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Axl Page 12

by Sonja B

  “Okay, daddy, I’ll go.” Alex states.

  “Thank you, Ladybug.” I sigh, giving her another hug, before I set her down.

  Monica stares at me, shaking her head. I wink at her with a sly smile. I had a backyard big enough for a dog. I just hope she doesn’t pick out a Great Dane or some other big ass dog.

  “Go give your uncles a hug goodbye so you guys can get going,” I tell her, before she goes over to Felix and Adam, giving them each a hug. Turning to Nolan, I say, “I know you’ll make sure they get off with no problems, right?”

  “Man, this is my family, I will die for mine.” He states with confidence.

  I lock my eyes with his. I can tell that he meant every word he just said. “I know you don’t care for me, and the feeling is mutual, but we are going to have to work together if we’re going to walk away from this alive. Now, if you want to finish what you started earlier when this is over, then I have no problem with that either.”

  Nolan fixates his stare at me with a heated look then smirks, extending his hand. “Bet.”

  I return the gesture and shake his hand. “Bet. Now, after you make sure they get on the plane, you need to come back here so we can plan how to get those two fucks together, which shouldn’t be hard. I’m sure Julian has put a call in to Rocco. If you can, you’re going to need to ditch your ride. You think you can get a hold of another vehicle none of your people know about?”

  “Yeah, that’s not a problem. This chick I’m dealing with stays downtown, and she’s a general manager at a Ford dealership. I’ll give her a call and have her bring something to her crib so I can swap them out. No one, not even Julian’s punk ass, knows about her. She doesn’t even know how I really make my money. She thinks I own a few businesses. She’s different; she makes me want to be different. Fuck, why am I telling you all this?” He chuckles.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know, but it sounds like you’re in love.”

  “Man, whatever. Let’s go, Alex, Keirra!” He shouts. “We’ll be back soon.”

  I give Alex another hug and kiss before they leave. I had to console Monica, my poor love lost it when Alex left. I picked her up and took her into the office and turned her tears of sadness into low moans of pleasure as I slowly fucked her in the office bathroom. When we came out the office thirty minutes later, hand and hand, Felix and Adam were staring at us snickering like some teenage girls, as they stopped their game of darts, only they used knives instead of darts.

  “Shut up,” I bark at them. They laugh harder.

  “How embarrassing,” Monica whispers, as she lets go of my hand and takes a seat on the sofa in the sitting area. I give my childish brothers a death stare that silences them, before I walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of water out of it. I go over to where she is and take a seat next to her, handing her a bottle.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The two knuckleheads set the knives down and join us. Once seated, Felix asks, “So, what are your plans, bro?”

  I sit back on the couch, as Monica cuddles up next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. “I’m hoping Julian has called Rocco with the news of Nolan going underground. Knowing those two, they’ll try to move on Romano to take him out. Rocco is too much of a pussy to do it his self, so he’ll probably have Julian help him.” Adam clears his throat, looking like he has something to say, but is hesitant. “What is it, Adam?”

  “I’m just wondering how you feel about that, you know…Romano being killed?” He inquires with curiosity.

  “What do you mean? Why would I give a shit if they kill him?” I counter, confused by his questions.

  He hangs his head down, as he clasps his hands together. “I’m just saying, um, remember what mom said that night he took you? What if he is your father?”

  “Your father?!” Monica shrills, sitting straight up. “Romano is your father?”

  “We don’t know if that shits true. Mom was only saying whatever she had to so that mother fucker wouldn’t take him.” Felix argues.

  “Really, Felix? Do you think mom would have said something like that if it wasn’t true? I mean, look at him, he doesn’t look anything like our piece of shit father. He looks like Romano.” Adam says in a sad tone. His eyes glisten with unshed tears. “It doesn’t matter to me, Axl, if you are his son, you will always be my big brother, hell you’ve been more of a father to me than a brother. I know we don’t talk about those two assholes, but I’ve often wondered if you ever thought about it. I’m not trying to get you upset, Axl. I’m really not.”

  I get up and walk over to my baby brother and pull him into a hug, as he begins to cry. I never thought what mom said stayed with him. I guess I should have sat down with them and had a conversation about how we all felt about that. Felix comes over, wrapping his arms around both of us. I tightly hold onto my brothers with so much love as my own tears begin to run down my face. “I love you, little brothers, always.”

  When the tears finally subsided, I let them go and told them to have a seat. “Ahem…I, huh, I know Romano is my biological father. I actually overheard a conversation between him and Rocco one day. It was not long after I was let out of the dungeon for attacking them when he told me about mom passing.” I close my eyes, as I began retelling them the conversation.

  “Why are you still keeping him around, Andres? He should have put down after he attacked us!” Rocco fumes.

  There was silence, then Romano spoke. “I expected Axl to react like that. I mean, who wouldn’t after hearing their mother took her life, and it was kept from them. Hell, I was pissed when I found out Elena did that shit.”

  “See, that’s the problem, you’ve never gotten over her. You knew there was no future for the two of you. Your father wouldn’t allow it. She was below his standards, but you just had to keep fucking with her. Then what, your father found out and threatened to kill her if you didn’t stop seeing her? Finally, that threat knocked some sense into you, and you left her alone. Now let’s zoom ahead sixteen years later, and the man who owes you just happens to be Elena’s husband and to pay off his debts, the heartless mother fucker gives up his son. Elena’s distraught and says he’s your son. Don’t tell me you believed that shit. He is not your son!” Rocco snarls.

  “He is my son!” Romano bellows. “You know it just as much as I do. The older he’s gotten, the more he looks like me.”

  “Okay, so if you know he’s your son, then why put him through all of this? Why haven’t you claimed him?”

  “I put him through the same training my father put me through when I was his age. I saw myself in him when we took him that night. He has the same strength and fight in him. I haven’t claimed him because he has too much hate in his heart for me, but someday, I pray that will change. And whether you want to believe it or not, Axl will always be the rightful heir to my empire if something should happen to me.”

  When I finish and open my eyes, I notice Nolan and Keirra have made it back. Monica is now standing next to Nolan. I guess I was so deep into telling the story that I didn’t even hear them come in. Keirra must have let them in through the back door instead of the garage door. All five of them are staring at me with different expressions. I know it must be a shock to them to find out Romano is really my father. Hell, it shocked me too when I heard him confirm it.

  “So, Romano is your father? That’s fucked up. Monica pulled me to the side when you were talking and told me what he did to you. I’m sorry you had to go through that shit, man. And I’m sorry for thinking you flaked on my sister and Alex.” Nolan says.

  “No need to apologize, you didn’t know. I probably would have thought the same if I was in your shoes. Alex and your parents got off, okay?” I inquire.

  “Yeah, they should be landing shortly. My cousin, Don, is picking them up from the airport, then taking them to my aunt and uncle's ranch. They’re pretty well off, so their place is secured.”

  I nod at him, before turning to
Felix and Adam. “Romano being my father, doesn’t change anything between us. You two are my brothers, mom’s blood flowing through our veins is the only binding that matters. Not those two assholes.” They smile.

  Nolan grabs one of the chairs, flips it around, and sits with the back of the chair against his chest. “I got a call on our way back from one of my loyal workers, Red, who have been with me from day one. He said some dudes tried to run up on my spots, but they were able to fend them off, and Julian’s walking around like he’s the new El Chapo. He’s called a meeting with Romano on my behalf to squash all of this.”

  I stroke my beard, as thoughts run through my head. “That’s when they’re going to take out Romano. Julian’s thinking that with you underground, it’s the best time for him and Rocco to eliminate Romano.”

  “That’s what I was thinking too.” Nolan concurs.

  “So, when is this little pow-wow supposed to be going down?” Felix asks, scooting to the edge of his seat.

  “Red said that they set it for…” He looks at his watch. “Two o’clock today, which is in a few hours, at the old abandoned tire factory about ten miles from here.”

  I knew exactly where the building was. We have just enough time to get there and get into place.

  “Okay, here’s the plan. We’re gonna get there before they do. When we get inside, Felix and Adam will find hiding spots where you can get clear shots off if needed. Nolan, you and I will stay hidden until the time is right for us to make our presence known.” My phone starts to ring. Reaching into my pocket, I pull it out and see that it’s Romano calling. I hold my hand up, indicating for everyone to be quiet, as I hit the answer button.

  “Hello,” I say.

  “The old tire factory, 75847 Nesters Lane, two o’clock,” Romano says, before the line goes dead.

  I place the phone back in my pocket. “Well, that confirmed it. Let’s get geared up so we can get there before they do.”

  “Wait a minute, you didn’t say what Keirra and I were going to be doing,” Monica states with her hands on her hips.

  “That’s because you two will stay here until we return,” I tell her, as I stand.

  She whips her head towards Keirra, then back at me. From the pissed-off expressions on their faces, I can tell I said something wrong. “Really? You expect us to stay here? What, like some good little women? Axl, don’t play with me! We…” She points between her and Keirra. “Are going whether you like it or not. We have excellent marksmanship and got the certifications to prove it.”

  “She’s not lying, Axl. I’ve been with them to the shooting range, and they are pretty lethal.” Nolan co-signs.

  Scratching my head, I ask Monica, “Well, if you’re that good, how did you miss me when I was in your house?”

  “I’m not a killer, Axl, but I will maim the shit out of your ass. You were just faster than I anticipated, but I bet that shit won’t happen again.” She answers with a look of certainty.

  “Fine, but you two will be our last wall of defense. You will secure positions that are high up so no one will be able to get to you, am I understood?” They both smile, before answering yes.

  “Hold up, Axl I don’t think this is a good idea.” Felix chimes in.

  I shake my head at him. “Felix, let it go if you don’t want to be on the other end of Keirra’s gun. Keep at it, and you’ll find yourself in her line of fire.” I warn.

  He grumbles something I couldn’t understand. My poor little brother. I chuckle to myself and clap my hands together before saying, “Alright, let’s head to my tool room so we can gather everything we’ll need.”

  Chapter 17


  After everyone was geared up, we jumped into the all-black Ford Excursion Nolan got from his friend. On the ride over, we went over the plan again. Felix still wasn’t happy about Keirra tagging along. He even kept up his protests when she put the barrel of her gun against his nose. My brother had it bad.

  When we got close to the factory, Nolan parked a building over to hide the Excursion. I can see why Romano picked the meeting to be held at the factory. The area was pretty deserted with no traffic, and all the other buildings were vacant too. If anything went down, no one would hear the gunfire.

  By the time we made it to the building, we had just under an hour to get into positions. We entered through a broken door in the back. The inside was a graveyard for the old dusty tire making machines and assembly lines. We made our way to the front of the factory, where the meeting more than likely will take place. Scanning the area, I saw that there were plenty of places for us to blend in without being seen. Felix and Adam chose to take cover behind two large machines on opposite sides of the room. Before Felix went into position, he shocked the shit out of Keirra, as he quickly pulled her to him, then laying a domineering kiss on her ass. When he finished, he whispered something only she could hear, then hurried to his spot. Keirra stood there, looking dumbfounded, before Monica snapped her out of her trance.

  I noticed that there was a spot high up that Monica and Keirra could conceal themselves. Not to be outdone by my little brother, I snatched Monica up and gave her an equally dominating kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck, as I deepened the kiss.

  “Man, come on, y’all can do that shit later. We’re running out of time.” Nolan protests.

  I slowly pull my lips from hers, then press my forehead against hers. “Don’t come down here when shit pops off. You guys stay up there.”

  She nods her head. “Okay, but you better stay safe. I don’t want you taken from me a second time. I love you, Axl.”

  My heartbeat quickens, as I smile down at her. “I love you too, Monica, and I promise nothing is going to keep me from you and Alex ever again. Now go take your position.” I give a quick peck on the lips, before she rushes off with Keirra.

  Turning to Nolan, I say, “Alright brother-in-law, lets go behind that assembly machine. We’ll be able to hear everything that is being said, and when the time is right, we’ll make our grand entrance.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Nolan agrees.

  When everyone was in position, we waited for Romano and Julian to show with their men. We didn’t have to wait long because ten minutes later, Romano walked through the doors with Rocco, Lorenzo, and eight more of his men. As the men began to strategically stand around the room, I listened to the conversation Romano and Rocco were having.

  “So, where is Axl?” Rocco asks with hatred.

  “I told him to be here. He’ll show.” Romano casually replies.

  Rocco crosses his arms over his chest. “Or he’s running.”

  “I said he’ll show!” Romano snaps, giving Rocco a deadly look that has Rocco dropping his arms to his side.

  Rocco was about to speak but before he can, the doors open with Julian and his men walking inside. Nolan utters ‘bitch’, as he watches his right-hand man saunter in like he owned the world.

  Romano adjusts the cuffs of his shirt, as Julian stops about fifteen feet in front of him with his men flanked behind him.

  “Where’s your boss?” Romano asks, not noticing that Rocco has taken a step behind him.

  Julian shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know, nor do I care. Nolan isn’t in charge anymore…I am. Now I called this meeting with you to let you know things are about to change. This so-called war you two got going on is over.”

  “I didn’t start this war, your boss did when he fucked with my territory.” Romano barks. “So, if you’ve taken over his spot as leader, that means you’ve inherited his war!” Julian laughs, shaking his head. Romano’s face tightens with anger. “And what the fuck is so funny?”

  I tap Nolan on his shoulder to let him know it was time for us to show our faces. He nods, then walks from our hiding place with me behind him.

  “Yeah, Julian, what’s so fucking funny?” Nolan asks, drawing everyone’s attention. The look on Julian’s face was priceless. He looked like he just saw a ghost.

what are you doing here?” Julian queries with sweat starting to form on his brow.

  “Axl, what are you doing with him?” Romano questions with a raised eyebrow. Julian narrows his eyes at me, before they grow big with recognition. Yeah, mother fucker, it’s me.

  Choosing not to answer him just yet, as I dig in my pocket, pulling out the phone Nolan had and toss it to him. “There’s something you need to take a look at. Just hit play.” His gaze fixates on me, until he finally looks down at the phone and press play. Seconds later, the only thing that could be heard in the factory was Julian and Rocco’s voices, as they talk about plotting against their bosses to overthrow them. Romano’s face turns beet red the more he listens to the video. Rocco starts to back up. “Ah ah,” I say, pulling out my pistol and aiming it at him. He stops with a twisted face.

  “What is the meaning of this, Rocco? Why?” Romano hisses with an angered voice.

  “Why? Why? I’ve been loyal to you long before your father stepped down, and you took over. I did your dirty work without question, and what do I get for it…not a fucking thing. Then you want to talk about handing everything to your bastard son!” Rocco shouts with spittle flying out his mouth, as he points at me. Like a flash, he reaches into his pulling his gun and fires it at Romano, catching him in the chest. I shoot, hitting him in the shoulder, causing him to drop the gun. All hell breaks loose. Nolan rushes Julian and tackles him like a linebacker. Gunfire erupts around us, as my brothers and the girls are picking off Romano and Nolan’s men.

  I turn to Lorenzo and shout, “Cover him!” pointing to Romano, who has fallen to the ground clutching his chest. Lorenzo nods, as he dashes to Romano, taking off his coat and applying pressure to the wound.

  As I stalk towards Rocco, I notice the men left standing from both sides have dropped their weapons and now have their hands in the air. Nolan and Julian are still throwing blows like two boxers in a match. Julian’s face is bloody and starting to swell. Nolan has a busted lip, but he’s getting the best of him.


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