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Axl Page 9

by Sonja B

  Monica rubs the back of her neck, as she looks down at the floor. “I’m still shocked the hit was put on me, I’m not involved with Nolan’s business.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you are or not. Romano wanted to send a clear message to Nolan for pushing onto his territory. Your hit was to let him know he meant business.” I tell her.

  “But why send you? Surely he knew who Monica was and you guys history.” Felix adds.

  “That’s a good question. He could have sent Rocco to do the hit instead of me. I don’t know. Maybe he thought I would have forgotten about Monica after all this time and wouldn’t recognize her. I mean, we really don’t look the same, as we did ten years ago. Actually, Romano wouldn’t give a shit if I knew it was Monica or not as long as I follow his orders is all he cares about. Personally, I think Rocco was probably in his ear to have me sent. That fucker has had it out for me since the beginning. He was probably banking on me seeing Monica and aborting the hit, which I did, but luckily, I’m smarter than his stupid ass and was able to quickly come up with a plan that could squash his and Romano’s suspicions.”

  “Show them the video, Axl,” Monica says.

  “What video?” Adam asks, raising an eyebrow.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock the screen. Pulling up the video, I hit play, then place it on the table for them to see and hear. As the video plays, I could see fury start to grow across their faces. When it ended, I closed the screen.

  “This is not good, bro.” Felix states.

  “I knew Julian was a piece of shit. I only put up with his ass because of you, Monica. Do you know how many times he has hit on me?!” Keirra says with her voice laced with venom.

  “What?!” Monica shouts, placing her hands on the table. Felix looks like he’s about to burst a blood vessel.

  Keirra reaches across the table, clutching her hands. “Monica, I didn’t say anything because he was your best friend, and you knew him longer than me. Before you even tried to hook us up, he had already come on to me. When I turned him down, he became nasty towards me, but that didn’t keep him from trying. That sleazeball was so jealous of our friendship, he offered to pay me if I stop being your friend. Just because I came from the poor side of town did not mean I could be paid off. I respected our friendship too much. Finally, I threatened to tell you, and he backed off.”

  “No wonder he was always against us hanging out. He was afraid you would tell me. I’m so sorry, Keirra. I wish you would have told me. I value your friendship so much that I would have ended mines with him.” Monica whispers with misty eyes.

  “I didn’t want you to have to choose between your friends, Mo. I handled it accordingly. So, don’t be sorry, I’m just glad Axl was able to get a video of his bitch ass.” Keirra asserts.

  “So, what are you going to do with the video, Axl?” Felix asks, staring at Keirra, who tries to ignore him.

  Monica speaks before I can. “We need to get that video to Nolan, Axl. He needs to be warned about what they’re planning. Nolan needs to know about this snake in his camp.”

  “I agree, Axl,” Adam adds. “I know how you feel about Nolan, but he is Monica’s brother. If it was you, I would want someone to tell me.”

  Considering the history between me and Nolan, the monster in me is saying fuck his ass, but the love I have for Monica couldn’t take her heartbreak if something happened to her brother.

  “You could send the video to him in an email or text message.” Keirra offers.

  “No, I think I should take it to him.” Monica counters.

  “Absolutely not!” I growl, as I stare at her as if she lost her damn mind.

  “And why not?” She asks with the same look.

  “Because, Monica, they think you’ve been kidnapped. I won’t let you put yourself in danger! Either Felix, Adam, or I can take the video to him.”

  “I get that, Axl, but are you forgetting that Nolan and Julian don’t know you exist anymore. Do you think with everything that’s going on between him and Romano, he’s going to let either one of you get close to him?! He’ll probably shoot your ass before you could even get twenty feet near him. If I take it to him, he can see that I’m okay, and I can show him the video of that freaking traitor.”

  I exhale, as I close my eyes. What Monica said was true. There was no way Felix, Adam, or I could get close to Nolan. He’s probably doubled his security detail, which would make it impossible to speak to him. Still, he needed to know about Julian and Rocco.

  “Okay, if you do this, you have to do it my way. I still don’t agree with you being the one to take it to him, but if it has to be you, then I have an idea that will get you in and out. You have to follow my instructions to a tee because we don’t know who is watching. Got it?”

  “Got it,” Monica replies with certainty.

  Chapter 12


  I’m nervous as shit, as I sit in a back booth of the noisy truck stop. After I agreed to follow Axl’s instructions, he laid out his plan.

  “Okay, so you will need a disguise since people are out looking for you. Keirra can run to the beauty store here in town and pick you up a wig and a hat. Felix, you can go with her to pick up one of those prepaid phones so you can do your magic on it.” Axl instructs.

  “Wait, why does Felix have to go with me? Can’t Adam come with me?” Keirra asks, glaring at Felix, who blows her a kiss.

  “Because he knows how to reprogram the phone to where it can’t be traced. While you’re driving back, he can be working on that and have it done by the time you return. We’re on timeline. I have to be back at Romano’s at midnight. It’s noon now, so we need to get this done as soon as possible, okay.” Axl responds.

  “Fine,” Keirra relents, sucking her teeth.

  Axl shakes his head before he continues. “Now, as I was saying, Keirra and Felix will run out to get the stuff Monica will need. When they return, Monica, you’ll call Nolan on the prepaid and set up a meeting with him and him alone. You have to convince him he has to come alone, Monica. He can’t tell anyone who he talking to or where he’s going. We don’t want that pussy Julian tagging along with him. Once we get that set up, you’ll hop into your disguise. Adam will drive you to the meeting spot since his truck has darker tinted windows; no one will be able to see the two of you. Felix and I will follow in his car, in case anything jumps off. Keirra, I’ll need you to stay here and keep an eye on Alex. Monica, I think you can meet Nolan at the busy diner that sits off the highway in between both towns. It’ll be a perfect spot. It’s noisy and has lots of people coming in and out. You show him video then let him know someone will be in contact with him soon to meet up. Do not tell him it’s me. When you’re done, ditch him. Any questions?” We shake our heads no. “Alright, let’s do this.”

  Felix and Keirra left the house arguing, and an hour later, they were still arguing coming through the door. Keirra could act all hard if she wanted to, but I see the way she looks at Felix when he’s not paying attention. She wants him, but she’s not going to admit it.

  Felix handed me the phone, which was simple and really outdated, but I guess that makes it easier for Felix to deprogram it. Entering Nolan’s phone number, I hit the send button, placing it on speaker.

  “Hello.” He answers, sounding tired and irritated. “Hello?”

  “It’s me, Nolan, but don’t say my name, okay? Please? Just act like you’re having a normal conversation, okay?”

  “Fo-sho,” he replies with tension in his voice.

  “Are there people around you?” I ask.

  “Always, what’s up with you?”

  “I’m fine, Nolan, but I need you to meet me somewhere. You have to come alone. Do not bring anyone with you, I mean no one. Can you do that for me?”

  “Hell, yeah! That sounds like a smart move.” He replies.

  “Okay, meet me at the diner off of I-20, the one a lot of truckers frequent in one hour. Do you know the one I’m talking about?”

bsp; “Bet, it’s a plan, then.”

  “One hour, Nolan, and don’t forget, come alone.”

  “No doubt,” He states before hanging up the phone.

  After I hung up the phone, we jumped into action. Axl gave me one of his oversized flannel shirts to put on and a pair of his sunglasses. We had to convince Alex that we were going to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream. Keirra finally talked her into watching Frozen with her for the umpteenth time.

  Once inside Adams truck, I put on the wig, hat, and sunglasses. Even though I was meeting up with my brother, I didn’t want to take any chances of Romano’s men following him to start some shit, so before I left, I hid my piston in the back of my waistband. Axl’s flannel was a great cover for it.

  Axl and Felix were behind us in Felix’s car when we pulled into truck stop parking lot. Adam put Axl on speakerphone when he called seconds after we parked.

  “Monica, you sure you want to do this? We can still find another way.”

  “I’m sure, Axl,” I replied with confidence, but on the inside, I was scared shitless.

  “You don’t sound sure.” He voices.

  Getting annoyed, I say, “I’m sure, Axl! Now get off the damn phone, so I can focus on the task at hand. You’re gonna make me more nervous than I already am if you keep asking me if I’m sure.”

  “Fine, try to get a booth in the back on the opposite side of the bathroom. When you’re finished talking to Nolan, tell him you have to go to the bathroom. There’s an exit door located next to it. When Adam sees you walking that way, he’ll drive around and pick you up. Make sure you leave the cell on the table. Felix and I are parked three cars down from the front door. If I sense something is wrong, I’m coming in there. I’ll have Felix flash his lights when I think you’ve been in there long enough.” He states.

  “Okay, Axl,” I utter, before hitting the end button on the radio screen. “Your brother is working my nerves,” I say to Adam, as I adjust the wig.

  “You have to give him some slack, Monica. He just got you back, so he’s gonna be crazy protective of you.”

  “Yeah, I know. Look, let me get in here and find a seat.” I tell him.

  “Alright, cool. Hey, Monica, be careful.” He says with a friendly smile.

  “Thanks, Adam. I will.” I respond, as I get out of the car.

  I scan the parking lot to see if Nolan might’ve made it here before me, but I don’t see his Mercedes. I begin to walk the short distance to the diner door. When I get to the door, I look over my left shoulder and spot Felix’s car. I couldn’t see inside the car, but the headlights flashed, letting me know he and Axl were watching.

  The place was crowded, but I was able to find a booth in the back along the wall. An elderly couple sat at the booth across from me, idly chatting. With the diner’s window front, I was still in view for Axl and his brothers. Seconds later, a waitress came over and asked what I’d like to order. I told her a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake. I felt I’d better put in a real order so I could blend in with the other diners.

  The waitress returned shortly with the shake just, as Nolan walked into the diner. He searched the area until he saw me slightly raise my hand. He immediately made his way through the crowd to the booth and took a seat.

  “What the fuck is going on, Monica. I got a note saying you were kidnapped and where the fuck is Alex?!” He hisses in a low tone.

  “I know, I know, but it had to be done. Alex is safe.”

  “Had to be done? Monica, you better start explaining shit to me right the fuck now! And where is your car? I didn’t see it in the parking lot, so how did you get here?!” Nolan demands sitting forward, gripping the table. He cuts his eyes at the waitress who has now returned with the food I ordered.

  “Here’s your order. Do you need anything else?” She asks, moving her eyes from Nolan to me. God, she must think we are in some domestic type dispute.

  “Um, no, this will be all, my brother has already eaten.”

  She gives a pause, before speaking. “Okay, well, just flag me down if you need anything.”

  “Will do, thanks” I tell her, before she walks away.

  “Monica…” Nolan starts, but I silence him raising my hand, as I reach in the shirt pocket to pull out the prepaid phone. Before we left, Felix was able to download the video onto it.

  “You need to see this, Nolan,” I say, pulling up the video. Placing the phone on the table, I slide it across to him.

  “What is this?” He asks, picking up the phone.

  “Hit play, Nolan.”

  He regards me, before looking at the phone, then pressing play. I watch on as my brother's face begins to contort into pure outrage from seeing the exchange between Julian and Rocco. When the video ends, Nolan is holding the phone in a death grip.

  “Where did you get this?” He asks, still focused on the phone.

  “Where I got it from doesn’t matter right now, what matter is that those two are plotting against you and Romano and I’m caught up in it. What I’d like to know is how long has Julian been working for you?” I ask, sitting back in the booth.

  “Shit, I don’t know, some years now. He told me not to tell you because he knew how you felt about the way I make my money. That conniving piece of shit, I’m going to kill his ass.” Nolan states between clenched teeth.

  “Well, before you do that, someone wants to meet up with you on how to deal with the situation.”

  “Who the fuck wants to meet up with me?! Is this the same person that kidnapped you and Alex?” Nolan sneers.

  “First of all, we weren’t kidnapped. You saw what those to assholes said. There was a hit out on us because we’re a target by association…your association. I know you’re pissed, but I have every right to be too. Your shit has spilled over into my lap, and now Alex and I have to disrupt our lives to go into hiding!” I argued with tears in my eyes. “This is a prime example of why I moved out of mom and dad’s house and limited our interactions with you. You might’ve thought your lifestyle wouldn’t affect us, but it has. You’re my brother, and I love you, but now your shit has gone too far!”

  Nolan looks just as hurt by my words as I feel. My words might have been harsh, but they were the truth, and he needed to hear them. I’m sure he probably thought things would have never gone to this extreme.

  “Sorry, sis, I never meant for you or Alex to be involved in this,” Nolan mumbled.

  “I know you didn’t, but we are. Now I need for you to not kill Julian until you meet with this person. I think they might have a plan to take of them without starting a war. You have to trust me, Nolan. I don’t ask you for much, but I’m asking you to do this for me, for Alex.”

  Nolan slides down in the booth, slowly shaking his head. “Okay, Monica, but I’m telling you now if this person isn’t on the up and up, I will kill him before I murk Julian’s traitor ass.”

  “Just hear him out, Nolan. That’s all I ask.”

  “I’ll hear him out. Anyway, how’s Alex?” Nolan asks.

  “She’s good. She doesn’t know what going on. To her, we’re on a mini-vacation.”

  “That’s good. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you two.”

  “I promise, we’re good,” I try to assure him, before briefly glancing out the window to see Felix’s headlights flash. “Hey, I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick. I’ll be right back.” I say, scooting to the edge of the booth.

  “Alright, but hurry back, I wanna know more about this person you want me to meet up with,” Nolan responds, looking down at the phone.

  I slide from the booth and make my way to the bathroom. Glancing out the window, Adam has already made his move to the exit. Passing the waitress, I put a twenty in her hand.

  “This should cover my meal and your tip. Thanks.” I tell her in passing.

  “Thank you,” I hear her say behind me.

  My heart’s pounding in my chest, the closer I get to the exit. I hate to leav
e Nolan, but I knew I wouldn’t be safe with him, especially with Julian’s grimy ass still around. When I reach the door, I turn to see if Nolan is looking in my direction. He’s still facing the opposite direction, playing the video. Tears threaten to fall, I can only imagine the betrayal he is feeling right now. I sigh, as I push through the door and jump into Adams awaiting truck. I just hope Nolan will hear Axl out before he does something drastic.

  Chapter 13


  I was wired tight, as I sat there, watching the interaction between Monica and Nolan. Even though I couldn’t hear what they were saying, I could tell from Nolan’s angered expression and gestures, he was pissed. It took everything inside of me not to go in there and knock his ass out for the way he was coming at her.

  When Monica was safely in Adam’s truck, and they left the parking lot, I dialed the number to the cell phone Nolan was still holding. He stared down at the screen, as it began to ring then over his shoulders to see if anyone was watching before eyeing the phone again. Finally, he answered it.

  “Yeah,” He says.

  “Keep this phone on you. I’ll be in touch.” I tell him, before hanging up.

  Nolan pulls the phone from his ear, staring at it with confusion and anger. Realizing Monica hasn’t returned, he jumps up from the booth stalking towards the bathroom. He stops the waitress who was serving Monica and has words with her. She holds up a twenty-dollar bill, then points in the direction of the bathroom, causing Nolan to push past her, as he rushes to the bathroom, shoving the door open then entering. Women start to file out of it shaking their heads while clutching their purses. He reappears, throwing the exit door open as he exits, looking around the parking lot. He shouts her name, before going to his car after he doesn’t get a response. He then speeds out of the parking lot a few minutes later. Satisfied that this went as planned, Felix and I leave also heading back to the house to meet back up with the others.

  When we made it back to the house, Adam, Keirra, and Alex were laid out on the couches in the den, watching a movie while eating ice cream.


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