“It’ll be okay. You’ll see her again soon.”
I chuckled. “I know I will.”
A Very Special Day
The next day Susie and I went shopping. I wanted to purchase her some pregnancy clothes for upcoming months. Susie’s stomach was not very large for her to be three months along. She ended up buying about twenty outfits with normal teenage shirts approximately five sizes bigger than her normal shirt size.
The pregnancy pants were only a size bigger than she normally wore because she felt that her waist would not change. She could possibly even wear the shirts after the baby was born; however, knowing Susie, she’ll give them back to me to save for another time even in my lifetime. I’m sad to see her leaving today. I wished she could stay, but I knew she couldn’t. I’ll be overjoyed when Susie returns because she is company to me. I hope that Kaden is doing fine. I set him up an appointment at twelve after we dropped Susie off at the airport.
While Kaden got his massage; I planned to go shopping for Riley and buy her some toys and clothes. My mom will be bringing her playpen, crib and other essentials for babysitting. She’s even bringing favorite toys and obviously clothes for playtime.
“Are you ready to go?” Kaden asked handing me my purse.
“I am more than ready,” I replied.
He grinned. “Thanks for being so patient.”
I snickered. Then we loaded into my car and traveled to the spa.
“Does Susie like her new clothes?” Kaden questioned.
“She does, but she is still very over whelmed by everything that’s happened to her.” I commented.
“That’s understandable. Won’t she find out the sex of her baby soon?”
“Yes, next month if the baby will cooperate.” I giggled.
He chuckled. “That’s funny.”
“It is! It’s like they’re saying you can’t see me.” I laughed.
“Childbirth is amazing,” Kaden sighed.
“Don’t worry. You and I will have a family one day.”
“I know, Babe. I know.”
“I hope this massage helps you feel better.”
“It will. I’m positive, but you worry too much.”
“I love you. I can’t help but to worry.”
He grinned. “I’ll be fine.”
When we arrived at the spa, I determined the finishing time for Kaden’s massage and headed to the mall. Kaden would be done in two hours, so I had to rush to shop.
Upon my arrival at the mall, I purchased many outfits and toys for Riley. A grand total of twenty outfits and five toys! My mom would be astounded at the many purchases for
Riley. I even bought Kaden and me a Wii Gaming System for free time, as well as games.
After I loaded the trunk and the backseat of my car, I drove back to the spa just in time to see Kaden walk out the door. He stepped in the car.
“Good timing, Babe!”
“Thank you. I’m skilled,”
He chuckled. “What did you buy Riley?” He inquired as he checked the back seat.
“That’s not all! The trunk is full too, and I even bought us a gaming system.”
He laughed. “Did you now, and your mom is going to freak by how much you bought
“She’s my sister, and with your help I can spoil her.”
He giggled. “I’m glad you’re including me in this.”
“Besides it’s your money.” He laughed heartily. “You seem to be feeling better.”
“I am. The massage really helped me a lot. You know, being stressed puts a hold on you and makes you feel unwanted, unloved, forgotten. I don’t want to feel that way ever again!”
I smiled. “It does some horrible things to people, too much stress is unhealthy. Well, now that you’re better, would you like to help me bring in these bags?”
He chuckled. “I thought you were going to do it all yourself.”
I snickered at him as we pulled to a stop. We unloaded the car and put the bags in a spare room upstairs. We then went into the kitchen to fix lunch. We had leftover pasta and baked a new loaf of bread. We sat at the kitchen table to eat.
“So where is the gaming system?” Kaden asked.
“I set the bags on the couch.” I replied as I swallowed a mouth full of food.
“Will I like this game system?”
“I believe so. It’s energetic and fun.”
“Okay. Have you thought anymore about our wedding?”
“Yes, and I have decided that I want to get married on June 25, 2012
He totally smiled. “That is a wonderful date for our wedding day!”
I grinned widely. “I’m glad you like the date!”
“I’m glad we’re thinking ahead about getting married.”
“I never said I didn’t want to marry you. I didn’t want to rush it. We need to take our time and let things fall into place, we’re getting there.”
He grinned. “I’m glad we’re progressing along. I’ve been thinking. Do you want me to hire a wedding planner for you?”
“I would appreciate that! I can plan great pool parties or cookouts, but when it comes to planning our wedding you better be prepared to see an adversity wedding.”
He chuckled. “I’ll save you from humiliation when I hire you a wedding planner.”
“Good. Because if you want to be put in the paper for the worst royal wedding of all time; I’m your girl.” I giggled.
He grinned. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
“Are you ready for me to kick your butt playing the Wii?”
“You will never kick my butt on the Wii.”
“We’ll bet on it. Whoever wins gets to run the other person a hot, relaxing bubble bath.”
“I can deal with that.”
We cleaned up, set up the Wii and put in a bowling game.
It was so much fun, and we played for hours until our hands started to get sweaty. “Kaden, we should stop for the day.”
“Oh, don’t ruin the fun now. Why don’t we play one more game?” Kaden undid his strap around his wrist.
“You know you’re supposed to keep that strap on for a reason!”
“I’ll be careful.”
“It’s your turn. Lets see if you’re right.”
Kaden threw the controller forward, and it flew right out of his hand and smashed into the TV.
I jumped back onto the couch so glass wouldn’t hit me, and Kaden hit the floor shielding himself from the flying glass.
I just sat there and stared at the TV, but then I looked at Kaden lying on the floor laughing so hard. I started laughing too.
“I think we need a new TV,” I said with tears of joy rushing down my cheeks.
“You know I smashed the TV to pieces just so we could upgrade our TV!”
“Yeah, right. I warned you about what would happen.”
“Oh, shush, you didn’t say a thing. You didn’t even warn me!”
I calmed down laughing. “Yes, I did so. Now we have to get a new TV and Wii controller,” I commented as I picked up the broken controller.
“I’m going to clean up this mess while you start on dinner.”
“Sounds good and try not to break anything else,” I replied walking toward the kitchen.
“Ha-ha! Very funny!” Kaden said with attitude.
Tonight we’re having steaks, mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. We were silent for a little while as we ate. I was extremely quiet because I was trying not to laugh, and Kaden looked deep in thought.
“You look like you’re really thinking,” I stated.
“I’m thinking about something that I’ve been debating on doing,” Kaden replied.
have you been thinking about doing?” I asked eying him.
“I want to start a club for asthmatic children.”
My eyes brightened. “That’s a wonderful idea! I love it!”
“I was hoping you would!”
“Where would this club be located at?”
“That’s a problem. I don’t know the exact location yet.”
“We have plenty of land here. As much as I’m going to miss this house when we move to Rome it would be good to know it’s being used for a wonderful cause.”
He was speechless for a couple of minutes. “That might work. We can have the cabins on the left where it’s wide open and level.”
“That sounds like a plan. I’m going to clean up while you start writing down your ideas.”
He retrieved paper and pencil to start writing while I began cleaning up. Once I finished, I sat down with Kaden to observe what he had written.
“What do you have so far?” I asked him.
Here is what I’ve come up with so far: we’ll need six cabins—one for the boys, one for the girls, one for the nurses, one for the helpers, one for the kitchen/dining area and one for a dance/activity hall.”
“Okay. That sounds good. Can we fit them all here?”
“Let me take a look while you write down your thoughts on activities.”
Once he left, I started writing down my ideas. It didn’t take me long to figure out what activities and games would be suitable for asthmatic children. A breathless, Kaden came back inside and sat at the table.
“What are your thoughts?” Kaden asked me.
I handed him the list, and he started to read it over. “This all looks fantastic! I like all of these ideas!”
“We can talk more about this tomorrow. I’m going to shower and hit the sheets.”
“Me too,” Kaden echoed Sara’s thought.
We showered together, dressed for bed, turned out the lights, and hit the sheets.
“Looks like we have the entire club idea carefully pondered,” Kaden said.
“Yes, we do.” I answered.
“I’m going to be busy tomorrow telephoning contractors and construction workers for the building of this club.”
“I’m so excited about this! I do have one question though. Who will be running this club?”
“That I have to figure out.”
The next morning Kaden didn’t take long to contact a contractor. He was supposed to meet the contractor today around twelve to discuss details.
“Hey, Babe! I’m leaving now to meet the contractor. He’s about an hour from here, so I’ll be back when we are done discussing the construction of the asthmatic children’s club.”
“I’ll see you later then, I’ll be here hanging out with Anna.” We kissed, and he left.
A few of minutes later, Anna arrived and we sat in the living room.
“So how have you and Rick been doing?” I asked.
“He’s still harping on me about getting married,” Anna huffed.
“He must really love you to harp on marriage so much.”
“I’m happy he loves me, but he can forget getting married to me for a long time.”
“How often does he ask?”
“About two, three times a week.”
“What are your responses?”
“I used to get angry with him and scream at him, sometimes I would even curse at him. But now I just look at him and say, “Forget it!”
“What has he done when you yelled at him like that?”
“He would yell back, so we would be in a screaming match, basically trying to see who can yell louder.” She giggled.
I giggled, but I caught myself. “I’m sorry, Anna. I didn’t mean to laugh, but I could picture the two of you yelling at each other.”
“As much as it may seem to be funny it’s not a pretty sight and could damage your ears if you’re close enough.”
I laughed again and caught myself once more. “I can’t help but laugh.”
“Don’t worry about it. Tell me how you and Kaden have been?”
“We’re planning on starting a club for asthmatic children.”
“That’s wonderful! Where are you guy’s building it at or have you found a building to buy or rent?”
“We’re planning on building log cabins outback.”
“Why would you want to have log cabins in your backyard?” she asked confused.
“I suggested it because I want this home to go to good use when Kaden and I move to Rome.”
“Don’t even start with the talk about moving to Rome.”
“You can move there with us.”
She giggled. “No. I’ll just drag your ass back to Coopersville; lock you in my dungeon that I will build especially for you and keep you there where you can never escape.”
I laughed. Oh, thanks.”
She giggled. “I sure will miss you when you move to Rome. Why couldn’t there be royal families of Coopersville?”
I laughed. “Why would you want Coopersville to have royal families?”
“Because I would make Kaden trade families with whoever was royal in Coopersville and send the other guy to Rome.”
I chuckled. “Anna, you are full of it.”
“Don’t think I’m playing. I would do it in a heartbeat.”
I sighed. “I’m glad to have you as my friend.”
“I’m glad to have you as mine, just don’t leave me.” We giggled.
“Trust me I don’t want to leave Coopersville either.”
Anna had me take her back home around lunch time. When I arrived back home I began to prepare lunch as I waited for Kaden to come back home.
As I was frying hamburgers and baking French fries for lunch Kaden came in and sat at the table.
“Did it go well?” I asked hesitatingly.
“It did. The contractor approved everything,” Kaden smiled.
“That’s wonderful news!”
We started eating. When we finished, we cleaned up and sat on the couch to talk.
“This TV show is great!” I joked.
I laughed. “I still can’t believe that you did that.”
“Me either, but it’s happened now. How was your day with Anna?”
“It went well. When are you going to get a TV? I further questioned.
Kaden continued, “When I get the chance.” I crawled on top of him and kissed his lips. “I love you, Sara.”
I peered up at him. “I love you too.” I laid my head on his chest, and he started playing with my hair which put me to sleep. “You’re putting me to sleep,” I purred softly. He stopped. “Oh, don’t stop! It feels great!” I commented.
Kaden chuckled. “You just said that I was putting you to sleep.”
“You are, and it feels relaxing.” I continued.
“Life is good!”
“What do you mean?”
“I have you.”
I peered up at him with his gigantic smile. “That’s all?”
He giggled. “Yes, that’s all. You’re all I need. If I ever lost you, I don’t know what I would do.”
“Go on living,” I joked knowing I, too, would be upset.
“Go on living with a broken heart.”
“Awe, Kaden, you never have to worry about that. I love you and will never leave you.
You are mine forever and always.”
He smiled and kissed me. “I’m glad I found you.”
“I’m glad too.”
“I can honestly say I am so full from lunch that I think I’ll skip dinner. Did you put an extra fullness pill in the food?”
I giggled. “No. I’m full too from lunch.”
br /> I laid my head back onto his chest as he continued to run his fingers through my hair putting me into a soothing trance.
Today we’re having May showers. Kaden telephoned the hospital to see if someone could volunteer nurses and names of children for the club. I’m looking up bridesmaid’s dresses online and colors for my wedding. We have so much going on right now that in a way it’s driving me crazy. On the other hand, I like being busy.
Susie was doing well. Susie told me that her mother and she had a pleasant talk about the mishap they had earlier over Susie’s pregnancy. Susie explained that her mother never meant to hurt her feelings, and her mother also said she would prefer Susie to continue living with her so she can help with the baby.
My dad had been going to the doctor’s office for appointments even more lately. He told me there were possible stomach issues, but he doesn’t really know what it is. Mom and Riley were doing great. Riley was running everywhere. My mom wanted me to come over for dinner tonight because they missed me and wished to catch up on everything that had been occurring.
I still missed living at home, but I loved being with Kaden. I think everyone gets homesick frequently. My mom and I have such a great bond that I’m thankful for our close relationship. Riley kept talking in her baby language, that only mom can seem to understand about coming to stay with me for the summer, and she seemed really excited. I have yet to tell Mom what I bought for her. I know my mom will say that I’m spoiling Riley, but it’s okay. Riley deserved to be spoiled. She is my sister, and I have the right.
The cabins were going to be constructed as soon as the rain stopped. That would last the remainder of the week.
“Finally, talked to the appropriate person,” Kaden reported.
“Did you?” I questioned.
“I did. The hospital officials were going to contact parents who would seem interested in bringing their asthmatic children to the club.”
“Why not contact all of them?”
“Some parents would not want to participate.”
“Wouldn’t any parent want their children to have fun?”
“I was told that some of the parents were scared that something would happen to their children at the club and they wouldn’t be there to handle the emergencies.”
Love Goes On Page 15