Love Goes On

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Love Goes On Page 7

by Crystal Britton


  Christmas Shopping

  December had finally arrived! I love this month because of the snow! Nevertheless, not too much snow, and presents, I love to give presents and I like getting them too! School was going well for me! I am passing with all A’s! This Friday my mom and I are going Christmas shopping! I haven’t purchased any gifts yet, and my mom only had a few things to buy for Kaden.

  “Sara? Are you ready?” Kaden asked me.

  “Yeah, I’m ready! Sorry!” I answered.

  “Well, let’s go!”

  We got into the truck. We were going to Logan’s for dinner tonight. In addition, tomorrow I will be going shopping with my mom!

  When we arrived at Logan’s, we were seated. Then we ordered our drinks and started to look over the menu.

  “Did your parents say anything else about me?” I asked Kaden.

  “Well, my mom really wants to meet you in person,” Kaden answered.

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet them. They seem extremely nice.”

  “They are. What are you getting to eat?”

  “Do you want to share a sampler platter?”

  “I wouldn’t mind sharing.”

  After we ate we shared dessert which was apple pie and vanilla ice cream, then we headed back to the mansion.

  The next day when I got out of school, my mom was waiting for me. I ran over to her, and we hugged.

  “I’m glad to see you Mom!” I said excitedly.

  “I’m glad to see you too, Sara!” Mom said.

  “Let me take my book bag in the house, and then we can go.”

  As I turned around to walk inside, Kaden took my book bag from me.

  “No need to, Sara. I’ll do it and here,” Kaden said as he handed me my purse.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, My Beauty.” He kissed me. “Now go have a great time. I’ll see you when you get back!”

  “Okay.” I kissed Kaden. Then I got into the car, and we headed to the mall.

  “What are you getting today?” Mom asked me.

  “Well, I haven’t bought gifts for anyone so I need gifts for you, Dad, Kaden, Heather, Riley and Sadie,” I said as Mom laughed. “What’s so funny?”


  “Yes, Sadie, she needs gifts too.”

  When we arrived at the mall, we walked into Target where I bought gifts for Riley and Sadie. Then we went into an antique store where I bought my mom and Heather glass figurines. Mom’s figurine has a little girl hugging her mother. Heather’s figurine was an angle holding her hands crossed and wings on her back.

  After I paid for the figurines, Mom took the bags to the van, and we continued to shop.

  The next store we went into was JCPenny to shop for Kaden and my dad. Mom and I bought Kaden some gifts, and I bought Dad some gifts. Mom again took the bags to the van, so we didn’t have to lug everything around.

  The next store we shopped at was Macy’s but I shopped alone because I was shopping for my mom.

  Meanwhile, my mom went into Bath&Body Works while I shopped for her. When I finished shopping I met Mom in Bath&Body Works, and then we bought some lotion and fragrances.

  Mom and I went to Debs too because they had good deals in there. When we finished we headed to the Dollar Store to get some wrapping paper, bows, tissue paper, boxes for clothes, bags and some name tags.

  While Mom took the bags to the van, I started to walk into the Dollar Store to get everything, but I spotted Lucy with Trevor!

  “How could she! She was such a BITCH!” I said under my breath. I tried to hide but Lucy spotted me and walked over holding Trevor’s hand.

  “Hello, Sara! How are you?” Lucy asked cheerfully as if nothing ever happened. I thought she was only acting that way because she was with Trevor.

  “I don’t think I know you!” I said snottily.

  “Oh, come on, Sara, don’t be like that!”

  “Oh, I will and I can. You tried to make moves on my man!” I shouted angrily.

  “Oh, Sara, will you forgive me?” She asked poking her lip out at me, being rude.

  I huffed. “No, I’m not forgiving you! I even saw what you wrote about me on Facebook. So do you think I’m going to forgive you! No, I’m not! In addition, you’re breaking friendship rules by dating Trevor!” I said angrily.

  She touched my arm. “Poor, poor, Sara, she is heartbroken that I took her ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend has the hots for me,” she smiled at me with a smirk.

  I tightened my fist in a ball as I pushed her hand off of me. “You will never have what I have! I’m so much better than you!” I half yelled at her.

  She got up in my face as she let go of Trevor’s hand. “You have that so wrong, honey,” she said with an attitude, “I can have whomever I want, and if you’re better looking than me, why did Trevor go out with you because apparently you’re ugly!”

  “You know you’re just dating my sloppy seconds, so go ahead and date him!”

  “Bitch!” She took Trevor’s hand and walked away.

  I loosened my fist. My mom touched my shoulder.

  “Are you alright?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine!” I said still fired up.

  As we shopped for the rest of our presents all I could think about was Lucy. How could she do this? We were best friends through most of our school years, and now she chooses to act like this! I cannot believe it!

  I paid for the remainder of the gifts. Them Mom and I headed to the mansion to wrap gifts. When we arrived, Kaden took my bags and set them in the living room for me to wrap. Kaden set my mom’s things in the hallway where she and I could still talk. After we separated the supplies, we started wrapping gifts. The first presents to wrap were Moms. She only bought some gifts for Kaden, so I know Mom will finish before me.

  After I wrapped Mom’s gifts, I started with Kaden’s presents. Mom came over and sat on the couch because she finished wrapping Kaden’s gifts.

  “How are you Kaden?” Mom asked me.

  “We are good” I replied.

  “That’s fantastic! How’s Sadie?”

  “She’s awesome! I’ve been thinking about getting a male pug to mate with Sadie. I want to give a puppy to Riley for her first pet and give the other pugs to good homes.”

  “That’s a great idea! Riley will love that!”

  “Speaking of Riley how is she?”

  “She’s such a super baby; she’s nine months old now.”

  “I cannot believe that Riley will be turning one in a couple months!”

  “I feel like you grew too fast, look at you now, you are all grown up and engaged.”

  “I am excited to have kids with Kaden, but I don’t want to rush into motherhood. Kaden seems to want to rush things.”

  “It would be wise if you and Kaden succeed in what you both want to accomplish in life before you two think about having children.”

  I finished wrapping the last gift and placed it under the tree. I put Mom, Dad and Riley’s presents in a separate pile.

  I walked Mom to her van. “Bye, Mom,” I said.

  “Bye, Sara, I love you!” Mom said.

  “I love you too,” We hugged; then I waved good-bye to her as she drove away.

  I took a shower. When I finished showering Kaden was sitting on the bed. I went into my dressing room to put on my pajamas, but I left the door open.

  “Did you have a good time today with your mom?” Kaden asked me.

  “I sure did!” I replied excitedly.

  “That’s great! I missed you though.”

  “I missed you too, but guess who I saw at the mall?” I walked into the room and sat on Kaden’s lap.

  “Whom did you see?”

  “I saw Lucy and Trevor. I argued with her and told her to go ahead and have my sloppy seconds.”

  He chuckled. “Good for you.”

  “I wish I only hit her. It would have felt great!” I giggled.

  Kaden laughed. “Don’t pay any mind to her. She wants you to pay attention to her so she knows she’s getting under your skin.”

  “She was my friend. She knows how to get under my skin.”


  Another Pug

  Today was Christmas! I’m excited to see everyone open their gifts! We are opening gifts at my parent’s house first and eating breakfast (or brunch)

  We’re all gathered in the living room. My dad was the first to open his gifts, then my mom. I saved the glass figurine last for Mom to open.

  “This is just beautiful!” Mom said amazed.

  “You’re welcome,” I smiled.

  Mom stood up and hugged me. Then she placed the figurine on Dad’s coffee table because it was safe there for now. When we finished opening presents we gathered around the table to eat.

  “How has this year been for you so far?” Dad asked me.

  “It’s been great! There have been rough times, but I’ve made it through,” I replied.

  “Well, I hope your years to come will be great too,” Mom said.

  “I hope so!” I said.

  “Kaden, how are you?” Dad asked him.

  “I’m good, and you?” Kaden responded.

  “I’m doing well. Thank you,” Dad replied smiling.

  “Good to hear!”

  When we finished eating Kaden took some photos of us then we went to the mansion. When we arrived there, Kaden got Heather, and we began to open gifts. Kaden went first, then Heather. However, as Heather opened her gifts Kaden got up and left.

  “Thank you so much, Sara. I haven’t received a gift like this in years.” She set the angel on the coffee table, hugged me; then she excused herself.

  I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Kaden holding a baby pug!

  “Are you kidding?” I asked surprised and excited.

  “No,” Kaden replied as he handed me the puppy.

  “Is it a boy?”


  “I think his name should be Coco!” I said excitedly as I petted him. He licked me. “I love him. Thank you so much.” I kissed and hugged him. Kaden laughed. I looked at the puppy. He was all black and was so darn cute!

  “By the way, I like the name you picked for him. He does look like Coco!” he said with a chuckle.

  “Thank you so much, Kaden!”

  “You’re welcome, Sara!”

  “Let’s go see if Sadie likes him.”

  We went into the room and let Sadie out. I put Coco on the floor. The two pugs sniffed each other. Then Sadie grabbed a toy, and they started playing.

  “That is cute! Looks like they like each other,” I said excitedly.

  “I picked a good puppy, didn’t I?” Kaden asked.

  “You sure did!” I kissed Kaden. Then we let both pugs play with the toys I had originally bought Sadie.

  After a few hours of playing with the pugs they eventually wore their selves out and cuddled together as they fell asleep.

  “They seemed to take a liking to each other awfully fast,” I said speaking of the pugs as I joined Kaden in bed.

  “I’m glad they like each other so well. I had a fantastic Christmas with you!”

  “I did too! Thank you for my gifts.”

  “You’re welcome, and thank you for my gifts.”

  “You’re welcome again,” Kaden laughed.

  We kissed.

  The next morning I awoke to see snow falling. It looked so serene! When too much fell, then it becomes a headache.

  Kaden wrapped his arms around me from behind. “I like mornings like these,” Kaden said.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “They’re very calming.” He kissed my cheek.

  I smiled and turned to face Kaden. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I started kissing him up his neck; then I stopped at his ear. “Come play with me in the snow,” I whispered into his ear.

  He grinned widely. “Okay, I’m up to win some snowball fights!”

  I laughed. “I’ll definitely win!”

  We changed into snow clothes. We took Sadie and Coco outside too. As I let Coco down, I got hit with snow. I turned around with snow in my hand and whacked Kaden with the snowball.

  “Oh, is it going to be like that, huh?” Kaden asked.

  I giggled. “Come get me. If you think you can,” I teased him.

  I started running around the yard while Kaden chased me. Sadie and Coco were racing after me too.

  “Ha-ha! I have them on my side too!” Kaden teased.

  “That’s only because you’re chasing me,” I laughed.

  Kaden kept chasing me. We were both laughing so hard. Finally my legs gave out, and I fell on the snow with Kaden falling down next to me.

  We were breathing so hard. “That was fun!”

  “Yes, it was.” Kaden smashed me with snow.

  We laughed; then we started rolling in the snow fighting and smashing each other with snow. Sadie and Coco came over and kept attacking Kaden and me wanting us to play with them. After chasing the pugs around in the snow for a while we headed inside. After we warmed the pugs up Kaden and I showered and dressed; then we sauntered to the dining room for lunch. After we ate we cuddled on the couch in the living room underneath a blanket watching a movie called BEDTIME STORIES.

  When the movie ended, we took the pugs outside again and sat on the bench underneath a blanket near the big flower bed.

  “I enjoyed today!” I said.

  “I did too! I can’t believe today is almost over!”

  “Me either, but they say when you’re having fun the day fly’s by!”

  “I believe that,” I laughed. “What time is it anyway?”

  Kaden dug in his pocket for his cell phone. “It’s close to six.”

  We sat outside enjoying each other’s company until the pugs begged us to go inside because they were cold. Once we warmed the pugs up Kaden and I realized it was time for dinner.

  “I saw you two outside today,” Heather announced as Kaden and I joined her for dinner.

  “Yes, Sara, decided she’d try and win some snowball fights,” Kaden teased.

  “Did you?” Heather asked me.

  “Well, no. I’ll admit I lost them all.” I giggled.

  Heather laughed. “I remember having snowball fights with Kaden when he was growing up.” She smiled, followed by a giggle.

  “I remember too. Those were the days!”

  “I did so much with you because your parents were always busy.”

  “That was heartbreaking; rarely seeing my parents.”

  I sighed. “I couldn’t imagine what that’s like,” I said doubtfully.

  “It’s rough. I wish I could go back in time and change it all,” Kaden replied sadly.

  “I wish you could too, but those days are long gone,” Heather said with encouragement.

  “How did you become so close to them?” I asked.

  “When I began training for my duty as prince. They were always around me then,” Kaden said happily.

  “At least you’re close to them now. No need to keep reflecting on the past.”

  Kaden kissed me. “You’re right.”



  The last week of December was favorable. School didn’t get canceled for any snow. I was still passing with all A’s! Today is January 12, 2011! I’m ready to start a New Year, new beginnings and novel adventures.

  “Can you believe its 20
11?” Kaden asked me.

  “No, I can’t, but I’m ready for a new year!” I said.

  “Me too, especially since I get to spend it with you!”

  Kaden and I kissed. We ate dinner at Applebee’s. I still have yet to make that dinner and a movie date.

  “What has your Mom been planning for Riley’s first birthday?” Kaden asked.

  “I’m not sure. She hasn’t had time to think about it yet,” I said.

  “Well, tell her she can have Riley’s party at the mansion.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell her.”

  “I still can’t wait to start my life with you, kids and all.”

  “Kaden, please stop saying that,” I stated with irritation.

  “What’s wrong with what I said?”

  “I don’t want to rush into having kids!” I said angrily.

  “Sara, just because I say I want kids, doesn’t mean I want them now.”

  “It seems like you do when you keep saying it over and over!”

  “Well, I’m sorry, but I’m just saying how I’m feeling.”

  I got even angrier. I stood up and stomped out of Applebee’s getting in Kaden’s truck.

  He soon came out to the parking lot. He climbed into his truck and started it. As we drove he repeatedly looked over at me.

  “Look, Sara, I love you so much, and I can’t help but to keep telling you this,” Kaden said.

  “Well, stop!” I said angrily.

  “I won’t!” Kaden said stubbornly.

  “Well, I guess you won’t be in love with me anymore,” I remarked with attitude.

  “What do you mean?” Kaden sounded confused.

  “You know what I mean!” I blasted impatiently.

  “Actually, no, I don’t,” Kaden said with a smirk.

  “I’M LEAVING YOU, KADEN!” I screamed at him with tears running down my face and my heart beating quickly. “Do you understand now?”


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