Her Master's Kiss 2

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Her Master's Kiss 2 Page 2

by Vivien Sparx

  “Yes,” Renee said, her relief sounding in her voice. It didn’t matter what her punishment was now, all that mattered was she was still going to dinner that night.

  “Come here,” Stefan pointed at his feet. “Position Two.”

  Renee knelt on the floor at Stefan’s feet, spreading her knees on the soft carpet and then leaning forward until her cheek was resting on the ground. She clasped her hands behind her back and waited.

  Stefan stepped behind her and got on one knee. He pulled her panties down until they were bunched between her spread thighs, revealing the taut cheeks of her bottom.

  “Six,” Stefan decided.

  Renee closed her eyes and held her breath, feeling herself tense instinctively. She knew what was about to happen. Stefan stared down at her body, vulnerable and exposed, and was momentarily distracted by the perfectness of her figure. He traced a line down between her spread legs and gently rubbed the palm of his hand against her sex. Renee moaned softly as a rush of molten heat moistened Stefan’s hand. She rocked her hips against his palm and he had to clamp down on the physical urge that lurched low in the pit of his stomach.

  He pulled his hand away and then raised it high over her bottom.

  “Never disobey me,” he said – and landed the first slap hard on the fleshy part of Renee’s right cheek. The sound was like a gunshot in Renee’s ears, and the sting that came a split-second later made her flinch.

  “That’s one,” Stefan said calmly. Renee’s skin felt like it was on fire. Then he landed the second slap on the left cheek of her bottom. This one didn’t seem to connect so perfectly. The sting was still intense, but she was prepared now. She bit her lip and kept her eyes screwed shut.

  “That’s two,” Stefan said. He rubbed her bottom with gentle circling sweeps of his hand, taking the burn from his blows and seeming to spread it so that Renee felt heat down the backs of her thighs.

  Stefan landed four more stinging blows, alternating between the inflamed reddened cheeks of Renee’s bottom until the punishment had been completed. There was a mist of tears in Renee’s eyes but she blinked them away.

  “You can stand now,” Stefan said.

  Renee got to her feet and pulled her panties back up gently over her tender bottom.

  “Do you have anything to say?”

  “I’m sorry. Thank you for correcting my behavior,” she said dutifully.

  “You escaped lightly,” Stefan said.

  “I know.”

  “Don’t disappoint me again.”

  “I won’t,” she said earnestly. “I promise.”

  Stefan sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall. “Very well,” he said. “Our reservation at the restaurant is for 8pm. Go and get dressed.”


  Renee could not remember ever feeling quite so excited. She applied the finishing touches to her makeup and stepped back to inspect her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

  In the three months since moving in with Stefan, this was the first time he had taken her out – and she had worked hard to earn the privilege. Her training as his submissive had been a relentless process; a lifestyle that she had taken to with enthusiasm and dedication.

  She made a final turn in front of the mirror and sighed. It was the best she could do. She snatched her purse off the vanity just as she heard the clock in the living room begin to chime.

  Renee appeared in the doorway dressed in dark blue silk, woven so finely that it seemed to float about her body with every movement, and as she stood there – waiting hopefully for his approval – the light from the bathroom struck through the sheer fabric, putting the long slender lines of her legs into silhouette. Stefan caught the shadowy shape made by the press of her firm pointed breasts beneath the plunging neckline and the faintest suggestion of her nipples.

  Her hair was elegantly piled on top of her head; just a few stray curling tendrils wisping down past her ears, and her makeup had been so skillfully applied to emphasize the size of her eyes and the fine bone structure of her cheeks that it appeared as though she wore no cosmetics at all. She smiled, her teeth perfect and white against the lightly tanned skin of her face and across her bare shoulders and arms.

  Stefan was waiting in the living room wearing a charcoal three-piece suit. His hands were behind his back and he turned, broad-shouldered and darkly handsome.

  Renee stood nervously, and Stefan took a small, astonished step backwards as his breath hitched in his throat and he found it impossible not to stare.

  “Stunning,” he said, his voice almost hushed as his eyes drank in the graceful beauty of her. “You look like Cinderella.”

  Renee felt her heart flutter as she basked in the warm glow of her Master’s approval. She stood a little taller and her face lit up in a delighted smile.

  Stefan held out one hand to her and she came to him. “But there is something missing…” Stefan said slowly.

  Renee’s eyes widened. She looked down at herself in confusion. “I… I don’t think…”

  From behind his back, Stefan produced a small jewelry box and handed it to Renee.

  “Do not get too excited,” he said gently.

  Renee accepted the box and lifted the lid. Set inside, on a layer of red satin, was a stunning diamond bracelet. Renee felt a rush of tears fill her eyes. Reverently she reached into the box and held the bracelet up. A small diamond and white-gold heart-shaped locket glittered and sparkled in the light.

  “For me?” Renee asked in a whisper of disbelief.

  “For tonight… and when you earn the privilege,” Stefan nodded. He took the bracelet and fastened it around Renee’s wrist. She shuddered deliciously.

  “It is your conch,” Stefan said.

  Renee’s brow indented in confusion. “My what?”

  Stefan sighed. “Haven’t you ever heard of William Golding?”


  “Back in the 1950’s an author by the name of William Golding wrote a novel called ‘Lord of the Flies’. It was a story about a group of British boys abandoned on an island. Didn’t you learn this at school?”

  She shook her head, mystified. This made no sense.

  “In the story, the boys found a large shell, called a conch,” Stefan continued. “They decided that whoever held the conch was the person who had the right to speak at their meetings. In other words, the conch became a symbol of democracy, and the right to voice their opinion. This bracelet is your conch.”

  Renee was still frowning. The significance of his gift was lost on her. Stefan took her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

  “Whenever you wear this bracelet, Renee, you have the right to voice your opinion,” he said patiently. “With this bracelet on, our relationship is not Master and submissive, it is man and woman. That means you can say what you think, and ask what you want without restriction.”

  The dawning realization of what Stefan was offering her suddenly set Renee’s heart racing, and his words echoed like a love song in her ears.

  “A relationship as man and woman…”

  “And it’s mine for tonight?” she asked tentatively.

  “All night,” Stefan agreed. “And for thirty minutes every day – unless you lose the privilege as punishment.”

  Impulsively, overcome by her excitement, Renee threw her arms around Stefan’s neck and buried her head in his shoulder. “Thank you,” she breathed. “You’re the best Master in the world. I promise – I won’t disappoint you ever again.”


  The ‘Socrates’ was the finest restaurant in Bishop’s Bridge – a converted street-side warehouse whose exposed timber beams and sandstone walls created a cozy, colonial atmosphere.

  Stefan had arranged a limousine for the evening and as the vehicle turned onto Weaver Street, Stefan asked the driver to stop the car.

  The restaurant was at the far end of the street. The driver opened the door and Stefan stepped onto the curb and held his hand out for Renee.

  “It’s a beau
tiful summer evening… and I want to show you off,” he smiled.

  They walked arm in arm to the restaurant, Stefan elegant and sophisticated, and Renee feeling as gangling and awkward as a schoolgirl beside him.

  The doorman at the restaurant held the door open for them and Stefan nodded as the uniformed man smiled respectfully. Then they were inside, and the maître de led them to a candle-lit table in a secluded alcove away from other diners.

  For Renee it was all like a fairytale; a dream more beautiful than she could ever imagine. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, wanting to remember everything – wanting to burn the images into her mind forever.

  “I imagine you have a lot of questions,” Stefan said and then looked up at the waiter. He ordered a bottle of champagne.

  “It’s all so sudden,” Renee gushed. “To be honest, I… I feel like I’ve been swept off my feet.”

  The habits of the last three months were hard to break, and she had to stop herself from looking down when she answered him.

  “It may seem sudden,” Stefan admitted, “But it is something I’ve been thinking about for some time.”


  Stefan nodded. “I just hadn’t found the right moment.”

  Renee nodded thoughtfully. Then the waiter re-appeared. He filled their glasses with champagne and left the bottle in a bucket of ice beside the table. Renee waited until the waiter was gone before she spoke again.

  “Can I ask you anything?”


  “Anything at all?”

  “Yes. Anything at all.”

  Renee nodded. “Then can you just tell me why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why do this, Stefan? Why?”

  Stefan picked up his champagne and studied the bubbles without drinking. He set the glass back down on the table and looked at Renee’s puzzled expression in the flickering candlelight.

  “The hardest, biggest question,” he acknowledged. “I thought we’d start with small-talk first,” he said wryly. Then he took a deep breath and leaned forward in his chair so their faces were close together.

  “I want to let you into my life, Renee,” he said. “I’m trying to include you. I know it may not seem much… but at the moment it is the best I can do. I know this may seem like a small step, but I’m trying to learn how to give up control, and to allow myself to begin enjoying being in a relationship again.”


  For Renee, dinner with Stefan passed in a dream-like haze. The food was delicious and she drank two glasses of champagne. She had never felt so happy. She had never felt so alive. She found the freedom of her bracelet liberating, and although reluctant to question Stefan on his past, it was more than enough that she was able to chat and laugh on equal terms with the dark gorgeous man who had her heart.

  Most importantly, Renee sensed the first hints of intimacy in the way Stefan looked at her across the table and the way his hand touched hers whenever he made a point, or put forward an idea. When dinner was over and they left the restaurant, Renee felt like she was walking on air.

  The limousine met them outside the ‘Socrates’, the driver waiting patiently beside the open door. Stefan asked the man to take the long way home and then he settled back in the plush leather upholstery. In the darkness he reached out and traced a finger gently down Renee’s arm, making her skin prickle with goose bumps.

  “A visitor is arriving tomorrow,” Stefan said suddenly. “He will be staying in our home for the weekend.”

  Renee looked up at Stefan in surprise. “A friend of yours?” she asked hesitantly.

  “No. Not exactly. He’s an acquaintance from a long time ago,” Stefan said, the tone of his voice oddly restrained. “He is a dom, and he is passing through Bishop’s Bridge on his way to Washington. He will be arriving tomorrow afternoon, and he will have his own slave with him.”

  “Is he a good dom?”

  “He wasn’t when I knew him.”


  “He was very strict – too strict for my tastes,” Stefan intimated. “And he took too much pleasure in the punishment aspects.”

  Renee sat back thoughtfully for a moment. “What makes a good Master, Stefan? I mean, what are the qualities that are the difference between someone like you, and someone like this man you know?”

  Stefan turned to Renee and studied her face. She was looking at him wide-eyed, genuinely curious. For an answer, he reached into his wallet and produced a small white card. He handed the card to Renee and she held it up to the light to read.

  If you cannot stop her in mid stride with but a single glance…

  If you cannot take her breath away with but a single word…

  If you cannot drop her to her knees with but a single gesture…

  If you cannot make her body quiver with but a single touch…

  Then all the toys and tools in the world will do you no good.

  Find her mind, grasp her heart and her body and soul will surrender.


  “That was written by a submissive named ‘shimmer’,” Stefan explained. “It sums up the differences better than I ever could. I keep the card as a reminder to myself about what every Master should aspire to.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Renee said softly, reading the words again. “No… it’s more than beautiful…. it’s perfect.”

  She handed the card back to Stefan, but he shook his head. “No, you keep it,” he said.

  They drove past the park and soon the limousine was slowing in front of Stefan’s house. Renee stared out the window and waited for the driver to open her door. They were home, and Renee’s thoughts turned once again to Stefan’s guests who were arriving the next day.

  Renee wasn’t sure how to react. She felt vaguely jealous and resentful, and she realized it was because she didn’t want anyone in their lives now this fragile new level of closeness between them had been reached. The night had been so perfect – Stefan had been so perfect – she resented the encroachment of anyone into the delicate cocoon of intimacy the evening had created.

  “What must I do?” she asked. “How do you wish me to act around this man and his slave?”

  “Just be yourself,” Stefan said simply. “Remember your training and your place – especially around this man. And for the next couple of days you are to wear a short skirt and blouse, rather than just lingerie.”

  Renee nodded. She felt oddly disquieted. There was a brooding sense of melancholy around Stefan and it seemed to infect her own mood. “I’ll be on my best behavior,” she said. “I promise I won’t disappoint you.”


  The sullen atmosphere lingered around Stefan until they were in the bedroom. Then, as if in an effort to forcibly brush off his heavy mood, he grabbed Renee’s hand and pulled her toward him.

  Renee did not resist. She was willing to be used in this way; eager for him to use her body as a salve for his gloom.

  Stefan reached to comb his fingers through her hair, carefully removing the pins. Renee felt the faint tugs against her scalp. Her eyes were locked on Stefan’s and she felt a sudden delicious tingle of excitement when she saw the familiar glittering darkness move behind his eyes.

  Stefan’s mouth came down on hers with determination and hunger, and Renee sensed a rush of heat low in her abdomen. She felt the forceful slide of his hands tangling in her hair, felt his fingers wrap themselves around the nape of her neck as he held her head to allow himself full access to her mouth. The kiss went on and on, until Renee felt her whole world spinning with the aching throb of her own growing need and desperation.

  Finally Stefan pulled his lips from hers. The blaze of lust in his eyes was unmistakable.

  “Kiss me back,” he urged her in a hoarse whisper.

  Renee threw her arms around his neck, pressing the heat of her body into his, molding herself against the muscles of his chest. Wantonly she ground her pelvis hard against him and a wild reckless thrill of exhilara
tion fizzled inside her. She kissed him fiercely, trying with that kiss to show the physical need that raged within her. Her tongue flicked tentatively, and then more frantically, exploring the edges of Stefan’s mouth. A new unknown power surged through her; the power to take and to arouse – the power to initiate and to demand.

  Stefan’s hands went down to the narrowness of her waist as he held her to him. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Her sweet honeyed taste was intoxicating. The fit of her mouth against his, the tiny murmurs she made in the back of her throat that told him her need was as strong as his. She kissed him back with such a passionate recklessness that Stefan felt the clench of his fiery need, making him hard and ready.

  His mouth slid from Renee’s lips and he trailed hot kisses down her neck. She threw her head back and there was a low sexy growl in her throat. Stefan’s mouth slid lower, across her shoulders as his hands slid up her arched back, deftly peeling away the silken layers of her dress.

  The wispy fabric fell away from her breasts and Stefan sucked one of her hardened nipples into his mouth. His hand cupped the warm flesh of her breast and Renee felt the insistent tugging send tiny electric jolts of arousal to every tensed and trembling part of her body. She wrapped her hand around the back of his head, fisting her hands in his hair.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned, as he suckled and nibbled at her. “More, Stefan. Please…!”

  Her hand slid down between them and brushed against the weighty hardness of him, her fingers fluttering and uncertain, but becoming bolder as he moaned his encouragement. She flattened her palm against him, rubbing her hand up and down, feeling the swollen shape of him and thrilling in the way he pulsed beneath her fingers.

  “Take them off,” Stefan said.

  A shock wave of raw need surged through her, and then Renee’s fingers were tugging at the buckle of his belt and trembling as she dragged down his zipper.


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