave eleven speeches on the hajj in 1970 and seven speeches on the hajj in 1971.


  29.2 Medinah: The City of Migration

  1971/1349 January 23


  29.3 Civilization: The Logical Outcome of Migration

  1971/1349 January 24


  29.4 Study of Types of Migration

  1971/1349 January 25


  29.5 The Salvation of the Young Generation

  1971/1349 January 26


  29.6 Migration, Ummah (Community) and Imamate (Leadership)

  1971/1349 January 27


  29.7 Reflections on the Hajj Rituals

  1971/1349 February 5


  29.8 The Islam of Muhammad: Reviver of Abraham’s Religion

  1971 February 6


  29.9 Sacrifice Your Ishmael

  1971/1349 February 7


  29.10 Selection and/or Election

  1971/1349 February 8

  Mina. Translated into English and published (Tehran: Hamdami Foundation, 1980).

  29.11 What must be done?

  1971/1349 February 16


  29.12 A Glance at the Life of Muhammad: From Birth to Actualization of Prophethood

  1971/1349 February 17

  Mt. Hira.

  29.13 Twenty-three Years in Twenty-three Days

  1972/1350 January 14


  29.14 The Importance of Migration in Islam and a Study of Five Kinds of Migration in the Holy Quran

  1972/1350 January 15


  29.15 A Sketch of the Prophet’s Mosque and its Environs: The Vital Necessity for Coming to Know Fatima

  1972/1350 January 16


  29.16 Monotheism: The Infrastructure of All Actions, Rules and Feelings

  1972/1350 January 20


  29.17 Now that you have reached the Kabah,

  do not remain there.

  1972/1350 January 26


  29.18 Review and General Conclusion

  1972/1350 January 27


  29.19 Promise for the Future

  1972/1350 January 29


  Part Four

  Appendices: pp 541-682

  29.20 History and its Value in Islam

  1970/1349 August 23


  29.21 History: The Naturally Guided Line of Adam

  Date unknown.

  29.22 The Book of Ali , the Book of Tomorrow, the Book of Always

  Date unknown.

  29.23 Permanent Standards in Education

  1971/1350 April 27

  29.24 Islamic Sciences

  Mashhad. Date unknown.

  29.25 The Necessity of Recognizing Types in Writing Biographies

  Date unknown.

  29.26 Death: A Message for the Living

  1971/1350 July 13

  Husayniyah. Upon the death of his wife’s father. Note: A speech called “Monotheism and Multitheism” from the hajj in 1970/1349 has been printed in volume 23.

  Volume 30: Islamology Mashhad 666 pp

  Lectures given from 1966-67/1345-46 at Firdausi University in Mashhad.

  Introduction pp 1-17

  Book One

  30.1 Of what use is the study of Islam? pp 17-128

  Introduction; The Basic Foundations of the Beginning of Islam

  Book Two

  30.2 Who is Muhammad? pp 131-452

  Book Three

  30.3 Knowing Muhammad pp 455-561

  Book Four

  30.4 The Visage of Muhammad pp 565-590

  Translated into English and published (Tehran: Husayniyah Irshad), 1979.

  Volume 31: Characteristics of the Contemporary Century 580 pp

  31.1 The Median School of Islam —the History

  of the Evolution of Philosophy pp 3-26

  31.2 The Scientific Method pp 27-62

  1969/1348 December 10

  31.3 The Economic Roots of the Renaissance pp 63-116

  1970/1349 November-December

  31.4 A Glance at the Characteristics of the Ancient,

  Middle and Contemporary Eras pp 117-206

  Date unknown.

  31.5 A Glance at the Characteristics of the Middle Ages

  and the Contemporary Era pp 207-260

  Date unknown.

  31.6 A Glance at Tomorrow’s History pp 261-278

  1969/1348 October 12

  Translated into English and published (Tehran: Hamdami Foundation, 1984).

  31.7 Neo-scholasticism pp 279-302

  Date unknown.

  31.8 The Machine in Captivity of Machinism pp 303-358

  1971/1350 August 2

  Translated into English and published (Houston: IRIS, 1982).

  31.9 Civilization and Modernism pp 359-388


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