Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 65

by Selina Coffey

  “Sarah I love you.”

  Sarah looked up at him in beaming disbelief.

  “I don’t want you to marry someone else, I want to marry you.”

  “I want to marry you too.”

  As the dance ended, Stephen spun her around and whispered in her ear, "Make towards the ladies room but wait at the end of the hall, I will be right up." He tapped her on the bottom to emphasize his point and she scurried away in the direction he ordered.

  Stephen on the other hand, found Cooper.

  “So that is the beautiful Lady Sarah,” Cooper said with a smile.

  “That is the undeniably beautiful Sarah,” Stephen said, crossing his arms and regarding another beautiful lady in the room.

  “So what do you think of Lady Emily?”

  “I think she is beautiful and not one of these ninny headed debutantes you’re usually after.”

  With that, Stephen was ready to meet his beautiful love down the hall. He walked towards where he sent her. Upon seeing her, looked into a parlor to make sure it was empty before pulling her inside and into his arms.

  Stephen used the tip of his nose to skim her cheek as he inhaled the scent of her skin, taking his time, his warm breath tickling the corner of her mouth. He moved his hand to her throat, feeling her pulse raise, his hand hot as he cupped the side of her neck then kissed her earlobe. Then he kissed her bottom lip, nibbling so gently she could barely feel it.

  “Stephen,” she moaned. At her voice he slid his arms behind her back and under her bottom before lifting her onto the settee. Pressing her down gently with the full length of his body, he whispered again, “I love you,” before gathering up her skirts around her waist, pausing at what he found there. She wasn’t wearing any drawers! Right away he stroked her creamy white thigh, making light circles ever closer to her warm center. Sarah squirmed beneath him as if ticklish, but her next words showed off her anticipation, “Stephen, please, touch me,” she nearly gasped out like she couldn’t get enough oxygen.

  “All in good time my love,” he said, moving to the next inner thigh to continue his languid circles, fighting to keep his outward calm while inside all he wanted to do was claim her as his. Patience had never been one of his virtues, but he must use all of it that he had to make this perfect for Sarah. He didn’t want to scare her away from him right after admitting their feelings.

  Finally, he reached her springy curls and cupped her mound, causing Sarah’s back to bow up off the surface of the settee. He leaned forward for a gentle kiss, trying to pour all his feelings into it as he slipped a finger slowly inside her. He body clenched around the intrusion at first then her core melted as he gently pressed deeper.

  Once her body had adjusted Stephen deepened the kiss matching the actions of his tongue with those of his finger deep inside her. Her warm honey began to coat her and drip out until his hand was soaked, just begging for a taste. Moving out of her arms and soothing her protests he did exactly that. He pushed her knees wider as he settled between her legs looking at the beauty opening up before him. Still moving his finger inside her, he slowly leaned forward and took her small nub into his mouth, before sucking and licking it. Stephen was in total rapture when in that moment Sarah exploded around his finger, softly crying out and writhing in ecstasy. He slowly pulled his finger out of her and lapped up her juices like a man dying of thirst before cleaning his hand in much the same way. He reached for his trousers, ready to claim her as his own before gazing at the exhausted face of his love. Instead he prowled back up the sofa to a sleepy Sarah, her eyes already half closed though still sparkling with her love for him. He flipped them so she was on top, pillowed on his chest, before kissing her on the forehead. Sarah’s eyes blinked open again for a moment and a smiled played across her features.

  “I love you,” Stephen said in complete reverence.

  Just before she fell asleep, an exhausted Sarah whispered back, “I love you too.”

  Stephen only allowed Sarah ten minutes of sleep before waking her up in the stranger’s parlor, straightening her clothes and calling them the carriage. The next morning Sarah stretched awake, feeling more content than she had in years and wishing that Stephen could be here beside her. He said today was the day they would speak to his mother. Both Sarah and Stephen wanted to be married as soon as possible, although she suspected part of the reason for Stephen was because of life under this roof. She wasn’t sure if she was okay with that: she would rather he be free to love for real, then forced to marry. But Stephen was determined to share their plans with his family today. Maybe when they were married she could be sure about their path, until then she would be cautiously optimistic. She gathered her things and got dressed, still amazed that Stephen allowed her to stay in his room. Would that change after last night? Would he not want to share with her now that he’d had his way with her?

  “How dare you go to the ball without my permission last night!” Christina harped, immediately setting upon Sarah when she entered the morning room. “It is such an embarrassment to have suitors coming to call without my knowledge as to why they would appear at all. You did not have permission to leave this house, never mind go to a party. What were you thinking?”

  “I gave her permission to go,” boomed Stephen, entering the room they were in. He leaned over and gave Sarah’s hand a squeeze of support before taking a seat in the armchair.

  “What were you thinking giving your permission for something without my say so? What will people think after she’s been gone for four years?” Christina started pacing the room.

  “They will think you are a liar and a cheat for keeping Sarah locked up without anyone knowing what really happened. For making her clean the house so you could save money on maid service and keep her under your thumb. They will think it’s despicable that you are having a viscount’s daughter dress as a scullery maid and clean when she has more money than you do.” He stood up and stood in front of the still pacing Christina. “What kind of guardian treats their ward the way that you have been? What kind of person lies and says that someone is bedridden when they are not? I took her to the ball so she could find a suitor and get out of this house. What I never imagined is that I would come up with a new plan.”

  Stephen crossed over to Sarah’s side and took her hand in his. “I have asked Sarah to marry me and she has agreed. We are going to announce it in the paper tomorrow.”

  So soon? She had no idea that he was this serious about her. Her heart started to pound at the thought, maybe this all was possible after all.

  “No way will I give my permission for you to get married,” Christina said in a shrill voice, her hand grabbing her throat in shock like she was having trouble breathing. “You need my permission until she is nineteen years old. She’s only sixteen.”

  “And you will give your permission unless you want everyone to find out exactly what has been going on in this house. Unless you want everyone to find out that the injury that Sarah had wasn’t even real. She has been a slave in this house for the past four years since the viscount died. All this dirt on you will come out if you stop two people in love from being together.”

  “But you’re siblings,” Christina shouted, grasping at straws.

  “Only by marriage, it may seem different to the outside world but it’s no worse then when people marry their cousins, something that happens all the time in the aristocracy. We love each other, we are not related, and we are going to be together no matter what you say.”

  “I can send her away,” Christina said, smiling at her new brilliant plan.

  “Where? She has no other relatives,” Stephen reasoned, knowing for a fact that this ‘family’ was the only one she had.

  “She can go to finishing school,” Daphne chimed in. Stephen whirled around, not knowing they had an audience. How long had she been standing there? How much did his sisters know? He felt as if he couldn’t trust a single member of his family. He suddenly realized that besides Sarah he really had no one. This t
hought made their marriage even more important to him.

  “Yes that would be the perfect solution,” Christina shouted, acting as if this were her idea all along. “Sarah has always wanted to go to finishing school and who are we to deny her what she wants.”

  “The same people who denied her a warm fire and bed in the same room as well as the people who denied her a place at their table. Mother, don’t pretend you are doing this for Sarah, when really you are trying to do this for yourself.”

  “But Stephen she really has always wanted to go to finishing school,” Pamela said gleefully.

  “I know this and if she wants to go, then I won’t stop her.”

  “Really? If I wanted to leave and go to school you would let me?”

  “Of course I would sweetheart. I would do whatever you wanted.”

  “I want to marry you,” Sarah said, more resolve in her voice now that he knew what he was willing to give for her.

  “You’ll still never have my permission,” Christina said with a laugh. She kind of had them there, no way would she be able to get married without her guardian’s permission, except...

  “Who is really Sarah’s guardian, mother? Did Anthony actually name you the guardian until she turned 19?”

  Christina’s cheeks turned pink before she hissed. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t until just now. It was just a hunch, since Anthony liked me so much.”

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” Sarah said, pressing further into Stephen’s side for comfort and strength.

  “If what I’m thinking is correct, then Christina was only your guardian until I turned 18 at which point I was named guardian and executor of your trust. A lawyer did try to find me last year, but they kept missing me on the battlefield because my battalion moved around so much. This could be what he wanted. Mother, where is the paperwork?”

  She stood there, a defiant look in her eyes.

  “Where is the bloody paperwork, Mother!”

  She flinched at that before answering, “I burned them. So no one would find out.”

  “Well that solves that then. Sarah and I will get married. We will go to Gretna Green to get married and I will get a commission in the army so my wife and I can join the ranks. Luckily she’s used to getting dirty. When we have a son, which I sure we will, he will be a viscount and we will be able to have this house back. That is the plan. Sarah please pack darling it’s time to go.”

  “Go? Go where?”

  “Gretna Green so we can begin our life together before heading to the coastline for war.”

  A look of fear fell into Sarah’s eyes at the thought of war. “Don’t worry Sarah, I will protect you like I should have all along.” With a short but lingering kiss to her lips, Stephen pushed her towards the stairs to back what little belongs she had before following to get his own. One suitcase of hers to his two later and they were ready to go. Ready to begin a life of adventure, as a real family.

  When they came back downstairs Stephen’s mother and sisters were just standing there, arms crossed, feet tapping. As though they knew they had lost but could hardly believe it.

  “Dobbins call the carriage,” Stephen said, strolling to the door hand in hand with Sarah.

  “Of course sir,” Dobbins said, looking more than a little gleeful about the whole thing.

  Moments later they were in the carriage, ready to depart for their new lives. “To Gretna Green,” Stephen said.

  “To the rest of our life,” Sarah responded, snuggling as close into Stephen’s side as she could.


  Sarah was already in their bed when he walked into the room. By the looks of it she was very much naked under those bed sheets. He slinked across the room, unbuckling his trousers so he could pull his shirt over head. He was so glad they decided to stay at the inn before heading out to the coast to join his new regiment. A man and a woman’s first time together should not be spent aboard a ship crossing the channel. Neither should their second or third. He brought over to the bed the light fare he planned for them to eat: bread, cheese and cold meats. Just enough to satisfy without becoming stuffed. Pulling off his trousers he joined his bride Sarah on the bed, both of them entirely unclothed. Sarah blushed in the most adorable way upon his arrival. “Those blushes, they must go all the way to your feet.”

  “They do not.” she giggled, with a smile at the thought. “Okay maybe. We should find out.”

  Stephen lifted the bed sheet to check and was distracted by the womanly curves that greeted him. “Pity, no blushes past your neck. Lovely stems though,” he said, running his hand down her leg and causing her to gasp and scoff, unused to such flatteries. “You know it’s true. Don’t act like you don’t have the most beautiful body in the history of the world. If Helen of Troy and you had a beauty contest, you would have won hands down.”

  At that Sarah laughed, rolling over onto her stomach. Stephen ran his hand along her spine, stopping sporadically to knead the muscles he felt there. He moved down with his hands, planting fiery kisses along the way right down to her bottom which he kneaded aggressively, swapping kisses to either side. Then he moved down to lick her mound from nub to anus before sticking his tongue inside the space, spreading her legs apart to give him better access. Stephen kept licking like a dying man, easing a finger into the mix and scissoring both tongue and finger into her passage together.

  Stephen thought about what would happen next. He was sure it would hurt no matter how gentle he was as a lover. Sarah’s mother had died at birth and he knew Christina would have never imparted any wisdom on the facts of the birds and the bees. Stephen doubted anyone was able to tell her how things would be on their wedding night. Not wanting to cause her an unnecessary amount of pain, he wanted to ready her as much as possible before they take the next step together. Drive her to the point of distraction so she wouldn't notice the pain. With that thought in mind, Stephen added another finger, taking the nub in his teeth and nipping and sucking it, bringing her to climax before flipping her onto her back. Once there, Stephen started loving each nipple in turn, sucking almost an entire breast into his mouth before swapping to the other. The suckling and loving every inch of her breasts and nipples, caused Sarah to writhe beneath him. He stroked her sides lovingly, feeling the silky texture under his hand. He couldn’t believe all of this was his now, his to love. He shuddered at the thought of what his life would be without her. She was so eager, so sweet to taste and touch. The way she gently stroked his stomach was slowly driving him insane. The delectable heat of her body like a siren’s call. He ran a fingertip up along the lower curve of her breast, moving with perfect slowness over the pebbled point of her erect nipple. She gasped and closed her eyes. Encouraged, he took her nipple gently between forefinger and thumb and squeezed gently, licking his lips at her sigh of delight. She slid her palms slowly up his muscled biceps to his shoulders then wrapped around him close. “I love you, Stephen.”

  Stephen braced himself at her entrance, preparing to move slowly into her dripping core. “I love you too, Lady Knight.” With that last word he thrust into her, their bodies so on edge that they immediately climaxed together. Lord and Lady Knight. Cinderella and her loving stepbrother.

  Part XV

  Wanted by the Biker

  Romantic Comedy

  About the Book

  I stopped just a few inches from him. “Are you curious?”

  “Curious about what?” He said as he lowered his lips towards mine.

  “Curious to know what I taste like?”

  I had always been attracted to bad boys. So it was no surprise that when Lee Keating walked through my door---tattoos adorning his beautiful body---that I couldn’t resist him. He looked like the type of man who could handle himself in a brawl, so he would have no problem handling me in the bedroom or otherwise, right? I was a kitchen table kind of girl myself, but he could have me anywhere. That’s how badly I wanted him. Could you blame me? Lee had a body like a god,
which my hands and mouth were dying to explore.

  There was just one complication. He had enemies: Enemies that took ‘dangerous ‘to a new level. Enemies that belonged to a biker gang Lee claimed to no longer be a part of. And for that reason, he didn’t want any emotional ties, any emotional connections. Normally, that wouldn’t bother me. I was a “love them and leave them” kind of girl, but something about Lee made me want to stay.

  Danger and Lee Keating? Definitely a turn-on. I wanted... No... I needed more.

  Chapter 1

  He looked like trouble the moment he walked through the doors of my small antiques shop. He had tattoos that covered both arms and a look on his face that said he had seen the world and was bored of it. Something about his body language just screamed gritty, dangerous, and unfortunately, I found it undeniably sexy.

  And then he smiled at me and for that one moment I felt that I was gifted with a beautiful rare view. If I had thought he was trouble before, it was clear that he was going to be my downfall now. I couldn’t resist a beautiful smile. As he came closer to my desk, I admired the way he walked. His strides were confident and easy, as if he had all the time in the world. He gave off this sense of untouchability as if he were beyond reproach, above the law. His demeanor was almost royal, deity like and I felt that if I had been around to meet Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar in the flesh, this is what it would have felt like. He radiated strength, importance and sheer masculinity. He carried himself as if he owned the world and he knew it. And I didn’t even know this man’s name, but if he were in the business of conquering small nations or small women, I was interested in being his next conquest.

  “Hi, I’m looking for the owner of the apartment for rent on West Hills. The sign said to come to this address for more information.” His voice was deep and his accent sounded foreign, European somehow. Maybe British or Irish? Strange. I wouldn’t have thought he was anything but American and it was unusual to get foreigners in our small town since it was so far off the beaten path. I let my eyes travel over him before answering. I blatantly looked him up and down, letting my eyes roam over his muscular thighs encased in loose fitting jeans. He wore a plain black t-shirt and it was snug, leaving me free to gawk at his strong biceps, wide shoulders and perfectly flat stomach which I was sure would showcase perfect abs if I were able to actually get him out of his shirt.


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