The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1)

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The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1) Page 11

by Raleigh Daniels Jr

  I bent down to pick up the last object lying on the floor. It was a simple paper clip. Suddenly, I heard that very annoying voice to which I wished that could die in the fire.

  "'What's up hoe!' I heard Pappy's obnoxious voice from behind me. It was not a surprise that he was staring at my bum. That bastard.

  "'Smack my ass and I will end you,' I threatened retracting my energized falcon claws from my nails.

  "'Aww come on now. You like it when I smack your wall...I mean plank... I mean, you have nothing for me to smack, ass," Pappy said trying to be funny.

  "'Harty har,' I gave Pappy a stern glare, 'What do you want?' I turned around and discovered him. The Fruit Vendor! Why was he doing here?

  "'You seem surprise to see me,' said the Vendor.

  "'Yeah,' I said slowly, turning to Pappy, 'What the hell is he doing here?' I whispered to his ear.

  "'Don't ask me. Tell that to him. However this may prove to be a good thing because he has the information that you might want to know,' he said.

  "'And that will be what exactly?' I asked.

  "'It involves around Michael and Nya... and their parents," said the Vendor.

  "This got my immediate attention, 'Have a seat'.


  It was a long day for all of us. Me facing off against a giant lizard, discovering my powers and the whole Sky-Titans dilemma to the whole incident between Nya and Thames. Thames' death was traumatizing. We already lost our parents, we didn't want to lose a friend. Nya was saved by him, only for him to sacrifice his life to save her. Should I be angry or should I be grateful? I was so confused that I just wanted to explode. Nya was in the living room crying her heart out. I looked at the badge again and sighed. I sat inside the bathroom cabinet and went to comfort her.

  I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her as she cried for the loss of her friend. Why it has to be us that have to suffer. Do the gods have a vendetta against us? What have we done to deserve such torture?

  "I should have listened to him," she sobbed, "Why didn't I move? Why did I intervene?"

  I patted her back trying to combat my tears, "It's all my fault!" she cried.

  "It's not your fault," I said comforting her, wiping her tears, "It was never your fault."

  "Yes it is."

  "Nya? Nya, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. For all the things that had happened today was not your fault. You did all that you could. And if it was not for him you would not be here in my arms right?" I asked.

  Nya sobbed.

  I held her close as the sun waned in the horizon, dimming the daylight to the dawn of the night.


  "I woke up in the peak of the night, feeling the pain circulating in my stomach. I removed my brother's arms from around me and sat up. I looked around and discovered that we were still in the living room. It was terrifying. There was an inch of light, but it was so dim that not even the sharpest of seers could find it. I walked past the kitchen and straight to the bathroom to do my little business.

  "After that, I came across the cabinet right above the sink in the bathroom and discovered a glass case of a blue circle with a yellow rectangle on the middle. I opened the case up and well to my surprise there was nothing. I opened the cabinet to put the case away safely so that was whoever owned this can find it easily without having to tear up the place.

  "But when I opened the cabinet... I saw that symbol... that symbol I couldn't explain what it was, but... I took the glass case with the blue circle on it and then the object. It matched! What was it? Suddenly, something came rushing back to me like a rushing river.


  "This badge had the exact same designs as the orb. Why would Michael take something from inside the orb? Didn't he say that whoever's lost an item, don't mess with it? Why would he do the opposite?

  "I caressed the smooth shape gently as I tried to put the pieces together. What was this? Who did this belong to?

  "I flipped to the back of the object and discovered an encryption of an 'α' sign. What does it mean? Without warning, when I flipped it back to the front, even before I did, I saw a bright blue glow. The rectangle in the center fired up a bright yellow light. I tried to look away, I tried to throw the thing to the ground and run, but the sight of it was hypnotizing. I just could not let it go. As I watched a river of blue energy circulate around my arms.


  That light. That damn light. Where was it coming from? The light was so bright that when I had my eyes closed, I could see my veins from my eyelids. I woke up and discovered that Nya was not around. Probably using the bathroom...or for what I thought when I saw a bright blue light in the bathroom. I followed the bright light from the hallway. The further I walked, the brighter the light became. I covered my eyes when I approached to the bathroom. What I saw was horrifying.

  Nya stood nearly lifeless staring at my badge as energy rapidly flowed around her body through her arms to her brain. Everything around her was swirling around her.

  My eyes bulged in shock, I was scared by what was happening. I ran to her, trying snap her out whatever trance she was in.

  "Nya?" I reached over to her, "Nya!"

  She could not hear me. I reached for the badge to snap her out of it. But then I would be doing more harm than good. But I was not thinking. These highly energetic tendrils were ripping the entire bathroom apart.

  The badge was going to blow.

  I finally got close to her and saw that her eyes was flashing divinely yellow light. It was as if a fire was burning inside her eyes.

  "Nya? Please hear me!"

  "Help me," Nya begged in a sonorous tone with a slew of voices in unison.

  I saw the badge in her hands begin releasing tons of energy. I touched, attempting to remove it and then...

  Blank. The entire household was engulfed in a bright white flash.


  "WE FINALLY LEFT your lands my lord. We are heading to the opposite side of the world to retreated what you have asked of us. Your fear for the reemergence of the Sky-Titans. It confuses but interests me. Why are you scared of these groups? I remember the stories you tell us that how they were a plague to our people. Was there a reason? All I heard was bloody massacre and war but never a reason. Was it that because they have done more harm than good, if so then why?

  "Sorry if I seem to be too critical of you, it's just that whenever I look around your civilized men all I see are creature muddling around in their filth. This Earl you brought to me, he is as weak as a twig, and as cowardly as a turtle in his shell. I can't talk without him knowing because he is more of a baby than a real man. He will not pull any punches so why have him here? You and I know that he is just a snail. He may appear smart and charismatic to some but to me, I see him more as a spec of fecal matter.

  "Am I downing you? I don't wish to be. Nor do I even try to be my lordship since my soul is caged inside your gut.

  "The night was barely clear for what I said before; the clouds blocked the moon giving us little light except for a few speck long stars. But that was just it. My eyes were locked to the heavens, dreaming of me living in your presence. All the Neomen wanted to be in your place, like all men with their gods.

  "In the vast black ocean our men were at the upper deck of the ship abusing their jocularity with their strong drinks and hard fornicates. Drunkards and knockers reigned this ship, naturally tearing this vessel apart. I was in my quarters one level down of the deck finishing up dressing the young Samantha here for the 'ball', I had to paint her thick brown skin green to hide her from potential onlookers. Her dress was well made thanks to the kind Lady of this ship. I remembered she asked me why I needed it. I sort of lied to her saying that I was engaged to a lucky girl to whom I deemed worthy.

  "Samantha stared at the window in her thick pink dress complete with white gloves. She did not say a word to me. I was not sure why. In fact she barely said a word. She stared out at the window and then from out of context she was looking at
something. I was not sure what. I slowly lowered my head to see what she was holding without me noticing. What she held made my eyes to bulge out of my sockets. I turned around and saw the wooden case lying on the the closet. I turned back to see Samantha oblivious still eyeing on the badge. Her badge was a black circular shaped object with a white ring around it. It also had the white, vertical rectangle on the center. It was glowing a little bit but not by much.

  "On use previous days I discovered that she was a Badgette, but still I am unaware by which kind. My lord if you wanted a Badgette, why not this one? What was so special about the Alpha?

  "Was she an Alpha...or was she something else entirely?

  "I cleared my throat, spooking her causing her to jump and stuff her badge right in between her breasts before turning to me. She was breathing erratically almost as if she was caught. Was I angry? Boy was that a million dollar question.

  "I did not know what or how to feel. Was I angry or was I impressed? I was not clear with my own emotions at the time. I took deep breaths and finally calmed myself down before I kill her for your amusement my liege.

  "'So are you ready?' I asked.

  "Samantha nodded slowly.

  "I smiled at her, 'Then let us depart.'

  "I extended my hand to her; she took it and stood herself up. She was scared obviously but I wanted to try to ease her fear. Sadly, you had other plans.

  "I heard a knock on my door. I told Samantha to not move and she did. I walked over to the door and opened and to my disliking I came across your pawn the Earl. What was he doing here?

  "Am I questioning your judgement sire? Yes I will admit. Yes. But him? Why him? He is a bastard waiting to fail. Too young and too cocky to stay in his square. He oppresses us, he treat us like animals in pens and yet you allow this worm to take charge? Isn't it the job for the Captain to take control of this ship? Why bring him?

  "'General Yalen, I see that you are not too fond to see me,' this Creature took the words right out of my mouth.

  "'What do you want?'

  "'Your cooperation,' he began, 'We are having a meeting right after the party and I insist you come. It will be pretty much interesting than seeing drunkards beat each other over common hogwash,' he smiled pompously.

  "'No I refuse,' I said, 'Besides I will be comfortable here in my quarters after my time at the party.'

  "'Mind if I remind you that it is urgent. It is about the upcoming re-emergence of the Sky-Titans Mean as well as the Annunaqui? And since you are the General I believe it is your duty to attend these affairs is it not? And plus you are strategically gifted and we need your guidance to achieve our victory,' he said.

  "'Even if I do agree to your terms, who will care for the woman?' I asked.

  "The Earl took a quick glance at Samantha who was sitting on the bed. The Earl scoffed.

  "'Well isn't it a good thing I brought the Admiral to tend to her needs,' he said. Coming out from the shadows was a robust, hulking male Neoman wearing a deep-green armored suit. He had a stoic look on his face, a stone cold look. He was at least a few inches taller than I. He could be as tall as you my lord! As large and as bulking as this man was, how come I have not seen him before. A guy of his stature was hard to miss.

  "Maybe he was new. Who knows?

  "'You might have not met I see. Well then, prepare for me to introduce to you Admiral Tamaa. He was just recently promoted by the great King Mungfalme. You might not see him because well, he was in a lower rankings. Because of his dedication and loyalty thus risking his own life to protect the crown against a short lived rebellion he was promoted. He will be more than likely to take care of your um...' he shot a long glance at Samantha before eyeing on me, '...guest.'

  "I don't trust this admiral sire. Forgive me for saying this but... I don't trust him. Any ally to the Earl is an enemy of mine. However you declared that it was nonnegotiable for me to attend these meetings I have to have someone here to care for her for the time being while I'm gone.

  "'Alright,' I said, 'I will go,' I turned to this admiral before I left with the Earl.


  "The Earl and I walked in the hallway not saying a word. We were guarded by a few of your soldiers my king. I was ready for what you have in store. We reached to the third level of the ship where we came across the brig. An ordinary ship would have the brig that would be small but not this one. This brig was spacious. Humans: big and small, old and young trapped in cages moaning and groaning, getting weaker by the day. Some lied on the ground on top of a pool of red water leaking from their banks. Others were frail and weak. We slowly passed by them as they scurried to the bars of their cells begging for help.

  "'Don't let them fool you,' the Earl began, 'These humans are as dangerous as they are stupid. They are animals and uncivilized and must be treated like way,' he said, 'Come along.'

  "I always thought that my lord was merciful king. King Mungfalme, why are there are humans in these sort of conditions. When I saw humans in your presence they were at least treated with some respect. Or at least I thought it was. These humans, I am curious. How are they hostile to us? What have they done to us? I await for your word since you have a good enough reason. I know that you would not allow such savagery come to pass.

  "We left the brig and entered to what looks like a large, dark cabin, dimly lit with a few torches and candles. I saw cloaked Neomen guiding us with their candles and lamps. They lined up in a juxtaposed queue about face. Walking in between these Neomen was one of your sorcerers. He wore a black trench coat, shirt, pants, and shoes. His head and his face was bare And like all pure-blooded Neoman, he was nearly lipless.

  "'Earl of the East Wing, General Yalen it's a privilege to see you for the first time,' he addressed.

  "'Likewise,' the Earl said, 'One of your men had informed me that you have created something that could be only be deemed godlike and...'

  "'Yes of course. Of course they did. And I have,' the Sorcerer said, 'Lights please!'

  "The lights were cut on and... Oh my god...

  "'Behold!' the Sorcerer announced, 'A genetically-engineered tyrannosaurus egg!'

  "How can something this big not topple the ship? It nearly reaches the ceiling?

  "'Now you are wondering how are we still afloat? Well it is because these creatures. These genetically-engineered Supersaurs have altered supercells that can act as individual microchips. They scan their environment and they adapt quickly than we could ever do. These cells could be sentient for all I know. These creatures are heavy, don't get me wrong but because of...'

  "'Get on with it,' I was growing impatient.

  "'Right, since the fall of the Sky-Titans, I may as well taken one of the badges and spewed their energy into the proteins of each and every single animal causing them to mutate almost naturally In an exponential rate. Once they hatch they will be as ten times more powerful and lethal than any of our armies out together. They can be powerful enough to subdue the Sky-Titans and force the Annunaqui to extinction replacing us as the dominant species on the planet.'

  "As this mad magician explains this unholy magic he plagued upon us, I kept staring at the gargantuan super-eggs standing before us. Almost majestic like.

  "'What kind of sorcery is this?' I asked.

  "'Not magic. Science,' said the Sorcerer calmly, 'I think that these eggs would be great for our invasion of the Annunaqui.'

  "'Great,' said the Earl, 'Now about these Supersaurs. What can they do?'


  "It had been hours but it was finally over. The Earl had exported me back to my quarters so I could get ready for the party. I turned to the hallway where my cabin was until I heard some screaming. Samantha's screaming!

  "I ran to the door and bust the door down. I knew I could not trust this bastard! This disgusting man was beating her with every single blunt object he could grab his hands on. He was smashing a metal pipe against her face like a bloodthirsty savage! I ran over. Forced his body to turn around towards me
and I smacked my hardened fist up against his right cheek bone, shattering his molars, forcing them to launch out of his gums leaving off a trail of blood in my bloody rage. his face scrunched up violently as I slowly heard his cranium fracture bit by bit. I gave him multiple blows on his stomach, head, and chest. He managed to pull one punch to me sire, but at that third fist landing, I broke his hand and threw him from across the room.

  "I helped poor Samantha up as she sat there crying and shaking from the pain she endured. Oh my lord, King Mungfalme. You have to do something about this. About the treatment of these humans. Are humans the animals or are we?

  "Samantha was in the worst shape. Worst than what the soldiers you sent to fight off at against the Sky-Titans. Her dress was in beyond repair. Samantha's lips was busted, she had multiple gash wounds from the back of her head, she was still bleeding. She had big bruises all around her body. And to make it all worse she had a plethora of gashes raking from her neck to her upper thigh. I tried to cover her up with a large bed sheet to stop the bleeding. She was quickly losing consciousness.

  "I heard the Admiral get up, a knife was in his hands, holding it on standby I gathered.

  "'You know it is unlawful to defend an animal. Do you know what she had done to me?' the Admiral croaked. I stood up carrying Samantha bridal style and placed her on the bed.

  "'The Earl will not like this at all after I...'

  "I rushed over, dodged his swing of the knife, broke his arm forcing him to drop the knife and slammed him against the wall.

  "'Touch her again and I will kill you where you stand,' I threatened, 'And if you dare squeal I will stiff that ironbar you used against her and shove it up your ass...slowly.'

  "The Admiral shook me off him and cracked his neck. If I would have my king, I would love to wipe that smile off his face.

  "'Never touch me and I will have you executed,' the Admiral threatened, 'I will let this pass. But do not touch me again.'

  "The coward left. I tended to treat Samantha's wounds. I just hope to your holy name Mungfalme that she lives - wait... her bruises!


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