Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors

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Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors Page 5

by J. M. Madden

  Dean had kissed a few girls but probably not as many as people thought. Yeah, he knew he was a decent looking guy, but dating had never come easy to him. There had never been that one person that just did it for him.

  Rachel was making him wonder, though.

  When he pulled away she blinked up at him a little hazily, and he was gratified to know that he wasn’t the only one affected. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Yes.” She paused to clear her throat. “Just surprised me, is all. Guys don’t usually…well, that was nice.”

  What had she been about to say? Guys didn’t usually kiss her? Like her? Accept her? As he looked at her tentative gaze, he wondered what it had been like in the Marines for her; stories floated around, good and bad. He would ask her about it in a bit, if it felt appropriate.

  “Are you ready? My buddy told me about this great place on the south side of the city.”

  She nodded and grabbed a light jacket from beside the door. She grabbed her keys and cell phone wallet then pulled the door shut behind her. “I am.”

  Dean walked her to the truck, very aware of the heat of her body beside him. He opened the truck door for her then waited till she slid inside. She reached up to grab the overhead handle and he caught himself staring at her lean, rounded bicep, revealed by the frilly sleeve of the shirt. Damn! The woman had some guns on her!

  He circled the hood of his truck and slid behind the wheel. Dean started the engine and pulled out of her driveway. “So, you’ve got a great build. Where do you work out?”

  “At work, actually, Lost and Found. All of the guys there are former military and very into physical fitness. We’re not real big we have a gym there in the office.”

  Dean was impressed. “I can tell you use it.”

  Incredibly, her cheeks flushed with color. “Yeah, I do. I was very active before but after the crash I had to immerse myself in rehab. I don’t have the range of motion I used to so I couldn’t fly any more. I tried to rehab myself back into my job, but it didn’t work. I had to take a medical discharge.”

  Glancing at her he tried to read her flat expression. He had a feeling it hurt a hell of a lot to go through that, and not just physically. To have the military turn you out because you couldn’t do the job anymore, even though you were trying, had to hurt. “Being an investigator is cool, though, too. Maybe not as exciting as flying huge helicopters but it has to be interesting.”

  A smile spread her mouth. “Oh, it’s definitely more interesting than I expected. I’ve only been here a few months and I’ve already been shot once and helped to foil a kidnapping and attempted murder.”

  Dean turned to her, trying to tell if she were telling the truth or not. “Are you serious?”

  She nodded and tugged up the bottom of her shirt. Dean thought she was showing him the lean planes of her tan stomach but she pointed out a long white scar on her left side. He glanced up to the road, then back down to the scar. “Damn! That sucker is huge!”

  Rachel grinned. “Yeah. Burned like fire too. I was fighting a guy and he got off a shot. I didn’t even realize he’d hit me until I took him down and managed to catch my breath.”

  Dean looked at her with fresh eyes, totally impressed. “I know I keep saying it, but damn!”

  She shrugged and motioned ahead of them.

  The car in front of him had slowed dramatically and he had to hit the brakes rather sharply. “Sorry,” he muttered. “You are a total badass. I already thought you were but the more I get to know you the more impressed I am.”

  Rachel winced and shook her head. “Don’t be impressed. I’m just doing my job.”

  As much as she protested, he knew Rachel Searles was an incredible woman, and he couldn’t wait to learn more about her.

  The GPS voice gave them directions to the Pink Cactus. It was only about ten miles away but far enough outside his district that he was fairly unfamiliar with the businesses.

  As they neared their destination and he prepared to for the final turn, he glanced over at Rachel. For some reason she had her hand over her mouth. Her eyes glittered with laughter. “What?”

  She pointed a long finger up through the windshield.

  Dean looked up at the sign and could have choked. “What the hell is that?”

  The sign said Pink Cactus, but it was the picture next to it that made him shake his head. He assumed it was a pink cactus, but it had two spikey cactus paddles and one large…paddle, in the middle. From a distance the sign had a very hairy, very phallic look to it.

  Rachel was doubled over in her seat, tears streaking down her cheeks as she laughed. “I’m sorry,” she gasped, chuckling. “I just didn’t expect it to look so…male.”

  Choking, Dean pulled into the lot and parked in front of the business, but something wasn’t right. “I don’t think this is even a restaurant.”

  They climbed out of the truck and walked to the front, then along the sidewalk to the plate glass window decorated with the phallic cactus. Rachel leaned forward and cupped a hand over her eyes to peer into the depths of the store. “It’s women’s clothes,” she gasped, disintegrating into giggles again.


  Dean leaned in and looked for himself. Yes, indeed, it was a women’s clothing store. They definitely had a western flair, hence the cactus. He grimaced as he caught sight of one of the price tags on the rack of clothes inside the door. Even those were decorated with the phallic cactus.

  It hit him suddenly. “Killian did this. He knew what it was. He just wanted to embarrass me.”

  Dean pulled his cell from his pocket and hit the dial button when Killian’s name popped up. His partner answered with just a couple of rings, and he was already laughing.

  “Dude, what the hell?”

  Killian cracked up on the other end of the line, laughing uncontrollably. It got a little quieter as if he’d moved the phone away, but after a few seconds he came back. “Hey, buddy, what’s up?”

  Dean knew it had been meant in fun, but it still grated on his pride. He was here trying to impress a woman, maybe the woman. “The Pink Cactus, really?”

  Cackling on the other end of the line, Killian lost his shit again. Dean looked at his phone, frustrated. “Really?”

  Then the acoustics of the phone call changed. Two Denver PD cruisers pulled into the lot and their drivers stepped out. Killian was one of them. He circled the hood of his car, hands held out placatingly. “It was just a joke, buddy.”

  The other officer, Noah Burns, circled his car to pound Dean on the back. “We knew you hadn’t worked much in this district. Don’t be too mad at him, West. All the newbies get sent here eventually.”

  Shaking his head, Dean turned to look at Rachel. Her skin was flushed with delight and her golden caramel eyes sparkled with fun. She seemed totally okay with the situation.

  All of the aggravation he’d felt at having the joke played on him washed away. If it made her smile, it was totally worth it.

  Then she reached out, resting a cool palm on his forearm. It sent a shock across his skin and drew his focus straight to her. “They’re just playing. I’m not offended at all. Actually, I think we need a picture.”

  That was how he found himself in the middle of the parking lot, giant, prickly, pink dick the backdrop to a selfie of the four of them.

  He couldn’t resist dragging Killian into a headlock, though, and wrestling a little. “Just you wait, Buddy. You are so fried. I don’t know when or where, but just know you have retribution coming.”

  Killian wiped tears from his eyes and pounded Dean on the back when he let him go. “I know, West. I can’t wait.” He turned to Rachel and held out a hand. She took it immediately. “I hope you know we were just yakkin’ it up with our boy. He’s a good man, putting up with all the ribbing we’ve given him since he hired on.”

  Rachel grinned and shook his hand before releasing it. “No, you’re totally fine. I get it.”

  Dean le
aned in to catch his buddy’s eye. “She’s a former Marine and works at that detective agency on the East side, Lost and Found.”

  Killian’s eyes widened. “Oh, hell. Well, you know all about the ribbing that goes on with the newbies then.”

  Rachel nodded, her eyes shining.

  “I’ve been a cop for years,” Dean groused.

  “Not here, you haven’t,” Killian corrected. “Hey, one of the detectives were able to decipher the plate from the surveillance cam at the quickie mart. They picked up the guy today and impounded the truck. Thought you’d like to know that.”

  Rachel appreciated that he’d remembered to tell them. The truck had been a loose end niggling at her mind. “Thanks, Killian. You just made my night that much better.”

  He grinned, enjoying her praise.

  Their radios came to life and both of the uniformed officers concentration sharpened, then they turned for their cars. Burns keyed his mic as he climbed behind the wheel and took off, siren screaming. Killian was right behind him.

  “That was abrupt,” she commented.

  “Domestic case, they had to go.”

  Dean watched them disappear down the street, his own heart pounding with shared exhilaration. He loved his job.


  Rachel looked up at the rapt expression on Dean’s handsome face. There was an excitement radiating from him that she recognized in herself from years ago. She’d had the

  same expression every time she’d looked at the Super Stallion, twenty-four million dollars’ worth of ferocious machinery ready to carry her troops into combat.

  And though she’d only just started with the investigative work she could see herself loving it just as well, in a completely different way. Would she ever fly helicopters again? Probably not. But she could modify her life to make it as thrilling and fulfilling as possible.

  Dean had that look in his eyes. That look that said he could do his job happily for twenty-five years and retire extremely satisfied with his career. That confidence in what he was doing was so appealing. “Have you wanted to be a cop all your life?” she asked him.

  His grin turned rueful. “How could you tell?”

  “It’s that little boy look on your face.”

  Shrugging those wonderfully broad shoulders he gave her a single nod. “Ever since I was a kid…I have pictures of me in a uniform when I was just little.”

  “That’s very cool,” Rachel murmured. “My grandfather was in the Marines, too and I grew up listening to his battle stories.”

  Nodding again, they moved toward the truck. “I don’t know about you but I’m still hungry. I do know of a restaurant a little north of here called Dazzle. Are you up for it?”


  They settled into the cab of the truck and belted themselves in. Dean started the truck and moved into traffic. Rachel watched his hands move on the steering wheel, a little entranced. He drove confidently, aware of everything around him. She wondered if he would make love the same way.


  As he turned right, the muscles in his arm bunched and released, teasing her. Rachel wanted to reach over and explore, but it was too early for that. Right?

  Her body urged her otherwise. Time to focus on something else.

  “You know Killian was just ribbing you, right?”

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his brilliant eyes. “Oh, I know. He was totally looking for my reaction. But I was a little disappointed too, because I thought it would be a nice place to take you.”

  She waved a hand. “I’m sure where ever we go will be fine. I’m not picky.”

  A few minutes later they pulled into a parking spot near the eatery. There were already customers heading in the door. “They don’t open till four on weekdays but they have phenomenal jazz. Hope you don’t mind.”

  Rachel smiled. “I’m open for anything.”

  Dean took her with narrow-eyed consideration then took her hand in his. Rachel knew it had to be a test so she kept her hand there, enjoying the closeness that was beginning to build between them. Dean was everything that she liked in a man; tall, well built, and exceptionally kind. As they walked into the bustling restaurant, he held the door open for an older couple, then felt he needed to hold it for the party of eight that came next. If it wasn’t for a gentleman a shade more polite than Dean who ordered him inside, Dean would still be standing out there. But as she looked at his happy expression she could tell he would have been fine holding the door all night if he felt he was the man to do the job.

  As he walked toward her where she waited just beside the hostess stand, his expression changed, became more watchful, more aware. Then his gaze drifted oh, so slowly down her body. Rachel had been waiting for him to do the completely male action the entire time she’d known him, but it was as if he had waited until he knew she would catch him then she could see the carefully banked desire he’d been hiding. As she looked at the appreciation in his eyes, she vowed to go shopping for clothes that would actually flatter her.

  Rachel’s heart began to race. She’d never had a man look at her like that before and it was a little shocking how her body reacted. Beneath the shirt and bra her nipples drew into hard peaks and a seductive warmth curled through her belly, then drifted lower. Moisture slicked her palms with nervous, anticipatory energy. She wanted to get up close and personal with Dean West but worried that he would find her naïve and inexperienced.

  Yes, she’d slept with men before, but more to get her virginity out of the way than anything. She’d heard about some of the sexual abuse cases in the military and knew there was no way she was going in a virgin. As crazy as it sounded she wanted to make the choice of who she gave her virginity to; Grant had been a nice guy but definitely no long-term prospect, perfect for what she’d wanted.

  The second guy she’d slept with had been more because she’d wanted him. They’d crossed paths on base a couple of times and when they’d come together it had been more fun than she’d expected. They’d continued their affair for a couple of months until he’d been shipped home. She’d been sad but certainly not heartbroken.

  Dean, on the other hand, thrilled her on many different levels. They hadn’t gotten close to getting naked, but she had a feeling that when they connected, it would be making love rather than having sex. The man was impossibly delicious.

  When he stopped in front of her, in spite of the people swirling around them he cupped her face in his palms. “For that look alone, you could ask the world of me right now, Rachel Searles and I would do my best to give it to you. What is your secret wish?”

  The breath caught in her throat and emotion suddenly tightened her throat. Yes, she was a strong woman, used to taking care of herself and doing what needed to be done but sometimes she would just like to give up control to someone else. Someone who would keep her best interests at heart and protect her through everything life threw at her. Was that too much to ask for?

  He was waiting on an answer and she didn’t know if she dared tell him what she wanted. What if he laughed in her face at the crazy request or sidestepped her answer? He was such an exceptional guy she didn’t understand why he hadn’t been snatched up already by some other needy woman. Cops ran across women in distress all the time. What made her special? Why had he made it a point to take an interest in her life?

  Maybe she should tell him exactly what she wanted. That way, if he bolted now he wouldn’t shatter her heart. She was into him but not so much that she would try to hold onto him if he wanted to walk away. At least, she didn’t think so.

  Straightening her spine, she took a deep breath and cupped her hands over his. “I want a man that will respect me no matter what. I want a safe haven where I can relax my guard and not be expected to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders alone. I want someone who will hold me when the nightmares of crashing over and over again, wake me in the night.”

  There was a confident smile on his lips, as if she hadn’t
said anything he wasn’t willing to give her. “I want a man that will take care of my heart as if it were his own.”

  Dean smiled and leaned closer. “Done,” he whispered, before moving in for a kiss that made her gasp. Rachel knew there were still people moving around them and she was a little embarrassed at the display they were putting on, but she couldn’t pull away from him.

  Dean’s mouth opened over her own and his tongue slipped out to taste her lips. Rachel groaned, opening for him. French kissing a man was not her favorite thing to do, but Dean did it wonderfully. As his slick heat invaded her mouth and Rachel leaned into the exploration. Reaching up and around his shoulders she angled her mouth to fit more solidly against his. One of his hands settled on her hip, tugging her tight against him.

  “Ahem, you’re kind of blocking the aisle way. Excuse me!”

  Rachel would have ignored the irritating voice but Dean pulled away, reluctantly it seemed. The black pupils of his glorious aquamarine eyes had expanded, telling her that he was seriously aroused. She would have known that without seeing his eyes though. With a final, gentle nudge against the erection she could feel at his hips, she stepped away, tugging her shirt into place.

  The hostess stared at them tapping her toes in aggravation. “Your table is ready.”

  She led them to a tiny table against the far wall, barely big enough for them both to fit at.

  “I think this is her revenge for blocking her traffic flow,” Dean muttered.

  Rachel grinned, agreeing, and opened the menu. Then, with her face hidden, she tasted her lips. God, she tasted like him now, spicy and minty.

  When the harried waitress came around she ordered ice water and a grilled Alfredo pizza. It made her mouth water just reading the ingredients. Dean ordered a California burger.

  “I love avocado,” she murmured. “That was my second choice.”

  “Well, when she brings it I’ll let you have a bite.”


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