Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)

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Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Page 12

by SJ McCoy

  She parked up, smiling at how different the Bozeman airport was. She loved it. It was so small and civilized. The parking lot was right outside the terminal building. All she needed to do was find a spot and walk fifty yards and she was inside the big lodge-like building. She knew Summer wouldn’t be coming down the escalators from the commercial gates, but she wasn’t sure where she would be. She walked over to the information desk.

  “Can I help you ma’am?” asked the old gentleman sitting there.

  “Can you tell me where a passenger from a private jet charter would come through?”

  The man smiled. “That’d be general aviation. Just down the road.”

  Oh no! “You mean I’m in the wrong building?” Crap! She didn’t want to leave Summer stranded by herself open to the possibility of being recognized and having to talk!

  The man patted her hand. “It’s only down the road a little ways. It won’t take you but five minutes.” He pointed through the window. “You see the gray building? It’s right in there.”

  “Thank you.” Cassidy scrambled for her phone in her purse as she headed for the doors. She dialed Summer.


  “Summer, it’s me. I’m so sorry, sweetie. I’ll be there in five minutes; I came to the wrong building.”

  “That’s okay. No rush. I’ll be right here waiting.”

  Cassidy frowned. “You sound far too relaxed. You normally panic if you’re left to fend for yourself in public. What’s going on?”

  Summer’s laugh sounded flirty. “I told you, I’m okay. Take your time.”

  “Are you with a guy?” Cassidy could hear the nagging mom tone in her own voice, but she couldn’t help it. She was way too protective of Summer.

  “Yes, mom. I’m going to hang up to rest my voice. I’ll see you when you get here, but don’t worry I’m in good hands.”

  Cassidy stared at her phone. She’d hung up! The little minx! She smiled and headed for the car. It seemed as though Summer was open to having some fun, then. Well good. Cassidy had just the guy in mind for her—and it wasn’t some asshole hitting on her at the airport.

  A few minutes later she pulled up outside the Jet Center and went marching inside. She spotted Summer sitting on one of the big couches—with a pilot! She let out a little laugh. The guy was gorgeous! And the uniform helped of course. He was flirting with Summer and she was going right along with it, in her own sweet way. Cassidy stood for a moment and watched. She didn’t want to be a party pooper and Summer had told her to take her time. She was wondering whether to go back out and wait in the car for a while when Summer spotted her. She stood up and flew toward Cassidy, wrapping her in a hug.

  “Chica! I’ve missed you!”

  Cassidy hugged her back gently. She felt so small and frail, like a little bird. Cassidy was almost afraid to crush her. “I’ve missed you, too. It’s been way too long. But we’re going to make up for it now.”

  Summer smiled. “We are. We’re going to have all kinds of fun over the next few months.” She shot a look back at the pilot who was standing by the couches. “He seems like a lot of fun. Come on let me introduce you.”

  Cassidy scowled. She wanted to get Summer out of here and she did not want this guy latching on to her. Summer was already back at his side though. “Cassidy, meet Carl. Carl flew me here today. Carl, this is my dear friend, Cassidy.”

  Carl extended a hand and Cassidy shook it briefly. She could see what Summer saw in him as he smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cassidy.” He turned and beckoned to another uniformed guy who was just coming in from the ramp. “Let me introduce you to my co-pilot Justin.”

  Cassidy eyed him. He was hot! He came over to join them. Once the introductions were complete, Carl looked at Summer. “Are you sure you can’t join us for dinner?”

  “Sorry,” said Cassidy, before Summer had chance to speak. “We need to get going. We have a long drive back.”

  Summer nodded. Cassidy guessed she’d worn her voice out and was happy to let her do the talking for both of them. “It was very kind of you to wait until I got here. Nice to meet you. Bye.” She turned, hoping Summer would follow. After a few steps she turned back to see not Summer, but Justin following her.

  He grinned and held up Summer’s bags. “I thought I’d help you load up while they say good-bye.”

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. Carl had his hands on Summer’s shoulders looking down into her smiling face. She huffed. It was up to Summer, she supposed. “Okay. Thanks.”

  Once he’d loaded the bags into the back of the Beetle, Justin smiled. It was all white teeth and twinkling eyes. He could have stepped out of a commercial! “Are you sure I can’t persuade you to have dinner with us?”

  “Absolutely positive,” she replied.

  “I know you want to get your friend settled in, but we’ve got a couple of days’ turnaround. We’ll be here for the next few nights, if you want to change your mind.” He held her gaze, his eyes were bright blue. He really was hot! Why was she turning him down so quickly?

  She smiled back. “Thanks, but the next few days are going to be crazy getting Summer settled in.”

  He nodded. “Maybe next time then? We’re usually out here a couple of times a month. If you give me your number I could call you.”

  Cassidy started to shake her head, then thought better of it. Why shouldn’t she? She could hardly make a man-mess with a guy who was only in town a couple of days a month. She handed him her card with a smile. “Call me, leave a message. I’m not promising I’ll call you back though.”

  “Thanks. I’ll take my chances.” His smile was gorgeous. He was hot, uniformed, and would only be looking to get together every now and again. What was her problem? The answer to that stunned her—he wasn’t Shane. That was her problem!

  She turned as Summer emerged from the building with Carl at her side. He walked her to the car and looked genuinely sad to see her go. Cassidy checked herself. She shouldn’t be dismissing him so quickly. He might be something special for Summer? Maybe they were in the middle of that brief moment of fate when they met the one? She hurried around to the driver’s side and got in. And maybe she was going nuts! She, Cassidy Lane, did not believe in any of that horseshit! Or at least she never used to, said a snide little voice in the back of her head. If she still didn’t believe in it, why wasn’t she speeding away? She scowled to herself. She was erring on the side of caution—for her friend’s sake, that was all. She didn’t want to be the one responsible for killing off a once-in-a-lifetime love before it had chance to get started. And yes, she was still thinking about Summer. Not Shane. Not Shane at all!

  Just over an hour later they pulled up in front of Cassidy’s house. Summer climbed out of the Beetle and looked around her with a huge smile on her face.

  “Oh my God, Cass! It’s beautiful”. She waved her arms out across the river on one side and toward the mountains on the other. “I can see why they call it Paradise Valley. You’ve found your very own slice of paradise.” She looked up at the house. “And this! This is the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen.” She ran back to the car and started pulling her bags out of the back.

  Cassidy took the bigger cases and left Summer the smaller bags. “You know I’m never modest. This place really is paradise. And I can’t wait to show you the house.”

  She showed Summer to her room and then gave her the grand tour, smiling the whole time at her friend’s enthusiastic response. When they were done, they settled out on the deck with a glass of wine.

  “It’s awesome!” said Summer. “I want to say you are sooo lucky. But I know with you it’s never luck. It’s always by design. So, well done. You’ve outdone yourself this time. I…I…” Her voice was a barely a whisper. She shook her head with an apologetic smile.

  “You’ve done too much talking,” said Cassidy. “Autumn would kill me if she could hear you right now.”

  Summer smiled and nodded. She reached into her huge purse and pulled out a le
gal pad and pen. She scribbled on it for a few moments and then held it up.

  Autumn would bust both our butts! But she’s not here :0) I’d better be good. So tell me about you. How are you? How’s the gallery? Tell me about your new friends…Any new men? :0)

  Cassidy smiled. “I’m doing great. I love living here, and I think I might finally have found home.”

  Summer beamed and nodded enthusiastically. She scribbled on the pad and held it up.

  It’s love at first sight for me with this valley. If the house is as good as the pictures you sent I might want to buy it not just rent it!

  Cassidy squealed. “Oh, Summer! That would be amazing! I love this place. And I’d love it even more if I had you here as a neighbor! Okay, let me tell you more. New friends….oh shit! I’d better call her! Gina is looking after the gallery for me while I came to pick you up.”

  She dialed Gina’s number.

  “Hi. Did you pick her up okay?”

  “I did, and I’m really sorry, but would you mind if I don’t come back?”

  Gina laughed. “I already told you the answer to that. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, G. You’re the best.”

  “I know. See ya.”

  Cassidy hung up and smiled at Summer. “Gina really is the best. You’re going to love her.”

  “What’s her story?” croaked Summer. She gave Cassidy a shamefaced grin and covered her mouth.

  Cassidy laughed. “Don’t be so impatient and I’ll tell you. She’s a photographer who worked in New York for years. She just came back here and got engaged to her long lost love. We’re working together, putting together a line of Montana-themed art. I think it’s going to be big.”

  Summer scribbled.

  Knowing you, it will be. When do I get to meet her? I want to meet all your friends.

  “Patience! You will. You’ll get to meet Gina tomorrow at the gallery, and maybe her fiancé, Mason. He’s is gorgeous! He’s like the quintessential broody cowboy!

  And he’s taken? Does he have any brothers???

  Cassidy had to laugh. “Actually he has three. You should meet two of them tomorrow. Carter will be here working on the landscaping. Summer, I think you’re going to love him. He’s gorgeous! He’s big and built, spends all his time in the gym, and yet he’s such a sweet guy, all caring and thoughtful.”

  Summer beamed and nodded, then scribbled.

  Sounds lovely, but I already met one like that—my pilot!

  Cassidy scowled. “That Carl guy was good-looking, but he’s got nothing on Carter. And I know the uniform is a turn on, but come on, you can’t beat cowboy boots and a hat—or Wranglers on a great butt!”

  Summer waggled her eyebrows. “Sorry, but I can’t stay quiet on that one! Sounds like I really have found paradise and I’m spoiled for choice!”

  “There’s no better choice than Carter. He’s an absolute sweetheart.”

  Summer scribbled.

  Sounds as though you like him yourself. What about the other two?

  “No, I think Carter is perfect for you, that’s why I’m talking him up and that’s why I didn’t like your Carl guy today! Wait till you meet him, you’ll see. As for the other two brothers, Beau is one of them, you’ll meet him tomorrow. He’s a nice guy, good-looking, I just don’t know him as well as the others.” She wondered what she should say about Shane. She knew him better than any of them, but she shouldn’t spend any more time with him. Not if she didn’t want to make a mess.

  Summer held up her pad.

  So tell me what you’ve got going on with the brother you’re not talking about?

  Cassidy laughed. “You don’t miss a trick do you?”

  Summer shook her head. “So tell me.”

  “Shane,” said Cassidy with a sigh. “I don’t know what to do with Shane. I don’t know what to do about Shane. He’s gorgeous. He’s totally my type, big, like six-four big. Muscled, tanned, fun, funny, life and soul of the party kind of guy.” She held Summer’s gaze and shrugged. “And you know how that usually ends for me. I avoided him for a long while, but I spent some time with him last weekend and I like him. I like him a lot. But I don’t think I should go there. I mean it’ll only end in disaster. I’d rather keep him as a friend than get involved with him and end up hating each other.”

  Summer looked sad.

  “What? What’s the matter?” asked Cassidy.

  “That’s not my friend Cassidy talking,” she croaked. She had to scribble the rest.

  My Cassidy goes for it, whatever it is, and to hell with the consequences.

  Cassidy shook her head. “I know. It’s not like me, is it? It’s never mattered before. I don’t know what’s happening to me. Am I growing up? Am I just becoming a coward in my old age?”

  Summer smiled. “Or have you finally met the one who makes it matter?”

  Cassidy swallowed…hard. That couldn’t be it, could it?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shane stared out the window of his office. No matter how hard he tried he could not concentrate on his book work. His thoughts kept drifting back to Cassidy. He’d even dreamed about her last night. It was getting ridiculous. No matter what he did to take his mind off her, she’d taken up residence in his head.

  It didn’t help that all of his brothers had seen her this week. And each of them had had some comment about how great she was. Beau had stopped by after showing the rental property to her and her friend, Summer. He was thrilled to have a longer term tenant, especially considering who that tenant was. He’d rattled on about Summer being such a sweet and genuine person. He’d also gone on about how cool Cassidy was. Mason had been by the gallery to see Gina, and he was all enthusiastic about what the two women were doing with their art. He’d sung Cassidy’s praises long and loud about how talented she was in both art and business. Poor old Carter had been slinking around at Cassidy’s place working on the landscaping while avoiding Summer. Shane had to smile at that. Carter had delayed starting work until Summer had moved into Beau’s place. Now that he had gotten started, he kept running down here to the ranch whenever Summer was at Cassidy’s. It wasn’t like him to be away from a job when he started—he never usually noticed who or what was around, he got so involved in his work. But he was so nervous about meeting Summer he’d left his guys to get on with it without him. Of course it hadn’t helped Shane, because every time Carter showed up here, he talked about Cassidy and how understanding she was being.

  Unlike his brothers, Shane still hadn’t seen her or talked to her since their camping trip got cut short. Well, if you didn’t count crossing paths at the stoplight up in town. He grinned. She’d looked pretty pleased when he blew her a kiss. But she hadn’t answered his texts. He shrugged. Maybe he should stop by to see her? He could go up to the gallery. Or he could stop by her place. If Summer hadn’t arrived he would have done that already, but he didn’t want to impose. He sure as hell didn’t want Cassidy thinking that he was there to meet her famous friend. Damn. He didn’t know what to do. All he knew was that he wanted to see her.

  As he stared out the window he had to smile as Carter’s truck came into view yet again. He went out to meet him.

  “What’s up, Big C?” he called as Carter got out looking around furtively, as though worried he might have been followed.

  Carter gave him a sheepish grin. “Hey, Shane. How you doing?”

  “I’d be doing better if my brother didn’t keep hightailing it over here every five minutes disturbing my work time.”

  Carter hung his head. “Sorry. I…Umm…”

  Shane laughed. “You’re running away from Summer again, aren’t you?”

  Carter nodded. “I am! I’m a big dumbass, but I get all tongue-tied just seeing Cassidy’s car, knowing that Summer Breese is inside it, all beautiful and sweet and…I’m an idiot. Sorry, I don’t want to mess up your work time. I’m wreaking havoc on my own.”

  Shane grasped his shoulder. “So, what, have they just showed up a

  “Yeah, evidently Cassidy hired someone to help out in the gallery so she can spend time with Summer, show her around and that. Now they’re coming and going all the time, I have to keep running out of there at a moment’s notice.”

  Shane shook his head. “Carter, Carter, Carter. You’re neglecting your work?”

  Carter looked mortified. “No! I…I’m…”

  Shane gave him a stern look.

  “I guess I am, aren’t I?”

  Shane nodded. “And that’s not like you. You love your work, you’re conscientious. We need to put a stop to this craziness right now.”

  “How though?”

  “We’re going to take the bull by the horns and go over there and meet her.”


  “Yes, we. I’ll come with you for moral support.”

  Carter laughed. “You mean you’re such an opportunist you’ll use my misery for your own benefit?”

  “Aw, that’s not nice. How can you say that?”

  “Because I know you! And because you haven’t met her yet yourself.”


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