Mad Love: Madison

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Mad Love: Madison Page 16

by Boone, Lisa

“Well, she was so very afraid that…” Clara’s brow furrowed. “You know, I could have sworn Yvette said he but maybe she said her. My hearing isn’t what it used to be.”

  Despite her interest in what Clara was saying, Madison felt her attention being drawn towards Ethan who was at the back of the store examining a vase. Her eyes narrowed as he picked it up and gestured to Gary.

  What is he doing? Madison thought returning her attention to Clara. “I’m sorry,” she said with a shake of her head. “Did you say she was afraid?”

  “Oh yes! I saw her hands.” She lifted up her own. “They were just shaking. I had to finish making the corsage myself because she was so nervous.”

  “Did she say why she was so nervous?”

  “I asked her but she said she wasn’t. When I showed her the rose I had dyed, I thought she was going to burst out into tears.” Clara threw her hands up into the air. “I took the darkest red rose we had and died it black but she kept saying that it wasn’t dark enough. She said it had to be perfect.” She bit her lip as she tapped her finger against her cheek again. After a moment she said, “No, I’m certain she was giving it to a man. I distinctly remember her saying that it had to be perfect because she’d just die if he was disappointed.”

  Feeling like she was finally getting somewhere, Madison leaned across the counter. “Could she have been referring to Alex?”

  Clara patted her hair. “I have no idea. We were so very busy what with Christmas coming up. The only reason I remember is because she was a nervous wreck the whole time.”

  A gust of cold air hit Madison’s back as the front door opened and a couple of elderly women entered the shop.

  Clara patted Madison’s hand. “I’m sorry, honey, but I need to go back to work. I hope you work things out with your sister.” She bit her lip as she glanced around the counter. Her face brightening, she reached over to the end of the counter and grabbed a business card off the cardholder. “Now, I know you two haven’t set a date yet, but when you do, please consider us for your wedding flowers.” She winked as she pressed the business card into Madison’s hand. “My prices are very reasonable.”

  Ethan’s arm suddenly encircled her waist. “Oh, we will,” he said as he began to lead Madison out the door.

  Madison dug in her heels. “Clara, I just have one more question. What kind of car does Yvette drive?”

  “Oh, I don’t know cars,” Clara said with a laugh.

  “Do you remember the color?” Madison asked.

  Clara’s eyes turned upward. “Blue. Old car. Just a junker, if you ask me.” She made a shooing motion with her hand. “Now you two stop fighting and don’t you worry about Yvette. If she’s sending you presents, I’m sure she’ll get in touch soon.”

  Ethan’s arm tightened on Madison’s arm as he pulled her toward the door. “Will do. Thank you for your help.”

  As soon as the door closed behind them. Madison gave him an amused glance. “Just engaged and already fighting. I don’t hold out much hope for our future.”

  Ethan glanced back through the window as he lowered his voice. “When I called them this morning, I got hold of Mister Howard. As soon as I introduced myself as a private detective and said I needed some information on one of his ex-employees, he hung up on me. I decided a little subterfuge might be in order so when I arrived I went straight to Mrs. Howard and told her that I was getting married and the only thing my bride wanted was to have her estranged sister, Yvette, stand up with her at the wedding. It would mean ever so much. Especially since I was the reason you and she were no longer speaking.”


  “Yeah, turns out Yvette’s jealousy over our relationship soured things between you two.”

  “Oh, that’s a pity.”

  “Isn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s now affecting our relationship so much that we’ve been fighting and I just feel so guilty that I have to do something to bring you two back together.”

  “And that’s when Clara began to sing like a canary?”

  “She’s a bit of a romantic.”

  “Thank God for romantics.”

  “Well, either that or she really wants us to hire her. She was much more talkative when I mentioned how we hadn’t picked out flowers for the gigantic wedding you’re planning.”

  Madison hid a smile. “Well, at least now we know we’re on the right track.” She pulled out her phone and started searching the web for Yvette Baxter’s name. “She has to have an agent. If we can get hold of whoever is representing her, maybe we can arrange a meeting. Surely, he’ll have her current address.”

  He cleared his throat as he tugged on her arm, bringing her to a stop.

  “Unless,” she said with a smile, “you managed to get Yvette’s address from Clara’s grandson.” She crossed her arms. “Or were you really interested in that ugly vase?”

  He dug his hands into his pockets. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m trying to figure out who’s stalking me.”

  “Wow, that’s such a coincidence. So am I.”

  “Is this your subtle way of telling me I’m in the way?”

  “You’re not in my way.”

  “Good,” she said as she began to walk to her car.

  “Yet.” He pulled on her arm again. “Look, I would love to spend all day with you, but I’m not exactly going to be sitting down to afternoon tea with a bunch of people in suits. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Neither do I, and let’s face it, I’m safer with you than with anyone else.” She bit her lip. “I am, aren’t I?” When he looked at her questioningly, she lightly tugged on his tie. “Safe with you?”

  Ethan smiled slightly as he drew her close. “Do you even need to ask?” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “Gary said that she was planning on moving soon, but he thinks she still might be living at Brentwood apartments.”

  “How well did he know her?”

  “He had one date with Yvette before she summarily told him to get lost. She told him he wasn’t exciting enough for her. He thinks she’s a psycho.”

  “Mrs. Howard didn’t have a very high opinion of her either. So, what do we do now?”

  “Why don’t you go back to work? You probably have some things to do.”

  She took his hand and swung it between them. “Actually, my calendar is free for the rest of the day. I’m all yours.”

  He grinned. “I hope so.”

  She linked her arm through his as they walked to his new rental car. “I just need to question her. If we can find out who this Alex is—”

  “If she sees you, she’s liable to clam up.” He pulled back and ran his hands down her arms. “Besides,” he said with a lopsided grin, “who do you think she’s more likely to talk to? Me or you?”

  She stared up at his beautiful face. “You,” she grudgingly admitted. She touched the center of his chest. “How about this, I’ll hide.” She wrapped her arms around his waist as he started to pull away. “That car commercial was not the first time I ever saw that woman. If I see her again, it might finally jog my memory.” She looked up at him hopefully. “I’ll stay out of sight. I promise.”

  He gazed off into the distance, considering. “Okay,” he said finally, “but I want you to stay in the car. She might know what your car looks like so we’ll take the rental.”

  He held the door to his car open and helped her inside. Twenty minutes later, they were sitting outside a rundown apartment building in a bad part of town.

  He put the car in park and opened the door.

  Madison touched his coat sleeve. “What are you going to say to her?”

  “I’m not sure. I usually play this sort of thing by ear.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “Don’t worry; I just have to apply the right amount of charm. Once I do, Alex will be as good as ours. I may even gift wrap him and drop him on the sheriff’s doorstep.”

  Chuckling, Madison said, “I really wish you had a little more confidence.”

  He slid out of the c
ar. “I know. I really need to work on it. It’s my one weakness.”

  “Just one?” she asked as he straightened.

  He leaned back down. “Well, I guess there’s also my crushing shyness. I’m getting better at it though.” His face grew serious. “Lock the doors. I’ll be right back.”

  She slunk down in the seat as Ethan walked up to one of the first floor apartments. She watched as he knocked on the door and waited off to the side for the door to open.

  A few seconds later, Yvette appeared. The smile of welcome on her face quickly disappeared as she faced Ethan. She immediately crossed her arms and glared at Ethan as he spoke to her.

  Madison frowned. Whatever Ethan said to the other woman must not have been as charming as he had intended. The more he spoke, the crueler her face became.

  Unadorned by makeup, she looked much older and harsher than she had in the commercial or at the mall. Her red hair, which had been worn loosely around her face, was now pulled back giving her pale face a pinched look. It was no wonder I didn’t recognize Yvette, she thought as she studied the other woman. Makeup certainly did wonders for her appearance.

  Yvette’s thin lips formed a small snarl just before she stepped back into her apartment and slammed the door in Ethan’s face.

  He spun around quickly and dashed to the car. Sliding into the driver’s seat, he gave her a sheepish look.

  “So,” Madison said as he pulled away from the apartment building, “how soon do you think we’ll be able to drop Alex off at the sheriff’s office?”

  He chuckled. “Give me some time.”

  “What happened?”

  “She knew exactly who I was and why I was there the moment she saw me.”


  “We have to assume Alex has been following you around for some time. He obviously knows me since he tried to kill me yesterday. I had just hoped that Yvette didn’t know what I looked like.”

  “How do you know it wasn’t Yvette behind the wheel of the car?”

  “I don’t, but according to Mrs. Howard, Alex was always borrowing Yvette’s car and we know he was the one following you around the mall. Not to mention, I figure Yvette’s probably five feet two and about hundred pounds. I doubt she could have gotten the drop on Quincy and then when she was done playing with him, bury him behind a wall all by herself. More than likely, she’s the killer’s accomplice.”

  “You’re probably right. Mrs. Howard seemed to think the corsage was meant for a man. I’m betting Yvette was getting it ready for Alex to give to me. He wanted it to be perfect.” She ran her hand down her gray slacks. “So now what?”

  “I’ll drop you off at my place and then come back and stake out the place. My buddy, Casey, should be over there by now.”

  “Yvette may leave. Why don’t we stake out the place now?”

  He gestured to a police car that pulled around the corner and continued toward the apartment. “Now’s not a good time. There was someone in her apartment. I could hear them call the police while I was talking to her.”

  “Do you think it was Alex?”

  “No, it was a woman’s voice. She told the nine one one operator that I was threatening them. I don’t particularly want to spend the night talking to the cops.” He shifted gears as he sped away. “Don’t worry, I’ll come back here after the police leave. One way or another, I’m going to find out what Yvette and this Alex has against you.”

  “I can help you there. It suddenly came to me how I know Yvette. I’ve only met her twice. Once was at a trial and the other time was at a funeral. She slammed a door in my face once before too.”


  5:45 P.M.

  Ethan pushed open the door to his apartment and ushered Madison inside.

  “I just don’t know who Alex is or why he would want to hurt me,” Madison said. “Yvette, I can understand.” She took off her coat and tossed it on the back of his leather chair. “Well, not really understand, but I at least know why she’s angry at me.”

  Ethan walked toward his bedroom with a questioning look on his face. “Where’s Sarah?”

  “Sarah?” Madison’s heart skipped a beat as she glanced around the empty apartment.

  “Rory.” Ethan clapped his hands. “Here boy.” When Rory didn’t come running to his name, Ethan looked at Madison. “I thought your sister was planning to stay here today.”

  “She was.” Madison walked past the bar separating the kitchen from the living room. She paused as her eyes caught sight of a piece of paper lying underneath a glass U.S. Navy paperweight.

  “She said she’s spending the night with a friend,” Madison said in relief as she took out her phone and dialed her sister’s number.

  Sarah answered on the third ring.

  “Where are you?” Madison asked.

  “Didn’t you see my note? One of my friends is sick so I thought I would play Nurse Nightingale for the night. I think it’s pneumonia.”

  “Is Rory with you?”

  “Don’t worry, he’s right here. I thought I should leave anyway.”


  “Well, you know what they say…” Sarah said with a teasing note in her voice.

  Madison caught Ethan taking out his phone and tapping out a message or note on the screen. She turned her back and hid a smile anticipating what her sister was going to say next. “Don’t even…”

  “Three’s a crowd,” came the singsong reply. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Madison glanced over her shoulder at Ethan as he stepped out from the kitchen and shrugged out of his jacket. Her gaze fell to the holster strapped around his strong back. “I’ll try not to.”

  “Call me if you need me or if anything happens.”

  “I will,” Madison said, knowing it was a lie. The truth was that she was glad Sarah was staying somewhere else. At least she was out of harm’s way. Hopefully. “Goodnight. I hope your friend gets better.”

  “So do I. Night.”

  Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, as Madison returned her phone to her purse. He took one off the key ring and handed it to Madison.

  She looked down at the key in her palm. “What’s this for?”

  “The lock box on the top shelf of the closet in the hallway, there’s a gun in there. I’m probably going to be gone for a while. Who knows what Alex and Yvette know about me. Just in case they figure out you’re here, I want you to know where I keep my other gun.”

  “I’d rather be with you.”

  He took her in his arms for a quick hug. “This is one time where I don’t want you around, so for my peace of mind, stay here. Please.”

  She nodded reluctantly against his chest.

  “I sent a text message to Casey. He’s on his way. Don’t worry. He’s a good guy. You can trust him.”

  “Are you leaving now?”

  “Just as soon as Casey gets here.” He leaned back against the wall, holding her hands in his. “You still haven’t told me how you know Yvette.”

  “I don’t really know her. The first time I saw her was at a murder trial. I was defending a man who was charged with murdering his wife. Yvette was sitting a couple of rows behind me. Quincy was the one who pointed her out to me. He said she was an actress and Todd Abbott’s new girlfriend.”

  “Who’s Todd Abbott? Was he your client?”

  “No, at the time, I thought he was just some crazy true crime author who was writing a novel about the murder. Turned out he had a far more personal connection to the case. The victim had an affair with him before she was murdered. We knew Laura had an affair with someone, but we didn’t find out with who until the trial.” She pulled her hand out of his and pushed back her hair. “Anyway, once she was dead, Todd turned his attention to the case and…me.”

  A myriad of expressions crossed Ethan’s face. Uppermost was shock. “You?”

  “He developed an obsession with me. Laura and I bore a small resemblance to each other. Black ha
ir, blue eyes, same build. We weren’t twins by any stretch of the imagination but we looked enough alike to catch Todd’s attention. He kept mentioning it over and over. I think that’s why he started focusing his attention on me. In some ways, he was still in love with Laura. Well, as much as he was capable of loving anyone but himself.”

  “Why am I just now hearing about him? We’ve been looking for someone that might be obsessed with you and I don’t recall Todd Abbott’s name coming up.”

  “Because Todd’s not doing any of this,” she said trying to tamp down the trickle of uneasy that ran down her back. “It may be someone who knows him but it can’t be him.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s dead.” She nervously pushed her hair back away from her face again. “Been dead for over two years. He can’t hurt me anymore.”

  Ethan didn’t look convinced. His handsome face set in a scowl. “No, but someone close to him can.” He sat down on the leather couch and continued to stare up at her in disbelief. “Are you sure this Todd guy is dead?”

  “I’m positive. I was at the funeral before Yvette and Gina threw me out. That was the second time I saw Yvette. She looks completely different without makeup. It wasn’t until I saw her standing in front of her apartment that I recognized her.”

  “Who’s Gina?”

  “Todd’s assistant. She did everything for him.” She watched as Ethan stood up and turned to his computer.

  “Was he published?”

  “I think so. I vaguely remember him saying he had three or four books out. All non-fiction, true crime types.” She snorted lightly. “Quincy read a few of them. He said they should’ve all been put in the fiction or fantasy category. Even Todd’s bio turned out to be one lie after another.”

  Ethan leaned over his computer. After a few moments, he read, “The Devil at Dusk: A Small Town Murder of Lust and Greed. The River of Blood: The Trenton Killings. A Slaying in Summersville. And lastly, Death at Midnight. Any of these sound familiar?”

  “Only one. Death at Midnight.” She gritted her teeth. “I can’t believe it. He’s been dead for two years and I’m still having to deal with him.”

  Ethan’s dark head was still bent over the computer. “According to the blurb, Death by Midnight is about a murder in downtown Lexington on…New Year’s Eve.” He looked up at her in disbelief. “Sweetheart,” he said gently, “it didn’t occur to you that maybe there’s a connection to what’s happening now?”


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