Hand Tossed

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Hand Tossed Page 5

by Knox, Abby

  I wait impatiently for him to resume the kissing, but first, he looks into my eyes and runs his thumb along my bottom lip.

  “Someone should write an opera about this face.”

  My ears heat up, and I know just by the sensation that they are red as a Roma tomato. I’m not embarrassed; I hope he doesn’t think that.

  “I’m not used to people talking to me like this. It’s going to take some time, Leo.”

  He leans in so close that when he speaks, I can feel his breath across my lips. “How about kissing? Are you used to being kissed like this?”

  When he lays his mouth across mine again, my whole world turns to a welcome, velvety fog. My eyes are closed, but the void behind them is full of rainbows and glitter in the darkness. I am lost in this kiss. The contact between us builds so much heat inside me that by the time he teases with the tip of his tongue, my mind has turned to goo.

  He licks once then pulls away. I have to force myself not to whimper.

  “No,” I say. “No one has ever kissed me like that.”

  He growls and kisses me again, murmuring in between prodding, warm, wet kisses. “No one else will.”

  His tongue fully slides into my mouth again and wakes up all the dormant corners of my body and mind. I want to experience all the things this man can do with my body now that he’s woken me up.

  As if reading my thoughts, Leo pulls away from the kiss one more time, his eyes hooded, his lips glistening from our kiss, and slides one thick thigh between my legs.

  I draw in a deep breath at the wave of anticipation this creates in me. “I have to tell you something before this goes any further. Leo. I’m a virgin.”

  Leo takes less than a beat to respond. He looks intently at me and furrows his brow as if I’d suggested we eat raw pizza dough for breakfast.

  Oh shit. Here it comes.

  Chapter Twelve


  Diana looks away, biting her lip.

  She’s so unsure of herself, and I hate the idea that anyone put thoughts into her head that being a virgin is somehow a disadvantage.

  “I can’t imagine why you think that’s an issue for me.”

  She glances back at me then looks past my head; she can’t seem to meet my eyes.

  “Some guys have broken up with me because of it. Because I wouldn’t, you know, put out.”

  I palm the sides of her face with both my hands firmly. “Listen, there’s nothing wrong with you. You are perfect exactly the way you are. And you’re my girl. Understand?”

  She hesitantly nods.

  I grit my teeth. “What do I have to do to convince you that it’s not a big deal?”

  She smirks. “Kiss me again.”

  Her playfulness and her tender lips pull a deep groan out of me as I lock our mouths together, pressing my pelvis tighter against her. She pushes back, and I grunt in longing at the friction.

  “What can I do for you, Leo?”

  “Come closer.”

  My heart threatens to knock itself silly right through my chest in response to the way she looks back at me. “I’m already here, I can’t get any clos—”

  “Let’s test that theory,” I say, rudely interrupting and hiking her legs up around my hips, grinding her against the door.

  My Diana moans into my mouth, and returns grind for grind. My filthy brain is desperate to know if she’s wet for me. And how wet?

  Don’t even think about dicking her in your office between the dinner rushes. She doesn’t deserve that for her first time. And then the filthy voice reminds me, You said yourself it wasn’t a big deal. So just go for it. She’s ready.

  I never would have thought I’d be thankful for my one of my brothers interrupting me while losing myself in this woman’s affection.

  But I’ll say it, thank god Frank burst through the door of the office right before I got carried away.

  Of course, he could have knocked first and prevented Diana and me from nearly tumbling to the floor.


  A scuffling noise accompanies Frank’s voice. Diana gasps and hops down off me. She tries to scurry away, but I’ve got her. Drawing an arm around her and pulling her close, I tell her not to worry; he’s my brother.

  She looks at me with wide eyes. “I’m not ready to meet your family,” she hisses.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell her. “But I didn’t know he was gonna show up like this. Anyway, Frank’s cool. You’ll like him.”

  Frank’s five o’clock shadow and the wild look in his bloodshot eyes don’t make him look especially cool. What’s even less okay is Diana’s reaction to the dude he’s got by the back of the shirt. Frank shoves the scrawny little fucker into a chair and looks at Diana.

  He points to the scrawny dude, who looks both put out and scared. “This him?”

  Diana presses a hand to her chest. “What is he doing here?” Then she pivots to me, fire in her eyes. “What is he doing here? What did you do?”

  I raise my hands to call for a time out. “Hold on a minute. Let’s make introductions. Frank? This is Diana. Diana? This is my brother Frank.”

  Frank nods. “Nice to meet you. I’m sorry for startling you two lovebirds.”

  “Frank, please,” I say.

  “Moving on. I’m sorry to bother you, Diana, but is this the guy?”

  She looks like she’s still trying to collect her thoughts. “Judging by her reaction, I’d say yes. That’s the guy who framed her for driving while impaired.”

  At that moment, Toby walks in. My manager freezes, eyeing this scene that’s playing out without explanation. He points to Frank and then to me. “Am I interrupting a family meeting or…?”

  Frank blurts, “Go get the lady a glass of water, would ya?”

  Diana nods. “Yeah, I think I need a second.”

  She looks pale and not at all happy to see that punk-ass bitch Gary. No surprise there. When she sips the water, she looks from me to Frank to Gary and back to me. When she eventually composes herself, she starts with Gary.

  “Explain yourself.” Diana crosses her arms and sits down in my chair behind my desk, waiting for Gary to say what she needs to hear him say.

  Gary, still looking put upon, splutters, “I was just locking my door on the way to work, and this jerkoff starts roughing me up. Shoved me in the back of his creepy car with no locks and drove me here.”

  Diana levels him with a devastating sneer. “No, idiot. Explain to me what you did that night that I got picked up for DUI.”

  “I told you not to drive! I warned you!”

  “Tell the truth, Gary.”

  Frank slowly cracks his knuckles one by one as if preparing for a fistfight. “Yeah, Gar. Tell the lady the truth, or I got a fun game you and I can play together. It’s called Hide the Tooth. I knock out a tooth, and you have five minutes to find it before we go again.”

  “Bit much, Frankie,” I say.

  He looks at me. “Think so?”

  I nod. Frank shrugs. “Ah well. It’s been a while since I interrogated a bitch. I got excited. I’ll try to behave, as long as you tell the truth, Gar.”

  Gary cackles and points his chin at Diana. “You got a couple of pimps fighting over you now, is that it? I should have figured you’d end up this way.”

  It’s not Frank who strikes first. Or me, even though I charge at him before I can stop myself.

  Diana hits first and hits hard.

  The chair tumbles on its side in the scuffle, and Diana pins Gary to the wall, her fist full of his stupid tee-shirt. Her other hand cracks him one time in the nose. I know that noise, and it’s about to get ugly in here.

  Blood pours out and the scrawny dude cries like a baby. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you! Just don’t punch me again. And tell your pimps to back off.”

  Diana, with an eerie calm, turns to me. “Leo?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Hit him again for me, would you? That hurt my hand.”

  She doesn’t have to ask me twice. />
  Chapter Thirteen


  It feels good to have my name cleared, not just because my court fees have gone away.

  Justice feels good.

  After Gary spilled the truth—it only took one more knock to the head—Frank took him down to the precinct, and Leo and I followed while Leo’s assistant chef took over the late dinner shift.

  After a couple of hours’ worth of paperwork and interviews, the police tell me I’m free to go. All charges are dropped.

  Outside the precinct, Leo slips his arms around my waist and gives me that soulful gaze that I’m gradually becoming more comfortable with.

  “We’d better get back to work, huh, boss? Don’t want to disappoint the dinner crowd.”

  Leo shakes his head. “You have the rest of the night off and so do I. My assistant chef can do it just as well as I can, and I think we earned it.”

  My lips must be sending the signal they want Leo to kiss them again, because he does just that. The tenderness is a beautiful feeling after spending all evening in an institutional gray space under the scrutiny of the police, in between long periods of waiting and doing nothing. Of course, being in a waiting room with Leo is not exactly dull.

  He kept my hand in his the whole time, except to fetch me water and coffee. He took my mind off the waiting with stories about his childhood, and had me tell him all about mine and my crazy family of five sisters.

  When the police insisted he had to stay in the waiting room while I gave my testimony to the investigators in the interview room, Leo was adorably grumpy about having to leave my side even for a minute. Oddly, the waiting area of the precinct was the best first date of my life, I tell him. Five stars. Would recommend.

  “Oh, you mean, best second date. Our first date was when you ralphed in my Jeep,” he teases.

  I punch his bulbous shoulder, and he pretends it hurts. “Forget driving; you gotta get a license for that right hook, young lady.”

  I roll my eyes, but I can’t stop smiling all the way back to his house.

  We’re having such a good time that I pout like a preteen when he shows me to my room, yet he doesn’t come in.

  I smooth my hand up Leo’s chest. “But I’m ready now,” I say.

  He pulls me close and kisses me for what must be the hundredth time that day. “I know. But I made plans while you were talking to the cops. Now go rest up and get dressed. I’ll come and fetch you when it’s time for our third date.”

  He leaves, and looking around this large guest room, I feel a strange familiarity. That’s when I notice my favorite fuzzy blanket is on the bed. “What the?”

  I go to the closet, and all my clothes are on hangers, as well as a pretty summer dress displayed prominently that I’ve never seen before.

  In the adjoining bathroom, it’s more of my stuff, in addition to a basket full of new lotions and potions that I’ve only seen in magazines and could never afford.

  “All my shit is here,” I say to Chloe when I call her. “I think he moved me out of the motel and into his house.”

  I expect her to be horrified at Leo’s forwardness. “Thank god. That place has been the site of at least three murders we know about.”

  “You overreact about the wrong things. I was sort of wondering if you were going to try to talk me out of moving so quickly with Leo.”

  Chloe pauses for a moment, then says, “Let’s see. I met my husband, and three days later, we were engaged. So, no, I don’t see myself telling you to run away. You sound happy; that’s all I care about.”

  “I am. Cautiously.”

  “Don’t be too cautious. You are a virgin at 25.”

  I laugh. “Oh, I’m definitely going to jump Leo’s bones tonight.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  The special pizza that we made together today— the one Diana had spilled an entire jar of tomato sauce over—I had delivered to the house for our date.

  On the veranda overlooking the pool, we demolish half of the pizza while we comfortably wind our way through a dozen or more important topics of conversation: favorite movies, books, music, how many kids each of us wants, and the proper way to eat an Oreo cookie.

  “I thought that dress I had delivered was pretty, but you make it look amazing,” I tell her.

  Diana looks away shyly again, and a flush of pink blooms across her chest, muting the rainbow skull tattoo.

  “Look at me.”

  “I’m not used to all this attention, Leo.”

  I slip my hands around both of hers and draw them to my lips, pressing a kiss to each of her knuckles. “Get used to it quickly because I can’t stop looking at you, touching you, thinking about you.”

  “You’re kind of a lot, Leo. But I like it.”

  I continue my kisses across the back of her hand, down to her wrist, up her forearm. I want to kiss every inch of her; every bit of my Diana sets my soul on fire. “I knew as soon as I saw you that you were mine, Diana. All day long, it killed me to look and not touch.”

  She laughs. “You did your share of touching.”

  “I could not wait to get you alone,” I say, unable to deny it, dotting her collarbones with slow, wet kisses.

  “You’re a bad influence,” she teases. “I’ve been having nothing but dirty thoughts since you dropped me off last night.”

  Kissing up her neck and back down to the little valley between her breasts, I have to know what that means. “What kind of dirty thoughts?”

  Diana moans when I nose the fabric aside to nuzzle one breast.

  She answers, “I’ve been thinking about riding those thighs since last night.”

  “Do it,” I reply instantly, now focusing on the other breast. One slight tug, and I notice something amid my nuzzling. Diana’s not wearing a bra under her dress. I growl and tease her with my lips through the thin, soft fabric, nudging and nuzzling until her nipple rises up to say hello. “There you are,” I say, running my thumb over it, teasing it out more, tasting and savoring her soft skin.

  “Oh,” she says, like she’s surprised I’m into the idea. “Really? Here, on the veranda?”

  “Get on this thing,” I say, slapping my thigh. Something’s come over me, and I’m soon blurting out all sorts of filth I never imagined would come out of my mouth. “I want you to smear that wet virgin pussy all over my legs.”

  “Wow. Just, wow,” she says, her breath going shaky.

  Diana doesn’t hesitate another second; she pushes back her patio chair, climbs up, and straddles my leg, squeezing it between her thighs.

  I can’t help but notice two things: one, how nice it is to have this woman’s boobs in my face. The second thing has my mouth salivating and my cock twitching angrily.

  “Baby,” I rumble, still nuzzling and petting her breasts, “You’re not wearing a single thing under that dress. Not even panties.”

  “You’re right, boss. Do I get my bonus now?”

  I like this. I mean, I really like this thing Diana’s doing.

  “Be a good girl and ride me, just like that, until you come. I want to watch your face the whole time.”

  She wets her lips and steals my heart with her kiss. “Yes, sir,” she says, then leans back and lets me watch.

  I keep my eyes on her face, watching every changing expression while she rides my thigh. She closes her eyes and parts her lips, reveling in the friction.

  “That’s it, girl. Get it. Fucking come on my leg.” My teeth grit, my skin tightens, and my angry-red cock jerks inside my chinos.

  Diana is so beautiful and becomes even more so when she orgasms. She falls against me, digging her nails into my back through my shirt.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Leo,” she gasps, her body still quaking. “I’ve ruined your pants.”

  “I need them off now. And that dress needs to get gone. And before you ask, the answer is yes. Here. On the veranda. Now.”

  Chapter Fifteen


sp; Leo takes his time with me, blocking the world out with his big arms around my naked body. I don’t remember if I’ve ever been naked outdoors before, but the breeze and his eyes roaming my curves make me feel safe and cherished.

  He catches me looking down between our bodies. “Touch it, Diana. It’s just a penis.”

  He makes me laugh, but my tittering stops when I hold his throbbing red dick in my hand. Its velvety softness on the outside surprises me, despite it standing erect. Extremely, demandingly erect.

  Leo makes me blush with his frankness. He walks me through the process, just like he did with kneading the dough earlier today. “Come up a little,” he whispers.

  I rise up a bit on my knees, and he slides his hand inside my folds. My body twitches at this new sensation, his rough fingers igniting fresh need in my most sensitive flesh. He grunts out a small curse. “My good girl is so wet; she might win employee of the month.”

  I once again have the urge to grind; the ache builds so quickly while he touches and explores my pussy.

  “Already on my first day?” I ask breathily, giving him as much playful innocence as I can muster even though my insides are screaming for him to rail me.

  “Well,” he says, sliding one digit into my channel. “Maybe I should break you in slowly first.”

  I squeak at the feeling of his finger filling me, and then a second. The in-and-out motion delivers heat to every corner of my body. Every nerve ending feels awake with arousal. “Do you…oh god…think I’m a good fit?”

  He laughs, withdrawing his fingers. I cry out in frustration because I need more. It’s a deep, primal need so intense it almost hurts. Instead, he centers me above the tip of his cock, and then holds my gaze while he uses his hand to drench his entire throbbing length in my juices.


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