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Her Master's Kiss 2

Page 4

by Vivien Sparx

  Renee shook her head. She was horrified. “You’re not serious.”

  “I am,” Stefan said. “These girls – girls just like Tink and even younger – are taken and trained to serve their Masters. And men like Larry buy them. The younger and the prettier they are, the higher the price they eventually fetch.”

  Renee sat in silent shock for long moments. “I can’t believe people like that exist,” she said slowly. “I can’t believe things like that happen.”

  “They do,” Stefan assured her. “I told you once before, Renee, that beyond the romance there is reality – and sometimes that reality can be harsh and horrible.”

  “And you were involved in this…. this crime?”

  “No.” Stefan said emphatically. “At the time I didn’t even know the Arizona auction block existed. I simply met Larry at a BDSM club and we got to talking. He invited me to Arizona. I went with him. Then, in a bar a day before the auction, I got into a fight with a scumbag who was treating a woman badly. The guy pulled a knife…. and during the fight I got stabbed. Larry was drunk. As I reeled away bleeding, Larry fell onto the guy’s blade and got stabbed too.”

  Renee listened in stunned silence, shaking her head as Stefan re-told the story. Tentatively, she reached out and ran her finger down Stefan’s muscular chest. “You’ve got so many scars,” she said. “You look like an old tomcat. Which one was the knife?”

  Stefan took her hand and guided it to a raised white scar on the right side of his abdomen. She gently ran her finger over the ridge.

  “And Master Larry? You said he got stabbed too.”

  “Yes,” Stefan said. “Unfortunately. He got stabbed in the chest. And ever since that day he’s figured that I owed him.”

  “Because he got stabbed instead of you.”

  “Yes – even though it wasn’t how it happened.”

  For a long time Renee lay beside Stefan in silence.

  Finally Stefan rolled onto his side to face her. “You’re shocked.”

  “Yes, of course,” Renee admitted.

  “So was I when I first found out about Victor and the Arizona auctions,” Stefan said.

  Renee shuddered. “Were you…. were you ever like Master Larry is? Were you ever so mean to your submissives?”

  Stefan shook his head. He held her eyes and his expression was sincere. “Never. Not once,” he said. “I’ve changed a lot since I first became involved in BDSM, Renee, but I never started from the same evil place Larry did. I was never that cruel. I was never that kind of man. Larry hasn’t changed – he’s the same brutal bastard he was when I met him.”

  Renee reached for his hand and clutched it tightly. “I spoke to Tink when we were unpacking,” she said. “She’s scared of him, Stefan. She didn’t say a lot, but she didn’t need to. I could tell by what she wouldn’t say that he was cruel.”

  Stefan nodded. “I wouldn’t have expected anything different,” he sighed. “But it’s none of my business, Renee. Or yours. What Larry does with Tink is up to him. Once he leaves here he’s out of our lives for good – and as far as I’m concerned any ‘debt’ between us will be paid.”

  “I think Tink was kidnapped,” Renee said sadly. “When we talked today, she said she can’t remember her life before she arrived at that place in Arizona, Stefan. She would have been about sixteen! Somehow, her entire life before then has been erased from her memory.”

  Stefan nodded. He had no doubt the ‘connection’ Larry Madden had referred to earlier was Victor and that Tink was one of the girls who had endured his ‘Arizona School’.

  Renee squeezed Stefan’s hand tightly and shuddered. “I’m so lucky,” she said softly. “Lucky I have you as a Master and not someone like him.”

  Stefan smiled and hugged her close to him. “No,” he said. “Renee, I’m the lucky one. I’ve changed so much because of you. It’s like I’m waking up again after being asleep for so many years. I feel like the old me is coming back to life; the man I was before I became immersed in this world. I have you to thank for that.” He kissed her tenderly – a long lingering kiss that was more about the emotional than the physical. When at last he eased his mouth from hers, Renee sighed dreamily and rolled onto her back. “You took my breath away,” she said softly.


  The next morning Stefan reluctantly took Larry downstairs and showed him the punishment room.

  Hands on hips, Larry whistled as he stood in the center of the low-ceilinged room and looked around. “Jesus!” he said. “You’ve surprised the hell out of me, bucko.”

  Standing back in the doorway, Stefan watched as Larry went around the room, touching the pieces of equipment and occasionally crouching to inspect the leather harnesses, ropes and chains. On one wall hung a collection of whips. Larry picked up a leather riding crop and tested the flex between his hands. He swished the crop and it cut through the air.

  “I thought you were a softie,” Larry grinned. “I never knew you were such a kinky bastard. It’s always the quiet ones you gotta look out for.”

  Stefan kept his face impassive. He stared at Larry. “It’s what I did for a living,” he reminded the big man. “Clients came to me to learn about submission. It made sense to introduce them to some of the typical equipment they might encounter.”

  Larry gave an exaggerated nod and scratched the back of his head with the handle of the crop.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Now I remember. Stefan’s seedy school of submission or something, isn’t it?”

  Stefan didn’t smile.

  Larry hung the riding crop back on its hook. There was a low wooden trestle in the far corner of the room. It looked like a builder’s saw horse. The timber frame of the structure had been fitted with leather padding and leather cuff restraints. Larry took a moment to admire the craftsmanship of the piece, and then leaned nonchalantly against it.

  “Well, you know what they say,” he said slowly. “Those that can’t do…. teach.”

  Stefan bridled. Everything about Larry Madden was a challenge; a taunt. He was a big man and accustomed to getting his own way. He was crude and confronting. He was used to intimidating people – menacing and threatening them until they cowered and buckled. But Stefan was a big man too, and there was a limit to his courtesy. Without realizing it, Larry was fast approaching that limit.

  “They say that…” Stefan agreed off-handedly. “At least the dumb ignorant ones do.”

  There was a long tense silence, and then Larry Madden threw back his head and laughed. “A comedian!” Larry chuckled. “That’s what you are. A bloody comedian.” His laughter turned into a fit of coughing, and by the time he had regained his breath he was watery eyed… and the tension between the men had eased as Larry’s expression suddenly became mischievous.

  Renee and Tink were standing in position with their heads bowed and their hands behind their backs just inside the doorway. Both women were wearing short skirts. Renee wore a pale yellow tank-top, whilst Tink was wearing the same bra she had worn when she arrived the afternoon before.

  Larry’s eyes drifted over the two submissives and he leered at Stefan. He rubbed his chin ruefully.

  “Mind if I try some of this fancy equipment out?”

  Stefan stiffened. He glanced in Tink’s direction. “I suppose not.”

  Larry smiled. “Mind if I give your bit of fluff a test drive? You know – just for a comparison?”

  Stefan smiled, but it was ice-cold and dangerous. “When hell freezes over.”

  “My, my, my…” Larry put his hand on his hip and lifted one eyebrow in a pantomime of arrogant surprise. “No need to get so defensive, bucko.” Larry thought he should be offended by Stefan’s refusal. “She’s precious is she? She got something special under that little skirt has she?”

  Without taking his eyes off Larry, Stefan snapped his fingers and Renee looked up. “Go upstairs, Renee,” he said calmly. “Wait for me in our bedroom.”

  Renee stepped past him and went up the stairs
quickly. When she was out of earshot, Stefan said with suppressed anger, “You get one chance with me, Larry. And that was it. Understand?”

  Larry held up his hands in mock surrender and took a step backwards. “Woooah, the sheriff in these here parts don’t like anyone messin’ with his livestock, eh? Okay, bucko. No offence, okay?” his tone became conciliatory. He stepped over to Tink and grabbed her wrist. He dragged her over to the edge of a sturdy wooden bench, bent her over, and then he lifted the girl’s skirt to make sure Stefan could see she was naked underneath. Larry retrieved the riding crop from the wall and turned back to Stefan in invitation.

  “Want to join me?” Larry offered. “She likes the whip, she does. Likes it a lot. Best damn way to warm her goodies up. Give her a few cuts with the crop and you’ll see what I mean.”

  Stefan could see the fearful expression on Tink’s face. The young girl looked terrified.

  “But she’s done nothing wrong,” Stefan pointed out calmly. “Why would you punish her?”

  “Because I can!” Larry snapped. “Because I feel like it. Because it makes me happy. Treat ‘em mean and keep ‘em keen.”

  Stefan shook his head. “Larry, why don’t you give the girl a break. Wait till she deserves to be punished.”

  “Why don’t you give me a break?” Larry growled. “I don’t tell you how to treat your fluff – so why don’t you get off my back!” He pushed Tink’s legs wide apart and then the crop hissed in the air as Larry flicked his wrist. A reddened mark appeared on the back of the girl’s thigh. She flinched and then whimpered.

  Larry turned. He was smiling. He held the riding crop out to Stefan in invitation. “Last chance…”

  “No. Thanks,” Stefan said. “I’ve got my own submissive to train – and it’s not how I do things.” He turned to go, and then paused. “Don’t hurt the girl, Larry. I’m warning you. Don’t you dare cross that line.”

  “You’re soft!” shouted Larry. “That’s your bloody problem. You don’t have what it takes. You never bloody did. Jesus wept. What’s happened to you, man? You’re not acting like no dom. You’re acting like you love the bitch!”

  Stefan closed the door behind him and stood alone at the foot of the staircase. Words, he thought. Just words… but Larry’s bitter taunt had cut through Stefan’s protective armor and as he slowly climbed the stairs, he wondered whether maybe Larry was right.


  When Stefan entered the bedroom he found Renee pulling clothes from her wardrobe and tossing them over her shoulder onto the bed. It looked like she was packing. She was grim-faced and there were angry furrowed lines across her brow.

  Stefan leaned against the doorway and folded his arms, watching her silently as she muttered to herself.

  She saw him from the corner of her eye. “He’s a brute,” Renee said as she tossed a yellow blouse onto the growing pile of clothing.

  Stefan said nothing. He noticed Renee had slipped the bracelet onto her wrist.

  “He shows her no kindness – no compassion,” Renee said. “He doesn’t treat her as a submissive. He treats her like …. like…” she couldn’t find the word she wanted and she stomped her foot in frustration.

  “Like a possession?”

  “Worse!” Renee reeled around. “Much worse.” There were angry red spots of color on her cheeks.

  Stefan came into the bedroom and closed the door quietly behind him. “It’s not our business,” he said. “Larry can do what he wants with Tink, and Tink can leave him if she’s unhappy.”

  Renee laughed hollowly. “Can she, Stefan? Can she really? And where would she go? He bought her, for God’s sake.”

  Stefan nodded. “You’re right,” he admitted. “But there is a fine line here, Renee – and I won’t interfere unless Larry crosses it. I don’t like the way he treats the girl any more than you do… but I won’t get involved unless I am sure he’s abusing her.”

  “But you will get involved if he goes too far?”

  “In an instant. You have my word.”

  Renee looked into Stefan’s eyes. She believed him. She trusted him completely.

  “Thank you,” she said, mollified enough to calm down a little. She took a deep shuddering breath and he hugged her.

  “Now, please tell me what you are doing?” Stefan changed the subject. “Why are you throwing clothes around the room?”

  Renee glanced at the pile of clothes on the bed. “I am cleaning out my wardrobe,” she said. “When I helped Tink unpack their suitcase last night she told me she only owned one dress. I was going through my wardrobe to see what clothes didn’t fit me anymore. I was going to offer them to her.”

  Stefan smiled. Renee’s generosity didn’t surprise him. “Good idea,” he said.

  “I can’t stop him treating her the way he does. But I can show her some kindness.”

  “You’re a sweet person. And you have a good heart,” he said. He looked at the bundle of clothes and didn’t recognize any of the garments Renee had selected. “So when is the fashion parade?”

  In an instant the atmosphere subtly altered. A warm wave of feminine understanding washed over Renee. She looked up into his face and there was a smoky, sultry hint of arousal in the way she moistened her lips before she spoke. “Right now – if you would like to watch.”

  Renee turned for the bed but Stefan followed her.


  She stopped obediently and he came up behind her. She felt the touch of his hands on her waist and she shivered deliciously as he lifted her tank-top. She raised her arms in the air as he undressed her. Then his fingers were at the zip of her skirt. It fell to the ground around her ankles. She waited passively as he slipped the straps of her bra off the smooth soft skin of her shoulders and unfastened the catch.

  “Now,” he said softly.

  She crossed to the bed in just her panties, as light on her feet as a dancer, each step now a gentle emphasized sway of her hips; a subtle provocation for him.

  Stefan was sitting, elegant and masculine, in the wing-backed leather chair across the room. His eyes were dark and hungry, but there was more than raw lust in the attitude and language of his body.

  He was appreciating her.

  She was parading herself for his pleasure.

  She was his prize, and she felt proud to be so. He thought she was beautiful, and she felt honored to be his woman. He judged her desirable, and she felt intoxicated by the knowledge.

  Renee felt the familiar liquid heat of her own arousal clench low in her abdomen as her blood began to quicken.

  She reached across the bed for an emerald green dress, coming up on her toes to flex and tense the lithe muscles of her legs, and then she pirouetted to face him.

  “Drop the dress,” Stefan said.

  She did.

  He stared at her, slim and young and achingly beautiful; his woman – his submissive.

  Stefan came up out the chair, hunting towards her, his hands unfastening the buttons of his shirt as he closed the space between them. Renee felt her breath hitch in her throat and her heart began to race with exhilaration and anticipation. He was all man, and she belonged to him.

  Without consciously realizing it she lowered herself to her knees in the attitude of submission and as he entwined his long fingers into her hair she drew down the fastening of his trousers and instinctively opened her mouth to pleasure him.

  Stefan threw back his head as exquisite sensations overwhelmed him. “Yes!” he hissed. And then a moment later, “faster.”

  Renee felt Stefan’s hands move to her shoulders, and his touch was gentle and then suddenly firm. She felt his fingers clawing into her and she knew it was a measure of the passion he felt. He pulled her to her feet and wordlessly unfastened the diamond bracelet from her wrist.

  Renee understood instantly, her body so attuned to the rhythm of his that she responded instinctively to every gesture and every nuance of his manner.

  She acquiesced to his unspoken message with a s
ubmissive bow of her head, giving her body to him – understanding that the fuel for his desire was a raw need to take her.

  Stefan let the bracelet fall to the floor, and scooped Renee up into his arms. He carried her to the bed like a conquering warrior bearing a mighty prize, and stood over her as she laid waiting at his mercy.

  Renee closed her eyes and felt the firm demand of Stefan’s hands roaming over her body, melting her like wax, peeling off her dampened panties, and then strumming his fingers across the soft moist lips of her sex.

  “Please…” her voice was strangled and agonized with the intensity of her arousal.

  Stefan undressed quickly. Renee felt the weight of him and the warmth of his body beside her. She threw her arms around his neck.

  “Oh, God, you’re so hard and strong,” Renee gasped, her voice tremulous. “Oh, sweet God I need you.”

  He bent to kiss her and Renee’s lips parted beneath the demanding pressure of his. Far from resisting, she kissed him back, matching his passion, her desperation just as powerful.

  Fluid and strong he came over her, sliding between her thighs, feeling her body trembling with her own pent-up desire. She was impatient for that first thrust, anticipating the delicious feeling of being stretched around him and the press of his pelvis hard against her own.

  Stefan pushed himself deep inside her and they both went still, staring at each other.

  She was hot, and wet. And tight.

  Renee’s inner muscles clenched around him and she groaned with an uninhibited sensuality. He shifted his weight slightly, sinking further into her, a careful erotic movement of his hips so that their bodies seemed to fuse.

  Stefan’s eyes were dark. His senses reeled. He pressed his forehead to hers as he fought the urge to pound himself into her. He laid perfectly still, his teeth gritted against the powerful waves of lust, calling up every ounce of his iron self-discipline and willpower.


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