Kraving Khiva (A SciFi Alien Romance) (The Krave of Everton Book 1)

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Kraving Khiva (A SciFi Alien Romance) (The Krave of Everton Book 1) Page 12

by Zoey Draven

  Last night seemed like a dream. A pleasure-filled, endless, hazy dream that hardly seemed real. But she knew that everything had happened exactly how she remembered it. And while they’d only had sex once, when she’d finally lost her virginity to him, Khiva had kept her satisfied and occupied in other ways.

  Most notably, he’d pretty much been buried between her thighs all night, when they weren’t kissing or talking or touching. And while she’d been eager to explore sex more, he’d been concerned that she would be too sore, considering his size.

  Eve was sore. Her whole body was sore, not just her sensitive sex. It felt like she’d utilized every muscle the night before during her seemingly endless orgasm that had her clenching all parts of her body and straining muscles she’d never even knew existed.

  But it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. And she wanted him again.

  “Khiva,” she whispered. “Come here.”

  He was defiant for a moment, choosing instead to roll her clit around with the tip of his flattened, talented tongue, which left her gasping. One thing she’d learned about him was that for a male in his line of work, he didn’t take to orders well.

  Or perhaps it was simply because she’d given him free reign over their time together, something which she thought might be a novelty for him.

  “Please,” Eve moaned softly.

  Finally, he stopped tonguing her and crawled up her body, his movements sleek and graceful for a male of his massive size.

  She tasted herself on his tongue which she found sinfully erotic. Her lips felt sensitive and swollen from the sheer amount of kissing they’d done last night and into the early hours of morning, but who could blame her? Khiva knew what he was doing and had mastered his technique.

  Eve opened her legs wide in invitation and Khiva made a sound deep in his chest when his hard, scorching cock brushed her slick folds.

  He pulled back and Eve noticed that in the morning light, the swirling colors of his eyes were even more stunning.

  “You must be sore, leeldra,” he rasped, his own voice dark and gravelly from sleep, which answered her question about whether he’d slept last night after she’d passed out from the amount of orgasms he’d given her.

  “I don’t care,” she said, growing impatient, needing him with a fierceness that surprised her. “I want you, Khiva.”

  He’d only cum once last night, even though she’d made it clear that she’d wanted to return the favor. Apparently, he had an unflappable amount of control, though he’d been impossibly hard throughout their time together.

  “Vauk,” he hissed when she rolled her hips up slightly, nudging him inside her heat.

  “Please,” she whispered, bringing her hands to grip his shoulders, before running them down his back. The sound of his voice, his weight, his scent…he was becoming imbedded in her mind.

  “Evelyn…” he growled.

  A choked groan lodged in her throat when he suddenly thrust his hips forward, hilting deep inside her with one swift plunge.

  Her body tightened, a dull throb of pain making her clench her teeth as she once again became accustomed to his massive size. Soon it passed, nothing like the sharp pinching pain she’d felt the night before. And when Khiva felt her relax slightly and rock her hips, he accepted it as the invitation it was meant to be.

  Soon, he built up to a steady rhythm between her thighs, one that made her thrash and moan beneath him with every moment that passed. It was perfection. She held her breath every time that rounded head of his cock passed into her, stretching her in a way that made her whole body tingle.

  Khiva held himself up with two hands planted on both sides of her shoulders and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the way his ropey forearms flexed and shifted underneath his dusky skin. Eve swallowed, her body tightening, the desire and lust she felt for him making her head spin.

  Eve huffed out a short breath as Khiva’s hips expertly rolled, hitting every sensitive place inside her…and then she was cumming.

  “Ohh, yes, Khiva,” she breathed, her eyes widening, connected with his.

  “Ah, vauk!” he growled, his hips quickening, her breasts bobbing with his increased speed. “I feel your cunt cumming on my cock, leeldra. Demav!”

  He said something else in the Keriv’i language, but Evelyn didn’t think he even realized it, which she found incredibly sexy.

  Swiftly, he adjusted their position without missing a single thrust, pulling her hips up slightly, hooking her legs around his hips, so he could plunge even deeper. He was so long that she felt a dull throb before he retreated and she knew that the head of his cock was hitting her cervix. But that slight pain only increased the intensity of her orgasm and did nothing to dampen it.

  Just as her orgasm began to die down, he rasped, “I need to cum, female. Demav, you make me lose control.”

  Eve’s lips parted. It was more likely it was because he hadn’t cum since early last night, but had been hard since. Even still, she felt a thrill of feminine satisfaction. Just the thought of making a powerful male like him lose control would do wonders for any women’s ego.

  “Cum, Khiva,” she urged, her grip tightening on his neck. “I want you to cum.”

  “Where?” he growled.


  She thought it over, remembering that it was morning and she’d have to leave soon. The thought filled her with disappointment. The blonde downstairs, Valerie, had said that if clients stayed over night, then they should leave by eight.

  “Don’t cum inside me,” she whispered, feeling a little shy as she said the words, which she found ridiculous. But remembering that she needed to be gone by eight, which had to be any moment judging by the amount of light coming into the small room, brought her back to reality.

  Her visit with Khiva was coming to an end. But what filled her with dismay the most was that there was no reason to return to him. She’d done what she’d wanted to do: lose her virginity and experience the intimacy of sex and touch with someone she desired greatly.

  With a groan, Khiva pulled out from the heat of her body and Eve’s breath hitched as she watched him grip the base of his cock and pump himself all the way to the tip and back with quick, even motions.

  His eyes were on her the entire time and not a moment later, he threw back his head, the tendons in his neck straining as he bellowed through his release. Jets of clear cum arched from his tip and landed all over her belly. One pump arched all the way to her breasts, so hot that she gasped.

  Then that strange warmth began to build the longer his cum coated her skin. Her clit fluttered and Eve bit her lip, suppressing a breathy moan. And Khiva took his sweet time cleaning her off with the soft material of his shirt that he’d dropped by the bed.

  After he wiped her off, paying extra attention to her breasts with a gleam in his gaze, he pulled her to him and found her lips. Eve sighed into his kiss and let herself enjoy it for longer than she probably should.

  Eventually, however, she forced herself to pull away, unable to quite meet his eyes. When he tilted her chin up to search her gaze, he murmured, “You are being shy again, leeldra.”

  Her chest clenched when she recognized the warm tone, knowing that he was teasing her, though his expression hadn’t changed.

  “Am I?”

  He made a sound in the back of his throat. “Pax. You know you are being shy. Even after all I have done to you.” Even though she felt dread at the thought of saying goodbye to him, she couldn’t help but give him a small smile. He purred, “All the places I have kissed you and touched you. I have your taste and scent burned into my memory and I will revisit you there if you are not with me.”

  Eve flushed and swallowed, feeling her belly flutter. What was the Old Earth saying? Giving her butterflies? Well, Everton released hundreds and hundreds of butterflies into the colony every year to keep the population up. Eve felt, at that moment, that all of those butterflies were inside her.

  When Eve had first thought to come to
Madame Allegria’s for the sole purpose of having her first sexual experience without the fear of rejection or fumbling awkwardness, she’d never expected someone like Khiva. While she’d only known him for a short while, he’d been nothing but kind to her and understanding. He’d made her feel beautiful and comfortable, which was rare in itself. She liked the way her bones went buttery whenever he touched her and the way she got tingles at the nape of her neck whenever he kissed her.

  She hadn’t expected that she’d start to have feelings for her Krave. Eve liked to think she was mature enough and old enough not to develop a romantic attachment to the first male who took her virginity.

  Yet there she was.

  “I should go,” she whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat, effectively cutting through the softness of the moment like a dull blade. Khiva stilled, but his expression remained the same and Eve felt the need to tell him, “Valerie said all the, uh, clients were to leave before eight.”

  Khiva’s arms were tense as he tilted his head down slightly, his version of a nod. “Do you wish to bathe first before you leave?”

  Swallowing, Eve’s eyes cut to the ajar washroom door, remembering their bath the night before and the way she’d thrashed in his arms as she came.

  “No, I’ll be fine until I get home,” she said. She didn’t want to leave and yet she couldn’t wait to go, to flee, just like she always did when something scared her.

  Khiva rolled off her and stood from the bed. It still seemed so strange to see him in daylight and Eve couldn’t help but wonder if she looked different too, in the morning. Somehow he seemed more real to her.

  Slowly, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, silencing a small wince when her inner muscles pinched, and pushed up to stand. Khiva retrieved her dress, just like the last time, and helped her put it on and fasten the buttons. The dreamy indigo-colored silk felt too rough on her sensitive skin. Was it truly just last night that she’d put it on in anticipation of seeing him again? That seemed like days ago.

  Khiva was still naked as he stood at her back and he brushed her hair aside to secure the tie between her shoulder blades.

  Eve gasped when his teeth suddenly sank into where her shoulder met her neck, his hands gripping her hips from behind. Not a hard bite, but hard enough to get her attention. Another burst of arousal made her knees tremble, surprising her, but the action was just so…male. So dominant. And she felt her body helplessly responding to it.

  “Will I see you again, leeldra?” he asked, his voice quieter, softer, than she’d ever heard it.

  Eve cast her eyes downwards. “I…I don’t know,” she answered truthfully. This second visit had eaten up more savings than she was comfortable with from her shop job. Years of savings…just gone.

  She had her inheritance, but she’d said from the beginning that she wouldn’t use it to visit Madame Allegria’s brothel.

  But now…

  Eve didn’t know. So much seemed to have changed in such a short amount of time.

  Khiva didn’t say anything to try to convince her otherwise, which she was slightly disappointed by though she had no reason to be. He was quiet as he gently turned her in his arms and gave her one last kiss, clutching at the nape of her neck as her hands gripped his shoulders.

  She savored it as long as she could, thinking in the back of her mind that it was likely the last kiss.

  All too soon, it was over.

  Khiva walked her slowly to the door and opened it, waiting. She squeezed his wrist as she passed.

  “Goodbye, Khiva,” she said, a lump in her throat. She gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  He tilted his head forward, that swirling gaze on her though she couldn’t read him.

  “Kasari, Evelyn.”


  Eve turned her head away before he saw the moisture that welled up in her eyes. She walked down the hall on trembling legs. Before she could turn around, she heard his door shut before she made it halfway down the hallway and that made her gut clench.

  In the elevator, just as the doors closed, Eve wondered how she could’ve gone from the highest high to the lowest low in the short span of one night.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Eve made it home an hour before she was due at the shop for opening. But the moment the driverless car pulled up to her townhouse in the Garden District, she saw the shimmering gold of Genni’s hair. Her friend was sitting on the stone stairs of her porch, clicking away on her Nu device.

  Eve frowned, wondering what she was doing there, but then she froze, thinking about her knotted hair and reddened lips and silk dress that she would have no reason to wear that early in the morning.

  “Damn,” she whispered as the driverless car stopped, smoothing her dress over her thighs. Genni’s head snapped up, her bright blue eyes narrowing, though she couldn’t see her through the tinted glass.

  With a deep breath, Eve opened the door. While she was going to tell Genni eventually that she’d visited one of the Krave to lose her virginity, she hadn’t planned for her friend to be sitting outside her door the morning after it happened.

  Selfishly, she would’ve liked the keep Khiva to herself, even if it was for a little while longer.

  When she righted herself on the pathway leading up to her house, the car humming quietly as it slid away, Genni stood, an annoyed, yet relieved, expression on her face.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Genni demanded, stalking down the pathway towards her. “I’ve been so worried!”

  Eve sighed, knowing she should’ve brought her Nu device with her. But she hadn’t wanted any distractions with Khiva, so she’d left it inside her townhouse.

  “I’m sorry, Genni,” Eve said. “I didn’t have my Nu on me. I didn’t know you were trying to reach me.”

  “Where the hell…” Genni trailed off, coming into arm’s length, her blue eyes scanning her over. Realization hit her friend and Eve sighed as Genni took in her appearance. “Oh my God. You…you…you’ve been fucked!”

  Eve bit her lip, looking around the quiet block of houses in the Garden District. It was a small block and the neighbors were known to eavesdrop. Hell, Eve had done it a few times if she’d heard an argument outside, shamelessly putting her ear to a window. The sound carried down the street easily.

  “Let’s go inside,” Eve suggested, steering her friend to her front door.

  “What…what the hell is going on, Evelyn?” Genni asked. When Genni used her full name with that tone, she knew she was in trouble.

  Eve scanned her face at the reader of her front door. For a moment, she had a stray thought that the reader wouldn’t recognize her face, wondering if it sensed how different, how changed she felt. She couldn’t possibly have the same face of the woman who’d left the evening before. But the bolt unlocked from the inside without issue.

  She pushed open the heavy wood, Genni trailing behind her, and then she shut it. The familiar smell of her townhouse hit her and she breathed it in deeply. It was a comfort. It seemed like ages since she’d last been home. Time had seemed to stand still with Khiva…until the morning came and reality rushed back in.

  Eve walked into the sitting room off the main foyer and Genni followed, demanding, “Tell me what’s going on, Evelyn. Are you…are you alright? Who was driving you home?”

  “It was a driverless car. And yes, I’m fine, I promise,” Eve said, sinking down in the dark brown leather armchair, her familiar place. “I really am sorry if you were trying to reach me, Genni. I just didn’t think about it.”

  Genni wasn’t even dressed for her job at the salon, which made Eve feel guilty. She must’ve been really worried about her.

  “I was about to notify Patrol, Evelyn,” Genni said, frowning. “I hadn’t heard from you since yesterday afternoon and Mr. Wrenton said you’d left to go home early from the shop, but you weren’t here.”

  Great. Her employer, Mr. Wrenton, was involved.

  “I thought the worst,” Genn
i said, studying her. Crime, while low on Everton, wasn’t unheard of. The Patrol was strict with any crime. They had to be on a small colony. “I think you owe me an explanation.”

  Eve bit her tongue. While she was grateful that Genni had been worried about her, she didn’t have an inherent right to know everything about her life. She’d only been gone for the night. One single night, out of the entire time that Genni had known her.

  Eve thought it likely that something happened with Genni’s new lover and her friend had wanted to vent, only to find her unavailable.

  That’s a bitchy thought, she chastised herself. But Eve wouldn’t put it past her. Genni probably believed that she didn’t have a life outside of her work and her friendship.

  It’s…true though, she thought, frowning, looking down at her lap. Or at least it had been.

  Eve sighed, knowing there was no way she’d be able to hide where she’d been last night. Genni already knew she’d been with someone.

  That someone just happened to be one of Madame Allegria’s Krave.

  “I, um, was with someone last night,” Eve told her softly, confirming her friend’s suspicions. “And I didn’t bring my Nu device, so I didn’t realize you were trying to reach me.”

  “I just saw you a couple days ago,” Genni pointed out. “You didn’t tell me you’d met anyone.”

  “Because I didn’t meet him exactly,” Eve said softly, squirming a bit in her armchair. When she moved, she caught a whiff of Khiva’s scent. He was on her skin, permeated through her hair, in the silk threads of her dress. Everywhere.

  “Will the cut the bullshit and just tell me who it is?” Genni asked, annoyed once again.

  Eve bit her tongue again, but decided to just get it over with.


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