Highland Escape

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Highland Escape Page 13

by MacRae, Cathy

  She must have read the expression on Anna’s face. A forced marriage was her worst nightmare, a fact she had thoughtlessly expressed but a few moments ago. Mairi squeezed her hand and smiled.

  “’Twas difficult at first, but we have made a good match. We have forged love where none was to start. Passion has played an important role. Marriage has been hard work, but I couldnae ask for a better husband. I believe him to think me a good wife.”

  They sat in silence while Anna considered her words.

  Mairi shifted on the bench. “Passion is a good place to begin, but there must be trust, mutual respect and caring for love to take root. Often times ’tis more an act of will than a feeling fluttering in the stomach.”

  Anna nodded, not sure she understood.

  “Men are often stubborn, prideful creatures, who believe the world should bend to their command. We have to look past this part if we are to love them. Otherwise, we would probably wind up killing them.” Mairi chuckled.

  Anna giggled. Mairi smoothed a strand of hair from Anna’s face. “So, do I know this braw swain of yers?” She gave Anna a sly look.

  “Aunt Mairi, you are as bad as your daughter!”

  They laughed till both were in tears. A somber thought soon ended Anna’s merriment. Hesitating to make eye contact, she asked, “Do you think me good enough for your son?”

  Mairi pulled Anna into her arms. “If I knew no more than the fact ye risked yer life against six men to save two innocent lasses, I would know enough to say aye. Having gotten to know ye these past few weeks has only deepened my affections for ye. As the daughter of a baron, and the granddaughter of a laird, ye are of noble blood, and a good match for Duncan.”

  “Even without lands or a dowry?”

  Mairi swept her hand in a half circle. “Look about. Do the MacGregors need more wealth? As a mother, I would rather see my son happy than saddled in a marriage without love for more land or coin.”

  Anna kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Ye have the advantage, of course. If my son ever acts in any manner but a gentleman, just tell me. His father and I shall take him to task.”

  Anna smiled at the image. “I believe I can handle your son, Mairi.”

  Chapter 13

  Anna caught Mairi’s wink as she filled Kenneth’s goblet with ale. “Husband, Duncan and Anna propose a trip to Graham market for supplies. I have sent word to those who would like to offer goods for sale or barter.”

  The laird tore off a chunk of bread and turned to Duncan. “Who do ye think to take?”

  “I thought Liam and Rory in one wagon, Donnan and Ross for the other. Malcolm and Ian plus me and Anna should be enough.”

  “Very well. When do ye leave?”

  “Mayhap five days. Does it suit ye?”

  The laird nodded as he took another slice of venison from the platter. “Aye. See if they have some of the wine ye fetched last trip.”

  While discussion of the trip continued, Anna realized she was more aware of Duncan than ever. The current seating arrangement always put Anna furthest away from him. Her gaze frequently sought him out, often catching him staring at her. She felt the memory of his lips on hers and hungered to have them there again.

  She saw Lady MacGregor’s serene smile and the laird’s half-scowl, and blushed to think they understood the shared glances between her and Duncan. Nessa chattered away, oblivious to the actions of those around her.

  “Did anyone hear me?” Nessa asked impatiently, hand on her hip as she stared at Anna and Duncan. The two of them exchanged quick glances, and Mairi smiled indulgently. The laird shook his head and called for more ale.

  “I want to know if Anna can bring back velvet to make new gowns.”

  “Of course, Nessa. I will be happy to purchase any fabric you ladies might require.” With a last look at Duncan, she listened attentively as Nessa discussed various dress styles.

  After the meal, they rose from the table. Rather than joining his father at the hearth, Duncan chatted with the women. Mairi smiled at his behavior, while Nessa gaped at him like he had grown an additional head. Though uncertain why he stayed near them, Anna found herself glad for the additional time in his presence.

  As soon as Mairi excused herself to retire for the evening, Duncan spoke. “Anna, would ye like to go for a walk?”

  Nessa whipped her head around, waiting to hear Anna’s response.

  “Yes, I would.”

  A grin split Nessa’s face, lighting her features with joy. A blush heated Anna at Nessa’s reaction. She accepted the arm Duncan offered, and they headed out the door. As they strolled toward the gardens outside the keep, Duncan lifted her hand to his lips, his breath warm on her skin as he kissed her fingers. Moonlight filtered through the clouds, bathing their path in silver light.

  Stopping beneath a large oak tree, Duncan leaned against the trunk, pulling Anna into his embrace. She placed her hands on his chest and settled her cheek on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she savored his touch and scent. He no longer smelled like horses and leather. The heady, masculine scent belonging only to him filled her senses. They stood several minutes in silence, soaking up each other’s presence.

  “Ye are less confused tonight.”

  She was glad he sensed the difference. “Yes. I had a discussion with my favorite aunt this afternoon.”

  Drawing back slightly, Duncan scrunched his brow, waiting for the rest.

  Anna saw the question on his face. Cocking a smile, she laid her head back on his shoulder. “Your mother has asked to be my female counsel.”

  His body shook with a mild laugh. “That must have been difficult.”

  She shrugged. “What choice do I have? I have experienced nothing like this before and refuse to remain in the dark.”

  “I am glad ye have someone to talk to. I cannae think how it has been for ye not to have an older woman to rely on all these years.”

  His voice rumbled in his chest and the vibration enticed her to draw closer.

  “Your mother has been wonderful. I needed to be sure she approves of me. I want to understand what is happening to me, and do my part…”

  Duncan waited for her to finish her thought. She didn’t. “Do your part?” He firmed his embrace, prompting her to explain.

  She didn’t answer right away. Her lungs filled deeply before she exhaled with force. “To do my part if you decide to keep me.”

  Duncan couldn’t believe his ears. She sought out information from his own mother so she could better understand how to become his what? His friend, his lover, his mistress? No, he couldn’t dishonor her by using her that way. He knew they’d already progressed well beyond companionship, past friendship. Marriage was his intent.

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, he gazed at her. Anna’s confession merited one from him in return.

  “I have felt this pull since the first day I saw ye. I thought ’twas simply desire, as when a man sees a lass who pleases him. I have learned what I feel for ye surpasses simple desire. I’ve never wanted to court anyone before. ’Tis new to me as well.”

  His words made her smile. Gazing into his eyes, she asked, “I wondered…”

  Meeting her gaze, he mirrored her smile. “What is it, my Anna?”

  “Might we kiss again? I promise to be more careful this time.”

  Before he could answer, Anna reached both hands around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. Though she knew better what to expect this time, she found herself swept away as quickly and as thoroughly as before. Hungrily, she kissed him, savoring his taste. How was it possible to want someone this intensely?

  Anna molded around his body, needing to get closer. Warmth spread through her, heating every nerve. Her hands found their way under his tunic to his back, craving contact with his skin. She reveled in running her hands over the sculpted muscles quivering under her touch. It empowered her to know she affected him so. His hands did the same to her, accelerating her heart rate, her breathi
ng. With each touch, he set small fires crackling across her skin. It was not enough. Needing his hands everywhere, she ached for skin-on-skin contact.

  Duncan broke contact, muttering a low oath. “Bluidy hell woman! Ye will be the death of me.”

  She fixed her gaze on him. Both out of breath, they teetered on the edge of control.

  “Aye, ’twill be a sweet death, no doubt,” she answered, imitating his burr.

  He enclosed her in his arms again, and she felt his lips smile when he kissed her forehead and whispered, “Nae doubt.”

  In a stupor, she leaned against him as he escorted her back to the keep. His parting kiss landed light as the fall of snowflakes. What it lacked in ardor it made up with tenderness. Anna staggered upstairs, clinging to the rope rail along the wall. Nessa ambushed her the instant she opened the door.

  “I knew it! Ye and Duncan!” Nessa erupted, dancing with excitement.

  Anna realized there’d be no denying it. She knew she had to look different. Her cheeks warmed with remembrance of their passion, and her lips felt swollen from kissing. She simply smiled at Nessa, remembering her teasing from a few weeks ago. Was it only weeks? It seemed much longer. Anna calmly sat down and prepared for bed.

  “Ye must tell me.”

  Anna ignored her plea, refusing to meet her gaze. “Whatever do you mean?” she drawled lazily, her voice as innocent as she could muster. With a squeal of indignation, Nessa launched herself at Anna, catching her off guard and tumbling them both to the bed.

  The absurdity of her behavior sent Anna into peals of uncontrolled laughter. Unable to resist, Nessa followed suit, and they found themselves entwined in a fit of uncontained hysterics. Once their mirth faded, Anna rolled to her feet and resumed dressing for bed.

  “Tell me.” The whining in Nessa’s voice threatened to start the giggles again.

  “Tell you what, Nessa?”

  Impatient, Nessa huffed, rattling off a string of questions. “Are ye courting? Do ye love him? Does this mean ye shall stay forever? Are ye planning to marry? When will I become an aunt?”

  Anna plopped onto the bed, stunned by the directness of Nessa’s questions. She still searched to find her bearings, not sort things out for her nosey adopted sister. Love? She wasn’t sure what love was. At least not between a man and woman. Mairi said love needed passion, trust, respect and caring to form. They had all of these, so perhaps love would develop. It was too new to her, too early in their relationship to claim love. As for the rest, she couldn’t think that far ahead. Turning at last to Nessa’s eager face, Anna answered carefully.

  “Yes, we are courting. He asked today, so you haven’t missed anything. ’Tis too soon to speak of love, but I do care for your brother. There is something powerful between us. As for the rest, only time will tell.”

  Clasping her hands to either side of Anna’s face, Nessa gave her an elated smile. “We shall truly be sisters! It has been my dearest wish.” Unable to contain her joy, Nessa crawled under the bedclothes with Anna, extolling the virtues of love until they both fell asleep.

  * * *

  The next few days flew swiftly by. Each morning she trained with Duncan in both armed and unarmed combat. He readily saw the logic behind each technique they covered and regularly praised her abilities. Often, their sparring led to heated embraces and kisses. She relished them as much as the fighting, perhaps more.

  Duncan’s prediction she’d won over clan MacGregor proved accurate. Setting bones, stitching cuts, tending burns, soothing fevers, and treating a number of other maladies kept Anna busy for several hours most afternoons.

  The laird grudgingly allowed Nessa to assist Anna on most cases, after Anna suggested the future wife of a laird, skilled in healing the sick and wounded, would be quite valued. Not in the least put off by the sight of blood, Nessa showed signs of a true gift, and her kind, gentle nature put people at ease.

  The gratitude of the people whom Anna assisted warmed her heart. She’d turned down a pig, sacks of grain, and some vegetables she didn’t recognize as payment for services. Duncan explained to everyone that the laird provided for her, and in turn her services were part of his care for them. She’d never received compensation before for doing what she viewed as Christian charity, and felt uncomfortable doing so now.

  In spite of the laird’s words, she noticed her favorite things continued to crop up anonymously. The jam she enjoyed so much at breakfast always seemed to be on the table. Loaves of the dark, sweet bread with nuts and berries she favored was regularly served. A never-ending supply of lavender soap appeared for her bath. Two thicker tunics and a new pair of deerskin breeches found their way into her possession. Anna never knew who was responsible for these things, but her heart filled each time she saw them.

  The laird set boundaries on the types of cases Nessa attended. Again, Anna was surprised by the lack of protest the girl offered. It also made her feel guilty she wasn’t as obedient a daughter as Nessa. Watching father and daughter together made Anna grasp the depth of love her own father had possessed to allow his only daughter to pursue the unconventional interests she did.

  Isla attended also. She and Nessa kept a running log of treatments, tracking details for each case. Anna used this opportunity to teach the girls Latin, English and mathematics. They kept various remedies cataloged in another book.

  Though Nessa shied from any use of acupuncture, Isla allowed Anna to treat her, as she experienced difficult pain the week leading up to her monthly courses. This, along with an herbal tea, eased her suffering considerably.

  Two days after Isla’s first session, Anna received requests from a number of women in the village for the same tea. A few even allowed acupuncture. While she had envisioned healing more grievous wounds and illnesses, she experienced satisfaction knowing she brought comfort to other women.

  Anna cherished her time at the stables working with the horses. She found joy in training the unruly young steeds to take the bit and saddle and prepare the already-trained horses for the demands of combat. Working there proved the perfect way to end a day, though she always came to the evening meal smelling of horses.

  Duncan placed a MacGregor plaide on her bed. On top lay a sgian dubh with the MacGregor crest. The lion’s head with crown was a powerful symbol, as was the slogan; “’S Rioghal Mo Dhream, Royal is my race.” Touched deeply by the gesture, Anna smiled through tears.

  Duncan escorted her to the seat next to him at the table that evening. So close they frequently brushed hands, arms and legs, each random touch sent a jolt of awareness through her. It was a delicious torture to sit close to him yet not get carried away. This arrangement allowed them to enjoy both mealtime and the company of family, while being acutely mindful of each other. Family? At some point, she realized indeed the MacGregors had become like family.

  Chapter 14

  Anna met Duncan at the stables to depart for Graham Village at first light. Two large carts loaded with crates of produce, casks of mead and whisky, jars of honey, bundles of woven goods, sacks of grain and other goods were packed and ready. In addition, four horses they had trained stood tied to the back of the wagon, intended for sale. Two men on horseback and two in each wagon accompanied them. One man in each wagon drove, while the other wielded a large crossbow.

  “’Twill take a day to reach the MacFarlane lands, then another to Graham territory. The main village is a half-day ride from their border,” Duncan explained.

  He nodded toward the plaide she had draped around her shoulders. “It suits ye.”

  “Aye, ’tis growing on me,” she answered in her best burr. His smile lit his whole face, and her heart stirred to know she brought him happiness. Wrapped in the same tartan he always wore created a tangible connection between them, making her feel as though she belonged.

  She considered what it would be like to belong to him and he to her. Simply thinking about their kisses and caresses produced a warm, tingling sensation deep inside. She considered what it would be li
ke to share his bed, to bear his children. Such thoughts had once brought a sense of dread and fear, but the thought of being tied to Duncan in such a way fostered a sense of longing.

  The beautiful, lush green of the Highlands had definitely gotten into her blood, even if her blood hadn’t thickened enough to fully embrace them yet. She fingered the soft wool about her shoulders, grateful for its warmth. “Duncan, why do we need eight swords to protect two wagons? Are we not traveling through ally territories?”

  “Aye, we are. Even though we stick to friendly lands, bandits sometimes waylay unprotected travelers.”

  She shrugged. Their numbers afforded an opportunity to get to know some of his men better. However, it did reduce opportunities to be alone with him. Probably for the best, as she found it a challenge to ignore him riding just a few feet away, while she needed to concentrate on staying watchful.

  The first day’s journey proved uneventful. The men set up camp near a stream while Duncan and Anna hunted for the evening meal. A brace of hares and three grouses later, they headed back to camp, lingering as they took advantage of their time alone before rejoining the men. A mournful whine interrupted their kiss. Pulling out of Duncan’s arms, Anna listened for it again.

  “Did you hear that?”

  “Aye, but ’twas so faint, I am not sure from where it came.”

  They waited for the cry to repeat. The whine came again. They followed the sound to a rock overhang and a small cave. In the cave lay a litter of wolf pups. All were dead save one. The pup opened its mouth and keened again. Anna scanned the area for signs of an adult wolf. None were about.

  “What has happened to the mother?” she wondered.

  “She must have been killed. She wouldnae leave her pups to die were she alive.”

  Cooing soothingly to the remaining pup, Anna scooped him up, holding him to her. He nestled into her tunic and whimpered. Her heart twisted, as she knew the pain and helplessness of losing family. Reaching for Duncan’s water skin, she poured a few drops into the pup’s mouth and he lapped greedily. She wrapped him in her tunic.


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