Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)

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Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Page 15

by SJ McCoy

  “Sorry, I can’t. And will you get your pad out? You’re talking too much.”

  Summer made a face and scribbled, then waggled her eyebrows as she held up the pad.

  Don’t be sorry. You’re seeing Shane. Just wish I could ask Carter to join me!

  Cassidy laughed. “You should!”

  Summer shook her head sadly.

  Cassidy wished the two of them could figure something out. They were so cute together. “Come on then. Let’s get you home.” She looked around for the server to ask for the check. She frowned when she saw two familiar faces sitting at the counter. It took her a minute to place them. It was the two pilots who had brought Summer in. She looked away, hoping they could make a quick exit without having to stop and talk to them. No such luck!

  “Summer!” called the one who had been hitting on her. Carl? Was that his name?

  Summer smiled when she spotted them and gave a little wave. They made their way over.

  Justin, the one who had asked for Cassidy’s number, smiled at her. “We meet again.”

  She nodded. “We do. However, we’re just leaving.”

  “No,” said Carl as he sat down next to Summer. “Don’t go just yet.”

  Summer looked at Cassidy. It seemed she wasn’t as interested in the guy as she had been. Her eyes pleaded for help.

  “Sorry,” said Cassidy. “We really have to run. We’re late.”

  She stood and Summer joined her.

  “Maybe next time, then?” asked Justin.

  “Maybe,” said Cassidy.

  He took her by surprise as he leaned in for a hug. She was so surprised that she hugged him back. She rolled her eyes at Summer over his shoulder. Summer winked and gave Carl a quick hug. “Bye then.”

  As they pushed their way out through the door, Cassidy shook her head. “They don’t give up too easily do they?”

  Summer smiled. “If you’d never heard the name Remington, you wouldn’t want them to—would we?”

  Cassidy laughed. That was probably true. She frowned as she thought she recognized another guy standing outside looking at the meu board in the window. Her memory was terrible. She knew she knew him, but she couldn’t place him. He was kind of good-looking, but he had a mean air about him.

  He tipped his hat and smiled. He reminded Cassidy of a wolf. Handsome, but predatory. She nodded.

  “Good afternoon. I see you’re making friends everywhere you go.”

  She gave him a puzzled look. Who the hell was he? She didn’t have time to figure it out before he turned and walked away.

  “Creepy!” breathed Summer. “Who’s he?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve seen him around before, but I don’t remember where.” She shuddered and set off at a brisk pace back to the parking lot. She slowed a little when she realized Summer was having to trot along to keep up. “Sorry, I guess that guy creeped me out.”

  Summer nodded. “Let’s go home. Bozeman was fun, but I want to get home to Paradise.” She grinned. “Also known as Remington land.”

  Cassidy laughed and unlocked the Beetle. She was starting to think of the valley the same way herself.

  ~ ~ ~

  Shane pulled up outside Cassidy’s place with a smile. He’d been looking forward to getting back here all day. He was a little disappointed to see that Carter’s truck was still here and few of his guys were still around, too. He wanted Cassidy and the place to himself.

  “Hey bro,” he called when he saw Carter coming around the corner.

  Carter smiled. “Back again, huh? Though I shouldn’t be surprised. At dinner last night it felt as though you and Cassidy were hosting, not just Cassidy.”

  Shane nodded. It wasn’t just him who had noticed it then. “I know. It’s weird, isn’t it? But I’ll tell you what. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.”

  Carter didn’t seem in the least surprised. “It looked like it. It wouldn’t surprise me if it happens sooner rather than later.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Carter smiled. “You two getting together. Living together. I dunno, maybe even getting married and having a bunch of kids.”

  Shane stared at him. He didn’t know what to say. Mostly because the idea didn’t sound nearly as ridiculous as it should.

  “I say go for it, Shane.”

  Shane didn’t know how to respond, so instead he chose to deflect. “What about you and Summer? You’re telling me to go for it, while you won’t go for anything. Insisting that you two are just friends, that you’re just looking out for her.” He regretted the words as soon as they were out. Carter looked so down.

  He shrugged. “It’s different for me. You’re a first-timer.. I had my shot and got screwed over. Yes, I like Summer. I like her a lot. But it’s different. She’s only going to be here for a while. I know how it feels to have my heart broken, and I never want to go there again. That little lady could destroy me.”

  “Aw, Carter.” Shane grasped his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  Carter shrugged. “It is what it is. I choose to look at it that I’m a lucky SOB. How many guys would give their right arm to be able to spend time with her like I’m doing? I’m happy enough with that. It’d be greedy to ask for anything more.” He smiled at Shane. “So stop feeling sorry for me, would you? Get your ass in there and have a great evening with Cassidy. I’m going home.”

  Shane paused on the steps to watch him drive away. He wished there was something he could do, but he knew there wasn’t.

  Cassidy appeared at the front door. “If you’re thinking about turning around and leaving, go ahead and do it would you. I turned down another offer to be here with you tonight, I can still go.”

  His head jerked up to check her face. His heart was pounding. Was she serious?

  She laughed. “What’s up? You don’t like that idea?”

  He ran up the steps and closed his arms around her, backing her against the wall as he did so. “I don’t just not like that idea. I hate it!” He smiled as he spoke. But the words were true and the look in her eyes told him she knew it.

  She looped her arms up around his neck. “I didn’t know you had a jealous streak.”

  He nibbled her bottom lip. “Neither did I till just now.” He gave her his cocky grin, the one he knew infuriated her. “Don’t go thinking it’s about insecurity though. I’m just greedy. I want all of you, all for me.”

  “You do, do you?”

  He nodded. “I do.” A thought struck him and he smiled. “You know you’re supposed to be protecting me from all other women?”

  She laughed. “Supposed to be? I am. I’m keeping you here every night. Out of harm’s way. In the one place where I know no other woman can get to you.” She rubbed her hips against him, making him ache for her. “In my bed.”

  He smiled. “Well, it only seems fair to me that we should be equal in all things.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  He didn’t know where it had come from, but now he had the thought it felt really important to share it—and that she should agree to it. “I think I should protect you from all other men.”

  Her eyes widened. He wasn’t sure whether she was pleased, shocked, or annoyed. “What do you mean?”

  He tried to keep it light. “Do you want to do the E-word with me?”

  “The E-word?”

  “Exclusive.” It was a word he’d shied away from ever since high school. He’d often joked that it wasn’t in his vocabulary, yet here he was the one saying it—asking for it, no less. And his heart was hammering while he waited for her answer.

  She still looked slightly puzzled. “That’s what you want? To be exclusive? With each other?”

  He nodded, holding his breath.

  A big smile spread across her face. “You think you can handle it?”

  He nodded rapidly. “I can. Can you?”

  She thought about it for a long moment. “I think I might.” She smiled up at him. “In fact, I think I’d quite
like it.”

  He let out his breath and dropped a kiss on her lips. “Thank you.”

  She took him by the hand and led him inside. He took a seat at the kitchen island while she poured two glasses of wine. When she handed him one he smiled and raised his glass. “To us.”

  She looked uncertain. “Us?”

  He nodded. “I feel it, you feel it. We both like winning points off each other, but I think our biggest win is going to be when we admit what we have going on between us is something pretty special.”

  She grinned. “I’ve already admitted that to myself; I just wasn’t ready to admit it to you.”

  Shane felt his heart expand in his chest. It wasn’t just him then! “Well, I’m glad I was brave enough to go first and risk rejection.” He winked at her. “I know you’re just a weak little lady, but I’m strong enough to put myself out there for the sake of us.”

  Her eyes flashed, just as he’d known they would. She slapped his arm. “You are not braver than I am.”

  “Oh no?” he teased. “You knew we were special but you weren’t ready to admit it to me, because you’re scared of getting hurt.”

  “I am not!” she laughed.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle with you and take good care of you. I won’t rush you.”

  She laughed. “You’re just pushing all my buttons on purpose aren’t you?”

  Shane nodded. “And it’s working, isn’t it?”

  “It is! I have to outdo you! You think you’re braver than me? No way. I’m braver than you. I’m brave enough to say—if we’re going to do this, let’s do it. Dive right in. You’re here, you’re going to stay the night again. Why don’t you just stay?”

  “Stay?” he thought he knew what she meant, but he couldn’t quite believe it.

  She had her hands on her hips as she nodded. “Move in with me.”

  Wow! Was he ready for that? The hint of a smile playing on her lips told him she didn’t think he was. She thought she’d won? Hell no! “Perfect! Thank you. I will. I’d love to.”

  She laughed. “Can you stammer out anymore?”

  He laughed with her. “Apparently not.”

  They stared at each other, both realizing what they’d just done. Shane swallowed. He could back out—if he wanted. He raised an eyebrow at her. So could she. She grinned back at him and shook her head. Okay! So they were going to do this.

  He raised his glass again. “To us.”

  This time she chinked her glass against his. “To us.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cassidy walked into the gallery and grinned at Gina. “Here again?” she asked.

  “I love having this place as a base. I spend so much time roaming with my camera and I love it, but it’s nice to have a home base, too.” She smiled. “And besides, I feel like one of us should come in every now and then. And you seem to be otherwise engaged these days.”

  Cassidy had been feeling a little guilty that between spending so much time with Summer and with Shane, she was neglecting the business and Gina. “I’m sorry. Don’t worry though, I won’t let us get off schedule.”

  Gina laughed. “I’m not criticizing. I’m just hoping you’ll open up and tell me what’s going on with you and Shane. You keep putting me off whenever I ask about a girls’ night, so I figure I’ll just have to start asking whenever I get chance. I can’t get anything out of Shane because he’s always at your place.”

  Cassidy grinned. She couldn’t wait to see Gina’s reaction. “Well, anything you want to ask him, you just come on over to my place. As of last night, he’s moved in with me!”

  Gina’s mouth fell open. For a moment she just stared at Cassidy in disbelief, then she jumped to her feet and came to wrap her in a hug. “Oh. My. God!! That’s awesome!”

  “You’re not shocked?”

  “I’m shocked. I’m stunned. I’m going to need all the details! But I’m so happy for you both!” She stood back. “Let’s go back to shocked and stunned a minute though. I mean, this is really fast for anyone. But for two people who aren’t interested in committed relationships? And you especially! No man-messes in general and no Shane in particular. How did you get from there to here—and how did it happen so fast?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “I’m not sure I know. You were right though. We do have something going on between us.” She smiled. “It’s something pretty special. We just figure we may as well dive in and get on with it. If we’re going to be good together, then why waste time getting there? And if we’re going to go down in flames, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later, isn’t it?”

  Gina nodded. “I guess it is. And neither of you like to waste time, so it kind of makes sense. But what happened? Did he just come right out and ask if you wanted to move in together?”

  Cassidy smiled through pursed lips.

  “What? Did you ask him?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Oh, come on!” Gina said with a laugh. “Fill me in. I’m dying of curiosity here!”

  “I kind of dared him to.”

  Gina threw her head back and laughed. “You dared him?”

  “Yeah. I suppose. See, he was telling me that he was braver than I am, because he’d come out and revealed his feelings for me first. I said I was braver because I was prepared to ask him to move in with me.”

  “Ugh, you are a pair together. Neither of you will be outdone. Tell me it’s not just about one-upmanship though?”

  Cassidy shook her head. “I tried to convince myself that it was. But it isn’t. It’s what we both want to do anyway. This has just sped up the process.”

  Gina nodded. “Well, however you got there, I’m glad you did. I just hope you’re both prepared to put the effort in to make it work.”

  Cassidy nodded. So did she.

  She followed Gina’s gaze as she looked out the gallery window and shuddered. “Who is that, guy?” she asked. “Summer and I saw him in Bozeman. I recognize him, but I can’t place him.”

  Gina made a face. “Well, make a note, he’s one to be wary of. That’s Guy Preston.”

  “Oh! He’s the guy that caused all the trouble for you and Mason?”

  Gina nodded. “He’s also mad at all of us right now. I think he got wind somehow that it was Mason and Chance who helped his wife April to skip town. He’s a piece of work. He’s got it in for all the Remingtons. Once he knows you’re with Shane you’ll be on his radar, too.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “He gives me the creeps.”

  “Then you’ve got good instincts. Trust them! He’ll cause trouble for you if he can.”

  Cassidy couldn’t see how Guy might cause her any trouble, but maybe Shane. She’d have to stay on her toes if she saw him around again.

  Guy waved at them and smiled that wolf smile before carrying on down the street.

  “Asshole!” muttered Gina.

  ~ ~ ~

  Shane headed back to the cabin at lunchtime. He was still stunned that he’d agreed to move in with Cassidy—but he didn’t regret it. He went into his room and pulled his pack from under the bed. He started throwing clothes in, all the while wondering what the hell he was doing. He started at the sound of the front door closing.

  “Are you home?” called Mason.

  “Yeah. In here.”

  Mason came and stood in the doorway. He leaned against the frame and folded his arms across his chest. Did he know?

  “What?” asked Shane as he continued throwing clothes into his bag.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?”

  Shane grinned. “I’m pretty sure I’m packing a bag, but if you see something else going on here, do tell.”

  Mason chuckled. “I see my littlest brother about to make one of the biggest moves of his life. And I’m wondering if he knows what he’s doing. How about that?”

  At least he’d said move not mistake. That was a good start. Shane straightened up and met Mason’s gaze. “I’m not sure I know what I’m doing either, Mase. But I do kn
ow it feels right.”

  “That’s good enough then.”

  “Does that mean I have your approval?” Shane was surprised to realize that the only thing bothering him about moving in with Cassidy was what his family’s reaction might be.

  “I’m not about approval. You don’t need it.”

  Shane tried to figure out the look on his face.

  Mason smiled. “I’m here for support—if you want it.”

  Shane relaxed. “I do. I mean it’s no big deal really, is it? I move in with her, and if we don’t get on I move back here.”

  Mason gave him a stern look. “So you’re not serious about it, then?”

  “Of course I am! I’m just trying to downplay it before I scare myself stupid. It’s not a big deal—it’s a huge deal!”

  Mason grinned. “That’s more like it. Take it seriously and you might make something good of it.”

  “How do you even know?”


  “Of course.” So that meant Cassidy had told her. Had she told her because she was happy or because she thought it was some big joke?

  Mason put a hand on his shoulder. “I think it’s great. I think the two of you will do great together. I’ve been thinking that since we all had dinner over there the other night. You two just stepped right into the roles of host couple, as though you were natural together, as though you’d been together for years.” He smiled. “Apart from the way you kept mauling her when you thought no one was looking.”

  Shane smirked. “Yeah, well. I can’t help that. And hopefully I’ll still be doing it when we have been together for years.”

  “Talk like that makes me think you’re going to be fine. I just wanted to stop by, because I know you. I know you’d worry about how to tell us. You don’t need to worry, because I know, and if you want I’ll tell the others, too.”

  Shane nodded. “Thanks. I think I should go see Mom and Dad and talk to them myself though.”

  Mason nodded his agreement. “That was the other thing I was wondering about. If you’re all in, then you go tell them. I wasn’t sure if you’d wait before talking to them about it.”

  Shane knew what he meant. “No. I’m not hedging my bets. I’m going with the intention of making it work.”


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