My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2)

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My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2) Page 14

by M. A. Innes

  Settling into the space between his legs, I leaned back against his chest. It was so relaxing, and we’d done this enough times, I wasn’t even that nervous. One hand started slowly caressing my torso while he brought the bottle up to my mouth.

  My body couldn’t decide what to do or feel. I’d already come but I was starting to get turned on again. I knew he could tell from the front of my diaper how I was reacting. And even though I’d already napped, something about cuddling with him made me want to curl up and go back to sleep. It was confusing and yet still insanely erotic.

  He told me about going down to find the box in the garage. Then he told me that after I played for a while we were going to watch cartoons and have lunch. I lay against him, sucking on the bottle, and enjoyed having him take care of me.

  When I’d gotten about half the water down, his fingers started teasing my tits. At first, making gentle circles around them. Staying just far enough from where I desperately wanted him to touch to make me needy. When he finally skimmed over them, my body decided it was very interested in what was going on.

  The front of my diaper was clearly tented and the soft cottony material was rubbing against my skin, making me crazy. I wanted to reach down and touch myself, but I knew I couldn’t. Daddy might, though…if I asked nicely.

  I just wasn’t sure it was possible.

  When the water was finished and my body couldn’t figure out if it was nap time or playtime, he reached down and gave the front of my diaper a pat. “If you’re a good boy then Daddy will give your special places some attention later. Would you like that?”

  My face had to look like a strawberry or something, but I managed a nod. It was the best I could do. Between the awkwardness of him knowing how hard I was and actually being so turned on, my brain was kind of fried. He didn’t mind. He just gave my cheek a quick kiss and then pointed to the toys.

  “All right. How about you play for a while and then we’ll do something about my sweet boy’s special places.” He said it sincerely and was obviously turned on himself. I shouldn’t have been shy but I was.

  I kept thinking that I’d get less nervous over time, and I probably was. It just didn’t seem that way. I turned back toward Daddy and gave him a hug. “Am I getting less nuts?”

  He laughed and pulled me even closer. He was perfect for me because he knew exactly what I was talking about. “B, you’re sitting here in a diaper after taking a bottle from me. I kept your cock locked away most of the morning and then I spanked you while you almost came.”

  Tightening his grip on me, he gave me a long kiss before he continued. “Even though some of it made you embarrassed, you didn’t let that stop you. I’m so damned proud of you. I love you so much, and you’ve opened up to me more than I ever thought you would. So yes, you are getting less nuts. I like your nuts, though. I like the blushes and the way you hide when you’re overwhelmed. You don’t need to change for me.”

  His voice was forceful, then he paused for a minute—probably thinking that it needed time to sink in. He might have been right. “I’m going to push you and take care of you and love the hell out of you. You are perfect exactly how you are.” Then he gave me another long kiss and gave my diaper another pat. “Now go play with your toys and relax. Don’t worry about anything else.”

  It didn’t seem like it could be that easy. Just play and relax. It was.

  Soldiers lined up to fight. Teddy watched over us all as the high commander and some of my sister’s leftover pastel-colored horse things were the cavalry. I’d peek up occasionally to see what Mad was doing. Sometimes he was playing on his phone. Sometimes he was reading on mine. Sometimes he was watching me play.

  It was fun.

  Simple, relaxing, and even the fact that I was nearly naked didn’t faze me. After a while, Daddy went to refill my bottle and get himself some water. When he came back, I got a tender kiss and then he sat with me on the floor holding me while I drank some more. That probably should have clued me in.

  It didn’t.



  Bryan was starting to get it. He’d been a little too fuzzy and worn out when he first sat down to play to overanalyze anything. Once he’d started, he’d gotten into it. Lining up the toys and shifting them around to fit whatever picture was in his head.

  He was too damned cute.

  I stayed busy but also kept an eye on the clock. After he’d been playing about forty-five minutes, I figured it was time for the next step. Getting his bottle and refilling it, I sat down with him and we cuddled while he drank.

  He was so sweet and cute like that. Holding him, feeding him, and maybe it was some kind of control thing, but it was the biggest rush to have him dependent on me like that. Control freak, I know. I was about to have even more control over my boy, though. He was just starting to realize it.

  I didn’t go back to the bed when he was done drinking. He was going to need me soon. He lay back down on his stomach and went back to playing with the little blocks. It looked like he was making some kind of little town. I ran my hand over his back and his bottom, relaxing while he played—and while I waited.

  About five minutes later, I started to notice little things. His feet were bobbing up and down from the floor even faster and he was starting to fidget. After another few minutes, he winced a little and sat up to sit cross-legged on the floor instead of lying down.

  He didn’t say anything, even though I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. He’d hunch over for a minute then make a little face, squirm, and straighten up. He was obviously trying to get more comfortable while he worked up the nerve to talk to me about the problem.

  After two bottles of water, my boy had to go.

  It was about time, too. Between breakfast and the nap and then the first bottle, I thought he would have had to go earlier. Watching the way he shifted and tried to find a position that wouldn’t press on his bladder, it wasn’t going to be long.

  I wasn’t sure if he would be able to talk to me about it first or if it was going to be too much. It ended up being a little bit of both. Once another few minutes had passed, he looked down at the toys, intent and blushing, then the words came out in a jumble. “Um…I…the…I have to…um…Daddy…and…go…um…”

  At least he tried. I understood what he was trying to say anyway so I twisted around to wrap myself around him. Letting him play with the toys—I thought it gave him something to focus on—I ran my hands up and down his chest and sides while I pressed up against his back. “I know, Baby. We’re not going to worry about that right now. I want you to play with your toys and sit here with me.”

  His mouth opened and closed a couple of times in this cute little fish face before he managed to get words out. “Sure…I mean…you want…and you’re sure…” It made a little more sense than the other words, and I was proud of him.

  I gave him a kiss on his cheek and pinched his nipple a little bit. “Good boy.” He squirmed and his blush was back. So damned cute. “I’m so proud of you for using your words, B.”

  He started rolling a small yellow piece in his hand, just looking at it. “I’m very sure. I just want you to play and have fun with your blocks. When you need me to take care of something, I will. Then we’ll cuddle and watch some cartoons.”

  Bryan peeked up at me and I knew his brain was going like crazy, obsessing over what was going to happen. There wasn’t much I could do about that now but just hold him and try to reassure him that it wasn’t going to freak me out.

  I’d thought about this and planned everything out in my head enough times that I was pretty confident about it. I’d even watched a few videos online. Not quite porn, more like weird sex-ed videos that were nothing like I’d seen in school.

  The next step was hands-on learning because I wasn’t going to try and find more stuff online. I was starting to get into weird, and not just kinky. Holding him tight, I reached out and randomly grabbed another block. This would probably be easier
if he wasn’t so focused on what he had to do. What he wanted to do, really…he just wasn’t comfortable admitting that right now.

  He’d already used his diapers on his own in the past, and I knew he was open to doing it with me—it just scared the hell out of him. This was one of those things that he was going to have to see I was okay with. Like with everything else so far, once we got through the first time then it would be easier.

  Bryan had put me in charge of this stuff, so he shouldn’t be that surprised. Maybe he was. I guess I talked about the other parts of his fantasies and the lifestyle more than this piece. It had just taken me a little while to wrap my head around it, and it clearly made him uncomfortable. So I hadn’t brought it up.

  Most of the time when I talked to him about this stuff it was when he was naked or we were playing. That just hadn’t seemed the right time to bring up using his diaper. Should it have been? I still wasn’t sure. This wasn’t exactly erotic but it was special and it hit my inner-control-freak button so I didn’t think I’d have an issue with it.

  He’d given me ultimate control over his body. It was kind of hot.

  There were obviously some things that I still had to work out in my head, but putting this off wasn’t going to make it easier. If we did it now or six months from now, it would still be difficult for Bryan, and I thought it would get bigger in his head.

  This was the perfect time to do it. We were guaranteed to be alone. No matter how long it took, we wouldn’t be interrupted. I figured his body would give out before he worked up the nerve to actually do it, but I knew how stubborn he could be.

  So I held him close and when he couldn’t seem to relax enough to play by himself anymore, I started asking him questions about his creations. Questions about the little car he put together and about the buildings. What was happening there? Tell–Daddy–a–story kind of comments.

  That seemed to help a little. I also kept up the light touches and caresses. A quick pinch to his tits, a long caress down his chest, a teasing pat to his diaper. I didn’t want to get him too worked up, but he’d already been turned on when he sat down to play and I didn’t want him to forget that. I was looking forward to picking up where we’d left off.

  Could you have kinky sex while watching cartoons?

  You probably shouldn’t, but I was going to anyway. That kind of felt naughtier than what we were doing.…Well, trying to do. Bryan was starting to squirm again and he was fighting it big time. It shouldn’t be cute…right?

  Something else to think about.

  He was starting to grip the toys so hard, I was worried about him breaking something. It might have been the toys but it could have easily been him. Taking them out of his hands and setting them on the floor, I pulled him back so he was leaning on my chest. Bracing one hand behind me on the floor, I used my other to keep touching him.

  When he settled back against me, not relaxed at all, I started rubbing small, slow circles over his belly. His skin was soft and I could feel his muscles quivering. I wished there was a way that I could help him relax, but I wasn’t sure what to do.

  I wasn’t pushing him too hard, so I tried not to worry about that. He never said no, and he never gave me any indication that he wanted to take back control over this decision. My baby was crazy nervous.

  Telling him how much I loved him and how special he was, we sat there on the floor and waited. I told him how cute he looked and how I’d loved watching him play with his toys. I talked about the movie and started giving him little hints about what else I wanted to do with him…to him.

  I talked about practical things like lunch and how I was going to feed him again. I told him about wanting more things for playtime like some plates and stuff. Things to make mealtime more fun. Maybe he got tired of sitting on the floor or maybe it was my incessant chattering, but eventually, he relaxed a bit and something changed.

  He was still laying against me, with his head turned to rest his cheek against my chest. For one little second, I felt the tension ease. Any other time and I might not have noticed—it was just for a split second, but he’d been so tense for so long that it was surprising.

  Then it was over, and I could see him start to panic. His face didn’t go red this time; there was no cute blush…he went white. I scooted around so that he could tuck his face into my neck and held him. No more stories and rambling; I just made soothing sounds and tried to let him know I wasn’t going anywhere.

  It was over in seconds. Even though he tried to pull up his legs to hide his diaper, I could see the fullness that hadn’t been there before. Was it crazy that I was proud of him? I wasn’t going to analyze that right now. I had more important things to focus on. Some practical and some emotional.

  I didn’t want him to sit in his diaper for too long, but he also didn’t seem to be in any position to move. His face was still pressed tightly against my neck and I could feel how fast he was breathing. A little too fast, really.

  “Deep breath, Baby. I want you to listen to me and take a few slow deep breaths.” He managed to focus enough for one. That was a good start but not enough. “That’s my good boy. One more for me. That’s good. We’re going to sit right here until you calm down. I’m not going anywhere, and nothing is wrong.”

  I waited until his body seemed to start relaxing and he wasn’t holding on to me in panic before I said anything else. I just made soothing noises and told him how he was a good boy over and over. When the fear of his hyperventilating passed, I decided to bring up the obvious because he needed to be changed.

  “You did such a good job. I know using your diaper was hard for you, Baby, but I’m so proud of you. When we get you all cleaned up we’re going to watch some cartoons and then Daddy’s going to give you some special attention. Would you like that?” I let my hands start wandering over his body again, caressing and teasing. I even trailed my fingers down his belly to pat the front of his diaper.

  It was full and firmer than it usually was; it wasn’t as odd as I thought it would be. I’d just wanted him to understand that I wasn’t freaked out. I was hoping that seeing I was still good would help him calm down. Was it strange that I was kind of proud of myself too?

  Yeah, I’d planned and researched, but this was all still so new. I think my biggest fear had been that I would fuck it up somehow. Scar him for life or make this first time bad for him. It was a big responsibility. Like him losing his virginity all over again. That was huge.

  Feeling him start to relax and cuddle me instead of holding me so I wouldn’t run away…or maybe so that I would save him from the monster, my worries started to fade. We’d done it. Well, he’d done the work…that didn’t sound right. However I should say it, I was relieved that nothing had gone wrong.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, B. I’m ready to lay down on the bed. How about you?” I waited to see what he would say or if he would even say anything. I wasn’t sure what he would be able to do. Surprisingly, I got a real sentence that made sense and everything. It felt a little bit rehearsed but if he had to practice it in his head a few times, I wasn’t going to say anything.

  “I need to be changed, but lying down sounds good.” He was still hiding but he’d tilted his head so that it was easier to see his face now. That was even better progress than a sentence.

  “All right, then.” I stood up doing my best not to let go of him. It probably looked a little silly but we managed. He seemed relieved that I didn’t move away, so I held him tightly as we made our way over to the bed. I had to let him go to finish getting things organized but luckily, I didn’t have to go far.

  When he’d been sleeping earlier, I’d tried to think through the situation as thoroughly as I could. I’d found the toys and gotten his bottle out but I’d also set out a towel under the bed and everything I thought we would need to change his diaper.

  He blushed a little and looked away as I got the full effect of his sagging diaper. He was so cute. Something about the shyness combined with the diaper and knowi
ng what he’d done was just…just so cute. There was no other way to describe it.

  Once I had it ready, I gave the towel a pat. “Climb up, B. We need to change you. I want to keep your special places all clean.” That had his blush flaring into overdrive, but he managed to climb on the bed without hiding.

  Cleanup went smoothly—research had definitely paid off. Diaper in the little trash can I’d stashed under the bed, wipes to make sure he was clean, and a little bit of lotion. I’ll admit, that was the best part. Watching him wiggle and harden under my touch, still blushing but now because he was so turned on was sexy.

  Leaving him hard and needy as I fastened up a new diaper was even better. Knowing how much we were both going to enjoy our TV time as I teased him and made him crazy had me hard and aching. I’d told him I was going to give his special places some attention, but no one had said anything about a strict timeline.

  My boy was a perfect fit for me, so I knew he wasn’t going to mind. He was going to love every minute of it. Leaning down to give him a long slow kiss, I was so thankful he’d come into my life and that we’d had the chance to be together this summer. If I hadn’t heard that conversation in the kitchen, I had no idea how things would have turned out.

  “I love you, Baby.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.”


  The next part of their story continues in Our Perfect Puzzle August 2017

  M.A. Innes is the pseudonym for best-selling author Shaw Montgomery. While Shaw writes femdom and m/m erotic romance. Michael is the side of Shaw that wants to write about topics that are more taboo. If you liked the book, please leave a short review. It is greatly appreciated.

  Please feel free to contact Shaw on Facebook and Goodreads.

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