Sara's Child

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Sara's Child Page 10

by Susan Elle

  When their lips meet, there is no hesitation. The heat that fires in one only serves to fuel the other. As gentle as Logan tries to be, Catherine is determined to give as well as receive this time. She might be a virgin, but she knows, more or less, what’s what and wants to please this wonderful man who loves her. Her own wonderful, unbelievable miracle.

  Managing to undo his trousers, Catherine jerks them down and Logan steps out of them. Before he knows what she plans to do, Catherine drops to her knees and tugging him free, takes him into her mouth. Logan’s head flings back, a deep groan of pleasure and restraint roaring out of him as Catherine works him hard. Her instincts are to give, and she does so, loving his response to her touch, feeling the heady thrill of her power over him.

  “Catherine, please,” Logan moves back, pulling her to her feet, before his restraint fails, “I want to make love to you and I won’t manage it if you send me over the edge too soon.” He kisses her gently, pulling her back into his arms, allowing their passions to level out for now. He lifts her then, climbing on to the bed and laying her down beneath him. Looking in to her diamond bright eyes he sees no fear – sure, now, that she is ready to take this next step. He feels the wet heat of her when he reaches down to cup her, then Catherine’s eyelids flutter closed and her breath catches when his fingers slide under her panties and inside her. She groans helplessly as his deft fingers and agile thumb work their wonderful magic, taking her so high she is giddy with it.

  The fall, when it comes, is like tumbling from a great height and she screams with the ferocity of it.

  Logan removes her underwear and his own, and then moves to take her firm breasts in his hands, lowering his mouth to taste her. His teeth rake over her nipples then his tongue licks over the sensitised flesh, and Catherine feels the heat in her loins growing again, arching her back as the pleasure surges through her. “Again, Catherine,” he urges eagerly, moving down her body to feed hungrily on the heat of her sex.

  When she feels his tongue exploring her inside and out, Catherine clutches at the bedding to steady herself but her world rocks violently as she soars even higher than before; then begins that wonderful fall as she crests over the edge of heaven. Yes! Yes! Holy shit! Yes!

  Logan moves to lie beside Catherine, stroking her damp hair back from her beautiful face. “You’re amazing,” he says, leaning up on one elbow to smile down at her. And...

  She looks up at Logan, barely able to speak, lifts her hand to his cheek and says, “I love you.” He bends his head and the kiss that follows is long and deep. “I want all of you,” she tells him, watching Logan steadily; but he seems to be backing away. “I won’t stay a virgin forever,” she states, knowing it is this that is holding him back. She pulls his head down to kiss him, her other hand reaching down to grasp and pleasure him as he had her. Then she takes him completely off guard, flips him on to his back and impales herself upon him.

  Her body erupts on an orgasm that tears right through her, and Logan is dragged over the edge with the strength of it as she clamps fiercely around him. They cry out in unison then Catherine falls into his arms as Logan pulls her to him.

  She is his now, and he is hers, and the rest of the world be damned if they don’t approve.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan stands in the doorway of his kitchen unnoticed, watching Catherine pad about in bare feet and wearing one of his shirts. Not that he minds, he thinks she looks better in it than he does – especially the way she is jiggling about to the music. “You look happy,” he tells her, then laughs when she jumps and almost drops her toast.

  He walks over; puts his arms around her waist while she reaches up and crosses hers at the back of his neck. “You were supposed to stay in bed,” she rebukes him playfully. “I was going to make some tea and toast and bring it up.”

  “Nice thought,” he grins, “we can have it in the conservatory instead.”

  They both stand with heads jerked up and ears listening to the ring of a mobile phone. “Mine,” Catherine says before planting a swift kiss on his lips then running off into the lounge. “Hello,” she answers, fumbling between her toast and the phone. “Oh, thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Could you wait for just a moment,” crossing to the door she waves for Logan to come and join her, “I’m putting the phone on speaker so that Mr Sayers, Logan, can hear you too – he’s been a great help with research on the computer.”

  “That’s fine, the more input we can get the better,” they both hear him reply. “Now, I wanted to talk to you about your concerns regarding a Mr Charles Llwyd – you seem very sure that you remember his voice specifically, why is that Ms Colson?”

  “The man who attacked my mum spoke constantly, telling me everything he was about to do before he did it,” Catherine explains, “and you don’t forget a voice like that. I still have nightmares about it.”

  “Recently?” the Inspector asks.

  Logan, too, looks interested in her answer.

  “Yes,” she admits quietly, “worse since all this started up again.”

  The Inspector’s reply is a low, “Mmm,” and Logan takes her hand in support.

  “You think I’m cracking up,” she accuses, rubbing her free hand across her eyes. “Are you taking anything I’ve said seriously, or is this just a, placate and sideline call?”

  They hear the Inspector clear his throat, “I most certainly am taking you seriously,” he insists. “That is why I needed to check just how sure you are – we will be following this lead up very closely if you are certain that Mr Llwyd’s voice is at least a close match to the perpetrator of these hideous crimes.”

  Catherine says, “I’m very certain.”

  Then Logan says, “You said, ‘crimes’, Inspector – does that mean you have made a positive connection between the murders of Sara Colson and Harriet Leavesden?”

  The Inspector seems to hesitate. “We have,” he confirms, “but I must ask you to keep that information strictly between yourselves. We don’t want to show our hand to the perpetrator; if he thinks we’re getting close he could run and his trail go completely cold.”

  “No problem, Inspector,” Catherine confirms; and Logan adds, “Absolutely.”

  “Good, then I’ll get on and liaise with the Moorsden Police Force,” Inspector Harper informs them. “Can’t say too much, but I can assure you, Ms Colson, the wheels are very much in motion.”

  Catherine thanks the Inspector, and when he has gone turns into Logan.

  “I can hardly bare to hope,” she mumbles into his chest, “but it really is a good lead, isn’t it?”

  “The best you could hope for,” Logan encourages, his strong arms enfolding Catherine, wanting to shield her from hurt.

  Turning her face up to him, she smiles suggestively. “You could always take my mind off things for a while.” Her fingers start undoing his shirt buttons and Logan laughs. “Well, you did say I need to practice,” she chuckles as she finishes with the buttons and draws his shirt off, then sighs in admiration of his wonderful physique. What a body, and its all mine. Her hands trail over his muscular arms, her eyes watching for his reaction. Then she trails her fingers over his broad chest and through the curling mass of hair following it down past his navel to the waistband of his slacks. Popping the fastener, Catherine draws the zip down slowly, watching her man tense as her hand finds its way inside his fly and rubs along his hard length through his boxers. Logan’s breathing hitches as she gives him a gentle squeeze before divesting him of his trousers.

  Catherine is still only wearing his shirt, so Logan’s work is short. “You should wear my shirts more often,” he tells her, taking her full breasts in his hands, flicking his thumbs over their tips, her response a sharp intake of breath. “How lovely you are,” his lips trail up her neck to find her ear lobes. When his teeth and tongue tease and explore, Catherine finds herself holding onto him for support. “Just let yourself experience each sensation,” he moves round the back of her, kissing he
r nape his hands reaching forward first to cup her breasts then moving slowly downward. As his fingers delve into her wet heat, Catherine cries out her head falling back. Cresting over the first peak quickly, her knees buckle beneath her. Logan catches her up then lowers them both to the floor. Removing the rest of his clothes, he moves over Catherine and entered her slowly.

  “Oh god,” she breathes as his slow drawn out rhythm drives her up again. His hands slide beneath her buttocks lifting her hips off the floor. Then she feels the hard length of him drive even further into her, filling her, and only begs for more. “Don’t stop...don’t stop,” the speed of his rhythm increases and the depths he plumbs are so amazingly sensitive. “Logan...” her hands hold on to his arms and she looks up to see his pleasure and his love, “” Still looking into each other’s eyes, they crest the last wave as one; their bodies united their voices crying out in a sensual duet.

  They lie sated and exhausted, holding each other. Catherine’s head lies against Logan’s chest and he lifts his head to place a kiss on the top of hers. “Are you ok?” he asks, concerned that she might still be tender as the previous night had been Catherine’s first experience with any man. “Did I hurt you?”

  She laughs, moving her hand gently over his still heaving chest. “Are you kidding,” she turns her face into him and kissed his nipple, “I have never felt better. In fact, I can’t believe what I’ve been missing,” raising her head up she smiles lustily her eyes travelling down his body all but devouring him. When her eyes come back to his, she finds their brown depths molten; he wants her as much as she needs him. Only this time she wants to explore his body and gauge his responses. “Turn over,” she tells him. When he is on his stomach, she uses her hands to caress muscles that quiver expectantly. Replacing her hands with her lips Catherine kisses the nape of his neck as he had done to her and feels him respond in a way she recognises and smiles with satisfaction. Then she straddles his back and leaning forward uses her lips and teeth on his ear just as he had to her, and again gets a very satisfactory response.

  “You learn fast,” the tremor in his voice expressing his growing need better than any words.

  Catherine chuckles enjoying her new-found power. “I want to learn more,” and moves her lips and tongue over his shoulders tasting the maleness of his skin. Her mouth and hands explore every dip and hollow, lingering over the hard muscle beneath. When she reaches his taught buttocks, she feels them tense and uses her teeth to nip at them playfully.

  “Catherine, you’re killing me,” he groans, toppling her as he rolls onto his back. When he makes to move atop her, Catherine puts up a hand to stop him. Her cheeks glow and her smile is nervous, “Show me how, teach me to be the one on top.”

  Rolling on to his back again, Logan pulls her with him so that Catherine now sits astride him. “When you’re ready, just guide me in and feel the new sensations then move however pleases you,” he encourages.

  She looks down; he looks bigger and harder than ever from this angle. “Will it hurt?” she asks, moving her hands over the length of him.

  Logan shakes his head. “No, you have full control,” he assures her, “depth speed and rhythm are all up to you.” He lets out a groan, her fingers working him gently.

  She is already hot and wet so entry is no problem, but she is nervous of the size of him so only slides a little way down before moving back up. Catherine places her hands either side of his head, her breasts falling just right for his mouth to reach and she groans when he tastes and rolls their tips between his lips and teeth. Catherine starts slow then, as her needs grow, she moves faster taking more of him inside. She doesn’t need to ask him if she is doing it right, his breathing is as ragged as hers. The slow boil in her loins is making its way up her body demanding to be satisfied. As the crescendo builds she pushes back hard, taking him fully inside and sitting upright rocks her hips without thought, just following the rhythm of her need.

  Logan groans as he feels her tighten around him and topples with her off the edge of the world.

  This time they lay silent and spent content just to lie in each other’s arms. Their hearts are hammering and their breathing laboured, but both are smiling foolishly.

  “It’s a good job Mrs Baines isn’t due in today,” Logan observes, and clamps his arm over Catherine when she makes to jump up. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to stand again, let alone walk,” he laughs softly.

  “Bloody hell,” she gasps, “I completely forgot all about her – what if she’d walked in on us. I’d never be able to show my face again,” and she blushes deeply at the awful thought.

  Logan eases them both up to sit leaning their backs against the settee. “I’ll race you for the shower,” Catherine challenges, then reaches over for the shirt she had been wearing earlier and pulls it on.

  Grabbing his clothes up, Logan follows behind her then scoops her off her feet when they reach the top of the stairs. Catherine is laughing and kicking, “You brute...that’s cheating,” but he holds on to her until they are in the bedroom.

  “Being as I’m such a gentleman,” he laughs as she wriggles and squirms in his arms, “I’ll let you use the shower first, just this once. Then, I suggest we get back to work – we found one other victim, who’s to say there aren’t more.” Letting her feet slide back to the floor, he manages to side step a swipe at his bottom.

  Catherine is working on her laptop – it is top of the line and she has made some of her own adjustments to give it more speed and abilities. If she had wanted to she could have made a good career in computers, designing building and programming come easily to Catherine. For now, though, she is putting her considerable skills to work on finding her mum’s murderer; determined to stop his reign of terror. Getting up to pour another mug of coffee, she moves over to Logan first. “I’m going to get some more coffee, do you want some?” she asks.

  His computer screen changes before she gets near enough to see it and Logan nods his head. “That’d be great,” he yawns before he can stifle it, “then maybe we should call it a night.”

  Bringing a mug of hot coffee over to him, Catherine takes a sip of her own then shakes her head. “I’m good for another couple of hours, but you go up,” she tells him, “I don’t mind.”

  Logan’s back straightens. “I can manage another couple of hours,” he states firmly. “I just thought you might like to get some sleep and come at it fresh in the morning.”

  Smiling, realising that she has touched a nerve, Catherine crosses to kiss him. “I’m tired too,” she tells Logan, and does indeed have to smother a yawn, “but I think I may be on to something and want to keep going while my thoughts are on track.”

  “What is it?” he frowns up at her. “Have you found another victim?”

  “I’m not sure what I’ve found, or if I’ve found anything,” she replies cryptically. “I just want a chance to work this through a bit longer and then we’ll go up.”

  He nods and Catherine moves to retake her seat and buries her head back in her computer. Logan also goes back to work – he has some decent computer skills and has used them to find Catherine’s father. Maybe she doesn’t want to know who or where he is, but Logan is curious and thought he would save the information until she is ready to hear it – but he has hit a snag; a big one. The snag is named Caroline Thornton, a gifted pianist she is currently touring Europe with her father Thomas Thornton. In approximately six weeks, on July 15th, she will be twenty-six years old, the exact same age as Catherine, her twin sister.

  Mrs Baines serves breakfast in the conservatory the next morning. “Are you sure you don’t want some more, dearie?” eyeing Catherine’s slender frame it is obvious that the rotund housekeeper thinks she needs feeding up.

  With a hand to her well-filled stomach, Catherine declines politely. “That has to be one of the best breakfasts I’ve had in a while,” she beams at the housekeeper then turns her eyes on Logan. “In fact, I’d have to say that it comes in neck an
d neck with your father’s cooking – and that was bloody brilliant,” she confirms to both of them.

  “If that bacon is going begging,” Logan eyes the warming plate that the housekeeper is about to take away, “I wouldn’t say no to another helping.”

  Mrs Baines thrusts her impressive chest out proudly. “Always a pleasure to cook for a man who enjoys his food.” Emptying the last of the bacon onto Logan’s plate, she moves off into the kitchen.

  Catherine watches as Logan devours his second helping of bacon then smiles teasingly. “You know, with you not playing rugby at the moment, and not going into work either, you might need to watch your waistline.”

  He almost splutters on his last mouthful but swallows manfully. “There’s nothing wrong with my waistline,” Logan sits up even straighter, patting a hand against a firm wall of muscle that forms his abdomen. “Though I must admit, I could use a workout in the gym – it seems I’ve been a bit distracted from my usual routine, of late.” His voice and smile are playfully rebuking, and then openly loving. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he reaches across the table to pick up her hand and brings it to his lips.

  Catherine pulls it sharply back, her cheeks reddening as Mrs Baines brings a tray of coffee into the conservatory. “Thank you, Mrs Baines, would you mind closing the doors on your way out,” Logan smiles. He waits until the housekeeper has gone, then turns serious eyes to Catherine. “I think it’s time to bring each other up to date on our progress. You’ve been looking at some kind of new lead, I think you said?”

  She is suddenly animated, sitting forward in her seat and hotching it over to move nearer to Logan. “I’ve been searching the police databases for the injuries inflicted rather than the whole profile of injuries and attack pattern,” Catherine tells him excitedly. Then, watching as Logan pales she adds,” Don’t worry, I’ve done it loads of times, and I made sure to use my own laptop – I’m sure your security is fine but mine is top of the line; my line that is,” she clarifies.


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