by White , Silk
“Are you crazy!?” Dr. Hill said in a stern whisper. “Don’t you ever come up to my job with a bag full of cash I gave you my card for a reason…use it” he said as he turned and walked off leaving Dough Boy standing there.
“Scary mufucka!” Dough Boy cursed. If he didn’t need the doctor’s help he would of definitely smacked the shit out of the white man for talking to him like that, but since Dr. Hill was the only that could help him at that very moment Dough Boy had to eat his pride and hold that. Not knowing what else to do Dough Boy grabbed his duffle bag and headed back out the way he had come in. Dough Boy stopped dead in his tracks when he looked up and saw Bone and a few other rough looking men leaning up against his car.
”Don’t even think about trying to run” Bone said with his hand on his waist and a smirk on his face.
“I ain’t gon run” Dough Boy announced. He cursed himself for leaving his gun in the car, but he was so busy rushing trying to hurry up and meet with the Dr. Hill that he left his gun on the floor of the car.
“What you got in the bag?” Bone asked as one of his goons walked up and snatched the duffle bag from his hands.
“Let’s go ahead and get this over with” Dough Boy said as his eyes began to water. He felt like a failure and had let his son down in the process, and for that reason alone he no longer wanted to live on this earth anymore.
Bone just laughed as he watched his goons roughly toss Dough Boy in the van where they tied his hands together. A few goons were about to put hands on Dough Boy until Bone stopped them. “Save that for when we get to the spot” he told them.
Capo sat on the couch sipping on some Ciroc as he looked at the disappointed look on Kim’s face. “What’s wrong with you?”
”My life is just all fucked up” Kim replied slamming her glass down to the floor. “All the work we put in over the years and what do we have to show for it? Nothing!” She said answering her own question. “Can’t even go on a motherfucking vacation!”
“We gonna be fine” Capo said trying to calm her down. “We still got $50,000 saved up if you want to make moves with that you can.”
”What we gon do with $50,000?” Kim huffed. “That ain’t shit” they were so used to having so much money, that $50,000 to them was like $1,000. “Fuck this I quit” Kim said.
“Fuck you mean you quit?” Capo asked.
“I’m out the game, I don’t want to do this shit no more” Kim said as she broke down into tears. All the hustling and killing had finally caught up to her after all these years. Kim had put in plenty of work for the crew, and knew that if she wanted out couldn’t nobody tell her anything.
“So what you plan on doing for money?” Capo asked knowing once you were accustomed to fast money it was no way for you to go back to making regular money.
“I don’t know” Kim said clearly frustrated.
”Oh shit!” Capo said as he grabbed the remote and turned up the T.V. he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“An eye witness captured this footage on her cell phone earlier today” The reporter said as Capo and Kim watched Angela shoot up someone’s car in broad daylight. “Cops are still looking for the woman responsible at this time. The agent that was seriously wounded I’m just being told is James Carter. This has been Lisa Turner reporting live from channel 2 news”
”That bitch is crazy” Capo said as he saw Bone enter their hangout spot with a smile on his face. “I got a surprise for ya’ll” he sang. Seconds later his goons brought Dough Boy through the door.
“That’s what I’m talking about” Kim said as she ran over and punched Dough Boy in his face. “You thought we wasn’t gonna find you?” Kim huffed as she punched him again taking out all her anger on him. Once the other goons saw Kim start to beat on Dough Boy they quickly joined in. Dough Boy hit the floor and tried to cover his face as best he could as fist and feet came from every direction.
“That’s enough” Capo said as he walked over to the man lying on the floor. “Get this nigga up!”
“And we got the money back too” Bone announced as he tossed the duffle bag in front of Capo’s feet. Capo looked down at the duffle bag then back up at Dough Boy. “You just don’t learn your lesson do you?” He asked pulling a knife from his back pocket.
”My son is very sick” Dough Boy said in an honest tone. “I need that money for him to get a heart transplant or else he’s going to die.”
”Nigga fuck your son!” Bone yelled as he snuffed Dough Boy. “You taking food from our kids mouth and you want us to feel sorry for your bitch ass son!?” Capo quickly hushed Bone with a lift of his hand.
“If you needed help all you had to do was come and ask for help” Capo told him. “You don’t go and just take shit, especially from me or one of mine” Capo said as he slowly raised the knifed and plunged it in and out of Dough Boy’s neck at least twenty times before he dropped the knife on the floor. Capo dug in Dough Boy’s back pocket, and removed his wallet. “Get this clown up outta here!”
Capo picked the duffle bag from up off the floor and headed for the door. “I’ll holla at ya’ll later”
“Yo, what’s up with this nigga!?” Bone said as soon as Capo had left.
“This nigga been acting like a little bitch lately.”
“He just got a lot going on right now” Kim said defending Capo. She knew why Capo had just began to slow down a little bit, but she knew Bone would never understand.
“Fuck that!” Bone said loudly. “I’mma tell that nigga straight up if he ain’t built for this shit no more then he needs to just pass this shit over to me.”
Capo sat in his B.M.W and removed Dough Boy’s I.D. from his wallet and headed straight for the man’s house. For the entire ride Capo thought about what his next move would be. He thought about what Kim said about just leaving the game alone, but the thought of eventually going broke made him quickly erase that thought from his mind. Capo pulled up in front of Dough Boy’s house and left the car running as he grabbed the duffle bag from off the front seat, and headed for the front door. Capo knocked on the door and patiently waited for an answer. Seconds later Monica answered the door. “Hi can I help you?”
“Yeah Dough Boy told me to give this to you” Capo said handing her the duffle bag.
“Do you know where he’s at I’ve been calling him and he’s not answering his phone” Monica said taking the bag from Capo’s hands.
“He’s dead” Capo said as he turned and walked off. He tried to drown out the woman’s cries as he hopped back in his B.M.W and peeled off.
Capo didn’t have a destination. He just drove in deep thought. Capo pulled up to a red right and saw a strip club on the next corner. “Fuck it” he said as he pulled into the strip club’s parking lot. Capo placed his .45 under his seat as he hopped out the whip and headed towards the front door. After being frisked by the bouncer Capo enter the strip club. As soon as he stepped foot in the joint the saw ass everywhere as the beautiful strippers shook and moved their bodies to the sound of Gucci Mane blasting through the speakers. Capo made his way straight to the bar and ordered a bottle of Rozay, traded in three hundred dollar bills for three hundred singles, then headed over and took a seat over in the corner on the couch. Capo turned the bottle up and guzzled for about six seconds before turning the bottle back down. As soon as he sat his bottle down he saw a redbone stripper standing directly in front of him with her back to him, she looked back at him as she made her ass bounce and jiggle without even moving.
“That’s what the fuck I’m talking about” Capo said as he tossed a hand full of dollars at the woman. Once the stripper saw that Capo was spending money she really gave him the business. Redbone sat on Capo’s dick and began grinding hard on him the whole time looking back at him. Capo just leaned back and watched as the stripper worked her magic. “Yo what’s your name?” Capo asked.
”Honey Bunz” she said as she leaned down and whispered in his ear as she continued to grind on Capo. She could
tell by the look on his face that if they weren’t in the crowded club that he would have had her bent over giving her what she needed.
“What you doing when you get off?” Capo asked licking his lips.
”You tell me” Honey Bunz countered. “I’m down for whatever.” She knew exactly who Capo was. She had seen him around a few times. She just didn’t know how to approach him at the time.
“I’m tryna get up with you” Capo said with confidence all in his voice.
”Cool” Honey Bunz.
“Let me finish getting this money and once I’m done we can be out.”
“Go get ya money ma” Capo said as he watched Honey Bunz strut over towards some John and sit on his lap. Capo loved a woman that knew how to make money. Something about that just turned him on. Capo bobbed his head to the music as he sipped from his bottle, and watched the thick dark skin woman work the pole. As Capo sat chilling he looked over in the cut and couldn’t believe his eyes. “I know that’s not who I think it is” he said to himself as he got up and headed over in that direction. Capo smacked a few of the stripper’s asses as he made his way over to the other side of the club. A smile appeared on Capo’s face when he walked up to the woman that sat on the couch sipping on some wine with her legs crossed. “Fuck you doing up in a spot like this?”
Angela looked up with an angry look her face, guys had been trying to hit on her all night with corny lines, so she thought it was someone else trying to get in her panties, until she looked up and saw Capo standing over her. “Hey what’s up Capo?” Angela said with a smile.
“Fuck you doing up in here?” Capo asked sitting down next to her. When they both worked for Wayne the two didn’t get along, but they always respected one another.
“Just needed a spot to just come and clear my head” Angela replied. “I got a lot on my mind right now.”
”I know” Capo said taking a swig from his bottle. “I saw you on the news earlier.”
Angela smirked. She knew only people that she did business with would recognize her or be able to identify her. To the rest of the world she was still a mystery and that’s just how she planned to keep it. “Yeah you already know how I do.”
“Just be careful” Capo told her. “Half the cops in this world are out looking for you right now.”
“Let em look” Angela said pouring herself another glass of wine. The last thing on her mind was the police capturing her. The thing that was on the front of her mind was James and his condition. She did what she had to do, but the man she loved still rested heavy on her brain. “So what you been up too?” She asked quickly changing the subject.
“I’ve been good you already know still getting this money” Capo said watching the different naked women walk back and forth.
“Be careful out here” Angela warned. “You know that nigga Crazy Moe was the one that set Wayne up, so ain’t no telling if he dragged your name in mix as well.”
“I know” Capo said as Honey Bunz walked up and whispered in his ear.
“Going to get dressed, give me about fifteen minutes” she said. Capo nodded his head as he smacked her ass as she turn and walked towards the dressing room. “You just make sure you be careful out here.”
“I got this” Angela said with a smile as the two shook hands.
Capo stood up when he saw Honey Bunz exit the dressing room looking even better then she did when she went in.
“So where we headed?” Capo asked when he and Honey Bunz made it outside the club.
“We can just go to my crib” Honey Bunz suggested. “You cool with that?”
“Let’s do it” Capo said as he hopped in his B.M.W and waited for Honey Bunz to go get her car. Seconds later she pulled up next to him in an all black Lexus. “Follow me!” Honey Bunz yelled from the window as she pulled off. For the entire ride all Capo could think about was how good the sex between him and Honey Bunz was going to be. He followed her to a nice sized house. “She getting money” Capo thought to himself as he parked his B.M.W right behind her Lexus.
“Well this is it” Honey Bunz announced as the two entered her house.
“You doing good for yourself” Capo said as he flopped down on her leather couch.
“Hold on you, have to take off your shoes” Honey Bunz said as she removed her heels and let her feet sink in her thick plush carpet.
“So let me guess you just dancing so you can pay for school right?” Capo asked as he removed his Prada shoes.
“School?” Honey Bunz repeated looking at Capo like he was insane. “I don’t give a fuck about no school, I dance to get paid.”
“So is dancing all you do?” Capo asked walking around the house like it wasn’t his first time there.
“No that’s not all I do” Honey Bunz said popping her Lil Wayne mixtape in her system.
“So what you a prostitute?” Capo asked helping himself to some juice.
“A prostitute?” Honey Bunz echoed. “Nah you got me fucked up, I ain’t never sold my pussy” she said in a serious tone. “But I do what I gotta do.”
“Oh word?” Capo asked with a smile on his face.
“Been doing it for the past three years” Honey Bunz said proudly.
She figured if them girls at the club was going to fuck anyway then she might as well make some money off it.
”I definitely ain’t mad at that” Capo said. “Get that money.”
“I take care of myself, and as you can see I like the finer things in life, so I gotta do what I gotta do point blank” Honey bunz said. “I’m going to go hop in the shower. Make yourself at home” she said as she disappeared upstairs. Capo sat bobbing his head to the music as he waited for Honey Bunz to return from her shower. Suddenly he heard a loud knock at the door. BAM, BAM, BAM!!! Seconds later the knocks got louder. BAM, BAM, BAM!!
“Who the fuck is banging on the motherfucking door like that?” Capo said out loud as he got up off the couch and headed over to the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw a man standing on the other side of the door.
“Fuck is you knocking on the door like the motherfucking police for?”“ Capo asked with an irritated look on his face. The man that stood on the other side of the door looked like he had been working out since the day he was born.
“Who the fuck are you!?” The big man asked looking Capo up and down like he was ready to snap his neck.
“What do you want?” Capo asked.
“I asked you a question” the big man repeated in a stern voice. Capo sighed loudly as he reached for his waistband, before he got a chance to pull out his strap he heard Honey Bunz voice.
“Mike, what are you doing here!?” Honey Bunz asked coming to the door wearing nothing but a silk robe wrapped around her body.
”Who the fuck is this clown?” Mike asked still staring Capo down.
“What are you doing here?” Honey Bunz said grabbing Mike’s chin so he could focus on her.
“I got something for you. Did you forget?” Mike told her.
“Oh shit my bad, go get that for me” Honey Bunz said as she watched Mike head back to his car. Mike was originally from New York, but had moved out to Atlanta so he could sell his coke for more money. Money Mike is what the streets called him. “Sorry about that he’s just my supplier” Honey Bunz said as she ran upstairs and returned carrying a book bag. Money Mike returned carrying a book bag of his own.
“So you gon give it to me or not?” Honey Bunz asked placing one hand on her hip.
“I don’t know this nigga” Money Mike said looking over at Capo who was sitting on the couch. “Look like a cop if you ask me” he said as he and Honey Bunz stepped over into the kitchen.
“Who the fuck is this nigga?” Money Mike asked in a light whisper.
“My friend” Honey Bunz replied. “And I don’t appreciate you coming in here disrespecting my company.”
“Ya’ll fucking?” Money Mike asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Back in the day he and Honey Bunz used to be an item, but o
nce Honey Bunz caught him cheating she put an end to their relationship.
”That’s none of your business, and if I want to fuck him then I will.” Honey Bunz said as the two traded bags. She then escorted him to the door. Money Mike made sure he grilled Capo before finally leaving.
“Sorry about that” Honey Bunz apologized once Money Mike was gone.
“Well I didn’t want to tell you all of my business, but I also sell a little coke on the side” she said tossing the book bag on the counter.
“Get that money” was all Capo said as he leaned back on the couch. Honey Bunz smiled at Capo’s last comment as she lit a few candles and turned out the lights. She then switched the music from Lil Wayne to Erykah Badu. Honey Bunz stood directly in front of Capo and dropped her robe.