Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)

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Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Page 3

by SJ McCoy

  He turned that smirk back on her, making her want to kick him instead. “I just like to give them what they want. Show them a good time, you know?”

  “Pft! I know what your idea of a good time is, Shane Remington!”

  He had the audacity to laugh. “You have no idea, but I can show you if you like?” He raised an eyebrow, as if he was honestly waiting for an answer that he might like.

  “No, thank you. I prefer real men to little boys.”

  His eyebrows lowered, for a moment he looked angry, then he laughed and shrugged it off. “Yeah, I’m just the littlest brother. You prefer an older one, huh?”

  What the hell was he talking about? She hadn’t been talking about age, she’d just meant to imply that he was immature, but he seemed to be making it personal. He thought she preferred his older brother? Mason was with Gina, she barely knew Beau…then it dawned on her. Carter had been on his way to see Shane last night when he came to her place. Had Shane put two and two together and come up with five? She recovered quickly, nodding as she smiled. “I do.”

  Damn, she’d expected a snappy comeback, but he looked like a puppy who’d just been kicked! “Good to know,” was all he said.

  Gina scowled at her as she put a hand on Shane’s arm. “When you two have finished bickering, do you want to tell us what you have in mind with the ranch guests?”

  He nodded and held Cassidy’s gaze for a long moment before his usual cocky smile returned. “Sure do. I figured if you’d like I can hang some of your pictures at the ranch, so they can buy them right off their bedroom walls if they want. If you can come up with a rack card or something, I can include it in the welcome packs, and if you can give me something to include in the monthly newsletter to previous guests, I can get that out next week.”

  Cassidy felt bad. He was going out of his way to try to help them. “They’re all great ideas. Thanks, Shane.”

  He nodded and turned back to Gina. “I need to get going, but if you want to give me a shout when you pull something together, I’ll come over to the cottage and we can go over it.”

  Oh. Cassidy’s heart sank. He was deliberately excluding her and she didn’t like it at all. She’d been looking forward to going over marketing ideas with him. She admired what he was doing with the guest ranch and figured he must have some good ideas for marketing and promotion. The ranch was always busy and seemed very successful. She bit the inside of her lip—not that she never would have said anything of the sort to him. Now she’d offended him somehow and he was giving her the cold shoulder. She pulled herself together. She should be glad. Now she wouldn’t have to deal with his constant flirting and innuendo.

  “I’ll give you a call tonight, how about that?” asked Gina.

  “Sounds like a plan. Talk to you later.” He tipped his hat at Cassidy as he left, but didn’t say a word.

  She breathed a big sigh of relief when the door closed behind him. Her moment of relief was short lived though. Gina turned on her.

  “What did you do that for?”

  “Do what?”

  “You know damned well what! You even gave me the impression that you were interested in Carter when you said you prefer an older brother. I’d believe it, if I didn’t know full well that your only interest is in his landscaping skills!”

  Cassidy shrugged and pushed her hair back over her shoulders. “It got him off my back, didn’t it?”

  “Oh, it did that all right. You won’t have to worry about Shane bothering you ever again!”

  “What? What do you mean?” She was surprised at the rush of disappointment at the thought of not having to spar with Shane anymore. Especially at the thought of never.

  “I mean, you don’t know the Remington boys. They look out for each other like nothing you’ve ever seen. If Shane thinks there might be something between you and Carter, he’ll do everything in his power to make it happen. Carter has been single for a long time; we’d all love to see him find himself a woman and be happy again.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say. She felt bad that Shane had a decent side she hadn’t been aware of, and she had inadvertently used it against him. She felt even worse at the thought that he wouldn’t be bothering her anymore. Though surely that was just a prick to her ego, wasn’t it? It should be a relief to know she’d got him off her back.

  Gina was studying her closely. “You’re not interested in Carter, are you?”

  She shook her head. “Not like that, no. He’s a wonderful guy, but not for me. I’m very interested in what he can do out at Mill Lane, but that’s about it.”

  Gina shook her head. “Well I hope all your bravado about not being interested in Shane was true, too, because you won’t have to worry about him now.”

  Cassidy nodded. She couldn’t believe how disappointed she felt. “The most that would have ever happened between Shane and me would have been a one-night stand that we both would have regretted. I probably did us both a favor by averting that disaster.” Even as she said it, she realized she’d rather have had that than nothing.

  ~ ~ ~

  Shane parked up at the barn. He didn’t feel like sitting around the cabin, and he sure as hell didn’t feel like going to hang out at the evening campfire with the guests. He made his way down the row of stalls until he came to Cookie. The gelding nickered and came to chew his lapel. Shane grinned and rubbed his velvety nose. “How you doing, old fella?”

  Cookie pawed at the ground and nodded.

  Shane laughed. “You’re a wise old soul, aren’t you? Damn I wish you could talk. Tell me what the fuck I’m supposed to do now.”

  The horse head butted his shoulder, making him chuckle. “You think I’m an idiot, right?”

  He turned sharply at the sound of laughter behind him. Mason.

  “I’ve always said horses make better therapists than therapists do.”

  Shane laughed. “And where’s the cowboy wisdom in that one?”

  “Think about it. People go see therapists to help them work their problems out. The therapist lets them talk and doesn’t interfere with the process so they can reach their own conclusions. When we have problems we come see the horses. We talk and, since the horses can’t talk back, we have to work through it and reach our own conclusions. The end result is the same, except it costs a lot less.”

  Shane smiled. It was true.

  “So what’s your problem that you need wise old Cookie’s help? You usually resolve, or at least escape from, your problems in bed.”

  Shane heaved a big sigh. “No problem really. In fact, I should be happy.”

  “Bullshit. You’re a long way from happy, and that’s not like you. What’s going on?”

  “I think Carter might finally be ready for a woman in his life.”

  Mason cocked an eyebrow. “And why would that be a problem for you?”

  Shane sighed again. “Cassidy.”

  Mason leaned back against the wall and tipped his hat back. “That doesn’t sound right. Doesn’t sound right at all.”

  “Tell him that. In fact tell her that while you’re at it!”

  “He likes her? She likes him?”


  “And they both told you this?”

  “Not in so many words, no. But…”

  “But nothing then, little brother. Don’t go deciding all by yourself what people think or want. Wait for them to spell it out for you, or you’re in danger of getting it all wrong. Believe me.”

  Shane shook his head sadly. “It doesn’t matter. It’s much more important to Carter than it is to me.”

  Mason gave him a stern look. “Is it really?”

  “I don’t know, Mase. I don’t know what the hell that woman does to me, but it’s something no one else has ever done. At the same time, if Carter has a chance with her, then I am out of the picture. He’s the good guy. He’s the one who hasn’t even dated in years. He’s the one who deserves a good woman.” He shrugged.

  “Well, I’ll tell you w
hat. He’s coming out for dinner with me and Gina tomorrow night at the Mint. Why don’t you come as well? I’m pretty sure that over the course of dinner and a couple of games of pool, it’ll all come out—if there’s anything there.”

  Shane nodded. “Yeah. It’d be good to all have dinner together anyway. Is Beau back yet?”

  “No, not till next weekend. And hopefully Chance will be back by then, too. Gina was talking about having everyone out to the cottage one night.”

  “That’d be great, but yeah. I’ll be there tomorrow. What time are you thinking?”

  “We figured we’d just head up when everyone gets finished with work. Maybe six thirty or seven.”

  “Great. I’ll be there. I think for now, I’m going to saddle this guy up and head out for a while. Do you want to come? Bring Storm?”

  “I’d love to, but I’ve got too much to do around here.”

  “Okay. I’ll catch you later then.”

  Chapter Four

  “Are you ready to go?” asked Gina.

  Cassidy nodded. “Yeah, let’s wrap it up for the day. I’m about done.”

  Gina collected her purse. “I’ll give Mason a quick call and see what time he can get up here. I told him about six thirty or seven, so it may take him a while.”

  “No problem, we can have a drink while we wait. I may even tell you a thing or two about my man-messes before your sexy cowboy and his brother arrive.”

  Gina shook her head. “You’re still rattled about Shane, aren’t you?”

  Was she? She shook her head, denying it to herself as much as to Gina. “Not at all. His reaction surprised me, but…”

  “But what?”

  “But nothing.” She wasn’t going to admit how many times he’d popped into her head today. How many times she’d regretted letting him think she was interested in Carter. It was stupid. She wasn’t interested in Shane anyway. So why should the prospect of him no longer flirting with her bother her?

  Gina gave her a knowing look. “You might be fooling yourself, but you’re not fooling me.”

  The sound of her cell phone ringing gave Cassidy the excuse not to reply. She reached for it with a shrug. “I’ll take this; you call Mason.”

  Gina fished her own phone out of her purse. “Okay. I’ll be outside when you’re done.”

  Cassidy hit answer. “Cassidy Lane.”

  “Hi, Cassidy. It’s Autumn. Long time no speak.”

  “Oh my God! Autumn! How the hell are you?”

  “I’m doing fine. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for Summer.”

  “Oh no, why? What’s wrong?”

  “She has some health issues. I don’t want to get into it right now. I haven’t got time. But Alan and I were just trying to come up with somewhere she could go to hide out for a while. She needs to spend a couple of months, maybe more, somewhere quiet where she can recuperate out of the limelight.

  “She can come stay with me. No problem.”

  “You are the best. I knew you’d say that, but I think she needs her own place. Her own space. It’s not like she needs to be taken care of, she just needs peace and quiet.”

  “Let me ask around then, find out if there is anywhere up for rent. Is she really okay? Can I give her a call?”

  “Thanks, Cass. I wanted to ask if you knew any realtors or property managers you can put me in touch with. And as for calling her, you’d be better off emailing. Her voice is the problem. She’s not sick sick; she’s got problems with her vocal chords.”

  “Oh no! Well, listen. I’ll get straight onto finding her a place to rent. I’ll call you as soon as I have anything. Give her a hug for me and tell her I can’t wait to see her.”

  “Thanks. Will do. You rock, girl. Talk soon.”

  Wow! Once she’d ended the call Cassidy opened her email. She hadn’t talked to Autumn, or Summer, for—what? Months? It didn’t matter though. Their friendship was like that. It could be years, but it made no difference to the bond they shared.


  I’ve missed you, chick! I’m on the case to find you a place. Lol, and apparently I’m a poet, too! We’ll get you up here ASAP. You’ll love it. Wish it were under different circumstances though. Can’t wait to see you.

  Love n hugs



  Gina popped her head back around the front door.

  “Sorry,” called Cassidy. “That was a bit of a surprise. I’m coming now.”

  Once they were settled in a corner booth at the Mint and had ordered their drinks, Cassidy turned to Gina. “Does Beau handle rental properties?”

  “Yeah, he does. Why?”

  “That was a friend of mine on the phone. She needs a place to stay for a while, maybe a few months or more.”

  “I’m sure Beau will be able to find her something, but it could get really expensive. Rent isn’t exactly cheap around here over the summer.”

  “The cost won’t be a problem. Not for Summer.”

  “That’s what everyone else thinks, too. They’ll pay through the nose to be here in the summer, but you can’t rent a house out for peanuts in the winter.”

  Cassidy laughed. “I didn’t mean for the summer. My friend’s name is Summer, and she won’t mind however much she has to pay.”

  “Lucky her! She can afford whatever she wants, huh?”

  “You’ll be able to afford whatever you want soon as we start selling. Don’t you doubt it.”

  Gina made a face. “I hope so. I still won’t be called Summer though. Isn’t that a lovely name?”

  “It is, and she’s a lovely person, too. Just as sweet as she seems when you see her on TV. With some of those singers and movie stars, I wonder if it’s all a front and if they’re bitches in real life. With Summer, what you see is what you get.”

  Gina raised an eyebrow. “Summer who? Why would I have seen her on TV?”

  “Oh. Sorry. Summer Breese.”

  “Really? The country singer?”


  “And that’s her real name? I always thought it must be made up!”

  Cassidy laughed. “She always jokes that she’d never get away with making it up. It’s her real name. And her sister’s name is Autumn.”

  “Oh, the poor things! That must have sucked when they were kids. I mean, they’re lovely names, but kids can be cruel.”

  “We were at school together. There were kids with much stranger names, and much bigger problems to deal with.”

  “Huh. Let me guess. Some fancy private school?”

  Cassidy nodded. “Yes. And I’m not going to apologize for it.” She stuck her tongue out. “You were the poor little country girl; I was the poor little rich girl. It’s not where we come from, but what we make of ourselves that matters.”

  “It is. So why is Summer coming here?”

  “Apparently there’s something wrong with her vocal chords and she needs somewhere to hide and rest. That wasn’t her on the phone, it was Autumn. The two of them are close. Autumn is her business manager.”

  “Well, let me give you Beau’s number. I’m sure he’ll be happy to find her something that will work. And don’t worry, he’s the soul of discretion.”

  “Yeah, he seems to be quite the mystery himself.”

  “He’s more private than the others. More, I don’t know what the word is, serious? Aloof? Not really either of those but he’s more that way than the other Remingtons are.”

  “That’s the impression I got of him. He seemed like a nice guy though.”

  “He is, and he’s damned good at what he does.”

  “Well, that’s all I need to know. I’ll give him a call in the morning. Thanks.” She smiled when she saw Carter making his way through the bar. “He’s such a sweetheart, isn’t he?”

  Gina laughed. “Yes, he is. But you are not interested in the slightest, are you?”

  “No. I wish I was though. He’s going to be a great catch for some lucky lady.”

  Gina sighed.
“I hope so. He gave up on women years ago.”

  Cassidy smiled. “We’ll have to see what we can do about that. Find someone who can rekindle his interest.”

  “It’d take a very special lady.”

  Carter smiled as he reached the booth. “Evening, ladies. Mason said we were meeting earlier than we thought. He told me to get my a…butt over here in a hurry. Looks like I beat him to it?”

  “You did,” said Gina. “He was still at the barn when I called, so it’ll take him a while yet. Sit down and have a beer.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Shane had to park a couple of blocks down from the Mint. He checked his watch; it was just after seven. He wasn’t exactly late, they hadn’t set a specific time. He was looking forward to this evening. It would be good to just relax with his brothers and Gina. Catch up, have some laughs, play some pool—and, hopefully, put Cassidy out of his head. He was expecting to hear something from Carter about what was going on between the two of them. Even if only because he knew Mason would bring it up to get it out in the open. Hopefully whatever Carter had to say would be enough to help Shane feel happy for his brother—and forget any intentions he might have had toward Cassidy himself. They were hardly going to be honorable intentions after all.

  He pushed his way inside the bar and scanned the tables. He spotted Mason and Gina sitting in a booth in the corner. Carter mustn’t have arrived yet. Then he spotted him—standing at the bar with Cassidy! Well, fuck! He didn’t need his nose rubbing in it! Gina caught his eye as he started to turn away. He hadn’t come for this. Gina waved, but he pretended not to see her. He wasn’t going to be the fifth wheel. He almost made it back to the door before she caught up with him.

  “Shane! Don’t go.”

  He glared down at her. “Why not? Four’s company. I don’t feel like an evening of playing odd man out.”

  “It’s not like that. There’s nothing going on between Carter and Cassidy. Nothing at all.”

  Relief rushed through him. “There isn’t?”

  She shook her head, a big grin on her face. “No, but I’m pretty sure there could be something going on between you and Cassidy. If you’re prepared to work for it.”


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