by Ali Shariati
Mou’jezeh eman va agahi 4.3
Muharramat 6.7
Muslehan-eh motejaded 4.6
Musum 6.3
Namaz dar miqat 6.6
Nameh-ha 35.9
Naqsh-eh engelabi-yeh yad va yadavaran dar tarikh-eh tashayo 7.2
Nasionalism va marksism 4.26
Natijah 6.26
Negahi beh quran 28.16
Negahi beh tarikh-eh farda 31.6
Negahi beh vijehgi-ha-yeh qarun-eh qadim, qarun-eh vosati va qarun-eh
jadid 31.4
Negahi kulli 6.23
Nejat-eh nasl-eh javan 29.5
Nemuneh-ha-yeh ‘ali-yeh akhlaqi dar eslam ast 31.18
Neveshteh-ha-yeh motafarqah 35.12
Niyayesh 8.1
Niyayesh: matn 8.3
Niyaz-ha-yeh ensan-eh emruz 25.8
Niyyah 6.5
Pas az ‘id, rami’ 6.24
Pas az shahadat 19.4
Payam-eh gham angiz-eh zendegi-yeh Ung 25.11
Payam-eh omid beh roshanfekr-eh mas’oul 20.1
Payruvan-eh ‘Ali va ranj-ha-yeh ishan 26.8
Pedar! Madar! Ma motahmim 22.2
Pishgoftar 11.1
Porsesh va pasokh 20.11
Porsesh va pasokh 23.9
Qarar barayeh ayandeh 29.19
Qarn-eh ma dar jostejuyeh ‘Ali 26.3
Qarun-eh vosati-qarun-eh jadid 35.4
Qasetin, mareqin, nakthin 26.7
Qesah-yeh khelqat-eh adam va ghesah-yeh farzandan-eh adam 4.45
Qorbani 6.19
Qoran va kamputor 28.12
Rabeteh-yeh ‘elm va ‘amal 4.32
Rabeteh-yeh maktab-ha 17.5
Rabiteh-yeh roshanfekr ba jam’eh 20.10
Rah-eh sevom 20.4
Rami-yeh jamarat 6.18
Ravesh-eh shenakht-eh eslam 28.2
Resalat-eh roshanfekr 4.14
Risheh-ha-yeh eqtesadi-yeh renesans 31.3
Roshan fekr va mas’ouliyat-eh ou dar jam’eh 20.2
Roshanfekr va intelektu’l 4.22
Roshanfekr-eh mas’oul kest? 20.9
Roshanfekr: motefaker-eh agah saheb id’oloji 4.40
S’ai 6.12
Salam-ha-yeh namaz 2.8
Salehat va hasanat dar quran 28.14
Salha-yeh tasmim. Cheh bayad kard? 4.33
Salman-eh pak 28.6
Sarmayeh dari va arzsh ezafi 18.1
Sarmayeh dari-yeh sazeshi 18.6
Sarnevesht-eh andisheh-ha 4.5
Seh marhaleh-yeh towhid 16.4
Seh payigah 4.31
Seminar zan 21.3
Sh’ar chist? 32.7
Shab-eh qadr 2.10
Shafa’t tabu’i va shafa’t id’oloji 23.10
Shahadat 19.3
Shenakht-eh eslam 35.3
Shenakht-eh Mohammad 30.3
Shi’a: yek hezb-eh tamam 7.1
Sima-yeh Mohammad 30.4
Siyantism 4.35
Sokhani ba khanandeh 6.1
Sokhani dar bar-eh-yeh ketab 25.9
Tain-eh tarikhi 18.4
Ta’rif-eh tarikh 11.4
Tafsir-eh surah-eh anbiya 18.8
Tahlili az manasek-eh haj 29.7
Tajadod bazi 4.19
Takhasos 10.3
Talaqi-yeh madhhab az did-eh roshanfekr-eh vaq’ bin va roshanfekr-eh moqaled 31.17
Talaqi-yeh man as madhhab 4.27
Tamadon chist? 11.2
Tamadon va tajadod 31.9
Tamadon: natijeh-yeh manteqi-yeh mohajerat 29.3
Tanha’i 24.7
Taqsir, payan ‘umrah 6.13
Tarh gusheh-ha az zendehgi Muhammad az tavalod ta b’aythat 29.12
Tarikh dar didgah-eh quran va maktab-ha 17.1
Tarikh va ‘Ali 26.11
Tarikh va arzsh-eh an dar eslam 29.20
Tarikh va shenakht-eh adiyan 14.1-15.7
Tarikh-eh eslam beh cheh kar mi’ayd? 30.1
Tarikh-eh iran-eh eslami ta safaviyeh 27.1
Tarikh-eh tamadon-eh chin 11.7
Tarikh-jam’eh 35.1
Tarikh: khat-eh sayr-eh takvini-yeh tabi’i-yeh Adam 29.21
Tarjomah-ha 35.13
Tarjomeh va tafsir-eh khotbah 32 26.1
Tartib-eh tarh-eh maktab-ha 4.41
Tashayo’-eh sorkh va tashayo’-eh siyah 9.1
Tashayo’: miyadgah-eh ruh-eh sami va ruheh ariyai’ 27.5
Tashayo-yeh ‘alavi/ tashayo-yeh safavi 9.2
Tawaf 6.9
Teknik-eh roshanfekr shodan 4.30
Tez-eh toynbi va ‘amel-eh moharak-eh tarikh 17.2
Thar 19.2
Totem parasti 13.4
Touled du bar-eh-yeh eslam dar negahi sari’ bar faraz-eh yek qarn 27.3
Towhid va sherk 23.2
Towhid: yek falsafeh-yeh tarikh 16.7
Towhid: zirbanayi-yeh tamam-eh ‘amal, ahkam va ehsasat 29.16
Toynbi tamadon-madhhab 22.4
Tuzihi dar bar-eh-yeh sourud-eh afarinesh 13.3
Umanism dar gharb va sharq 25.1
Ummat va emamat 26.10
Usiyaneh-yeh ensan 25.2
Usul-eh taqlid 28.13
Vad’ agahi-yeh tabeqati 31.10
Vaqti safha moshakhasand 4.2
Vasi’yat nameh-yeh Fanun 4.48
Vesayat va shora 29.10
Vijehgi-ha-yeh tamadon-eh emruz 12.7
Vojdan-eh tarikhi 4.17
Vuquf pas as ‘id 6.22
Yek bar-eh-yeh degar Abu Dharr 3.2
Zarurat-eh shenakht-eh tarikh va tamadon-eh eslam 28.9
Zibatarin ruh-eh parastandah 8.4
Zuhur-eh eslam 4.28
Zulm bar payeh-yeh ‘adl 32.5
5. Chronology of Shariati’s Lectures from the
Fall 1968-Fall 1972
1968 October 25,26 (1347 Aban) 3,4
Approach to the Understanding of Islam, 28.2
1968 December 11,12 (1347) Azar 20,21
Complete Human Being, 25.6
1968 December 28 (1347 Dey 7)
Human Being and History, 24.5
1969 March 6,7 (1347 Esfand ‚15.16
Ali : A Myth-like Reality, 26.6
1969 March 19-22 (1347-48 Esfand 28, 29, Farvardin 1, 2)
Appointment with Abraham I-IV, 29.1
1969 March 31-April 3 (1348 Farvardin 11-14)
Ummah (Community) and Imamate (Leadership), 26.10
1969 May 10 (1348 Ordibehesht 19)
Civilization and Modernism, 31.9
1969 October 12 (1348 Mehr 20)
A Glance at Tomorrow’s History, 31.6
1969 December 2 (1348 Azar 11)
Ali is Alone, 26.4
1969 December 3-5 (1348 Azar 12-14)
Ali: His Fruitful Life After Death, 26.9
1969 December 10 (1348 Azar 19)
The Scientific Method, 31.2
1969 December 14 (1348 Azar 23)
About the Book, 25.9
1969 December 26,27 (1348 Dey 5, 6)
Migration and Civilization, 23.11
1970 February 1 (1348 Bahman 12)
Advice and a Story, 32.8
1970 April 2 (1349 Farvardin 13)
School of Sajjad: Consciousness, Love, Need and Jihad in Prayer
(The Philosophy of Prayer), 8.2
1970 August 7 (1349 Mordad 16)
History and its Value in Islam, 29.20
1970 August 13, 14 (1349 Mordad 22, 23)
Religion vs Religion, 22.1
1970 August 21, 22 (1349 Mordad 30, 31)
Intellectuals and Their Responsibility to Society, 20.2
1970 August 23 (1349 Shahrivar 1)
Philosophy of History in the View of Islam, 19.8
1971 January 23 (1349 Bahman 3)
Medinah: The City of Migration, 29.2
1971 January 24 (1349 B
ahman 4)
Civilization: The Logical Outcome of Migration, 29.3
1971 January 25 (1349 Bahman 5)
Study of Types of Migration, 29.4
1971 January 26 (1349 Bahman 6)
Salvation of the Young Generation, 29.5
1971 January 27 (1349 Bahman 7)
Migration, Ummah (Community(Community) and Imamate (Leadership), 29.6
1971 January 31 (1349 Bahman 11)
Monotheism and Multitheism, 23.2
1971 February 5 (1349 Bahman 16)
Reflections on the Hajj Rituals, 29.7
1971 February 6 (1349 Bahman 17)
The Islam of Muhammad: Reviver of Abraham’s Religion, 29.8
1971 February 7 (1349 Bahman 18)
Sacrifice Your Ishmael, 29.9
1971 February 8 (1349 Bahman 19)
Selection and/or Election, 29.10
1971 February 16 (1349 Bahman 27)
What must be done?, 29.11
1971 February 17 (1349 Bahman 28)
A Glance at the Life of Muhammad: From Birth to
Actualization of Prophethood, 29.12
1971 March 5 (1349 Esfand 14)
An Insight into Shiite History, 19.6
1971 March 7 (1349 Esfand 16)
Husayn : Adam’s Heir, 19.1
1971 April 9 (1350 Farvardin 20)
Lesson 1: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.1
1971 April 22 (1350 Ordibehesht)
Lesson 2: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.2
1971 April 27 (1350 Ordibehesht 7)
Permanent Standands of Education, 29.23
1971 May 7 (1350 Ordibehesht 17)
Lesson 3: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.3
1971 May 21 (1350 Ordibehesht 31)
Lesson 4: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.4
1971 June 4 (1350 Khordad 14)
Lesson 5: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.5
1971 June 17 (1350 Khordad 27)
Lesson 6: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.6
1971 July 2 (1350 Tir 14)
Fatima is Fatima, 21.1
1971 July 13 (1350 Tir 22)
Death: A Message for Life, 29.26
1971 July 16 (1350 Tir 25)
Lesson 8: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.8
1971 August 28 (1350 Shahrivar 6)
Machine at the Service of Machinism, 31.8
1971 October 29 (1350 Aban 7)
Lesson 9: History and Knowledge of Religions, 14.9
1971 October 30 (1350 Aban 8)
Mothers! Fathers! We are to blame!, 22.2
1971 October 30 (1350 Aban 8)
Awaiting the Religion of Protest, 19.7
1971 October 31 (1350 Aban 9)
Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism, 9.2
1971 November 6 (1350 Aban 15)
Responsibility of Being a Shiite, 7.3
1971 November 7 (1350 Aban 16)
What need is there for Ali?, 26.5
1971 November 10 (1350 Aban 19)
Ali : Founder of Unity, 26.6
1971 November 11 (1350 Aban 20)
Yea Brother! That’s the way it was!, 22.3
1971 November 12 (1350 Azar 1)
From where should we begin?, 20.6
1971 November 26 (1350 Azar 5)
Lesson 11: History and Knowledge of Religions, 15.4
1971 December 10 (1350 Azar 19)
Lesson 12: History and Knowledge of Religions, 15.5
1971 December 14 (1350 Azar 23)
Round Table, 22.7
1971 December 24 (1350 Dey 3)
Lesson 13: History and Knowledge of Religions, 15.6
1972 January 7 (1350 Dey 17)
Lesson 14: History and Knowledge of Religions, 15.7
1972 January 14 (1350 Dey 24)
23 Years in 23 Days, 29.13
1972 January 15 (1350 Dey 25)
The Importance of Migration in Islam, 29.14
1972 January 16 (1350 Dey 26)
Sketch of the Prophet’s Mosque and its Environs, 29.15
1972 January 20 (1350 Dey 30)
Monotheism: The Infrastructure of Our Actions, Rules and Feelings, 29.16
1972 January 26 (1350 Bahman 6)
Now that you have reached the Kabah, do not remain there, 29.17
1972 January 27 (1350 Bahman 7)
Review and General Conclusion, 29.18
1972 January 29 (1350 Bahman 9)
Promise for the Future, 29.19
1972 February 4 (1350 Bahman 15)
Lesson 1: School of Thought and Action, 16.1
1972 February 11 (1350 Bahman 22)
Lesson 2: School of Thought and Action of Islam, 16.2
1972 February 18 (1350 Bahman 29)
Lesson 3: Introduction to the Study of Monotheism, 16.3
1972 February 24 (1350 Esfand 5)
Martyrdom, 19.3
1972 February 25 (1350 Esfand 6)
Lesson 4: Three Phases of Monotheism, 16.4
1972 February 26 (1350 Esfand 7)
After Martyrdom, 19.4
1972 March 3 (1350 Esfand 13)
Lesson 5: Four Visages of Monotheism, 16.5
1972 March 10 (1350 Esfand 20)
Lesson 6: Let Us Arise and Take a Step Forward, 16.6
1972 April 7 (1351 Farvardin 18)
Lesson 7: Monotheism: A Philosophy of History, 16.7
1972 April 14 (1351 Farvardin 25)
Lesson 8: Philosophy of Ethics, 16.8
1972 April 21 (1351 Ordibehesht 1)
Lesson 9: Hajj: Objective Embodiment of Monotheism, 16.9
1972 April 28 (1351 Ordibehesht 8)
Lesson 10: History in the View of the Quran and Schools of Thought, 17.1
1972 May 5 (1351 Ordibehesht 15
Lesson 11: Toynbee’s Thesis and the Dynamic Activator of History, 17.2
1972 May 12 (1351 Ordibehesht 22)
Lesson 12: Marxism in the Three Cycles of History, 17.3
1972 May 19 (1351 Ordibehesht 29)
Lesson 13: The Popularization of Schools of Thought, 17.4
1972 May 26 (1351 Khordad 5)
Lesson 14: The Relationship Between Thought and Action, 17.5
1972 June 2 (1351 Khordad 12)
Lesson 15: Marxism in the 19th Century, 17.6
1972 June 9 (1351 Khordad 19)
Lesson 16: Scientific Marxism and State Marxism, 17.7
1972 June 16 (1351 Khordad 26)
Lesson 17: Alienation and the Dialectic of Work/Need in Marxism, 17.8
1972 June 23 (1351 Tir 2)
Lesson 18: Introduction to Husayn : Heir of Adam, 17.9
1972 June 25 (1351 Tir 4)
Expectations from the Muslim Woman, 21.2
1972 July 13-15 (1351 Tir 22-24)
Seminar, 21.3
1972 July 14 (1351 Tir 23)
Lesson 19: Capitalism and Surplus Value, 18.1
1972 July 21 (1351 Tir 20)
Lesson 20: Products of the School of Islam, 18.2
1972 August 25 (1351 Shahrivar 3)
Our Century in Search of Ali , 26.3
1972 September 12 (1351 Shahrivar 21)
Revolutionary Role of the Reminders and Reminding in History, 7.2
1972 September 13 (1351 Shahrivar 22)
The Most Beautiful Worshipped Spirit, 8.4
1972 September 22 (1351 Shahrivar 31)
Lesson 21: Those Addressed by We Intellectuals, 18.3
1972 September 29 (1351 Mehr 7)
Lesson 22: Historic Determinism, 18.4
1972 October 6 (1351 Mehr 14)
Lesson 23: Social Dialectics, Socialism, Negation of Ownership, 18.5
1972 October 13 (1351 Mehr 21)
Lesson 24: Capitalism and Compromise, 18.6
1972 October 18 (1351 Mehr 26)
Third Way, 20.4
1972 October 19 (1351 Mehr 27)
Consciousness and Deception, 20.5
1972 October 24 (1351 Aban 2)
r /> Shiism: A Complete Political Party, part I, 7.1
1972 October 26 (1351 Aban 4)
Followers of ‘Ali and Their Anguishes, 26.8
1972 October 27 (1351 Aban 5)
Lesson 25: Capitalism Wakes Up, 18.7
1972 October 27 (1351 Aban 5)
Message of Hope to the Responsible Intellectual, 20.1
1972 October 29 (1351 Aban 7)
Qasitin, Mariqin, Nakithin, 26.7
1972 November 1 (1351 Aban 10)
Introduction to the Lecture of Hasan al-Amin, 31.9
1972 November 3 (1351 Aban 12)
Lesson 26: Commentary on Surah Anbiya, 18.8
1972 November 10 (1351 Aban 19)
Lesson 27: School of Existentialism, 18.9
1972 November 12-Friday (1351 Aban 21)
Shiism: A Complete Political Party, part II, 7.1
The Husayniyah is closed by the security forces. Ten months later, Shariati is arrested and is sent to solitary confinement for 550 days.
C. Works by Laleh Bakhtiar, Ph. D.
(All titles available on or and/or in e-book format on most e-readers and mobile devices)
Abol Ghassem of Tus: The Epic Journey of Abol Ghassem, M.D.
Ghazzali: His Psychology of the Greater Struggle
Ali Shariati: Who was he?
Ali Shariati: English Guide and Index to his Collected Works
Biographies of Early Muslim Women
Concordance of the Sublime Quran
Encyclopedia of Hadith Transmitted from Women
Helen of Tus: Her Odyssey from Idaho to Iran
Islamic Ethics: The Moral Education Textbook Series:
An Interfaith Perspective, Grade 1
Islamic Ethics: The Moral Education Textbook Series:
An Interfaith Perspective, Grade 2
Islamic Ethics: The Moral Education Textbook Series:
An Interfaith Perspective, Grade 3
Moral Healer’s Handbook: The Psychology of Spiritual
Chivalry. Vol. 2: God’s Will Be Done
Moral Healing Through the Most Beautiful Names: The Practice
of Spiritual Chivalry. Vol. 3: God’s Will Be Done
Muhammad’s Companions: Essays on Some Who
Bore Witness to His Message
Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture
Shariati on Shariati and the Muslim Woman
Sufi Expressions of the Mystic Quest
Sufi Women of America: Angels in the Making
Traditional Psychoethics and Personality
Paradigm. Vol. 1: God’s Will Be Done