Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2) Page 26

by Blade, Veronica

  “That doesn’t change the fact that I have no idea what happened to Charles. I like to think that the king’s people would be smart enough to realize I couldn’t have killed him. If you’re that worried, why haven’t you called the authorities?”

  Renzo studied Zack a beat. He stood very still and stayed quiet so long, I thought he might attack. Just in case, I kept my hand on the door, ready to jump out and help.

  “You should know that there’s been trouble in the woods near your house.”

  “What kind of trouble?” Zack asked.

  “Nothing serious. But the forest rangers are finding animal parts like tails and antlers. They know something is killing them, but they can’t figure out what. But I think you know.

  Zack’s head tilted. “You think it’s Charles.”

  “Yes, and I think you killed him. Or you thought you did. But he’s out there healing and when he’s strong enough, he’s going to come after whoever botched his murder.”

  Shaking his head, Zack tightened his lips. I wanted him to ask Renzo how to kill a werewolf for real, but the question might draw attention to the fact that we didn’t know how to do it and therefore might’ve been the ones who killed Charles incorrectly the first time.

  “I was badly injured years ago. These fine scars all over my skin? They’ll go away eventually. The majority of my injuries healed, but it took weeks. I lived in the forest and fed off animals until I was strong enough and looked presentable again. Charles wouldn’t care about impressing anyone. He only needs to be stronger than his murderer to exact his revenge. And if he’s up to killing bigger animals now, he’ll be able to handle a fledgling very soon.”

  All my breath left my body as terror consumed me. If Zack and I ran now, maybe Charles wouldn’t find us. Maybe we could meet up with my parents… yeah, bringing a werewolf to them would go over well. Whatever happened, Zack running without me wasn’t an option.

  Zack nodded, his face appearing free of any emotion. “And you followed us all the way out here to tell us that? Though I appreciate the heads up, your speech is wasted on me. I didn’t kill him. I have to get back to Autumn now.”

  “And once you’re home, you’ll pretend you two are broken up? Is this for my benefit or for Charles?” Renzo asked so quietly, I almost missed it.

  “Autumn and I are trying to work things out. See you around.” Zack pivoted and walked away, his face a mask of fury.

  Renzo stared after him with something akin to daggers in his eyes. If he’d wanted us dead, he wouldn’t have warned Zack about Charles. Better yet, he would’ve killed us himself. Could it be that he really did want to help, but was frustrated because we refused to cooperate? Or was he trying to trip us up? Was he trying to earn our trust so we’d confess?

  Did you get all that? Zack started up the engine and backed out, his hands gripping the steering wheel.


  Once we were on the road and way out of Renzo’s range of hearing, Zack let loose, his voice heated. “Charles is alive. He’s out there and once he’s healed, he’s coming after us.”

  My stomach fluttered in fear. “But I ate his organs! In what kind of messed up world does someone live after that?”

  He stared at me blankly.

  Okay, maybe I was freaking. “It’s two against one, Zack. We still have a chance,” I said with much more confidence than I felt. “We handled him before and we have a better chance while he’s not fully healed.”

  “He’s not stupid enough to come after us unless he’s strong enough to kill us. I’m not so sure the two of us can fight Charles off again. We took him by surprise before and that’s the only reason we’re not dead. No doubt though, if he finds either of us alone, we will be. You go nowhere without me, understand? You’re sleeping at my house tonight.”

  “No problem.” I hoped he didn’t notice my trembling voice. I mean, seriously, if I acted all panicked, Zack would become even more angry and protective. “We’ll tell everyone we’re back together and everything’s back to normal."

  “Our makeup needs to happen at school. It needs to be big and public.”


  “Because we need everyone to witness for themselves, especially Cameron.”

  “And Gina,” I added narrowing my eyes.

  “Right. Which means we’re not back together yet as far as my family is concerned.”

  “Then what are we going to tell them? If we’re not a couple, why am I spending the night?”

  “I’ll think of something.” A moment later, he growled and slapped the dashboard. “All this time lying about being broken up and it’s all been for nothing. We’re screwed either way.”

  I didn’t have a comforting reply, so I let it pass without comment. I waited a beat, then asked, “So how do you want us to get back together? Am I just supposed to forgive you for making out with my archenemy?”

  “Not totally sure yet. When the time comes, just follow my lead.” His eyes darkened. “This sucks on so many levels. Us being together at all times increases your chance of being discovered.”

  “No one will figure it out.” No one who didn’t already know anyway. It was pointless to tell Zack now that Renzo had known about our fake breakup since the beginning. And besides, that information might lead to me telling him that Renzo already knew I was a shape-shifter. That would send Zack into a protective frenzy.

  As if he wasn’t already there.

  “But if they do, I can’t protect you, Autumn. Not against older, stronger werewolves.” He growled again, gripping the steering wheel. “Damn it.”

  “Maybe we can trust Renzo. If he really wants to help, maybe he can protect us.”

  He scoffed and stopped for a red light. “We don’t know anything about him and he’s still a werewolf. He lives under the king’s rule. I don’t care how nice he seems, you can’t trust any of them.”

  “Okay.” Apparently, Zack forgot too easily he was a werewolf too, and perfectly trustworthy. There had to be others like him. “Do you think Renzo followed us all the way out here or do you think he tracked us?”

  “That had to be his car we saw on the highway.” The Mustang began to move again and the freeway on-ramp came into view. “Or he could’ve gotten it out of Maya or Trevor…”

  “You think either of them would give a virtual stranger that kind of information? I think she would’ve texted me if Renzo started asking questions.”

  “They wouldn’t have told him willingly.”

  “Ooookay…” I frowned, confused. “You think he threatened them or something?” A chill rushed up my spine.

  “Did you read any of that old, thick book with the gold writing? The one about werewolves?” Zack slowed, then turned onto the freeway and leaned his head against the seat.

  “I just finished the SWAAST one.” Shape-shifter Werewolf Alliance Against Slavery and Tyranny had been enlightening, giving theories about the werewolf king and the legend of Hannah and Eli. But it talked more about shape-shifters than werewolves. “Until yesterday, I haven’t had much time to read.”

  Zack signaled to merge into the next lane. “You should definitely read the big werewolf book, but I’ll give you a crash course now.”

  I turned to face him and settled in for the long ride. “I’m all ears.”

  “So werewolves and shape-shifters are all about changing shape, right? We’re dealing with shapes and forms. The theory is that we can do it on humans, too.”

  “We can make a human morph?” That couldn’t be right.

  “No, not exactly. Since humans aren’t genetically capable of being anything other than human, we can only reach them on a telepathic level. Like we shape an idea and put it in their head. The trick is that they still have their own free will, so we can’t force them. But if they think it’s their idea, they’ll do what we want.”

  “Seriously?” Maybe I could encourage Gina and Natalie into confessing. But then, Zack would’ve already known that so why had he spent all that time
with Gina unless he wanted to?

  “Wouldn’t work for us, though.”

  “What?” Disappointment sliced through me like a scalpel. “Why not?”

  “Only the old werewolves can do it, when they’re powerful enough. Never try it on one of them though. Even if it were possible to plant a thought into a werewolf, they’d sense what you were doing and you’d piss them off. The consequences would be deadly.”

  † † †

  Zack grabbed our stuff from the car and ushered me ahead of him. Inside his house, the living room was empty but I heard distant noises. “Let’s unload, then find everyone,” he said.

  He plopped the duffle bags on his bed and we followed the voices to the backyard. Maya and Trevor sat at the bottom of the steps and Mac stood with Cara at his side, an arm draped over her shoulders.

  “Hey.” I beamed down at Maya. “What are you guys doing out here?”

  Maya smiled and nodded toward Cara.

  “The little guys just went to bed so we thought we’d take advantage of the gorgeous evening,” Cara said, giving me a welcoming smile.

  I looked up at the stars. “Yeah, it’s nice out.”

  Maya reached up to take my hand. “Did you have a good weekend? Find out anything about your parents?”

  I gave a careless shrug, knowing what she really wanted was the juicy details. “We had a nice time.”

  “She’s going to stay the night. I’m not comfortable leaving her alone in the house after it’s been empty all weekend,” Zack said.

  “That’s fine. We love having Autumn around. I’ll have that extra bed set up,” Aunt Cara said. “Are you guys hungry?”

  “No, we’re stuffed,” Zack replied. “Mom asleep?”

  “Yes, but she had a good day,” Cara said. “I think she’s out of the woods.”

  Maya slipped past Cara and dragged me inside with her. “Details,” she demanded once she’d closed the door.

  I chuckled. “There’s nothing to tell. All we did was sleep and he didn’t kiss me even once. We’re still broken up. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s so lame.” Her eyes narrowed. “What’s up with you two?”

  “Nothing. Until I hear something profound from his lips, like he shouldn’t look at other girls or he can’t believe how stupid he was for thinking anyone but me could make him happy, I’m not budging.”

  Maya sighed. “You’re doing the right thing. I just wish he’d hurry up with those magic words. You guys so belong together.”

  The door swung open. Zack and the rest of his family filed in, forcing Maya and me into the hallway.

  “I have to go. We have school tomorrow,” Maya said.

  After she left, I grabbed some of my things from my bag and dashed into the bathroom to shower. As soon as I finished and turned off the water, footsteps sounded outside the door. They traveled down the hallway into Zack’s room.

  “Zack, what are you doing?” Cara whispered, but I could still hear her.

  “I was about to change my clothes, but you’re in my room,” he answered lightly.

  “No, I mean with Autumn.” She waited a beat. “You two aren’t back together, but you’re acting as if you are.”

  Zack groaned. “It’s no big deal. Just didn’t want her over there all alone.”

  “Mm-hmm. You still care for her, don’t you?”

  Zack hesitated a moment, before answering. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then stop bringing other girls to the house and work it out,” she ordered. “We miss her.” The door closed and the sound of footfalls receded.

  My eyes misted as I tiptoed into Zack’s room.

  He closed the dresser drawer and glanced over at me. You can’t sleep here. It’s too easy to get caught. All we need is for anyone to see you’re not in your bed.

  We’ll tell them we made up, I said, even though we really hadn’t. But after this weekend, I was heading in that direction…

  No. I want to do this right. Go. He shooed me away.

  I sighed and left. We really needed to come out of the closet soon. Then Zack needed to talk to me about our issues. Tomorrow would mark four days without a kiss from him.

  And now I had to sleep alone.


  † † †

  Zack avoided me the first half of school on Monday. Probably to remind everyone we were still apart. When lunchtime rolled around, Zack still hadn’t made any moves to reconcile. I slogged over to John’s table and sat with him, Ashley and Janine.

  “He’s watching you a lot,” John said, his eyes darting toward Zack. “I think he’s regretting the breakup.”

  I took a bite of my grilled cheese sandwich and shrugged, but my stomach dipped in excitement at getting back together — if we ever really talked it out, that is.

  “You look better today. Alive, instead of one of the undead.” He snickered.

  “Friday wasn’t my best day ever,” I said, tearing off another chunk from my sandwich.

  “So, you want him back?” John eyed me as he sipped from his soda can.

  “Honestly? Yes and no.” I dabbed the napkin at my mouth and pushed my tray away. If Zack was going to fix this, now was the time since lunch was just about over.

  “Better decide fast ’cause he’s on his way over.” John looked up as a shadow fell over me.

  Finally. And he’d brought Trevor and Maya with him. Okay…

  Chapter Thirty-two

  “Autumn,” Zack said as my eyes met his.

  “What are you doing?” Maya asked him. She and Trevor flanked Zack, looking puzzled.

  An eerie silence had settled over the room, as if everyone in the cafeteria were dying to see what would happen next.

  “Sshh, Maya. Just listen.” Zack returned his attention to me. “I was thinking about the things you said before and you’re right. I’m sorry for being such an ass. You deserve better than that.”

  My stomach spun again. I almost grinned, but then decided I shouldn’t give in too easily. “Oh, yeah?” I drew my brows together to appear skeptical.

  “Checking out other girls wasn’t right and I can’t believe I was that stupid. I know I have no right to even ask you this, but… if you can forgive me, I promise I’ll work hard to try to be the guy you deserve.”

  Wow. My eyes blurred immediately.

  “Well…” I’d somehow lost perspective. I should forgive him now, right? Even though we hadn’t even talked? Wait, he was apologizing for what everyone thought he’d done, not for making out with Gina. But with the entire cafeteria watching, I had to say something. Rising, I set my drink on the table and spoke from my heart. “I’ve missed you.”

  Carefully taking my face in his hands, Zack kissed me in front of everyone. It was slow and deep and my brain began to simmer. I contemplated skipping school and dragging him to my house where we could be alone. But that was out of the question. Instead of twining my arms around his neck and pulling him closer like I really wanted to do, I rested my hands on his hips, looping my thumbs in the waist of his jeans. A moment later, he released me and looked into my eyes.

  I was breathless.

  Zack kept his hands around my face, thumbs stroking my temple as he turned to John. “Do you mind if I steal her?”

  “Please do.” John motioned us away, flashing a mischievous smile. “She’s been miserable company for days.”

  Zack tugged on my hand and led me through the rows of packed lunch tables toward the back exit. Just before we reached the doorway to outside, we neared Cameron’s table. I glanced at Zack to see his gaze fixed on Cameron. Zack’s look said it all — She’s mine.

  I almost told him that his territorial display of testosterone was unnecessary and that Cameron already knew, but then I glanced over at Gina and everything slipped my mind as a gust of hate blew my way.

  Stopping outside in a long passageway between two buildings, Zack boxed me in with his arms on either side, his palms flattened against the wall.

  “That was nice,
” I breathed. “Perfect.”

  “I’ve got my moments.” His eyes smoldered and he edged closer.

  “Wait,” I said, holding my hands up so they met his chest. “You did an impressive job convincing everyone and that kiss was dreamy, but we still have to talk. You promised.”

  The warning bell rang and he straightened. “After school, I need to go to work, but we’ll talk tonight, okay?”

  The talk — finally.

  † † †

  Knowing my parents were shape-shifters, and most likely in danger, inspired me to work hard on sorting out the cheating situation, so the principal wouldn’t call them. Especially, since they’d worry over something I hadn’t done in the first place. The entire situation was wrong on so many levels.

  Natalie wasn’t at last period, the scene of the crime. How was I supposed to trick her into confessing if she never showed up? I hated the idea of going to her house and luring her into a confession while I recorded it. But if I had to, then so be it. Time was running out.

  After school, Zack waited for me outside, falling into step with me as I headed to my car. “You’re okay with driving me to work?”

  I shook my head. “Just drop me off at your house, so you don’t have to worry about getting a ride home.”

  He nodded, looking relieved. “I like that even better.”

  Of course he would. If he had my car, I couldn’t go anywhere and get into trouble. Not that he’d have to worry about that. The thought of Charles hunting me down and catching me alone made my insides quake.

  † † †

  After dinner at Zack’s, he and I attacked the kitchen as usual. As I was finishing up the counters, I froze with the sponge in my hand. “Zack, I only have three outfits and they’re all dirty. Even if I do laundry here, I’ll still need more clothes. Whether we go to my house or go shopping and buy all new stuff, we’re still exposing ourselves to Charles.”

  The silence stretched. Finally, he wiped his hand on the dish towel and turned to face me. “Right now, your house is the very worst place to be. We’re better off buying you all new stuff.”

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head, thoughtful. “To me, the idea of walking into a store is just as terrifying. If Charles is old enough and can control someone’s thoughts, he could kill us publicly and there would be no one able to testify. He could get us in the parking lot or jump me in the dressing room.” I shuddered. “And it may not even be just him anymore. For all we know, he’s called in reinforcements.”


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