Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)

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Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Page 10

by SJ McCoy

  He laughed. “I guess I’d better find another name for you then. See to me a princess is a beautiful woman who knows how to carry herself with grace. She handles whatever is thrown at her and makes people comfortable. Everyone wants to know her, everyone wants to be around her.” He smiled. “And for this weekend at least, I’m the lucky SOB who gets to be around her.”

  Wow! She would never in a million years have guessed that was what he meant. “You’re shitting me, right?”

  He laughed. “I’m not. Although that isn’t a very princess-like response!”

  “Well, you shouldn’t expect one from me. I like to think I fit the description you just gave, but that’s not all I am. I’m also the hard-nosed, tell it like it is woman. I’m confident, some would say to the point of arrogance.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “And I know you don’t disagree. I just like who I am, and I won’t dial myself down just so other people don’t feel threatened.”

  “I know that, but why?”

  She shrugged. “Why should I? Why should anyone?”

  Shane thought about it. “No one should have to, but most people tend to. Just in order to get along with others.”

  “Exactly. I refuse to be less of me just because other people are insecure about themselves.”

  He held her gaze. “I’m not insecure.”

  “Maybe I just haven’t pushed the right buttons yet, haven’t threatened your male dominance.”

  “Or maybe we’re two of a kind?”

  She stared at him, thinking about it.

  He smirked. “What? You don’t think I’m good-looking or confident or good at what I do?”


  He laughed.

  “I guess you are. But you’re a guy. It doesn’t threaten people in the same way. People expect a guy to be all those things and to be unapologetic for them. A woman is supposed to be more modest, more accommodating, more…I don’t know what, just more of everything I’m not.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re not. I like you just the way you are.”

  She relaxed a little. “Thank you. I like you, too. Much as I hate to admit it.”

  He pulled a bottle from one of the bags and poured two tin cups. “Here.”

  She took it and sniffed it. “What the hell is that? It smells like apple pie!”

  He laughed. “It’s apple pie moonshine; try it.”

  She took a sip and then looked up at him. “It tastes like apple pie! I love it!”

  “Just don’t get too carried away. It tastes innocent enough, and it’ll go down real easy while you sit there. It’s when you try to stand up that you’ll realize just how potent it is!”

  She took another sip. “Hmm, warning heeded,”

  He brought his own cup and came to sit closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against him with a smile. He felt so good, such a big reassuring presence. She stared suspiciously down into her cup. Was this stuff working already? Since when had she ever wanted reassurance from a guy in any form? She turned to look up at him. The way he smiled down at her made her relax. Sunny—that was the word for him. He was warm and pleasant, he made you feel good. He was bright and funny and straightforward.

  He gave her a questioning look. “What’s up?”

  “Tell me about you? What makes you the way you are? I feel as though I might be being unfair to you. Painting you with someone else’s brush. I see a big guy, confident—with reason to be. A good-looking guy who knows it, and I guess happy-go-lucky is the right word for you. What makes you like that?” Part of her also wanted to know what would rattle him, what would cause the thunder clouds to roll across his usually sunny disposition.

  He shrugged. “I’m just a natural born sweetheart, I guess.”

  She laughed. “And modest, too!”

  “Hey! You’re the one who says no one should have to deny who they are—how good they are. It’s funny. I was talking to Carter the other day and he said it’s because I’m the baby of the family. I hadn’t thought about it like that, but I think he’s right. I always got lots of attention as a kid—from everyone. My parents love all of us, but they especially seemed to look out for me. I thought it was because I’m special, but I can see now they were teaching my brothers about how to look out for people younger and smaller than themselves. My brothers took it on board and they’ve always made a fuss of me, too.” She loved the way his jawline twitched as he smiled to himself. “I’m lucky that I’m big and cute looking. My parents taught all of us to be kind, generous, and polite, and that makes everyone love you even more.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve just lived a charmed life. I’ve never had anything horrible happen to me. Nothing has ever made me question the fact that life is inherently good or that I am inherently good.” He stopped and looked at her. “That’s why it’s so strange to me—such a challenge—that you seem to think I’m an asshole.”

  She chuckled. “I can see that. It’s not that I think you’re an asshole so much as I know your sort.”

  “Hmm. And here I was thinking that I’m a special snowflake, no one else like me on earth.”

  “Maybe you are, but maybe you’re not, too. In my experience, guys like you—all big and strong and confident—crumble in the face of adversity and blame those around them because they can’t face the realization that they’re not nearly as strong as they thought.”

  Shane gave her a puzzled look. “Are we talking one guy in particular?”

  She shook her head. “I wish. But no, I’m talking about time and time again. You are my type, physically and everything else. I’ve made the same mistake over and over, that’s why I’m not prepared to do it again. Something within me apparently longs to be the little woman. Even now, sitting like this with your arm around me, part of me wants to melt into you and let you take care of me, surrender myself to your strength and protection.”

  He grinned. “You want to surrender?”

  She slapped his arm. “Be serious for a minute, would you? It’s my biggest flaw. I want to feel that way, even though I don’t need to. So I end up with guys like you. You have to be big and strong. But sooner or later—usually sooner—it turns out that I’m the one who’s too strong. I’m seen as a threat. Like I said, guys want small and sweet and don’t know what to do with strong and smart, especially when it turns out to be stronger and smarter than they are.”

  “I do feel as though you’re painting me with someone else’s brush. I don’t need to be smarter, I don’t need to be stronger—at least not emotionally. I’m not sure I could handle a woman who’s physically stronger than me.” He laughed. “She’d have to be a really big girl, and I’d probably be scared of her! But I’m happy enough with me, I don’t need a woman to feed my ego by making me look better than she is.” He thought about it for a minute. “If anything you feed my ego by being so smart and so strong and still being interested in little ole me.”

  She shook her head at him. “Don’t mock me, Shane. I’m just trying to be honest about why I don’t want to get involved with you.”

  His face fell. “You don’t? I thought that’s what we were doing?”

  She shook her head. “Nah, we’re just having some fun.” Her heart sank as she said it, but the more time she spent with him, the clearer it became that this was a friendship she didn’t want to risk. She’d rather keep him as a friend—hopefully with benefits when it suited them both—than try for something more than that and end up hating each other.

  His arm tightened around her shoulders. “Just fun, huh?”

  She looked up into his eyes. Yes, it was for the best. She could fall for him way too easily otherwise. “Just fun.”

  He laid her back on the blanket and kneeled above her. “Starting now?”

  She laughed as he caught her hands and pinned them above her head with one of his own. “Starting now.” She closed her eyes wondering what his free hand was about to do. Whatever it was she was willing. She parted her legs.
She kept her eyes closed as his breath came closer, was he going to kiss her? In one swift movement his fingers found their target—under her armpit tickling like crazy! She squirmed to get away, laughing uncontrollably. “Let me go!”

  “No way!” he laughed. “This is what you want. This is fun!”

  “It’s not going to be much fun for you when I get free.” She managed to say between her giggles. “Shane!”

  “Yes?” He carried on tickling mercilessly.

  “You’re going to pay for this!”

  He laughed. “Not until you prove that you really are stronger and smarter than me. That’s the only way you’re going to be able to escape.”

  “You…!” She couldn’t get any more words out, she was laughing too hard. She wasn’t going to let him win though. She began to move her hips underneath him and soon felt him respond. He tried to remain focused on keeping her hands pinned and tickling her, but his body was paying more attention to her movements than her hands. She smiled as he thrust his hips against her; he felt hot and hard between her legs. His tickling slowed and he looked down into her eyes. She made the most of his distraction and pulled her hands free, ready to push him off her and roll on top. He was faster than she gave him credit for though. He caught her hands again and smiled at her as he pinned them back above her head.

  “Sorry, Princess. I didn’t realize you meant that kind of fun.” He clamped both of her hands in one of his and smiled as he knelt between her legs, spreading them with his knees. With his free hand he unfastened her jeans and pulled them down along with her panties. The feel of the cool night air between her legs heightened her arousal. She watched as he deftly unbuckled his own jeans and pushed them down over his hips. She found it incredibly sexy the way he took himself in hand as he smiled down at her. “Is this the kind of fun you had in mind?”

  She nodded. Longing to feel him inside her. She struggled to free her hands, wanting to touch him, to guide him to her entrance and let him take her. He didn’t let go of her though. Instead he surprised her by grasping her wrists tighter and lowering himself onto her. Her breath was coming fast as she felt him pushing to be inside her. She struggled again to free her hands but he only grasped tighter still. This was fun! She tried to bring her legs together, fighting him in a different way. He shook his head and used his knees to keep her thighs spread. His fingers joined his cock, pressing at her, teasing her clit and then dipping inside. She struggled harder and almost got a hand free. That had the effect she’d hoped for. He brought both hands up and pinned her wrists on either side of her head. Now neither of them could delay his impatient cock from thrusting its way in to where it wanted to be. She gasped as he filled her. He was so hard, so hot. He moved with such determination. He was carrying her away and there was nothing she could do to stop him—physically or emotionally. He was taking possession of her body, and while he did so, something inside her wanted so badly to let him take all of her. She wanted him to carry her along, take her where he wanted to go and fill her with pleasure as he did. Her hips bucked underneath him as he drove into her over and over. He showed no mercy, and she didn’t want any! She tried one more time to free her hands, but he tightened his grip, spread her legs wider and thrust harder, making her scream. The tension in every cell in her body was building and building. His movements quickened, and then he tensed.

  “Cassidy!” the way he breathed her name took her over the edge. His orgasm triggered her hers, their bodies melding frantically together giving and seeking more and more pleasure as they reached a crescendo. He freed her hands and she reached up, pulling his head down to kiss her, their tongues coupling in the same way as their bodies, intensifying the connection.

  When they finally lay still, Shane lifted his head. “Was that fun?”

  She held his gaze. That had been so much more than fun! How could she tell him what it was though? She nodded. “Great fun!”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Maybe he felt it, too? But even if he did, what did it matter?

  ~ ~ ~

  Shane rolled off her and pulled her into his arms. She was the most fun he’d ever had, but she was doing something strange to him. She was making him want more than just fun. Lying here under the big starry sky with her, he didn’t want to let go. He wanted her to be his girl. Normally after sex he was in a hurry to get his boots on and be gone. Right now all he want to do was hold her, talk some more. What the hell was she doing to him? Why was he disappointed that all she wanted was to have some fun with him? He should be thrilled! He was used to dodging women who wanted anything more than that.

  She looked up into his eyes. He couldn’t help dropping a kiss on her lips. She looked so small and sweet. She had this hang-up about also being smart and strong, but he didn’t know why. Lots of women were small and sweet—and it got old really fast. It usually translated into needy and clingy too. Both of which made Shane’s skin crawl. Cassidy was the perfect package, she embodied the softness that a guy sought in a girl, while at the same time possessing a mind and a spirit that he respected and admired.

  “You look way too serious for a guy who just got laid.”

  He laughed. “Not serious. Just thinking.”

  “Thinking what?”

  He held her gaze for a moment. There was no point. She’d made it clear where she stood. He knew how it felt when someone pushed for more than you wanted to give. He shrugged. “About what we’re going to do tomorrow.”

  She smiled. He wanted to think she looked disappointed. But that was just his imagination.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Teach you what to look out for when you’re hiking.” He didn’t want her hiking by herself, but more than that, he didn’t want her hiking with anyone but him. “For now though, we should probably get some sleep.”

  “Oh, we’re not going to sit up a while and drink that moonshine?”

  He laughed. “Nope. We’ll be up early and you’re going to need a clear head.” He was pleased to see how disappointed she looked. “Maybe, if you’re nice to me, I’ll come over to your place one night and bring a bottle.”

  She snuggled closer. “That sounds like fun.”

  “It does, doesn’t it? So come on. Let’s get inside the tent and you can practice being nice to me, if you want.”

  She laughed. “I’ve already been nicer to you than I have to any guy in a long time.”

  He hated the thought of her being nice to any other guy…in any sense. He stood and held out a hand. “We’d better get you some practice then, hadn’t we?”

  Chapter Twelve

  When she opened her eyes, it took Cassidy a few moments to figure out where she was—it was early, it was very chilly, and she was in a sleeping bag…in a tent…in the middle of nowhere. And no Shane in sight! She pulled her clothes on and stuck her head through the tent flap. He wasn’t by the fire. He wasn’t with the horses. For a moment her heart pounded. Was this some kind of revenge for her trick on him at the gallery? What the hell would she do if he’d abandoned her out here in the wilderness? She took a deep breath. She’d figure it out, that’s what she’d do. She’d take Cookie and no doubt he’d help her find her way back to the ranch. He was a smart horse! Looking over at him she chuckled and made herself get a grip. Shane would hardly have left Lady and Teddy here if he’d taken off. At that moment she saw him emerge from a stand of cottonwoods. He cocked his head to one side.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She didn’t want to tell him what she’d thought. “I just gave myself a scare, then realized I was being an idiot. Where did you go?”

  “To do what comes naturally.”

  “Oh!” She frowned. She’d peed behind a bush a couple of times yesterday, she was hoping they’d make it back to civilization before she needed to anything else. She was curious though. “When you take ranch guests out do you have a camp place that you take them to?”

  He laughed. “You mean some place with bathrooms and hot and cold run
ning water? No ma’am. They come out here to experience what it’s really like.”

  She nodded. “I guess they do.”

  Shane reached in his back pocket for his phone. His face looked troubled as he read a text. “Sorry, Princess, but we’re going to have to head back.”

  “Oh no. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Nothing serious, but something I have to take care of back at the ranch.”

  She couldn’t believe how disappointed she felt.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No problem.”

  Shane went to get the horses ready. Cassidy felt a little useless; she didn’t know what to do to help. She went into the tent and got her things together then rolled up the sleeping bags as best she could. She kind of had them fastened like they had been…kind of. Shane popped his head in through the flap. The way he smiled made her feel proud of herself. “Hey, thanks. That’s great.”

  “Did I do it right?” She held one out to show him.

  “Perfect. Now if you’ll bring them out you can help me take the tent down, and I’ll show you how we pack Teddy. So you’ll know for next time.”

  “Next time?” She scrambled out of the tent to join him, unable to repress a smile.

  He smiled back. “Of course. I owe you a weekend, since we’re losing out on this one.”

  “Oh. We’re missing out on the whole weekend?”

  He nodded. “We have to get back as fast as we can.”

  “And you’ll be busy for the rest of the weekend?”

  “No, but we won’t have time to come back out.”

  “So how about you bring that moonshine over to my place later?” She was surprised she was being so pushy. She should just leave it. She didn’t want to get involved with him, so why was she after more time with him? Because she’d thought she was getting the whole weekend, she reasoned. Why miss out on it just because of a slight change of plan?

  He grinned. “I’d be more than happy to. Come on, let’s pack up. The sooner we get back, the sooner I’ll be done.”

  By lunchtime, Cassidy was back at her place. Their ride back had been much faster and via a much shorter route than they’d taken yesterday. She was grateful that Cookie took such good care of her. She’d spent most of the time holding onto the saddle as he made his own way. Once they were back at the ranch, Shane had bid her the briefest of farewells and disappeared into the lodge as soon as one of the hands had taken the horses. She’d felt a little lost standing there staring after him, but he’d reappeared moments later. He came to her and handed her the keys to his truck. “I’m sorry about this. I’ll call you when I get done here. See if you still want to get together tonight.”


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