Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2) Page 9

by Blade, Veronica

  Everything was happening way too fast and my already limited time with Zack was getting even shorter. I groaned. “If we do it too fast, they’re not gonna buy it.”

  “You’re probably right. Maybe we should have a little fight tonight at prom, then hang out with Maya and Trevor Sunday and have another one,” he suggested. “That way it won’t be such a surprise. I don’t want them too freaked out.”

  “Brilliant.” At least he was thinking things through and I could relax and enjoy my prom. Except for a small fight. “Which reminds me, I can’t stay long at the hospital. Maya’s meeting me at my house later. You know, we have to do our nails and hair and stuff for tonight.”

  † † †

  I eyed the Scrabble tiles staring back and me, which spelled V-O-R-T-E-X. I found the perfect place to play it too — on a triple word square with the R set at the end of D-A-N-C-E, which made a new word and gave me even more points.

  I’d won our last game by eighteen points and led this game with Favianne by a few less. With my current letters and us being near the end, she might not catch up. It didn’t feel right to slaughter her two games in a row.

  “I have crappy letters,” I said. “Maybe I’ll just skip my turn.”

  The smell of fresh brewed coffee tickled my nose, signaling Zack’s return.

  “Nice word,” he said from over my shoulder. “Mom, you’re going to get stomped on.”

  Her eyebrows flew up. “How interesting. Autumn was just complaining about her hand and threatened to pass.”

  Heat roared into my cheeks.

  Zack laughed. “What were you thinking? My mom is ruthless when it comes to games. You would’ve regretted it.”

  “Do it,” she ordered. “Take your turn. Zack, make sure she plays that word.”

  I laid the tiles one at a time and counted up my points. When I finished, she made a seven letter word, getting bonus points for using them all. Zack was right — crime wouldn’t have paid.

  He set the cardboard tray of lattes on a chair. “I’m going to see what’s taking so long with the release papers. Be right back.”

  Too intent on my letters, I waved good-bye without looking. This time, my tiles really did stink. After searching the board for a place to play, I finally made a word.

  “That’s the best you can do?” she asked, smothering a smile.

  I sighed. “Yes, all my letters are one-pointers. I promise.”

  She nodded and studied her own letters.

  “I was wondering…” I hesitated and reached for my coffee, taking a big gulp. “I’m not sure if it’ll bother you to talk about this but…”

  She abandoned her task and looked up. “You won’t know unless you ask.”

  “How did Zack’s father die?” Immediately, I regretted the question and making her relive it. “If it’s upsetting to talk about it, though, you don’t have to tell me.”

  “I can talk about it. With you.” She inhaled and looked out the window. “We were camping one night, just a few miles from here. Lucio went searching for firewood while I stayed in the tent. He was gone for over a half hour, so as soon as I heard the growls, I knew something wasn’t right. I ran to him as fast as I could, but it was too late.” She shivered.

  “He was already gone?” I asked.

  “Not yet, but the bear still had him and was gnawing on his neck. There was so much blood everywhere. Even if I’d somehow gotten rid of the bear, Lucio wouldn’t have made it. No one could have survived that.” Favianne’s eyes clouded with tears. “The bear dragged him away and I never saw him again.”

  That was the last image she had of Zack’s father, the man she loved. My heart ached for her. “They never recovered his body?”

  “No. Not a trace. I called the police right away. They said scavengers probably got the rest of him.” Her eyes shone with tears and she blinked them away.

  Had he been eaten, like how I ate Charles last night? He may have been a wolf at the time, but he was also part human. I’d eaten parts of someone who was also human. I hadn’t thought about that aspect of it until now. Human.

  “I’m so sorry.” My stomach churned.

  Yep, it had finally sunk in. A torrent of revulsion rose up in me and I knew I was going to hurl. “Be right back.”

  Forgetting there was a bathroom in her room, I scrambled out the door and booked it down the corridor. I found another restroom, grateful for single occupancy. I locked the door, dashed to the toilet and puked up my breakfast and all the coffee I’d just drank, until I was heaving up yellow goo.

  Standing, I wiped my mouth with tissue and breathed deeply. If I ever found myself in that situation again, I’d be very sure not to eat my opponent. At that thought, I felt sick again and bent over.

  Finally, I stopped convulsing. After rinsing my mouth and splashing my face, I finally left the bathroom. Zack was waiting for me in the hallway.

  “Are you okay?” He felt my forehead and scanned my body, then finished the examination by sniffing me. “Sick?”

  I nodded.

  He narrowed his eyes. “But that doesn’t happen to us. Ever,” he said quietly. “What’s going on?”

  “When I was a bear, I didn’t care. But now…” I shivered, grimacing. “I ate Charles.”

  Zack folded me into his arms. “It was him or us.”

  I crumpled against him. “Why can’t we just be normal? Worry about what to wear to prom instead of wondering when a scout will turn up to kill us.”

  “Sorry, baby.” His arms tightened around me a moment before he stepped back and skimmed his fingers down my arm. “Go finish your game and I’ll follow up on the release papers. We’re just waiting for the doctor to sign off. It should only be a few more minutes.”

  I nodded and returned to my chair in Favianne’s room.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you.” She shot me a worried look.

  “No. It wasn’t that,” I lied. “Just something I ate. No big deal. Did you take your turn yet?” Getting off the subject would probably be a good thing.

  “No, I was too concerned about you.”

  “I’m fine.” I was absolutely certain my smile was convincing.

  She returned to her letters and picked up a tile, then she put it back. “It’s still hard to believe my Lucio is gone. A few years ago, I imagined seeing him in a crowd. He looked straight at me. I blinked and when I focused again, no one was there. Just wishful dreaming I guess.”

  “Does Zack know you saw him?” My intense curiosity would probably seem odd to her so I fiddled with one of the tiles to appear casual.

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t my Lucio — just my imagination. He’s dead. I saw him die.”

  I nodded. “You never told Zack?”

  Favianne smiled. “About my wild imagination? Heavens, no. Zack was devastated when he lost his father. We rarely talk about him.”

  “Does Zack know how he died?”

  “No and I’d appreciate you not telling him either. I don’t want that image in his head. You didn’t even know his father and look how you reacted.”

  “It was just something I ate. Really.” It was true, except in this case, it was the memory of something I’d eaten. I shuddered as my stomach turned again. “So how does Zack think he died?”

  “A very bad car accident.”

  I was surprised Zack had bought that story. I couldn’t imagine a werewolf being easy to kill that way, unless it was a really grisly accident. Regardless, Lucio was dead. Because, surely if he were alive, he would have made his presence known, at least to his son. Either way, Zack didn’t need false hope.

  “So… you’re feeling better?” she asked me.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I felt nauseous, but it passed.”

  She studied my face a beat, then spoke hesitantly. “It’s not… morning sickness, is it?”

  “What?” I prayed to God she didn’t mean what I thought she meant.

  “Is it possible you might be, uh, pregnant?”

eyes widened and my jaw dropped to my chest.

  She shrugged. “I have to ask, sweetheart and you’re in the right place to find out. A blood test will tell us, even if you’re not very far along.”

  “You’re sprung, Mom.” Zack entered the room, proudly brandishing several pieces of paper. “A nurse will be here in a minute to wheel you out.”

  “Zack,” I said. “Your mother thinks I was throwing up from morning sickness.”

  He frowned. “Morning sickness?”

  Favianne raised her eyebrows at Zack.

  His face went white. “Mom, it’s impossible. Trust me.”

  She didn’t look convinced. “We’ve talked about protection and you know how important it is but, accidents happen. You can talk to me.”

  Zack shook his head. “Mom, please. Just drop it. We haven’t progressed that far in our relationship. I swear. And that’s all I’m going to say about it.”

  Her smile faded and I thought she looked disappointed. I wondered what it must be like for her to know she wouldn’t live to see any grandchildren born. Zack and I were too young for that, though, and we had way too much going on. And, of course, we’d only known each other a few weeks.

  But did I want to have children with Zack some day?


  I squelched the feelings rising up. Weird emotions — like wanting to have a baby with him right away, just to watch the joy on Favianne’s face.

  I pushed that thought from my mind.


  Chapter Eleven

  “Wow, Maya.” Her dress was to die for. The exquisite beaded halter top dipped low in the front with a long, pleated pink chiffon skirt. “Trevor’s going to faint when he sees you in this.”

  Maya laughed. “I hope so. Right about when Zack keels over at the sight of you in that lacy cream number you’ll be wearing.”

  “Oh, I traded that in a few days ago. Forgot to tell you.”

  She gave me a startled look. “Why’d you get rid of it?”

  “Because I bought it to wear to prom with Daniel. I don’t want to think of him while I’m with Zack. Ew.”

  “I don’t blame you.” She jumped onto my bed and grinned. “Let’s see the new one.”

  I disappeared into my closet and reappeared a moment later. After unzipping the bag, I pulled out the dress and held it in front of me.

  “I liked that cream dress, but blue will go much better against your olive skin.” Maya fingered the shimmering fabric. “Love that it’s strapless. Super sexy.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” I smiled.

  “Try it on,” Maya demanded. “Maybe it will give me some inspiration for what to do with your hair.”

  Humoring her, I let the robe drop to floor. I stepped into the dress and faced the mirror while Maya zipped me up. No bows, ruffles, layers or folds. Just elegant simplicity that gently molded to my waist and thighs before draping luxuriously around my ankles. Faint slashes of silver covered the length of the gown like silver rays of sunshine and a sprinkling of darker blue sequins made the fabric come alive.

  “Totally classy,” she said when I twirled for her. “And really shows off your smokin’ bod. Zack won’t even be able to stutter like when you wore that purple dress on our double date. He’ll go straight into a heart attack.”

  I giggled. “It has matching gloves that go to my elbows.”

  “Zack’s a dead man.”

  † † †

  I’d been saving pictures of hair and makeup for the last few months, just waiting for the day when we would put those ideas to use. Other girls paid professionals to pamper them before prom, but Maya and I enjoyed doing our own hair and makeup. As particular as we were, we’d probably backseat drive the professional and drive her crazy anyway.

  After setting Maya’s hair in hot rollers and finger brushing it out — which was a laborious task considering all that thick, blond hair — I gathered a section from her crown and temple, then pinned it up. Soft, wavy locks cascaded strategically over her shoulders and down her back.

  I grabbed the makeup box and chose a smoky blue eye shadow for her eyes, going a little heavier on her lids than I normally would. Some mascara, just a little bronzer, then a soft pink lipstick that matched her dress.

  She grinned at her reflection. “Wow.”

  “I’m going to dump Zack and go to the prom with you,” I said.

  “No offense, but I prefer Trevor for that sort of thing. Okay, your turn. Sit.” Maya spent a moment running her fingers through my hair as she studied it. “Definitely an updo… maybe let it go a little messy. If it’s up and out of Zack’s way, he has easy access to all that incredible skin. What’s up with it anyway? You have this glow about you.”

  I shrugged.

  Her eyes popped. “Are you… oh, my God, are you pregnant?”

  Heat crept into my cheeks and my mouth fell open. The most embarrassing assumption ever, twice in one day. I hated having to convince everyone that Zack and I did little more than cuddle. And that when we slept together, we really were sleeping. “No, I’m absolutely positive that I’m not. I swear.”

  “Pregnancy tests aren’t one hundred percent accurate, you know.” She gave me a doubtful look.

  Sure, I was about to waste my breath, but I couldn’t tell her that as a shape-shifter my body always strived for its optimum state and the glow stemmed from being so healthy. “Maya, Zack and I haven’t gone that far.”

  She gathered my hair and studied my reflection in the mirror. “Maybe it’s from being in love.”

  Zack and I were in love? Yeah, right. And that’s why we were about to have a fight later tonight at prom. This was a perfect opportunity to plant the seed, so they would buy our breakup later. My stomach tightened at the thought. I knew it wasn’t real, but still…

  “Too bad he doesn’t return my feelings.”

  “You’re blind. That boy is crazy for you.” She scoffed and let my hair drop. “Maybe most of your hair should be down with just enough held back to show off your shoulders and all that glorious skin in between. The bangs should be straight and parted at the side and the long sections in the back wavy.”

  She got busy creating her masterpiece. When she finished nearly forty-five minutes later, I looked in the mirror. “I don’t know what to say, Maya. You really outdid yourself.”

  “I know.” She beamed. “Zack can thank me later. And now for your makeup. We want soft yet sophisticated.” She tapped her chin, then plucked a charcoal shadow with a hint of silver from the box, highlighted my brow bones with a lighter shade and defined my brows. “Just a smidge of bronzer then lip gloss. No color on those lips.”

  I nodded.

  She rolled it on then handed it to me. “Put this in your purse. I have a feeling it’s not going to last long once Zack sees you.” Maya chuckled. “I can’t wait to see his reaction. Don’t forget, we have to stop at my house so my mom can take pictures.”

  A cloud of loneliness for my parents wafted over me and I wondered if my mom felt like she was missing out on this big day. My parents had chilled a lot these past weeks but not seeing me off to prom? I was sure they would be here if they had a choice — which only made me more certain that something was definitely up. Tomorrow, I would begin the search for clues into their past.

  “Geez, what planet did you fly off to?” Maya asked, jolting me.

  “Just missing my mom,” I answered with a sad smile.

  She rested a hand on my arm. “We’ll take lots of pictures for her. C’mon, let’s get into our dresses. The guys will be here soon.”

  We helped each other into our gowns and, right on time, the doorbell rang. I slipped on my gloves and we grabbed our purses. Maya and I answered the door together, not knowing which date would be there at the door.

  Both. And they stood locked in place with their mouths open.

  “Maya, will you marry me?” Trevor blurted out.

  She laughed. “Let’s see if you feel the same later when I’m no longe
r wearing this dress.”

  “If I got you out of that dress, I’d be even more positive that I want to marry you.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Maya giggled, thumping his chest playfully.

  I watched Zack and waited for a response, wondering if he had any other reaction than catching flies. I reached out and applied a gentle pressure under his chin, coaxing him to close his mouth.

  “Let them go.” Zack’s eyes smoldered. “You and I can stay here all night.”

  “In my house? Alone?” Obviously, he wasn’t in his right head.

  Zack stepped up onto the threshold, put his hands at my hips, and steered me away from the front door. “Good-bye Maya, Trevor.” Without taking his eyes off me, his foot shot out and kicked the door. Just before it closed on Maya’s face, she jumped back with wide eyes.

  “Zack, what’s going on?”

  “I just want to be alone with you.” He growled low in his throat. “Let’s find out if it’s true or just a myth.”

  I took a step back, my brows flying up. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop. What about staying strong to survive?”

  “Don’t care anymore,” he rasped, stalking toward me.

  “We can’t risk losing our powers.”

  His eyes devoured the length of me as he reached for my waist and dragged me against his chest.

  Oh, my God, he hadn’t heard a word I’d said. Or he really didn’t care. As our mouths fused together and heat shot through my veins, I wasn’t sure I cared either.

  No wonder Hannah and Eli were willing to die as humans.

  According to werewolf legend, Hannah was a werewolf betrothed to the king. She’d fallen in love with Eli, a shape-shifter, and ran away with him. Despite being the most hunted werewolf and shape-shifter in history, they were never found or heard from again. The entire werewolf community believed they’d grown so weak from mixing species that they eventually became human and died of old age.

  It sounded tempting to grow old with Zack. But first we had to worry about the next few weeks.


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