Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 48

by Selina Coffey

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Mia Sanders and you already met my son, Lincoln.”

  He smiled at Lincoln and Lincoln smiled back at him, giving him a wide toothy grin.

  Self-consciously, I brushed at my wrinkled work clothes, now extremely aware of my dishevelled appearance. I sighed to myself as I tried to smooth down the wrinkles of my skirt and pretended the stain on my white blouse was non-existent. I knew that I had left the house perfectly clean and presentable this morning, but as soon as I picked up Lincoln from school and grabbed a quick dinner for the two of us, it had all changed. There was nothing I could do about it now, I thought resignedly. Instead I just hoped my light brown curly hair that stuck up in a million directions on a daily basis was still controlled by the pony-tail I had pulled it into earlier. I attempted to subtly look in the mirror across from where we stood and wanted to scream in frustration when I caught a glimpse of myself. Strands of my hair had escaped from the hair clip which seemed to be hanging haphazardly to one side.

  I reached up and patted at my hair, trying to be discrete as I removed the hair clip and released the few curls it had been holding in place. I focused my own large brown eyes on him and he smiled with unconcealed amusement.

  “Let me take you to my secretary. She can handle everything for you.”

  “Great,” I said forcing my voice to sound chipper.

  He led me down the hall and through another door which I realised led to another side of the building. We walked a couple of feet with Lincoln singing along the way and Jonathan gave me a significant parting glance before leaving me at his secretary’s desk.

  “See you in class, Lincoln” he said to my son and disappeared down the hall.

  I didn’t realize that I had been staring in his direction until the secretary cleared her throat and gave me a wry smile and a knowing look.

  I blushed and looked away.

  Chapter 2

  “So then he says to me, ‘How about a nightcap?’ and I’m like, seriously, dude? You bought me a hot dog for dinner, tried to grope me under the table and then forgot my name and called me Melissa half the night,” Luzianne stopped to take a breath and looked at me strangely, “Hello? Earth to Mia. Are you even listening?”

  I looked up at her, batting my eyelashes a couple of times. I hadn’t been listening. I wasn’t even aware that she still had been talking.

  “What’s on your mind lately?” She asked, now sounding pouty. Luzianne was probably one of my best friends and we had a weird relationship. She had been my mother’s best friend before my mother had passed away when I was eighteen. Somehow we both had needed each other to fill that gap my mother’s death had left in our lives, albeit in different ways. So we had developed a relationship that most people would assume was more of a mother and daughter relationship, but no. Luzianne was in her mid-fifties, wore gaudy jewellery, tight clothing, could swear like a sailor and there was nothing motherly about her at all.

  I, on the other hand, could be probably nominated for sainthood as far as Luzianne was concerned. I was too much of a goody-two shoes for her taste and so she treated it as her personal mission to convince me to take risks and do things that were outside of my comfort zone. Normally that meant trying a new restaurant or buying shoes with higher heels. She was also my personal cheerleader but was pretty harsh on me when it came to my dating life. Or rather: non-existent dating life.

  “I’m sorry, Luz, I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.”

  “All related to boring stuff, I’m sure.”

  “Hey, my life isn’t boring!”

  “Oh really, when’s the last time you had any real adventure? Passion?”

  I laughed and ran a hand through my hair, “I don’t really do passion or adventure, you know that.”

  “Yeah, that’s a pity.”

  I ignored her and she said, “So what did you think of that karate studio I sent you to? Isn’t the owner hot?”

  “Wow, is that why you suggested it? Not because of the five-star reviews or its proximity to our house, work and Lincoln’s school?” I frowned, already knowing the answer to the question.

  “Oh please! I didn’t consider any of those things. I just happened to be walking by one day and ran into that hunk of a man and noticed that he wasn’t wearing a ring.”

  “I knew I should have been suspicious as soon as you mentioned the place.”

  “What? You said Lincoln was interested in martial arts and I helped guide you to the world’s sexiest ninja. You should be thanking me.”

  I shook my head. Luz was incorrigible and it was one of the things I loved about her. It was what made her non-profit organization, Sydney’s Angels, which I worked for too, successful. Sydney was my mother’s name and Luz had started the organization while I was still in college. My mother had been a passionate educator and spent her weekends tutoring underprivileged children in the surrounding communities. In her memory, Luz had started an organization that provided that same service, plus more. It had grown into one of the most successful non-profits in the area. Luz handled all the fun stuff like public relations, marketing and fundraising. I handled all the mundane stuff like grant writing, operations and accounting. We made a dynamic team.

  “Hey, I meant to remind you before you leave today: We have the annual city non-profit conference coming up. There’s a sponsor paying for everything, so if you want to go and do a little networking it wouldn’t hurt, plus it’s free.”

  “Hmm....I don’t know, Lincoln’s at an age where----”

  “…He can spend a couple of nights away from his mother. He’s old enough.”

  I thought it over, “Well I guess... if it’s not too much of a hassle for you to take Lincoln that weekend....”

  “A hassle? To take care of my godson? Hush your mouth! You know Lincoln and I are as thick as thieves.”

  I shook my head, “Yeah, that’s sort of part of the problem.”

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that and just contact the coordinator to be sure your name is added to the guest list.”

  “Sounds good,” I said walking away and heading to my office. I was busy and didn’t notice that the clock finally hit four. Lincoln tumbled through the door accompanied by our next door neighbour Mrs. Leonard who brought Lincoln to the office every day after school.

  “Hey Mom!” Lincoln yelled and promptly headed to Luz’s room for snacks. “Thanks for dropping him off Mrs. Leonard.” I said waving in her direction.

  “No problem,” she said heading quickly back out to her car, where I knew her kids sat waiting patiently for her. She was a stay at home mom who had twins in the same class as Lincoln. We traded carpooling every other week.

  “So are you ready to get your karate on?” I heard Luz asking Lincoln, who responded with “Heeyaw! Hiyaw!” and I heard the tell-tale sign of a coffee cup dropping and hitting the floor. Apparently he was ready for karate, but I wasn’t sure the office was.

  That evening, I watched from the sidelines, as I admired Lincoln with pride as he finished up the last of the moves his teacher was guiding his class through. He looked so focused and serious. I had to wrap my head around the fact that my little boy was all grown up.

  “He’s looking good,” a voice said behind me and my pulse immediately quickened. I shyly turned around and made eye contact with Jonathan who stood there in his karate uniform looking unbelievably handsome. The loose fitting nature of the uniform did nothing to hide the fact that his body was nothing but solid, lean muscle.

  I tried to keep my eyes from misbehaving, but it was as if my brain had a mind of its own and wouldn’t stop devouring every detail of Jonathan’s delectable body.

  “He’s really enjoying this. It makes him happy. Probably the happiest I’ve seen him since, I don’t know...Christmas?”

  Jonathan laughed, “Most kids really enjoy the experience. You know some of the parents get together to go to competitions with the kids. You and your husband should consider attending one,
” he said giving me a sly look.

  “Oh, I’m not married. Happily divorced actually. Lincoln’s father lives on a completely different continent.”

  “Oh well, I’m not going to pretend that I’m not happy to hear that,”

  I did a double take, not expecting that response.

  “What?” he said innocently.

  “I just think...umm...that we should keep our relationship professional since you’re the owner of the dojo and all,” I said knowing that I sounded prudish, but completely caught off guard by Jonathan’s reaction to me not being married. Being out of practice when it came to talking to men, I had instantly gone into retreat mode.

  Jonathan stared at me and then shrugged, his normally open expression now suddenly guarded, “If that’s what you would like to do, then sure. Forgive me if you thought I was being crass.” He finished formally and I wanted to kick myself for being such a prude.

  “I didn’t think you were being crass. I’m sorry, I’m just...” and my voice trailed off as I tried to find the right words.

  “Not used to the attention of a devastatingly handsome man such as myself?” Jonathan said with a straight-face.

  “Well, I wouldn’t use those exact words,” I said smiling despite herself.

  “No? Maybe devilishly handsome?”

  I shook my head enjoying his sense of humour that completely made the awkwardness I felt earlier fade away.

  “More like sort of on the cute side.”

  “Nonsense, cute is for kittens. I’m insanely good-looking,” he said with mock outrage and made a rude sound with his mouth.

  Caught off guard by his silly sense of humour, I couldn’t help but laugh and he laughed with me. He was about to say something else when we were interrupted by Ronan who had a very irritated look on her face.

  “Tina’s looking for you,” she said to Jonathan, whilst giving me an evil look. I ignored her and Jonathan said, “Tell her that I’ll be right there.”

  He turned away from Ronan dismissively and she stalked off.

  “I think someone likes you and is probably not too happy with you showing another woman any attention.”

  Jonathan frowned, the playful expression now gone from his face. “She was always the possessive type. That’s the reason we broke up.”

  “You dated her? You work with someone you dated?”

  “We dated three days in middle school. She saw me talking to Monica Felipe and freaked out. Tossed her yoghurt on me.” Jonathan said shaking his head.

  “And she’s carried a torch since then?”

  “What can I say? I’m apparently unforgettable.”

  “Or she’s certifiable...”

  “You might actually be right,” he said with a harsh laugh. “We grew up together, went to the same schools, trained in the same dojos. So she can get a little mother hen with me sometimes.”

  “No kidding...”

  “Anyway, enough about Ronan. Can I see you sometime, Mia? Outside of the dojo?” he asked catching me off-guard.

  I stuttered, “Yes, that would be great.”

  “Sometime this week maybe?”

  “I’m going out of town this weekend. I have so much to do before I leave, making sure Lincoln’s settled.”

  “I understand,” he said. “I have an engagement this weekend as well. I guess I should prepare for it instead of just showing up and winging it.” Before I could ask about his engagement, he raised an eyebrow and said, “Does it sound desperate if I ask if next weekend would be more suitable?”

  “Doesn’t sound desperate at all. Next weekend sounds great.”

  “Good, so I’ll call you later to make plans.”

  “Sounds good,” I said feeling my heart race in anticipation and Jonathan smiled at me before walking away. I watched him, giving his long legs, slim waist and broad shoulders an appreciative once-over.

  And then remembering that we hadn’t exchanged numbers, I yelled, “Hey, Jonathan!”

  He turned around and came back over to me, smiling.

  “Already missed me?”

  I shook my head at his corny joke and said, “You don’t have my number.”

  “Yes, I do. I was just going to find it in Lincoln’s file. Does that sound creepy?”

  “Umm... just a little bit,” I said flippantly and he laughed saying,

  “I’m looking forward to next weekend already, Mia. That’s for sure...” And he allowed his eyes to travel down my body and I resisted the urge to look away when his eyes came back to mine. I gave a little smile, feeling daring and he returned it with a smile of his own, before turning around and walking confidently away.

  Chapter 3

  “Good evening, ladies and gentleman. It is with great pleasure that I thank you all for being here today. It’s been amazing being in a crowd of like-minded individuals working hard to give back to their communities, so please view this conference not only as a way to network and learn from each other, but also as an opportunity to share your successes, your triumphs. As your keynote speaker, I’m not here to bore you with details or meaningless rhetoric. I’m here to celebrate and to thank you on behalf of the entire city for being dreamers and doers,” said the keynote speaker and we all applauded.

  I heard the words, but I still just stared at the person who delivered them, unable to believe what the director who had introduced the keynote speaker earlier had said. I sat in the lavish ballroom next to the other conference attendees, not taking my eyes off the stage. To say this was the last thing I had expected, would be a gross understatement.

  When I had arrived at the hotel where the conference was being held, I pulled up in the driveway and had been in the process of stepping out of my car when a familiar voice called out my name.

  I turned around, not believing my ears and just stared at him for a second, then said with incredulity in my voice, “What are you doing here?”

  Jonathan stood there smiling at me as the valets quickly came over to fetch our cars.

  “You need some help?” Jonathan said coming around and grabbing my luggage from the backseat of my car without answering my question. A hotel attendant quickly offered to assist us and Jonathan loaded my suitcases onto the cart, before turning around and getting his own.

  “What are you doing here?” I repeated as he came to stand in front of me.

  “Remember I mentioned that I had something to prepare for?”

  “You’re attending the conference for nonprofits as well? I’m confused. Isn’t a dojo a for profit industry?”

  He said simply, “Mine are. But my business here isn’t related to the dojo, I’m the keynote speaker.”

  I laughed assuming that he was joking. When he didn’t say anything more and just shrugged, I realized that he was serious.

  “I’m sorry, please explain: Why did they choose you as the keynote speaker?”

  “I’m a master at delivering riveting speeches and great to look at.”

  “I can’t confirm either of those statements.”

  He laughed and took my hand, placing it in the crook of his arm as we followed behind the hotel staff assisting us with our luggage. Our conversation came to a halt as I took in the splendour around me. The hotel from the outside just looked like your average high-end hotel, but the inside, wow. I had never stayed in a hotel so swanky. The lobby was lined with four large columns; between the columns were two grand staircases that snaked up to the second floor. A chandelier that looked like a modern take on an old classic hung in the middle of the ceiling, displayed directly under a sky light. I stood under the chandelier and looked straight up, loving that I could see the clouds from my viewpoint in the hotel.

  There were two seating areas near the reception desk. The floor throughout the hotel was sleek marble, but the seating areas had thick, plush geometric design baring rugs under them. Not to mention, the chairs there looked so delicate and stately that I was afraid to sit on them. Apparently the company hosting this conference had spared no ex

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Jonathan said watching me attempt to take it all in as he asked for our rooms.

  “Mr. Warren, such a pleasure to have you back again and Ms. Sanders, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  I was trying not to be nosey, but I couldn't help hearing the receptionist’s words to Jonathan. So I decided to pry, but to be subtle about it.

  “You’ve stayed here before?”

  “Yes, it’s sort of my stomping ground when I want to get out of town for a bit. The area just beyond the hotel has some really great hiking trails. Do you like to hike?”

  I nodded, “I used to go on hikes with Lincoln strapped to my chest when he was a little one. It helped calm him down when he was fussy and it kept me centred as well.”

  Jonathan nodded, “I know what you mean. I can spend hours just walking, miles on end thinking and when my feet finally start to hurt, I stop, meditate and then walk some more.”

  We were now at the elevators and they seemed to instantly open when we appeared. Stepping in he pushed the button to our separate floors.

  We continued our conversation, chatting about our mutual love for the outdoors. As the elevator stopped at my floor, Jonathan stepped between the closing doors, blocking them from closing. “Can I take you to dinner tonight after the opening introductions and what not?” Jonathan asked.

  I nodded and we arranged to meet up after the end of the workshops scheduled for that day.

  There was a whirlwind of activity after that, as I got into the groove of the conference. I met up with old friends in the non-profit world and we argued and lamented over the role of the non-profit in today’s society. After a few good-natured debates, I was feeling chipper and relaxed. I was also eagerly anticipating my date with Jonathan. I hadn’t seen him throughout the conference and realised that he was scheduled to speak at the end of the day, as noted by the agenda.

  Everyone gathered in the ballroom. The director of the organization hosting the conference went up to the podium and introduced Jonathan. The first words out of her mouth sent my head whirling.


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