Her Master's Kiss 2

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Her Master's Kiss 2 Page 7

by Vivien Sparx

  In the corner of his eye he saw Renee stir. He turned and realized she was staring at him.

  “I’m going to finish this,” he said.

  “I want you to,” she nodded.

  Stefan got out of the car and walked purposefully towards Larry. Backlit by the car’s headlights, Madden didn’t realize it was Stefan until the last moment – until it was too late.

  The shock registered on Madden’s face, and then Stefan was on him.

  Stefan’s first punch was a wild, rage-filled blow that landed on the side of Madden’s head. The big man went sideways, falling to the ground. Dazed, and unable to flee, he rolled away from Stefan and scrambled to his feet.

  Madden backed away like a trapped animal, until he was cornered against the wreckage of the Porsche. On the ground beside him he saw a broken tree-branch the length of a baseball bat. He bent down and picked it up.

  “Come on, then!” Madden growled. “I’m gonna tear you apart!”

  He took a pace forward, lifting the branch like a club - and as he did, he realized he had made a mistake. Stefan wasn’t retreating away from the threat. His hands were low and his fists were bunched. His lips were drawn back tightly, baring his teeth. His eyes were black, and there was a furious satanic expression on his face.

  Madden realized Stefan was coming for him and the shock of it slowed him. He couldn’t bring the branch down before Stefan closed the distance. Stefan hit him, hurling the full weight of his body behind a punch that struck Madden like a hammer-blow in the chest.

  Madden staggered, slamming his back against the crumpled frame of the sports car. The branch fell from his hand and Stefan took three quick paces forward, going after him with his right hand cocked.

  Stefan’s left hand clamped tight around Madden’s throat and he squeezed with all his strength. Then he used his right, punching up under the big man’s exposed ribs, tearing stomach muscles.

  Stefan landed a flurry of blows. Some were too high and with each wayward impact he heard Madden’s ribs crack and snap.

  Finally Stefan took a step back and Madden slowly sagged face forward. Stefan hit him flush in the mouth with a left hook that snapped his teeth off at the gums and split his top lip wide open.

  Stefan reached into his trouser pocket and flicked open his cell phone. He dialed 911.

  “There’s been a car accident just east of the old Gatfield turnoff,” he said, sounding much calmer than he felt. “One man injured. Take your time.”

  He reached down and grabbed a handful of Madden’s hair, then dragged the unconscious man out of the pool of his own bloody vomit.

  When Stefan got back into his car, Renee was waiting for him. She smiled – and the sparkle was back in her eye.


  Two days later Renee and Stefan drove back along the winding road – heading home from the hospital. The late afternoon had tinted the surrounding woodlands with shades of mauve and orange, and the road was a dappled camouflage of light and shadow.

  Tink was waiting for them in the open doorway wearing her blue sundress and when Renee embraced her, the young girl began to cry.

  “I’m so glad you are better.”

  “It’s going to take a little while longer,” Renee whispered, her voice still a painful rasp, “and I could use a little help around the house for a while if you would be willing.”

  Tink smiled her delight.

  Stefan came from the car carrying an overnight bag on his shoulder. He took Renee gently by the elbow and guided her to the bedroom.

  In their absence, Tink had cleaned, replaced the linen in the bedroom, and filled the house with bunches of fresh-cut flowers. She hovered in the hallway until Stefan had Renee comfortably in bed and then she shuffled shyly to the open door. Stefan waved to her and she sat quietly at the end of the bed.

  “We’d like you to stay for a while,” Stefan said to Tink. “The spare room is yours if you’d like it.”

  Tink nodded. “Is that alright with you?” she asked Renee.

  “It was my idea,” Renee said.

  “I have contacts,” Stefan went on. “I know many Masters who would be excited to have you live with them. If you like, I can make some calls.”

  Tink nodded – but this time her reaction was guarded and unsure. “I… would like that,” she began, “but… but I don’t want to end up with another Master like Master Larry. And I’m not even sure what makes a Master good – or bad.”

  Renee reached over to the bedside table and pulled the white card from underneath her diamond bracelet. “This is a gift,” she said, “so you will know what makes a good Master great.”

  Tink read the card slowly, and ‘shimmer’s’ words brought a mist of tears to her eyes. “Don’t you need this?”

  “No,” Renee smiled. “I have my Master – and my man. It’s everything I ever wanted.”

  * * *

  Bonus Material:

  Whenever Hollywood releases a new film it’s normal for the stars to do a wide range of interviews. I thought it would be fun to send an interviewer to talk to Stefan and Renee.

  This interview took place eight weeks after the story concluded:

  Interviewer: Well, what a story! Welcome to both of you. Thanks for giving up your time to be interviewed. Renee, I have to ask you straight away how you’re feeling. The end of Her Master’s Kiss 2 showed you coming home from hospital. That was a couple of months ago. How are you now?

  Renee: Fine. Thanks. The first couple of weeks after the story ended were difficult but once the bruising and swelling subsided, I felt much better. There are no long-term issues. I’m pretty-much back to normal. Psychologically…? Well, I think I’m okay now, although I still get a little crazy whenever Stefan goes into Bishop’s Bridge without me.

  Interviewer: Did you ever suspect, when the story began, that the ending would be so dramatic – and traumatic?

  Renee: No! We had no idea what Vivian Sparx had planned, and so the way the story developed… well we were expecting something very different. We expected the story to show how the relationship between Stefan and I deepened… we just never anticipated that something so dramatic would be the catalyst for the change in our relationship.

  Interviewer: Stefan, the conch. What a wonderful idea! How has that beautiful bracelet changed the way you and Renee interact with each other?

  Stefan: As I said in the story, the bracelet was a way of me opening up to Renee, and slowly beginning to transform our relationship from a strict Master/submissive relationship to one that was much deeper. Having lived with Renee, and knowing my feelings for her were changing, it was my way of opening the door a little, but still retaining a measure of control.

  Interviewer: And now?

  Stefan: Well now Renee wears the bracelet all the time. In fact the Master/submissive relationship we once had has pretty-much been abandoned. I don’t feel I need to hold on to control anymore. I feel…. I feel like the man I was when my first wife was alive. I’m happy to be in a loving, equal relationship now. In fact the BDSM aspect we structured everything on has essentially become a much lighter, sensual part of the bigger picture.

  Renee: I have to say that Stefan has been wonderful. Since the end of our story, we’ve become much, much closer. Sometimes I make him angry just for fun… and that’s when the sparks fly and we revert to our previous roles for an hour or two…. But apart from that I feel like I am Stefan’s equal within the relationship, and I really love the fact that he listens to my thoughts and feelings and respects me as a woman.

  Interviewer: The real transformation in this story is how you come to realize exactly how you feel about Renee. Would you agree with that Stefan?

  Stefan: Yes, I do agree. I think Vivian Sparx has shown how I’ve opened up to love, and done a pretty good job of it. I wished she’d found a less dramatic way to show that transformation – but I suppose all is well that ends well…

  Interviewer: Stefan, the scene when you discover Renee has been beaten a
nd attacked by Larry Madden. Can you talk us through that? Tell us what you were feeling.

  Stefan: Sparx described it all quite well. I don’t think there’s much more I can add.

  Interviewer: Really?

  Stefan: Look – it was a very difficult moment, and not one I want to re-visit just for an interview. The silver-lining to that scene was that it made me realize just how much I loved Renee. If that’s the quote you want, then you can have it. But I don’t wish to go over the other emotions of that scene. It was intense, and it was frightening for me. That’s all I’m prepared to discuss at this stage.

  Interviewer: Okay. Moving on then. The moment when you saw Madden standing in the roadway as you were driving Renee to the hospital. How fierce was the urge for revenge?

  Stefan: It was so fierce I honestly considered running the man down and killing him. I did. It was only a fleeting thought – but that’s the truth. And when I got out of the car my first instinct was to kill him.

  Interviewer: You beat him up pretty badly.

  Stefan: Nowhere near as badly as he deserved.

  Interviewer: Let me just ask you something that I’ve been wondering about, Stefan. In the story there is a scene where you and Renee are discussing your past, and you mention a man named Victor. Is this man still… still doing what he does?

  Stefan: Trafficking young girls? Training them to be sex slaves for wealthy men? Is that what you mean?

  Interviewer: Yes.

  Stefan: I honestly don’t know. As I said, I was never involved in that dark and dangerous side of the lifestyle. But I can say this: if he is not involved in this disgusting practice, then someone else is. Hundreds of young girls go missing around this country every year….

  Interviewer: That leads me to my next question, and it’s for you Renee. I want you to talk about the young girl Tink. What’s happened since the end of the story?

  Renee: Tink! She’s wonderful. You know I really do think Tink’s journey was the highlight of this story for me. I know there was a lot of emotion and drama… and a dash of action, but I think Tink’s contribution to the storyline, and the way she emerged was just wonderful.

  Interviewer: And now?

  Renee: She still lives with Stefan and me – for the moment at least. She has been a great help around the home, and she’s been a good friend. Stefan has introduced her to a Master he knows who lives an hour away from us, and Tink has been spending some time with him – just getting to know and understand each other. I don’t know if they will form a Master/submissive relationship… but at this stage it looks promising. Stefan even offered to dismantle the punishment room downstairs and convert it into a one bedroom flat for her. We’ll see.

  Interviewer: Stefan? Is that true? Would you really dismantle the punishment room?

  Stefan: Yes. I don’t feel Renee and I have a need for it anymore. It served its purpose. I think the space could be used for much better things.

  Interviewer: Well, as a final question for you both, tell us about what you think the future holds. Renee, have you thought about life ahead for you and Stefan?

  Renee: Every day! What girl doesn’t dream about her future? If you’re asking me whether I dream about marrying this man one day, then of course the answer is yes!

  Interviewer: Stefan? This is an exciting possibility. Are the wedding bells ringing in your future?

  Stefan: Don’t even mention a wedding! The last think we want to do is give Vivien Sparx any more ideas…

  Interviewer: Renee? Do you have anything you want to say? Have you spoken to Vivien Sparx? Surely a wedding would be the ultimate fairytale conclusion to your journey with Stefan.

  Renee: I do have an exciting secret to share with everyone who has followed our story. I can announce right now that –––

  (*interview abruptly terminated at the insistence of Stefan*)

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