Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors

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Protect and Serve: Soldiers, SEALs and Cops: Contemporary Heroes from NY Times and USA Today and other bestselling authors Page 47

by J. M. Madden

"I hear you are a peeping Tom. You looked through the window while the new young vet was undressing."

  "What?" Abbie considered grabbing the glass out of her hand. "Becka and I already explained we were looking at his yard. He was fully dressed."

  "Well that's not what Fay says."

  It figured Fast Fay would try to start rumors about her. The woman was probably angry that she was dating Jimmy. Then again, was Jimmy being monogamous? They'd not discussed that part of the relationship.

  Ignoring the fact Mr. Polanski was eating her salad, Abbie went to the back door and opened it. "Jimmy how long is this going to take?"

  "Don't touch the doorknob."

  "Fay Blythe is starting rumors about me. Any idea why she would have a beef with me?"

  "How the heck should I know?" He continued what he did seeming to forget she stood in the doorway.

  "Are you and her seeing each other?"

  His eyes flashed to her questioning clear. "I'm seeing you."

  Mrs. Polanski came up behind her. "Don't distract him. We need to get home, Jeopardy will be starting in fifteen minutes."

  "We can watch it here if she's got kettle corn," Mr. Polanski called out. "I really like this chair."

  "Hurry up!" Abbie said already heading back inside to call Becka. At the moment she needed all the support she could get. The random thief was setting her up, her boyfriend was clueless and old people were talking about hanging out. Not to mention Fay spreading peeping tom rumors.

  Becka answered in a low voice. "Are you all right?" she whispered.

  " I'm under attack." Abbie whispered back. "I think the Polanski's might be staying here for an hour to watch Jeopardy."

  "Oh." Becka was quiet for a beat. "I can't talk. Frank Walker is over here. Someone left the rocker on my back porch."

  "I've got the parakeets on mine," Abbie replied. "Call me later." She hung up just as Jimmy walked back inside. He went to the Polanski's. "You can take your birds home now."

  The old people looked at the clock. It was six.

  BY THE TIME Jeopardy was over, Abbie was a fan. She'd guessed more things right than both the Polanski's. Jimmy had gone home, he had an early day he'd claimed. She suspected the idea of watching a game show with her was too close to married life. And she didn't blame him for leaving, it would have been a bit too homey for her too.

  The Polanski's trudged to their car with birds and still not quite believing she didn't take the birds. Although Mr. Polanski told her, he suspected it was Mrs. Grundy who took the birds since she'd been spotted at their house several times, cutting some of Mrs. Polanski's roses.

  After showering, she settled into bed with a book and instant oatmeal. It had been a strange day indeed and still no closer to finding out who the random thief was. Whisper festival was a few days away and the town was in the middle of a crazy assault on its citizens.

  She straightened with an idea and eyed the phone. Becka had not called back. It seemed the random thief was trying to set up Becka too. Maybe her things would be left at someone's house and she'd have them back by Friday. It was time to take action. They would set up the random thief. A smile curved her lips and she sat back.

  Yes it was time to take intelligent action.

  "ARE you sure this will work?" Becka stood next to Abbie in front of the teashop. "I hate for someone to take any of this?"

  They'd set up a beautiful "Welcome to Whisper" display with a huge wreath, elaborate centerpieces on the two outside tables, along with tablecloths and ribbons tied to the back of chairs. At the front door, Abbie had placed a new doormat and next to the door two new topiaries she'd grabbed from a local gift shop.

  She stepped back. Although spontaneous, she had to admit it looked adorable. "It will work. The random thief won't be able to resist. She'll come, I believe it's a woman, a guy wouldn't steal a wreath." Abbie clapped her hands in glee. "She's got it out for us, so she'll definitely strike again."

  "I can't believe they dropped off a rocker at my house and no one saw it," Becka exclaimed. "I have stupid neighbors."

  "You have no neighbors," Abbie told her. Becka and Gary lived outside of town in a ranch house in the middle of several acres of land.

  They went into the teashop and prepared for the day. They'd spend the night and wait to catch the thief.

  That afternoon Abbie drove home to collect sleeping bags and her camera. Nothing was amiss at her house. She checked both entrances and then hurried to put the things into her car.

  On the way back to the teashop, she drove through Clucky's and grabbed a family bucket. It would be lunch and dinner. Then she drove back to the center of town. Out of the corner of her eye she caught action at the mayor's house and slowed down.

  Next to a crooked "For Sale" sign, Belinda stood in the middle of the front yard amongst clothes and other miscellaneous items. It looked like a grenade exploded in the middle of a yard sale. When Abbie pulled over across the street, the mayor's wife waved and walked over. "Hey Abbie. Seen that son of a bitch today?" She attempted to rake her fingers through tangled hair and gave up. "I caught him red handed with that slut Cissie bitch. I bet the random thief didn't take our lamp. It's over at her house."

  "You did?" Abbie eyed the front yard. "How'd you catch him?"

  "I followed him."

  Having a yard sale?"

  "Yep everything is a dollar."

  Although she felt bad for Clark, Abbie suspected he'd already taken the items he really wanted over to Cissie's. "People are going to be talking," she stated the obvious as another car slowed down and two women began picking through the things.

  "I know, hopefully Clark will get impeached. Everything's a dollar ladies!" Belinda screamed across the street.

  "I better get back to the shop. Hope you have a great sale," Abbie told Belinda who waved her off and headed back to her yard. Two cars pulled over and then Jimmy's squad car pulled up behind Abbie's.

  He got out looked across the street and walked over to hers. "How'd the game show night end?"

  Abbie rolled her eyes. "You could've stayed."

  "What's up with the explosion?" He avoided answering her and she wanted to giggle.

  "Belinda caught Clark over at Cissie's yesterday."

  "Ah." He scanned the street and she had to admit, the boy looked good in uniform. How had she resisted going out with him for so long? Oh that's right he was married, then he was dating Fast Fay.

  "When's the last time you went out with Fay?"

  His eyes moved to her, flat and expressionless. "It's in the past, let's leave it there."

  "She hates me."

  He shrugged. "She's always been jealous of you. You're prettier and successful and now you have the best catch in town." He winked at her. "Gotta go." He went across the street.

  Abbie watched as he spoke to Belinda. After a few minutes, she seemed to relent to whatever he said. She recruited the shoppers and they shoved everything into bags. The shoppers left with whatever they'd bought and Belinda went inside leaving the bags next to the garage.

  "Impressive," Abbie told Jimmy when he came back. "I'd never peg you for a peacekeeper."

  "You think that's impressive, how about I come over tonight and show you something that's very much more?"

  Breath left her and she bit her bottom lip. "I can't. I'm sleeping at Becka's. We're doing a thing."

  "A thing?" He narrowed his eyes. "You're not doing something stupid are you?"

  "Nope," she replied avoiding his eyes. "I better scoot. Left Becka alone too long."

  He leaned over and kissed her until her eyes crossed. "Okay. Rain check."

  "Tomorrow night?" she said tugging his shirt so he couldn't move away.

  "Can't, I'm playing poker with the guys."'

  "Damn." She pulled him back for another kiss and nipped his bottom lip.

  "I can play cards next week." He pushed away. "Behave."

  "Always," she quipped and pulled off.

" Becka stared at the laptop screen. "How did you learn to do this?" They watched the front of the shop from the office. Since there was little floor space, they'd zipped the sleeping bags together and moved the small desk against the wall. They lay on their bellies, the laptop on the floor in front of them.

  She had to admit, rigging the camera to film outside was a stroke of genius and the Internet. "You can do anything if you look for a how-to on YouTube."

  At movement, they both froze. Fugly came into view. He sniffed at the topiaries and then lifted his leg and pee'd on one.

  "That little shit," Abbie said contemplating what to do about him.

  The dog moved to the front door and began to bark.

  "He's going to give us away!" Becka shouted and the dog barked louder, jumping with each yip.

  Abbie rushed to the door, unlocked it, grabbed the dog and rushed back inside. Fugly licked their faces gleeful to be inside. He sniffed the bags and settled between them.

  "Hopefully nobody saw you," Becka said looking from the dog to her. "He may have spoiled all our efforts."

  An hour later Becka was snoring and Abbie could barely keep her eyes open. Fugly was on his back, four feet in the air fast asleep, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

  He stirred, flipped over and growled. It was then she saw movement outside. Abbie poked Becka. "Someone's here," she hissed.

  Becka mumbled in her sleep and snuggled deeper into her bag.

  "Augh," Abbie said and poked her again. "Wake up."

  Both stared at the screen as a person came into view. The person stood for a long moment as if studying the display. With fast and precise moments, grabbed the centerpieces and tablecloths and placed them into a large bag. Then as if a second thought, took the ribbons from the chairs as well.

  "Holy shit," Abbie and Becka said in unison.

  "I'll be damned," Abbie let out a breath. "Who would have guessed?"


  "Where the heck is Jimmy?" Abbie pulled scones out of the oven and then poured hot water into a tea infuser to make a pot of lavender Earl Grey. Unlike most Thursday mornings, the shop was bustling. Several people exclaimed at how pretty the outside looked and each time it grated her nerves. It would be prettier if not for the damned random thief.

  Julie Milton entered and hurried to the counter. "Emergency committee meeting, can you come?"

  "Of course," Abbie followed her out the door and before long was settled at the library conference room. Mrs. Polanski, the Smiths, and Clark, who looked as if he'd not slept in days, joined them.

  "We have a problem, he stated without preamble. The sound system is missing and someone took my golf set."

  Abbie's eyes rounded, obviously Clark wasn't aware of the yard sale. She wasn't about to be the one to tell him. "Can't we just use the karaoke system from El Amigo. It's loud as all get out."

  "That's a good idea," Julie said and looked to the door. "Where's Cissie?"

  "She's held up," Clark answered quickly. "Err. At least that's what I assume."

  "Lets not pretend," Mrs. Polanski's gravely voice was sharp. "You and her have a thing. Belinda sold your shit for a dollar and you," she looked to Abbie, "are a pervert."

  Of course everyone ignored Clark and looked to her including Jimmy and Cissie who'd just walked through the door.

  "I am not a pervert," Abbie snapped and crossed her arms. "Why is me looking through Dr. Porter's window worse than Clark and Cissie having an affair?" Saying it out loud make Mrs. Polanski's point. It sounded creepier. "Besides, Becka was with me, " she finished weakly.

  Julie Milton came to her rescue. "I think we need to stick to the reason for the meeting. We'll have to wait until Thursday night to put all the decorations up and then set up security to watch it overnight. Also, we'll have to take from next year's advertising fund and pay for security patrols."

  "Manuel and Salvador Ortega have agreed to do it," Clark added referring to brothers who'd retired from Lucha Libre Mexican wrestling and moved to Whisper. "They'll deter any thief just by walking around wearing their masks."

  Abbie looked to Jimmy, why had he not come to her shop that morning after she'd called him and why did he walk in with Cissie? "I have a feeling the random thief will be caught soon."

  After calling the brothers on speakerphone and attempting to understand what they said in the heavily accented English, they hired them for security. Then everyone decided it was best to go to Wal-Mart and buy a speaker system instead of borrowing the one from El Amigo since the owner would probably insist on singing at the festival and mariachi music didn't exactly go with the theme of the gentle south.

  Cissie was eerily cheerful, and a stark contrast to Clark, she looked well rested and put together as always.

  "What's with Cissie?" Abbie whispered to Jimmy who'd settled next to her.

  "Dunno," Jimmy ever so eloquent responded.

  They went over everything they'd discussed at the last meeting, and once again decided there wasn't much left to be done.

  Jimmy walked with her to the shop. Abbie could barely contain the news. They walked through the door and she was pelted with a flying scone. Becka screamed "Damn you!" and flung another one at a man who ducked and avoided it. Fast Fay rushed the man and knocked him down. A couple of teenagers held up their cell phones and filmed from their seats. Fugly somehow managed to jump up to the counter and grabbed a scone. Instead of jumping back down, he settled in the display and began to eat it.

  Jimmy pushed Abbie back and hurried to where Fay pounded the guy's chest and screamed.

  He plucked her from the man and told her to stay and be quiet. His voice calm. Then he looked down at the man who lay on the floor, eyes wide and breading in his hair. She recognized him. It was Bart, one of Gary's mechanics. The guy was always spouting at the mouth. He must have said something horrible for the women to be reacting that way.

  Not paying Fay or Bart attention, she went through the office to the back counter and pulled Fugly from the display. There was a chair behind the counter, that's how he'd gotten up there. "What did he say?" She asked Becka.

  "He said women should stay on their back instead of trying to run a business and that my scones sucked. Then he said at least Fay knew her place, always in bed with whoever asked."

  Abbie narrowed her eyes at Bart, who was now standing up and he shrinked backward. "What an ass."


  "I don't blame Fay for pounding on him." She noticed tears flowed down Fay's face and she felt bad. "How about some chamomile tea Fay? It will calm you." She motioned for Fay to come and sit. The woman did, looking sad and wilted.

  Becka put a scone in front of her while Abbie poured the tea.

  She turned and took the pastry. She replaced it with one from the oven. She gave Becka a look and flicked her eyes to Fugly. Becka got the message and pulled the half empty tray from the display.

  "Men sleep around, they never get any flack from it either," Becka said pouring coffee into a cup and sitting into the chair behind the counter. "Bart is an ass. Don't listen to him Fay."

  "I'm leaving town." Fay sniffed and wiped her eyes smearing mascara across her face. Abbie handed her an extra napkin. "Thanks, sorry I spread a rumor about you watching Logan get naked."

  Abbie and Becka exchanged a look. She'd referred to Logan with familiarity. Abbie felt bad thinking the worse and looked back to Fay. "No big deal."

  "It pissed me off that after we got together he asked you out," she said and then glanced over her shoulder to see if Bart overheard. He'd not, was busy being escorted out the door by Jimmy.

  "You slept with Logan Porter?" Becka leaned closer with a wide smile. "Is he good?"

  "Becka!" Abbie pushed at her friend's shoulder. "We need to clean up and not be gossiping. Fay is upset enough."

  "Nah, it's okay," Fay said and smiled at Becka. "Yeah he's great."

  "I knew it." Becka grinned and grabbed a brook and dustpan. "He has that look."

ladies. Bart won't be bothering you again." Jimmy looked to Fay. "He could have pressed assault charges. Next time walk away. He's an idiot."

  Fay frowned but nodded.

  He cocked his head to the side as his radio sounded and then winked and waved at Abbie. "Gotta go."

  "We have something to show you," Becka stopped sweeping and blocked Jimmy from leaving.

  "It'll have to wait. Car accident." He left.

  "WE'RE SITTING her on evidence and can't show it and stop the thief. This sucks." Abbie cut off the "Open" sign.

  "Let's go over there and confront the thief," Becka suggested. "I bet that will put a stop to it."

  "We'll impede the investigation. They won't be able to make an arrest if we get all the stuff back and the thief is tipped off."

  Becka slumped. "True." She sniffed the air. "What is that smell? Did you bring pot roast?"

  "Yeah I bought some for Fugly. With everything going on, I forgot to tell Cissie he's here."

  They both looked at the dog that slept soundly on the office chair. "You should keep him," Becka said. "He likes you."

  SHE OPENED the front door of her house to find Jimmy standing there with a pizza box and a six-pack. He frowned when Fugly jumped up and down bouncing off his leg. "Why is the dog here?"

  "I'm adopting him. Cissie can't keep him, he keep running away to me."

  They settled onto the couch, Jimmy turned the television to Nascar. Fugly was entertained with a piece of pizza crust. They ate the pizza and snuggled. While he watched the race, she nibbled at his neck and ear. It was only ten minutes before they were in her bedroom, the door firmly closed to keep Fugly out.

  HALF AN HOUR LATER, she snuggled against him with her head on his chest, making lazy circles on his chest. "What should I name him?"

  "The dog?" Jimmy sounded relaxed. "How about annoying?"

  The scratches at the door had finally stopped, but she sensed Fugly lay on the other side of the door.

  "How about Runner?"

  "Sounds good," Jimmy turned to her and pulled her against him. He was ready to go again. He kissed her. "Or Thief."

  She pushed him away. "How could I forget? I know who the thief is."

  "Me too," Jimmy pulled her back and began kissing her neck.


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