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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 8

by Sansa Gold

  "I'll tell you what happened, Meredith. Erika tried to sneak some boy into her room for a little fun. But, not under my watch. No, sire bob. I'm going to find out who was in this room. And when I do, he's going to regret he ever lived." With one swoop the mattress flew against the far side of the room.

  "How many times do I have to tell you that nobody was here?" she moaned out, as her father checked behind the headboard.

  "If you keep lying to me, we are going to be here all day," his eyes scanned the room.

  "Nobody was in here." Erika's eyes scanned the room as well looking for any evidence that might give her away. Shit! Right on the floor, next to the window, a belt buckle shined underneath the light.

  "Your overreacting, Howard," Meredith yawned from the door. "Can we just go back to sleep and deal with this in the morning?"

  "it is the morning," Howard shot back. "And I'm not going anywhere until she fesses up to what she did."

  Erika made her way toward the belt buckle. The only evidence that would unravel her whole plan. Eying her father, she stepped on top of the gleaming silver. "There's nothing to find her daddy."

  Her father turned around, his eyes shooting from the doorway to where Erika stood now. "What are you doing inside the room?" His eyes grew wide with excitement. "Your hiding something. Something that will prove me right." He walked toward Erika, his enormous body towering over her. He looked her up and down, "Where is it?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered out. Keep it together, don't give in. You're almost in the clear stretch.

  "Lies," he spat back. With both hands on each side of her, he lifted her up, "Ah ha." She was screwed, her shoulders sunk. "What's this?" He picked up the ornate belt buckle, shining it under the single light bulb.

  "It's nothing. It must have fallen off one of my belts," she answered, trying her last ditch effort.

  "Property of Sam Murray," he read to her, head turning toward her. Busted.

  "A friend must have left her," she whispered.

  "Would you quit with the lies?" His shoulders sank; a look of disappointment crossed his face.

  "I-I don't know what you want from me."

  Her father shook her head, the belt buckle rolling through her fingers. "There was someone in your room. Let's just get past that. Did you have sex with him?"

  "Nobody was in my room, so I don't know what your talking about." Answering his question would be admitting guilt. Erika was determined to go down with this ship. She knew what her father would do if he found out the truth.

  "So that's how your going to play it, huh?" He rolled the belt buckle between his fingers. Her mother leaned against the door, her arms crossed over her chest. Erika knew that she wouldn't get herself involved in this, not when the man of the house was talking. Plus, any idiot could see that Erika was in the wrong here. But, Erika didn't have any other cards to play. She was the captain of this plan, she intended to go down with the plan.

  "Guess so," she said.

  Howard ran his hand through his sweaty hair, "Alright then, this is how this is going to play out. Since you've already lied to me, I can't trust anything that comes out of your mouth. Trust in this family is of the utmost importance, and as far as I'm concerned you broke it. I need that trust rewired, especially if I'm going to pay for you to go off to some expensive college two states away." He walked to the other side of the room and picked up the mattress, "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to have a family friend, who's a doctor, come in and give you a check up. If you're still a virgin, this whole thing will be behind us."

  "And if I'm not?" The question had left her mouth before she realized it.

  "Then, your off to the community college in town. This way I can keep an eye on you until you graduate." He placed the belt buckle on her nightstand and walked out the door.

  Her mother shook her head several times but followed behind him. This wasn't going to be a problem. She will take his little test in the morning and prove that she hadn't lost her virginity. She was still as pure as he thought.


  "How are you not awake?" The sunlight from outside blinded Erika as her mother pulled the blinds aside. "The doctor is going to be here any minute," she walked around the room, fixing the damage Hurricane Howard had left.

  "What are you talking about?" Erika rubbed her eyes, her head buried underneath the darkness of the pillow. Everything last night had become a blur. Sam had snuck into her room, his warm touch on her pussy, his cock at the entrance of her pussy.

  Erika straightened in bed as it all came back to her. Her father banging on the door, his accusations, the belt buckle, the doctor exam. She groaned hoping it was all a dream, until she looked at the nightstand. There shining from the sun was the belt buckle, Sam's name clearly ingrained on its edges.

  "Ok. Ok." Erika opened her closet. What was someone suppose to wear when the doctor came to her house? She peered and grabbed the dress from the furthest corner. This would have to do for now, she doubted the doctor cared too much about her attire.

  "Well, hurry." Her mother looked at her wrist. "He's suppose to be here any minute."

  *Ding Dong*

  Their heads turned toward the door. "Well, he's here." Margret pressed down on her floral dress. "Just hurry up and come down."

  9:00 am. What kind of doctor was on call this early in the morning? Especially for something as unorthodox as this? Well, Erika didn't know how unusual this really was. None of her friends in high school had ever mentioned an in-home doctor exam. Although, something told her that it wasn't something a lot of people would want to talk about in school. Erika certainly wouldn't mention anything about today to anyone.

  A burly voice greeted her as she hopped down the stairs. It was nothing like Sam's voice from last night. This man's voice was full of confidence, a man with years of experience. This was a man's voice.

  "It's a surprisingly easy procedure," the man explained.

  Erika stuck her head inside the kitchen. Her father and a man, who she assumed was the doctor, were seated at the table while her mother poured them hot coffee.

  "It's takes just under an hour, depending on the patient." He handed a pamphlet to her father. His ocean blue eyes locked onto Erika, his lips parting as he looked at her. Erika felt her cheeks grow warm, it was beyond her control. There was something about this doctor that made her insides warm and fuzzy.

  "You must be Erika," the chair screeched as he got up. With his hand stretched out he walked toward her, "I'm Dr. Olson." His smile made Erika shiver.

  "Shake his hand," Her father urged her forward with a soft push.

  "Nice to meet you," she answered. His handshake was firm and soft, her eyes locked on his wrists. She bet that those fingers would feel better on her body than Sam's ever did. Fingers like his would bring her to an unworldly climax.

  "Your father tells me that you're in need of a standard gyno exam," he asked. As he sat in his chair, Erika could see the outline of his flaccid cock. Her eyes shot up toward the ceiling.

  "Ummm, yea. I need an exam before I go to school," she muttered. There was no way he could look down at him now, not when his cock was right in plain view. She felt her cheeks grow warm, the thought of his cock between her legs.

  "Well," her father interjected. "There's been some lying on her side. Something that I won't tolerate in this house. So, in order for me to pay for college, your test has to prove that she's still my little princess." He ruffled Erika's hair.

  Why did he have to treat her like a little girl? She was almost 19 in a couple months. She was going off to college to make adult decisions. There was no need for him to treat her like this.

  "I see," Dr. Olson played with his chin, almost as if he was pondering an idea. "That shouldn't be a problem." He turned his eyes toward Erika, "Like I was explaining to your father, this procedure is no longer than an hour. That's if you cooperate with me."

  "Shouldn't be a problem," she whispered, her eyes still locked on th
e molding of the ceiling.

  "Well, I won't believe you until you look at me."

  Aw, hell, she didn't want to do that. She couldn't think straight right now. Not when his cock was out on display for her. If he was any harder than before, she wouldn't be able to contain herself. She looked down at him, focusing on losing herself in his eyes. "I'll behave, Dr. Olson," she whispered.

  "That's a good girl," he said. "Before, we begin I need to you to sign a form for me. This form goes over the basic procedure and gives me the right to examine you inside this house. Since you're an adult, your the only one who needs to sign it."

  Finally, someone was treating her like an adult. She looked down at her father, she could tell he wasn't happy about that. "Just remember that you have to do this either way," he said as if reading her mind.

  She knew that already, she just liked that she was given the illusion of a choice. More than her father had ever done for her. She skimmed through the words on the page; everything seemed right for the most part. She signed the form it on the dotted line.

  "Excellent." Dr. Olson picked up the form and set inside his briefcase. "Do you have any questions for me?"

  She did have questions for him, but none that could be asked in front of her parents. They didn't have to do with the exam. They were just dirty thoughts that floated around her head. Questions that she would never dare ask him. "No, Doctor."

  "Good." Keeling, forward he grabbed at green gown from his briefcase, "Go to your room and change into this. I'll need you to be completely naked underneath. I just need to answer any questions that your parents have; and then I'll be right there." He smiled at her before turning his attention toward her parents.

  Erika wiped a strand of hair from her cheek. A charge of excitement taking hold of her. She was going to be naked in front of him. Memories of last night began to surface. She knew hat nothing would ever happen, but it didn't mean a girl couldn't dream.


  Inside her room, Erika took the dress off in one swoop. She was glad she hadn't put pressure on herself to look fancy. There hadn't been any need for it since she was going to be naked for the doctor. She was glad that she had trimmed herself down there the other day, just her luck.

  She looks at the mirror, smiling at herself. She didn't care what anyone said in high school; she was hot. Last night, had reaffirmed that for her when Sam Murray came knocking at her window. Her perky breasts bounced as she unraveled the green medical gown.

  It was a simple gown, one with a single purpose. To cover her body until the doctor came. Maybe, if she was inside a hospital this made sense, but in the privacy of her room it was not needed. Nonetheless, she had to follow the doctor's order. The gritty cloth rested along her curves as she tightened at her back. There was no reason to close the back; it was only going to be the doctor and her. Still, she did it.

  She couldn't believe that her room was going to be the place for this exam. On her bed were a host of teddy bears and stuffed animals. The walls were pink with stickers of cartoon characters all around. This was not a standard medical examination room by any means. But, she supposed that that didn't really matter as long as there was room for her check up.

  She threw the stuffed animals to the side, hiding them underneath her bed. Dr. Olson had treated her like an adult, more than her father ever had. She wasn't going to make him regret his decision with a bunch of stuffed toys all over her room.

  She jumped on the bed, no entirely sure where the doctor would want her. A naughty thought crept into her head. What if Dr. Olson wanted her for more than just the exam?

  His cock penetrated the inner parts of her mind, just like she wanted it to penetrate her pussy. She bit the bottom of her lip as she imagined Dr. Olson forcing himself onto her. His hands circling her clit as he readied to ease himself inside of her. Pre-cum oozing out of his cock in anticipation of her tight pussy.

  She moaned out, her fingers on her clit. This gown was perfect for a little pick-me-up session. She never got to finish last night because of her father, that wasn't going to happen right now. There was no reason to go into this exam with pent up sexual tension, she wouldn't survive if that was the case. Not with Dr. Olson fingers edging around her pussy and checking her out with his medical instruments.

  "Oh, Dr. Olson," she moaned out. His fingers would fondle her pussy, teasing her with their arrival.

  "Am I interrupting something?"

  Erika closed her legs, throwing the gown over her naked body, her face completely flushed. She wanted to run outside the room and hide. But, that meant passing by Dr. Olson, who she couldn't face after being caught calling out his name. A pillow in hand, she placed it against her face and screamed into it.

  She could hear his chuckle. Was he not mad? She moved the pillow to the side, Dr. Olson already beside her bed. "Why are you laughing?"

  "No reason," he laughed. His fingers touched the inside of her wrist, "I'm going to measure your heart rate for now." He looked down into her eyes. Those eyes reminded her of better times.

  Times when her family felt like a family, not like it was now. Back when her family went to the beach and spent time together. His eyes took her away from the reality of what it was now. How her controlling father killed his family from the inside. How she lived under his thumb and his decisions, nothing she did mattered to him. That's why she couldn't wait to get out of the house. Away from her father and his ever watching eye.

  Dr. Olson's face contorted, his eyes looking worried as his hand left her wrist. "What's the matter?"

  "Nothing," she whispered, hugging the pillow tight. How had everything changed so much? She'd known that it had to do with high school- the boys threatened her Father's idea of his princess. With every year that past, she was no longer his little girl. Instead, she had become a woman, and he hated that.

  "You can't lie to me, I could feel it in your pulse." Erika was quickly learning that she was a horrible liar. Not being able to cover her lies had gotten her here and now it had Dr. Olson questioning her.

  "It's just something about my dad," she answered.

  "Oh." Dr. Olson opened his bag, setting aside a box of gloves. "Yea, he seems like a very controlling man."

  "You don't know the half of it." He had no idea what she went through. Constantly being locked in her room studying while her friends went out and had fun. There was no trust in this household. She had suffered so much in the last four years. She couldn't spend another four years under the watch of her father. "I need to pass this test," she whispered.

  "Is that so?" His bag fell to the ground with a thud. "I'm sure you have nothing to hide from him." His hand touched the side of her shoulder, a soft, graceful touch of his fingers. Erika nuzzled against it, letting the warm touch fill her. She needed that right now.

  "I can't spend another four years here. It's not going to happen. I just can't," she pleaded.

  "I'll do whatever I can to help you." The click of his pen made Erika open her eyes. Dr. Olson sat in a chair at the top of her bed, his legs fully open. In front of her the outline of his cock drew her attention. It was much harder than before, she could even seen the outline of his veins. She bit the bottom of her lip, her eyes locked on it.

  "Whatever you think is best." Dr. Olson's cock was no match for Sam. The cock in front of her was that of a man. A man who had experience using it to give women the satisfaction they needed. Erika could use some satisfaction right about now.

  "I just have some standard questions before we begin. Have you ever had sex?"



  Her chest grew heavy, her eyes still glued to his cock. "No."

  "Any self-penetration?"


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