In the Dead of the Night

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In the Dead of the Night Page 7

by Spear, Terry

  An hour later, Allan woke to a knocking at the doorframe to the bedroom. He opened his eyes and frowned at Dale, who leaned against it. Jenny still slept comfortably against Allan’s chest.

  “You left the door open, dude. You know we have an open door policy in cases like this in the event of emergencies. If you want privacy, you’ll have to shut the bedroom door.” Dale punctuated his comment by smiling broadly.

  “Give me a minute, will you?” Allan quashed the irritation churning in his gut. He had no intention of letting the others think he was going at it hot and heavy with Jenny.

  “Didn’t mean to disturb you. Just wanted to let you know Randy Steven’s flight was delayed until tomorrow morning. You won’t have to make a decision until then concerning her.”

  “You didn’t disturb me. Jenny was having nightmares.”

  Dale nodded. “It’s to be expected. Has she slept well otherwise?”



  “Hmm,” Jenny said, stirring.

  Dale quickly shut the bedroom door without making a sound.

  Allan took a ragged breath. He now had several hours to try to help Jenny recover her memory before Randy arrived. Allan kissed her forehead, but she tilted her mouth up and expected more. He obliged.

  Did he do so out of a sense of obligation as her pretend husband? Worry that Randy might show him up and try to have his way with her? Or his desire to prove to her or even to himself that he had winning ways in the romance department? Whatever the reason, there were no holds barred.

  His tongue moistened her soft full lips, and she immediately responded by touching her tongue to his. Their lips pressed lightly then more firmly as the heat built between them. The chemistry mixed quickly into explosive proportions as she slid her leg over his and ran her hand over his buttocks still clothed in the satin boxers. He ran his hand over the bare skin of her back, then cupped her firm buttocks in his hand.

  She felt so good, and her moves sent his hormones into a tailspin. But when she touched her temple, he immediately pulled back.

  “Are you hurting, Jenny?”

  “Yes, I’m so sorry, Allan.” Then she chuckled. “I guess I’m like the wife who has a splitting headache so she doesn’t have to have sex with her husband.”

  Thank God for small miracles. Though he didn’t want her to suffer, her headache saved his butt.

  “Your concussion was serious, honey.” He hadn’t meant to call her by an endearing term. It just slipped out like an email message sent across electronic waves with no way to take it back.

  Her lips turned up sweetly. “Thanks for the flowers. They’re really lovely.”

  “You’re welcome. Let me get you some more medicine for the headache, and I’ll fix something for us to eat for dinner. Maybe that’ll help.” He kissed her cheek, then reluctantly disentangled himself from her. When he climbed out of bed, her gaze shifted to his boxers. She had him worked up all over again. And the notion disturbed him. If she hadn’t complained of the headache, would he have taken it too far?

  He grabbed his shorts, trying to distract himself from the morbid thought. He wasn’t willing to consider the possibility.

  “Hmm, Allan.” She stretched her arms above her head and smiled. “Can we go out? I wanted to buy something to wear to bed tonight.”

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?” He yanked his shorts on. After the way she collapsed in the water, he didn’t want to take any chances.

  “Sure. I’ll try not to need your assistance again.”

  He wasn’t certain she would be all right, and he was sure he didn’t want to see her in anything she might want to purchase to wear tonight.


  “All right. We’ll go someplace casual in about half an hour and get a bite to eat. I’ll get some medicine for you.”

  He stepped out of the room and closed the bedroom door. Dale was reading a magazine on the couch. Allan took a deep breath. “Thought you were going back downstairs with the guys.”

  “Nah. It’s a tad more interesting up here.”

  “So what else is new?”

  “Nothing. Awful quiet. When it’s this quiet, something’s up.”

  Allan folded his arms. “Not good to hear. Listen, we’re going out to eat.”

  “All right. Pappina’s Italian Restaurant is located just down the street. If she’s agreeable, we’ll have the new guys posted to watch out. Anything else?”

  “She wants to go shopping.”

  Dale grinned and leaned back into the couch. “For a sexy nightie?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “She held up that green T-shirt in front of Cameron and me, remember?”

  “You just think I’m like any typical man and can’t resist the charms of a beautiful woman.”

  “Allan,” Dale said, shaking his head, “you’re a shining example to the rest of us. But you’re only human.”

  “I can’t hurt her, Dale. And I’m bound to. You know I am if I’m not careful.”

  “You saved her life once, and you’re keeping her safe now. She’ll see the good in you after this is all over. You don’t think so now, but you’ll thank Garcia that he gave you this assignment.”

  “Don’t bet on it.”

  Dale’s mouth curved up.

  “As soon as she finds out this has been all a lie—”

  “Okay, so you’re screwed, and you won’t be glad you had this assignment.” Dale slapped the couch, then stood. “Let me know which restaurant for sure. The two new guys will tail you while the rest of us get some sleep.”

  “Sure.” Allan headed to the kitchen as Dale left the condo.

  When Allan knocked on the bedroom door seconds later, there wasn’t any answer. “Jenny?” When she still didn’t respond, he jerked the door open. His adrenaline switched to alert mode.

  She was singing away in the bathroom with the water splashing in the sink and the door closed. He tried to settle his heart’s rapid beats with a couple of deep breaths. He crossed the bedroom, then rapped on the door. “Jenny, is Italian food all right?”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Great. I’ll make reservations.” He exited the bedroom and called Dale on his cell phone. “Italian place is a go. Make reservations for us for half an hour from now.”

  “I’m ready,” Jenny said, stepping out of the bedroom.

  Allan turned, and said to Dale, “Talk later.” Jenny stood before him in a simple black dress that fit her curves sensually. The neckline was too low and when she twirled around, the back was nonexistent. His heart stopped dead. Now if she wore something like that too bed…

  The skirt flared at the bottom edge with just a slight exotic curl that encouraged audience participation. He could just imagine lifting it to…

  “Like it?” She smiled.

  “I was thinking a bit more casual.”

  She laughed. “It is casual. No frills, just really simple.”

  The woman was undoing his moral fabric, one ravel at a time.

  “All right.” His voice had turned husky and deep all of a sudden. He’d never been aroused so quickly by any woman, not even his ex-wife. Jenny was forbidden fruit, dangled in front of a starving man. “Just let me get into something a little dressier.”

  “Did you get the medicine?”

  “Uh, yes.” He handed her the pills, and when she walked over to the nightstand to get her glass of water, he ducked into the closet to select a pair of black trousers and a pink shirt.

  When he stepped out of the closet, she smiled. “Ah, now I can see I married a really smart dresser.”

  She crossed the floor to join him, but he knew if she got close to him with that body of hers in that sexy dress, they would never make it get out of the condo.

  “Can I help you with anything, Allan?”

  He kissed her cheek. “If you help me, we’ll never get out of here.”

  She laughed. “All right. Maybe after we eat and go
shopping, this raging headache will have dissipated, and we can take care of that swelling you seem to have whenever we’re together.”

  No way could she take care of him, the way he sure as hell wanted her to. He dressed in record time as she slipped on a pair of black sandals. No pantyhose?

  He hurried her out of the condo trying to avoid being seen by his partners who’d remain behind. He’d wanted her to wear his raincoat to cover up all her satiny exposed skin. The bikini was bad enough, but the dress was driving him crazy.

  Dale stepped out of the room on the second floor of the condo and gave them an admiring smile. “Have fun, you two.”

  “Thanks.” Allan hurried Jenny down the stairs.

  “Do they bug you all of the time?” Jenny asked.

  Allan walked her outside, then across the parking lot. “Yeah, but this time more than usual.”

  He helped her into the car and glanced over his shoulder. Crowlston, one of the new guys, a Special Forces character like him, but short and wiry and wearing a dark crew cut, sat watching them in a red Mustang several parking spaces away.

  Beasley, the other, like Samuel, an ex-marine, would be at the restaurant already.

  When Allan pulled into the parking area of the restaurant, Jenny shook her head. “We could have walked. I didn’t know it was this close to where we’re staying.”

  “Not in your condition. Maybe later.” In actuality, he wasn’t taking her anywhere at night on a walk. Wouldn’t be safe.

  He helped her out of the car and noticed Beasley at the entrance. Crowlston cut his engine nearby. The agents were in place.

  Allan escorted Jenny into the restaurant, and because they had reservations, they were quickly seated. He sat with his back against a wall where he had a view of the entire restaurant.

  Beasley sat on the other side of the restaurant and kept watch. His black hair had a smattering of gray, though he was only thirty. Otherwise he had a youthful face, rounded, not hard. For being a Navy Seal, he didn’t appear toughened. Beasley glanced up at the waitress, then took a menu, but he barely looked at it. Allan didn’t know the man, but could see by his actions, he knew what he was doing.

  Still, when a shadow of a figure passed by the window, Allan was instantly consumed with worry. He caught Beasley’s attention and motioned with his head to the window. Beasley whipped out his phone, punched buttons, then spoke briefly.

  Crowlston, who remained outside, would check it out. The notion things were too quiet and could quickly heat up, put Allan at edge. Twice Jenny spoke to him, and he had to ask her what she’d said.

  She reached over at one point and ran her hand over his. “Is there something wrong?”

  He kissed her hand. “No, sorry.”

  “There’s a crease as big as the Marianna Trench across your forehead.”

  He smiled. “I just want to see you eat well and get better.”

  The waitress served their shrimp pasta. After Allan shoved in his sixth forkful of the white saucy noodles brimming with sweet pink shrimp, he realized he was wolfing his meal down too quickly, as he usually did on assignment. He never knew when things would get out of hand, and the next meal wouldn’t be available for several hours.

  Jenny ate her meal slowly. He watched her for a moment, then touched her shoulder. “You okay, honey?” Jeez, he did it again. Remnants of calling his ex-wife honey. Had to be.

  “Yes.” She smiled one of those smiles that hit him in the kisser and knocked him down. “I guess my stomach kind of shrank.”

  “You need to eat to regain your strength.” If they came under fire, he couldn’t be carrying her. She had to have some stamina to make it until he could get her to safety. Already, he was considering the worst-case scenario.

  “Oh, I’m going to keep eating. I just have to do it more slowly.” She pointed to his half eaten meal. “Looks like you were hungry.”

  “Sorry. I tend to be a bit of a wolfer. You’ll have to break me of the habit.” He couldn’t believe he said that either. As if he was going to be with her long term. Jeez.

  “Well, who knows? When I have my appetite back, I might be a fast eater, too. Then we can get to dessert quicker.”

  Yeah, with her, he would have to have dessert several times a day. He noticed a man staring at Jenny’s naked back. Allan wished he could have had her sequestered against the wall, her luscious skin hidden from other men’s sight. But when Beasley jerked his phone off his belt and swung it to his ear, Allan watched him to see what the news was.

  Jenny spoke to Allan, but he didn’t hear what she said as he focused on Beasley speaking into the phone.

  Was the figure Allan saw outside the window reason to have concern?

  Chapter 6

  The pretty blonde woman squirmed under Thurman Wilson’s body as he filled her with his seed. No need to worry about birth control with the woman, or anything else. For three days he’d enjoyed her, pretending in the dark she was Jenny Brant. He even had her wear the same perfume as Jenny, Joy, the nectar of the gods. But this nameless barhop would never be as sweet or smart or as loving as his Jenny. This woman would never replace her. None would.

  Their lightly moist bodies stuck together momentarily, while he ran his fingers through her golden strands. She purred with pleasure, wrapping her scrawny arms around his back. Nowhere near as voluptuous as Jenny, he’d had a devil of a time visualizing this woman as being her to fill the void until he got Jenny back.

  Things would be so changed between them. Still he could hardly wait to have her back in his bed. To feel her satiny skin and soft rounded breasts. He moaned with desire. The woman drove him insane.

  Despite knowing how dangerous his traitorous thoughts were, he would keep Jenny a while longer. Maybe move her to South America for a time. He knew it would have to end for good though. Any loose ends were bound to catch him up. He wouldn’t die for the lust he felt for any woman.

  Jenny would be his again soon.

  He climbed out of bed and pulled a pair of shorts and T-shirt on, then walked down the hall. When he reached the living area, a flash of light caught his eye on the balcony. Caruso.

  He joined him outside, the heat and humidity brushed away by the steady Florida ocean breeze. The air hung heavy with the smell of fish and seaweed.

  “Boss,” Caruso said in greeting, then poked the cigarette into his mouth.

  “Finish her.” Thurman stared at the sprinkling of white sparkling stars against the blue velvet midnight sky. The dark waves rolled over the Pensacola beach, crashing with the force. He turned to Caruso, one of the best hired hands he’d ever hired. “Be sure the next one isn’t so scrawny.”

  “Gotcha.” Caruso flicked the ashes into the breeze.

  “What’s happening with Jenny?”

  “The guys found her in the Cayman Islands protected by a few A.T.A. agents. She’s had a concussion and doesn’t remember anything about her past.”

  Thurman rubbed his chin, stubbly and needing a shave. “She doesn’t remember me then.”

  “Nope. From what we could gather, she doesn’t remember anything.”

  Thurman smiled. “Couldn’t be better.”

  “We should have her bagged and returned to you by tomorrow evening, latest, if all goes as planned.”

  Thurman nodded, then leaned against the cedar railing to his safe house. He liked his women willing and compliant. Unfortunately with the A.T.A. screwing his plans up, if Jenny did regain her memories, she’d have to be coerced into what he wanted now. Couldn’t be helped.

  He wrinkled his brow. No woman had ever gotten under his skin like this one. She wasn’t like the others, barhops looking for a good time. This woman wanted a man in her life for good. Babies, security, a lifetime commitment…nothing he could give her. Yet, he wanted her like he’d never wanted a woman.

  But the woman, any woman, would be a noose around his neck. He would use her like he intended, then ship out eventually without her. Killing her would hurt. But it couldn’t b
e helped.

  “Just make sure she’s not injured this time.”

  “Yeah, boss. The word’s gone out.”

  He took a deep breath. He didn’t want anyone to hurt her, like he knew he’d have to. But…he would make it as painless as he could. It’s all he could do for her.


  Across the crowded restaurant, Agent Beasley pocketed his phone and shook his head at Allan. He took a deep breath. Whoever Beasley had spied outside the restaurant, wasn’t anyone to be concerned with.

  “Allan,” Jenny said, “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

  He rose from his seat.

  “You don’t have to go with me.”

  “In your condition, I would be remiss in not escorting you there.”

  She chuckled. “All right.” She motioned to the waitress. “I’m not finished eating, so don’t take my plate away.”

  The woman nodded.

  Allan pulled Jenny’s chair out for her. “I wouldn’t have thought to do that.”

  “Yeah, well, I was at a Mexican restaurant once and had to run to the ladies’ room. When I came back, my food was gone. I’d maybe eaten two bites is all.”

  Allan instantly felt hopeful she was recalling her memories. He tightened his grip on her arm and pulled her to a stop. “Where was this?”

  “I don’t know.” Her forehead creased.

  “Who were you eating with?”

  “Allan, I don’t remember. You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

  Sighing heavily, he walked her to the restroom. “Sorry, honey, I just thought maybe you were getting your memory back. But it’s a good sign. The doctor said when you started getting bits and pieces back, the memories might flood in all at once.”

  “Oh.” Frowning, she shook her head. “I can’t remember anything, except coming back to my seat, and my plate was gone. I guess the shock of having my food taken like that, stuck in my mind.”

  Allan smiled. “Yeah, I can imagine.” His heart soared, totally thrilled that Jenny was remembering her life. He wasn’t in too deep with her yet as her faux husband and…hell, what was he thinking? That the moves they made with one another could be real?

  Jeez, he had to be an idiot. She was his current assignment. That’s all. And he was suffering from one horribly acute case of uncontrollable rebound.


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