Love Goes On

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Love Goes On Page 23

by Crystal Britton

  “Kaden, this is weird.”

  “What’s so weird about me talking about you and Kyle being friends?”

  “You were starting to sound like Kyle and I are in a relationship.”

  He chuckled. “Sara, you are too funny!”

  “Tell me why Kyle was working in the flowerbed.”

  “His mother and father barely took care of him so at the age of twelve he moved in with my parents. He works in the flowerbeds to earn an income to be able to go to college.”

  “Kyle seems happy, but I can tell a piece of him is missing.”

  He was silent for a few moments. “You’ll have to ask him.”

  The following morning while Kaden slept in I took the chance to ask Kyle about the missing piece of his heart. I thought Kyle would be in his art studio, but to my surprise he was already outside working in the flowerbeds.

  “Either you really like flowers or you’re very eager to make money to pursue your career,” I said as I approached him.

  He looked up at me smiled then went back to what he was doing. “Actually I love the smell of flowers and I happen to need all the money I can get for college,” Kyle replied.

  I stuck my hands in the back of my pants pockets as I stood there debating on whether I should ask him about the missing piece of his heart or not. “Why are you being so quiet?”

  “I want to ask you a question, but I don’t know if it will be too personal.”

  He stopped working. “Go ahead and ask. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “I noticed that you seem to have a piece of you missing.”

  “Are my expressions that obvious?”

  “I could tell you are putting a front on for people.”

  He stood up and walked over to me. “Why don’t we sit down? This is going to be a long story.” Kyle and I sat on the grass a few feet from where he was working. “In high school I met a beautiful blonde. She was the highlight of any room she walked into; every guy was after her! But when she saw me; she forgot about all the guys that were after her and focused on me. We dated from ninth grade through senior year; we were named best couple. I was happy with her; she meant everything to me! I asked her to marry me a year back and she accepted. I was so excited and so enthused to have a family with her and that’s all it took. I mentioned having a family and she gave the ring back calming she didn’t want children. She also told me that she didn’t want to keep me from experiencing childbirth.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that!”

  “I really loved her! I just wish she had told me this earlier in life so I wouldn’t have been so broken hearted.”

  “I know it’s hard considering you guys broke up just a year ago, but you’ve got to forget her. There is a better girl out there for you.”

  “Right now; I don’t believe there is another girl out there for me.”

  “You have to have faith! Without faith you won’t get anything.”

  He smiled. “I see why Kaden loves you so much! You’re beautiful; sweet and you know how to stand up for yourself.”

  I looked at him wondering if he was getting a crush on me. “Do you have a crush on me?”

  He chuckled. “I do, but don’t worry; I won’t try anything.” I stood up and backed away from him. “Why are you getting up? I said I won’t-”

  “I know what you said, but guys tend to lie.”

  “Well, I’m not lying! I would never make a move on you.”

  “I hope not! Kaden would be so mad at you!”

  “I would never do such a stupid thing and lose my friendship with Kaden. Where’s Kaden at anyway?”

  “Still in bed.”

  “While he’s asleep I would like you to see a painting of mine that is close to my heart.”

  I followed him into the castle and down a hallway that seemed to go on forever when we finally stopped we were at the library. He took my hand leading me over to his painting.

  “Wow! It’s amazing!” I exclaimed as I took my hand from his.

  “I painted this when I was fifteen,” Kyle informed me.

  I peered at the painting of a mother and her son standing in a flower bed laughing as they threw flowers in the air. “Wow! This is beautiful. What inspired you to paint this?”

  “I painted this to show my mother how much I miss her. I entered this painting in a fair and won first place.” He showed me by lifting up the ribbon attached to the bottom of the painting.

  I smiled. “So what else do you do here beside work in the gardens and draw?”

  “I help out with the horses.”

  My eyes grew big. “Can we go see them? Kaden showed me the barn, but we didn’t have time to go inside!” I exclaimed.

  He laughed as he gestured me to follow him. When we arrived there I took my time petting and admiring each one. When we stopped at the last stall I was sad that this was the last horse I could admire.

  “This is my favorite horse! She was given to me by Kaden’s parents for my Thirteenth birthday,” Kyle gestured as he petted the horse.

  “Weren’t you lucky!” I replied as I admired the horse. “What’s her name?”


  I grinned widely. “I love her name!”

  Mackenzie was an American black and white paint horse. She must have been the most gorgeous horse I’ve ever laid eyes on!

  “Since you are so in-love with horses; I’ll give you Mackenzie.”

  “Oh, no! I couldn’t take your birthday horse. I bet you love her a lot!”

  “Mackenzie is an amazing horse, but when Kaden’s parents bought her they missed out on the most important fact. Mackenzie doesn’t like guys riding her.”

  I laughed. “So you’re never rode her?”

  “I did the day I got her for my birthday and she bucked me off and since that day only Rhonda has rode her.”

  “I still don’t think I should take your horse.”

  “I’m begging you to say she’s yours. She needs someone to love her.”

  I sighed as I petted her. “Okay. I’ll claim her, but not just yet. I won’t be able to make a connection with her until I move to Rome.”

  “Alright. That’s fair.” He smiled.

  “Can I take her for a ride?”

  “Do you know how to ride a horse?”


  He chuckled. “I’ll ride a horse beside you until you know what you’re doing.

  After we saddled the horses we rode them around the lawn as Kyle explained what I should and shouldn’t do. After about an hour I felt I was ready to ride through the trails. As Mackenzie ran I felt like I was flying as the wind whipped past me. When we went back to the barn we were laughing. I spotted Kaden and jumped off my horse as Kyle took the reins

  I walked over to Kaden and we kissed. “Did you have fun?” Kaden enthused.

  “I sure did!” I exclaimed.

  Kaden took my hand and we trotted over to Kyle. “Thank you for giving, Sara, a ride on the horse,” Kaden thanked Kyle.

  “Not only did I ride her, he let me have her,” I announced.

  “Well, that’s nice, really nice,” Kaden replied grinning.

  “You must have been tired if you’re just now getting up?” Kyle asked.

  “I was. But I promised Sara I was going to take her shopping so that’s where we’re going,” Kaden grinned as we happily walked toward a car waiting for us on the driveway.

  After I shopped until I dropped we grabbed dinner at a fancy restaurant then we headed back to the castle for a relaxing night of sleep.

  Wednesday was going by quickly! Kaden and I were at a restaurant enjoying lunch together.

  “Kaden, I don’t want you to get mad at Kyle for what I’m about to tell you,” I said.

  “Depends on what he did,” Kaden peered at me.

  “He has a crush on me!” I blurted.

  He chuckled. “You thought that would bother me?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  He smiled. “I don’t care that he has a crush on you! He can like you all he wants, but he knows not to touch you.”

  “What would you do if he touched me?”

  “Lets just hope he’s miles away when I find out.”

  “Kaden, you couldn’t hurt Kyle! He’s your family.”

  “Family or not; he shouldn’t do something like that. But this hasn’t happened so I don’t want to discuss this.”

  “Well, alright then. This is still about Kyle, but it has to do with him being so sad over his ex-fiancé.”

  “What about her?”

  “I wish there were a way I could shake her from his mind. He’s got to move on!”

  “Sara, it hasn’t been that long since it happened. Let the guy grieve. You can’t keep people from grieving.”

  “I’m not trying to, but I hate seeing him so sad.”

  Kaden eyed me. “You like him?”

  “As a friend, yes. Isn’t that what you wanted me to do?”

  “I was just making sure you weren’t crushing on him.”

  I laughed. “Stop being jealous.”

  “I’m not.”

  I smiled. “You have nothing to worry about if you are.”

  He grew frustrated. “I’m not!” He said more sternly.

  “Fine, Kaden. You don’t have to be so rude.”

  After dinner Kaden and I went back to the castle. Kaden went to the library to talk with his parents so I went outside looking for Kyle. I couldn’t find him outside so I went inside and found him in his art studio.

  “Hey, there!” I greeted Kyle as I walked into the studio.

  “What are you up to?” Kyle asked.

  “Just trying to stay entertained while Kaden’s talking with his parents.”

  “Oh, well, I’m afraid this is not the place for you to be.”

  “You don’t want me here?”

  “You’re welcome in here, but you don’t draw so you won’t stay entertained in here.”

  I giggled. “I actually came to pester you.”

  He grinned. “Oh, great!”

  I smiled as I peered at the painting he was working on. “Looks nice so far.” I referred to the painting.

  “Thanks. I think I’ll begin working on a portrait of you and Kaden.”

  “That would be sweet of you! While you’re at it; could you draw me a picture of Mackenzie?”

  “Now that would be a challenge for me!”

  “You’ve never drew a horse?”

  “No. But I plan to do a terrific job!”

  I sat and watched Kyle paint his picture while we talked, but soon I became bored so he decided to take me to a field covered with colorful flowers of all kinds.

  “What jobs did your parents have?” I asked as we strolled through the field.

  “My mother was an artist and my father was the boss of a magazine company,” Kyle sadly replied.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings by asking that.”

  “You know that painting I showed you of the mother and son?”

  “How could I forget?” I smiled.

  He grinned. “This field inspired that portrait. I called it “The Field of Flowers.”

  “Why was this field an inspiration for that painting?”

  “Before my parents deserted me; my mother would bring me here in the summer. We would pick flowers then we would happily dance all around as we tossed them into the air.” He grinned.

  I smiled. “Why did your mother desert you?”

  He stopped as he sighed heavily. “Well, she said she was too busy to deal with me.”

  “Your father agreed?”

  “He was blunt saying, “He’ll always be in the way! I don’t have time for him in my work schedule.”

  “I’m so sorry, Kyle. I know your heart must hurt.”

  “I’m still saddened over my parents no longer loving me, but I don’t get as upset over it as I used to.”

  “Can I ask what made you mother no longer love you? It had to be something major for her to disown you like that.”

  “My father made her believe I was a worthless, no good idiot!”

  “Wow! I’m not being mean, but you mother must have been stupid for believing that!”

  “My father had her wrapped around his finger. She believed anything he said; even when she knew he was out cheating on her, she would still fall for his lies.”

  I hugged him. “I’m sorry about that, but at least Kaden’s parents love you.”

  “There’s still nothing like your mother and fathers love. I still wish my mother would be in my life again, but I know in my heart that she’s never coming back.”

  Kyle and I strolled through the field in silence. I couldn’t imagine what Kyle was going through! I wouldn’t know how to handle things if my parents didn’t want anything to do with me.

  I felt bad for Kyle. I wished there was a way where I could take all his pain away. He didn’t deserve to be treated this way. His parents will be sorry though when they see his signature at the bottom corner of paintings. When that day comes I hope Kyle calls them out in front of important people about how mean they were to him.


  Kyle’s Friendship

  Friday had showed its face! I was really enjoying my time in Rome; so much that I couldn’t believe we only had today and tomorrow to make the best of our last few days before we went home.

  “What do you say; we go grab Kyle and play a game of archery?” Kaden interrupted my thought.

  “I don’t think I should play archery ever again for as long as I live,” I replied hesitantly.

  He chuckled. “Come on. I’ve set up a secure area for us to play.”

  “Will the arrows be plastic again?”

  He was silent for a couple moments. “No.” He saw my face drop as I began to decline. “Don’t say no, please! I really want us to play again. I’ll help you.”

  I sighed. “Okay, but if I hit someone you better prepare you emotions because it’ll be beaten out of you.”

  He chuckled. “I told you its set up in a secure area.”

  After we found Kyle; which wasn’t hard to do because he was in his studio; the first place where Kaden and I looked for him; we went out to play archery. As we walked toward the archery boards I was dreading every minute of this! I looked around seeing if there was a way I could escape this, but just as I spotted an exit we had reached the archery boards.

  “You’re going first,” Kaden told me.

  I smiled. “Apparently the two of you voted; because I did not raise my hand to go first,” I replied.

  Kaden and Kyle chuckled.

  “I told you I’d help you,” Kaden handed me a bow and arrow.

  I took it unwillingly. “Can’t I just watch?” I pleaded.

  Kaden took my arm and lead me to the archery board. He helped me pull back the arrow and aim then he stepped back.

  Not thinking I turned around with the arrow pulled back. “Do I have to?”

  “Whoa!” Kaden said as him and Kyle ducked.

  I realized what I’d done and put the bow and arrow down by my side. “I told you I shouldn’t do this again!” I whined as I tossed the bow and arrow aside.

  Kaden and Kyle stood up.

  “Don’t worry, Sara. It was a simple mistake,” Kyle tried to reassure me.

  “But what if-” I started.

  “Try again,” Kaden urged as he picked up the bow and arrow and offered it to me.

  “I think I’ll
sit over there and watch,” I said as I refused to take the bow and arrow.

  Kaden sighed. “I’ll help you the whole time this time.”

  “I’m not falling for it again,” I backed away.

  “Come on, Kaden. Let her watch if that’s what she wants to do,” Kyle urged.

  Kaden sighed as he turned away and raised his arrow. After watching Kyle and Kaden play for a while I began to get bored.

  “Can we do something else? I’m getting afully tired of watching you guys play archery,” I said as I yawned.

  Kaden and Kyle smiled as they approached me. But all of a sudden Kaden’s face slumped.

  “Dang it! I forgot that my mother wanted me to meet her this morning! I’m sorry, Sara, but I’ve got to go,” Kaden kissed me and ran off.

  “Bye,” I softly said as I turned to watch him run toward the castle wishing he was running to me.

  Kyle startled me as he half hugged me. He chuckled as he let go of me. “I’m sorry.”

  I turned to him and slightly grinned. “I hope he’s not gone for the rest of the day.”

  “I’m sure he won’t be.”

  “How would you know? Did someone inform you about this meeting?”

  “No. I was just as surprised as you were.”

  “Well, what are we going to do now?”

  “I’m going to entertain you.” He grinned.

  “Okay, what are we going to do?”

  “I’m going to put on a puppet show for you!” He laughed.

  I turned up my nose. “I’m not five!”

  “You had me fooled!” He grinned.

  I walked over to him and playfully pushed him. “You tease me too much!”

  “Actually I don’t tease you enough.” He began tickling me.

  I laughed as I tried to run from him, but I wasn’t fast enough. Next thing I know I’m lying on my back on the ground laughing hysterically as I tried to get away from him, but I couldn’t because he straddled me.

  “Kyle, get off of me! Kaden’s going to kill you if he sees you sitting on me like this!” I said as I tried to push him off of me.

  “I’m not falling for your trick!”

  I couldn’t manage to talk anymore. Soon the tickling was no longer funny; it began to hurt.


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