Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 73

by Selina Coffey

  Reaching the car, Becky’s hands shook as she reached in her pocket to retrieve her keys, dreading that they wouldn't be there. She gave a sigh of relief as she felt the keys beneath her fingers and pulled them out, hitting the button as she did so to unlock the door. Sliding into the car seat she screamed as she saw the wolf coming up behind her.

  A great black beast, the wolf stood over four feet high, even on all four paws, and its head was massive. She closed the door just as it pounced at her and the beast hit her door, hard. Becky was certain there would be a dent in her car. Sliding the key into the ignition, her only focus was driving as fast and as far away as she could. She looked out of her window to see the beast standing there, shaking its head, snarling and salivating, as if it could already taste her flesh in its mouth.

  Becky put a hand to her mouth, trying to hold back another scream as she watched the beast, too afraid to move or to even look away. She knew by it's sheer size that it could shatter her window if it wanted. She tried to react, but it was as if she was in one of those dreams where you just can't scream. Suddenly snapping out of it, Becky turned the key and started the car. Shifting the lever she ignored the pain in her ankle as she backed the car up, preparing to hit the animal if she had to. The animal lunged just as she came to a stop, landing on the hood of her car.

  Instead of screaming this time Becky grew furious. She’d spent a lot of time and money to pay for that car, and the animal now destroying it was infuriating. Her anger grew as the bonnet dented and the beast bit at the windscreen, as if he didn't notice the glass separating them. The glass cracked but did not shatter. The weight of the wolf was enough to stall the engine, and Becky was stuck.

  She was so caught up in her fear, so focused on the huge black wolf on the bonnet of her car, that she didn’t notice a much larger wolf came streaking out of the woods, racing straight at the wolf on the hood of her car. She did notice when a red streak launched itself at the black wolf, however, and knocked it from her car. She heard a long yelp, filled with pain, then nothing.

  Becky looked around the car but she couldn’t see anything. Scooting up in her seat she looked all around the car until she saw the red wolf, on the passenger side, resting on the ground in front of the door, staring into the woods on the other side.

  “Holy moly, what do I do now? There’s a fucking great huge wolf outside, maybe it wants to eat me too and ran the other one off to have me to itself?” Shifting back into the driver's seat, she thought about her next move. Her ankle was throbbing, her wind screen was cracked, her bonnet dented and the car wouldn’t start, no matter how many times she tried. The light was also finally leaving the day. She just wanted to rest, get some pain relievers, and get out of here. Was that so much to ask?

  Sighing she turned to look out of her window at her tent and jumped as she saw the red wolf standing there. It pawed at her window, whining as if it wanted something. It then stood up on its legs, resting its front paws on the car, as if it were a dog greeting its much loved human after being alone all day. It stood there now, panting and looking at Becky curiously. She calmed down a little when her window didn’t crack and put her hand out, making a motion to tell the animal to move away.

  Bravely, or stupidly depending on how you thought about it, Becky rolled the window down just enough to stick her finger through. The animal jumped back from the car, looking like it wanted to play with Becky now. She took her key out of the ignition and made a decision. She was going to have to get out of the car to get the pain relievers, and the wolf didn’t look like it really wanted to eat her. She doubted wolves could fake such a genuine friendliness. She was sure that there couldn't be any red wolves in England, but sure enough there was one in front of her.

  Slowly Becky opened the door and put her right leg down, careful not to put too much weight on it, then used the door to pull herself out. The wolf stayed well back from her, letting her exit the car without harassment. She didn’t see any sign of the other wolf now and guessed that for whatever reason this one was sticking around to protect her. She picked up her walking stick from the ground where she dropped it, using it to hobble into the tent to fall onto her bed. The wolf shied away from her but kept an eye on her as she struggled along. Taking a bag out from under her bed, she pulled out some medicine and quickly downed the pain reliever with a bottle of water.

  “Well, what are we going to do now, Wolfie? My mobile won’t work up here, I can’t drive out in a dead car, and I won’t be walking out anytime soon. I’m supposed to be here for a week. Should I be brave and stay up here or try to leave tomorrow? My ankle might feel better tomorrow, who knows? Should I just give up on my first real holiday ever or have you scared off the big bad wolf for me? I hope you have, because that thing was terrifying!” She laughed at herself for talking to an animal, but he seemed to understand.

  “My ankle is starting to feel a little better, how about some sausages and eggs for dinner? Does that sound good to you? I think you deserve a reward for coming to my rescue," she said as the wolf whined eagerly. "It was strange enough coming face to face with one wolf today, two of you is mind-blowing. But we’re not going to wonder about that at all until I’m safe back home and away from all of this. Now, about those sausages.”

  Becky figured out that she could scoot around the campsite on one of her camp chairs. She used the canvas chair as a sort of wheelchair while she prepared dinner for herself and the wolf. Once she had the simple fare prepared, she put some on a plate for the wolf and let it cool a little before putting it on the ground for him. The light had completely left the sky and it was now dark. After eating her fill, she got down and started to light a fire using the wood she had stacked the night before.

  Flames were leaping to the heavens by the time she finished. As the wolf watched her intently, she pulled out her book to continue reading. She watched him as she read, looking up occasionally when he moved his head around, as though surveying the surroundings, only to rest his head again and continue watching her. He had lovely yellow eyes that seemed to be very intelligent and kind. As she watched the wolf in the firelight, the flames seemed to make his red fur come to life, as though the wolf were on fire too. She closed her eyes for a moment, and awoke with a start as she realized she’d fallen asleep on the ground with only a blanket as a cushion. Pushing herself around she inched past the wolf, into her bed, and propped her foot up with an extra blanket. Somehow she wasn’t surprised when he walked into the tent with her and plopped down right beside of her. She brushed her fingers into his fur, loving the silk texture of it. She began talking to him as she caressed his fur, enjoying his happy panting as she spoke, telling him about her life and how he was the only creature that had ever tried to protect her in her whole life. He was her hero, and she told him so as she slowly fell asleep, his warmth and the hectic day leaving her exhausted.

  As the beautiful lady fell asleep James St. James, now also known as Wolfie, watched her, protecting her from the other werewolf in the vicinity. He’d heard her words about her life and understood them. Knowing that she had never been protected gave him even more incentive to do so. This was his territory, and had been for over 100 years now. Werewolves did not age as a fast as humans, and as a consequence James only appeared to be in his late 40s. His red hair, yellow eyes, and muscular stature were with him whether in human or wolf form. In short, James could defend Becky in whatever shape he was shifted into, no matter what, and after witnessing the black shifter attacking her he was determined she wasn’t going through that again.

  Settling himself to spend the night beside her, James thought about how he’d ended up in this tent with this woman. This had been his territory his whole life, he’d never strayed far, and his sixth sense told him when there were other shifters around. He’d hunted this one since last night, and knew it was up to no good. He’d tracked it all day, along with the woman once he had sensed her. Somehow he’d known this shifter was trouble, and had been prepared for it. Now he just
needed to stay awake all night to prove it. He was only going to rest his eyes for a minute first, the soothing feel of her hands producing a calm in his inner animal’s spirit that he’d never felt before.

  He kicked a hind leg out, stretching beneath her hand and allowed the soothing touch to slowly let him drift. He loved her scent, so close to him that his head was filled with her smell. Letting the scent imprint itself on his brain he drifted off, certain he’d wake back up shortly to leave and hide within the woods if he needed to. At his age he could shift when he wanted to, except for when he was asleep. On rare occasions he would involuntarily shift back to human form, but he was certain he would awake before that happened.

  As he cracked his eyes the next morning he tried to discern the shrill noise filling his head. Stretching out, he yawned, scratching his lean stomach as he did so. What the hell was that piercing noise?

  Seeing a tent above him as his eyes fully opened, James realized what had happened during the night. He’d not only failed to wake up again last night, he’d shifted back to human form. Becky had then woke up to find him naked in her tent. A naked man she did not know was in her tent, the day after she was attacked by a giant wolf. Oh this was not a good thing, not a good thing at all.

  He was just about to turn and explain to the screaming woman behind him when something punched him in the side of head, making his world spin as he tilted over.

  Chapter 3

  “Please, miss, put the book down!” James had managed to climb to his feet and was crouched down in the tent. Most tents don't accommodate people over six feet tall, and James was six inches over that level. It suited Becky fine, she couldn’t have been more than four inches over five feet tall. James was not so lucky, however, and his crouched posture only added to her fear and confusion.

  “You’d best believe I’m not putting this book down,” Becky barked back, terrified beyond her wits. This was just way too much for her! This was her holiday, for crying out loud! Why did these things keep happening to her?

  “If you’ll just let me out of the tent, maybe hand me a towel or a blanket, and I’ll explain myself to you," James said, pausing to gather his thoughts and hold his hands out in a harmless manor. "You said last night you needed a hero and that you had one, you’re right. I’m here to be your hero; you just have to trust me.”

  “What are you on about? I only told that to the wolf last night. Were you here the whole time all of that was going on? Are those your wolves? Is that how you knew about that? Did you leave me to the mercy of that deranged creature? Did you?” Becky’s voice was growing shriller as she asked each question, her voice on the verge of cutting glass.

  “No, I don’t know who that other wolf was but the red one was me. If you look into my eyes, you'll see it. I’m a shapeshifter, a werewolf if you will. I was the wolf that chased off the black wolf after it attacked you yesterday.”

  Becky looked at the man, certain he was insane. But when she looked into his eyes she jumped inside, because those were the same eyes she’d stared into last night; the eyes she’d gazed at as she poured out her life story, a story she’d never told anyone in her life. Becky wasn’t sure what to believe anymore as she sank down into the airbed. She’d barely been on holiday for two days and she’d been attacked by a wolf, saved by another, and woke up to a naked man in her tent claiming to be the second wolf. Standing up she perused about the campsite, looking at things, picking them up and staring at them before moving on to something else.

  James, confused, asked her what she was doing.

  “I’m looking for the hidden camera, there has to be one here!” she replied.

  “There is no hidden camera, Becky. We are the only ones here,” James sank down into a camp chair after grabbing a blanket to place around his waist.

  “Shall I make us some breakfast? Why don’t you have a rest, get off of your ankle, and we’ll talk while I cook.” He shifted around the campsite, picking up the items he’d need and started cooking.

  “You’re a werewolf? As in you turn into a wolf every full moon, and go out hunting chickens and squirrels to tear apart with your teeth and paws?”

  “No, not that kind, I shift when I choose to. I’m over 100 years old now, so I can shift when I want. I have far more control than the younger wolves do.”

  “So do it now then, prove it to me,” Becky retorted.

  “Let’s wait until after breakfast, please. It’s very draining shifting back and forth. I need some fuel,” He replied, his weariness breaking through into his voice.

  “Alright, I can wait,” She replied, growing more comfortable with the idea. Becky still wasn’t sure she completely believed it but she knew something odd was going on here. She just had to wait a few more minutes to be sure.

  They had their breakfast, neither one speaking, and Becky watched him eat. The man was stunning, a definite male who gave off a “don’t mess with me or mine” aura. Even watching him eat was sexy; watching his full lips closing around his fork had her on the verge of squirming in her chair. She felt safe with him, even if she did think he might be slightly bonkers. She began to think that he just may be a werewolf. She just couldn’t dismiss his eyes, they were so familiar. She put her camp plate in a wash bucket and turned back to him.

  “Alright, I’m not waiting any longer, show me, and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m…” Becky stopped talking as James disappeared under the blanket, a wolf emerging from the fabric, shaking out his fur as he emerged. “Holy Shit!”

  The wolf just snuffled and then, within a blink, James was standing before her again, every finely muscled, hard as nails inch of him naked before her, once again. Becky gasped and stepped back, falling into her chair with a yelp.

  “You weren’t joking. You’re not crazy!” she stuttered out.

  “No, I’m not. For me it’s a family trait, for others it’s passed through scratches, bites, and cuts... but the latter is very rare. We’re usually born to it.”

  “Oh my, well, erm, oh my…” Becky was at a loss for words again. “Could you put your blanket back on? While you’re certainly impressive I’m having a hard time not staring at you.” Becky told herself her blunt nature was purely situational, and that she wasn’t just being silly and prudish. But she seriously could not look at the man another minute without making an attempt to climb him like a tree.

  “How is your ankle now?” James asked as he put the blanket back around him.

  “It is better, some more pain relievers and I should be alright for the day. So, why are you out here anyway?” She asked as she took her pills.

  “I come out once a month or so to run wild for a little while. I usually stay in human form for most of the month, so it feels nice to let it out. This is the place I usually come to, but somebody bought it last week. It’s been deserted for about 50 years now, so it has always been the perfect place for me. I assumed that it was you that bought it, actually...” His words tapered off and he ended with a questioning look on his face.

  “No, I’m a nurse and one of the doctors I work with said his friend owned the place. I don't really know any of the details, but I'm assuming he's the one who bought it last week. I needed a break, and well, I guess if you remember what I told you last night you know the rest don’t you?” she ended.

  “Yes, of course. Last week huh? That’s awfully quick to be asking for a favour from somebody that’s just bought the place. Odd,” James said sceptically.

  “I suppose it is, isn’t it?" Becky changed the subject. "So who's this other wolf? And why was he out to get me?"

  “I don’t know really, and I don’t know that there have ever been any wolves here, other than me. I assumed it was someone you knew or it was the new owner. I’ve not met any other shifters in about twenty years so it’s all very odd to me. But I’ll stick around if you like, or take you somewhere if you want. My motorbike isn’t far from here and I can take you for a ride into town to have your car towed and to find a room,” Jam
es concluded standing up.

  Becky stood too and looked up at him. “Oh, I’m not going anywhere, especially if you’re going to stick around. I didn’t come all of this way for nothing and I’d bet that bastard doesn’t come back now that he knows he’s not the only wolf in the village. You’re much bigger than him, and he knows it," Becky reassured him, pausing for a moment. "Although I would like to go for a ride, if that’s possible? I’ve never been on a motorbike before.”

  A huge smile broke across his face as James took her hand, leading her to a chair so she could sit back down. “You sit here and I’ll be back in a few minutes. I won't be long at all.”

  He ran off into the woods, completely naked after dropping the blanket. Becky took advantage of the opportunity to freshen up, brushing her teeth using her water bottle. He wasn’t long at all, coming to rest beside her car on the midnight blue and chrome motorbike. He’d slipped into jeans, workboots, a dark green long-sleeved shirt, and a black leather jacket. Her jaw dropped as he pulled up, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. However, there was nothing he could do to hide that masculine grin. He handed her a helmet, putting one on himself, before he sat up so she could slip on behind him.

  “Ready?” She heard from within the helmet. She assumed the helmets must be equipped with speaker and microphones, so she didn’t yell when she said “ready” back to him. The first jolt over a rock sent her further into his back, her legs and upper chest pressing against him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling even more secure now, and rested her head against his back. All she could do was take in the vibration of the bike and the sound of the wind rushing by them. She thought this must be what it feels like to fly. The feeling was exhilarating and filled her senses. James smelled of spice and wood smoke, a delicious combination that made her knees weak with some strange kind of emotional pleasure. It was as though James’s scent alone was wiping out all of the darkness from her soul, the same way the sun had blasted through the fog and the darkness yesterday to wipe away the shadows in the valleys. It was all very strange, but how often do you meet a werewolf after getting attacked by one? If this was insanity, Becky thought, then she was going to enjoy the ride!


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