Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 100

by Selina Coffey

  Ana bit her lip, not sure if she should say something. Knowing her, something utterly retarded would come out and she would never live it down. Luckily though, she didn’t have to think long because he spoke first.

  “Hi. How are you today?” he asked as he retreated away from the mailboxes, looking at Ana.

  “Um, good thanks.” They stood there just looking at each other and Ana could feel the awkwardness rising. “Today’s my birthday,” she found herself saying.

  Sam smiled at her and Ana’s heart went crazy. “Well I guess a happy birthday is in order then!”

  “Thanks.” Feeling a surge of boldness she said, “Um, we’re going out tonight to Incognito. If you don’t have anything planned, you’re welcome to join us.”

  Sam seemed to think about it for a minute and then nodded his head in agreement. “Sounds like fun. Is that the dress up place?”

  “A face mask is required, costumes are your choice.”

  “And what are you going as?” he inquired.

  “Me?” Ana stammered. “Just a mask for me. It’s white, and frilly. Kind of innocent looking.”

  “Cool. What time are you leaving?”

  “Ah, Rachel should be here in about an hour, so let’s say in a couple of hours? I can come get you when we’re ready,” Ana offered.

  “Okay. I guess I’ll have to go find a mask between now and then,” Sam laughed. “See you later,” he said as he walked back out the main entrance.

  Feeling proud of herself, Ana made her way upstairs to her apartment. She couldn’t seem to shake the smile that was plastered to her face.

  Deciding to stick with the innocent theme, Ana chose a short white dress that bared one shoulder. She was in the process of curling her long hair when there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in!” Ana yelled. “It’s unlocked.”

  “Hey!” Rachel said as she made her way to the bathroom Ana was in.

  Rachel looked to die for. Her short brown hair was curled, teased and hair sprayed into perfection. Her plum colored dress clung to every curve. On her feet, she had five-inch black suede heels, finishing off the look.

  “Damn, Rach. You look hot as hell!” Ana joked.

  Rachel strutted around like a peacock for a moment, both girls laughing the entire time. She then took over curling Ana’s hair and the two chatted about nothing and everything. When Rachel was done, she moved to the kitchen to make them both a drink, while Ana stayed to finish her makeup.

  She decided to go with a sparkly, silver eyeliner with a bold red lip for contrast. The only thing left was shoes.

  “Hey Rach!” Ana called from the bedroom. “I need help choosing shoes.”

  Rachel entered the bedroom with her hands full. She had a margarita in each hand and the biggest smile on her face. “Here, drink some of this first,” she said as she handed Ana one of the drinks. “Cheers to you babe! Happy birthday, love!” The two clinked glasses and then took a sip.

  “Mmm, delicious!” Ana crooned. “Now, shoe time.”

  She went to the closest and grabbed two pairs of heels. The first pair was a matte silver color and went with the innocent theme perfectly. The second pair, were blood red stilettos and taller than a skyscraper. Ana held both pairs up for Rachel to see.

  “Hmm,” Rachel said as she thought hard. “The red. They’re sexy, sassy, and totally you!” she laughed.

  Ana nodded in agreement and quickly donned the heels. She placed her mask on her face and looked in the floor length mirror to check everything. The creature staring back at her was breathtaking. Her long, dark blonde curls hung loose around her face, her mask and dress were beautiful but it was the addition of the red heels that really made the outfit.

  Rachel put on her black velvet mask and the two looked like light and dark standing next to each other.

  “This is going to be so much fun tonight,” Rachel said as she finished her margarita.

  Ana smiled in return. “Yes it will. I have to go get Sam before we go.”

  Rachel’s laser like eyes zeroed in on Ana. “Sam? As in the way too cute neighbor Sam? That Sam?”

  Ana smiled shyly, “Yes, that Sam. We ran into each other earlier and I invited him. No big deal.”

  “You’re right, it’s no big deal… IT’S HUGE! Go you! I’m so proud of you right now,” Rachel said.

  Ana just smiled.

  Chapter 3

  In Ana’s mind, a fake ID was the best investment anyone under 21 could make. Rachel had them made for the both of them in the first few weeks of their freshman year and they’d been used almost every weekend since. The bouncer standing at the door of Incognito took his time scanning every single one and after what seemed like forever, the trio were in.

  Ana had been to the club before but the dark beauty of it always made it feel brand new. There was plum colored velvet seating all around and black chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Throw pillows in all colors and sizes were haphazardly placed; inviting anyone who walked by to sit down and relax against them. Midnight blue silks sparkled as they hung from the ceiling, giving the place a starry night feel. The dance floor took up the center of the large room and it was already packed full of sweaty bodies moving to the beat of the bass.

  The three grabbed a round of shots at the bar and then made their way to the dance floor to join the crush of people. They danced close to one another and Ana got sandwiched with Rachel at her front and Sam at her back. Sam’s hands were on her hips and Ana thought it was the best birthday present ever. When the song ended, Sam said he was going to go get another round of shots. Ana was left by herself since Rachel was dancing with some buff dude. Ana was enjoying the night and had her eyes closed and her hands lifted in the air when a pair of rough hands found her hips.

  “Sam?” Ana asked as she lowered her arms, keeping her eyes closed.

  The guy moved to nuzzle his nose at the back of her neck and she shivered from the move. He then laid several small kisses along the bottom of her neck. The two moved to the beat of the music and it felt as if their bodies were in sync with the others. Their movements were so fluid.

  Ana was in paradise. That was until she heard Sam’s voice.

  “Ana?” Sam said. “I brought our drinks.”

  Ana stopped moving instantly and her eyes flew open. Sam was standing in front of her with three shots on a tray. Ana’s thoughts were all over the place. Sam, who was supposed to be dancing behind her, was standing not two feet in front of her. What was going on? Ana shoved at the arms that were holding her and turned around to look at the stranger. Except it wasn’t a stranger. It was him. The guy from the coffee shop this morning. Ana tried to remember his first name…Hemi? No that was a motor. Remi, that’s right. Remi. Remi. Remi.

  Remi was just staring at her with the cockiest grin on his face. He knew that she thought he was Sam and he hadn’t said anything. Instead he just made Ana’s body heat rise and her heart was pumping at a crazy pace. And damned if he wasn’t the most beautiful thing she had ever lay eyes on. Thick black hair, sky blue eyes and cheek bones that could cut glass.

  “Ana?” Sam asked again.

  Ana tore her gaze from Remi’s and looked at Sam. “Um… Uh, ahh, I need to go to the bathroom,” Ana announced. Without another word she dashed towards the back entrance to the club. She really didn’t have to pee but she did need some fresh air and time to process what had just happened.

  Outside the back door was quiet, only a couple stood there. Everything else was hidden in the darkness of night. The couple were about 25 feet away and seemed to be having a heated conversation. Ana ignored them and sat down on the ground and rested her head on her knees. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself and organize her thoughts. She’d had a crush on Sam since he moved in six months ago and tonight was like a dream, until everything shattered. Remi, who she had never seen before today, seemed to draw her in like a magnet that she couldn’t resist.

  Everything about the two of them seemed to be the o
pposite. Sam was golden and Remi was dark. Sam was stable whereas Remi seemed wild and free. Sam screamed commitment and Remi screamed one night stand. Sam…

  Ana’s thoughts came to an abrupt stop when she heard the scream. She looked up and saw that the man had turned into a grotesque looking creature, with dark red skin and yellow eyes. His face was shriveled up in anger and his sharp brown teeth were showing, like dogs do when they snarl. The girl was trying to escape but the creature had her pinned beneath him.

  The creature took out something that resembled a sword and plunged it into the girl’s heart. The girl went silent and all of a sudden the sword lit up the darkness. The sword glowed pure white and was brighter than a flashlight. Ana moved to shield her eyes from the bright light. In doing so she drew the attention of the creature.

  The sword’s light went out and at the same time, the girl’s body turned to ash and disappeared. The creature picked up the sword and held it in his hand as he slowly made his way towards where Ana was sitting, too dumbfounded to move.

  The creature had to be 10 feet away from her when the back door opened and Remi walked out. Upon seeing the creature, he said something in an unknown language and a dagger appeared in his hand. He moved in to attack the creature, but the thing was already running away down the dark alley.

  Remi reached down to grab Ana’s hand and then lifted her up over his shoulder. It was then that Ana’s world went black.

  Chapter 4

  When Ana awoke, she was in a strange bed in a room that was clearly not hers. The bed was overly comfortable and the room was decorated in dark masculine colors. She lifted up the covers and was glad to find that she was still dressed as before. She got up and made her way down the hall to the kitchen where she could hear voices.

  “Welcome back, Ana,” Remi greeted.

  Ana smiled and waved at both Remi, who was standing against the sink counter and Sam, who was sitting on a barstool at the counter.

  “Good morning,” Sam said.

  Ana stood in the doorway and leaned on it. “What exactly happened last night? I know that I had a little bit to drink, but that does not account for what I saw.” She turned her head to Remi, “What was that thing and how did you just magically make that dagger appear in your hand?”

  Remi looked at Sam, who gave a small nod and then looked back to Ana. “What you saw last night might seem like fantasy, but it was not. In this world there are two sides that rule everything. The first is the light side. The light encompasses everything and everyone who is pure hearted and they have protectors to defend their people. The second side is the dark side. As you can imagine, this is the exact opposite of the light. The dark encompasses everything that the light rejects. These people and creatures rule the underworld and are in constant battle with the light.”

  Remi looked at Ana, but it was Sam who continued. “My full name is Samael, and I was sent to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what?” Ana asked.

  “The dark. You have a special gift, Ana. I was sent to make sure that you learned how to use that gift and that you would choose the light when the time came.”

  “What gift? Sam, you are sounding crazy right now. I’m normal, I have no special anything.”

  “You will know when the time comes. The gift hasn’t shown itself yet,” Sam replied.

  “Are you serious? When the time comes? Do you know how silly that sounds?” Ana huffed. “So if you were sent to protect me, what does that make you?”

  “I’m an angel,” Sam said simply.

  “An angel!”

  “Yes, Ana. An angel. I was sent by the light council to protect you.” He looked to Remi. “Tell her.”

  Ana looked to Remi for answers, but it seemed like forever before he finally opened his mouth and started talking.

  “Everything that Sam has said is true. I know this because we used to be in the guard together before I fell.”

  “Fell? From what?” Ana asked.

  “I am a fallen angel, the black sheep if you would. The council and I didn’t see eye to eye on something and I was kicked out of heaven permanently, sent to Earth to roam this world forever,” Remi sighed. “Sam is still a good boy and he still works for the council. They are who sent him to watch over you.”

  Remi went on, “The dagger appearing in my hand last night was nothing more than an old spell that produces weapons on demand. Even though I walk this Earth, I still have the powers that run through my blood. I just don’t choose to use them very often.”

  “Why would you hide them?” Ana questioned.

  “They are a reminder of everything that I once had. A reminder of everything that I will never again be.”

  After a long pause, Ana was the first to speak. “So, let’s pretend that I believe all of what you two have said. What was that creature last night?”

  “It was a dark demon, sent from hell to collect pure souls,” Sam answered.

  “So that weapon that lit up… you’re telling me that the bright light was someone’s soul?”

  “Yes. The demons collect the souls and then use them as a defense against the light. The more pure souls that a demon absorbs, the harder it is to kill him.”

  “I see,” said Ana. “So what now?”

  “Now we eat lunch,” Remi said. “And wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  “Now that the demon knows about you, they will send someone or something to collect you. The dark want your powers for themselves. Until then, Sam why don’t you go to the council and see if you can find out anything concerning Ana’s gift. Maybe then we can be prepared for whatever it may be,” Remi suggested.

  “Sounds like a good idea. Hopefully they can fill me in,” Sam said. He turned to Ana, “Please be careful. Remi will be here to protect you, but he can only do so much and until we find out what your gift is, you guys need to stay together.”

  Ana nodded. “Okay. I promise.” She moved to give Sam a hug and then he was gone, leaving just her and Remi standing there.

  Remi came up and took her hand and kissed it. “Why don’t we go find you something different to wear and go get some lunch?”

  Ana smiled. “I like the way you think,” she said.

  Chapter 5

  Once they were ready, the pair headed outside to walk to the nearest diner. The walk was short and so was the conversation. It wasn’t until they were seated that Remi started asking all the questions. Subjects ranged from her childhood, first kiss, favorite color and dream job. You name it, he asked it. Ana gladly answered all of his questions; not once did she feel like she was being interrogated. Remi just seemed genuinely interested in her life.

  When the food came they ate in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the meal. When they were done Remi paid the bill and they left. It wasn’t until they were a block from Remi’s apartment building that Remi saw him.

  Remi grabbed Ana’s arm and started to run. “Come on, let’s go. We have to get out of here. And fast,” he said.

  “What’s going on?” Ana asked.

  “There is a demon out there and he was waiting for us. Hurry up before he sees where we have gone.”

  The two continued to run for a few more blocks, until they came to an empty alley. Remi led her to a big heavy metal door. He held out his hand and said something in words that Ana couldn’t understand and then the door slowly opened.

  “One of those old spells again?” she asked.

  “Something like that,” he said as he led her through the doorway.

  They continued down a dimly lit hallway, then down a metal staircase until they reached another door. Remi used a key card and a pass code to unlock the heavy door. The door opened into a small but cozy space. There was a main room with a kitchen and a small bathroom off to the side.

  “What is this place?” Ana asked.

  “It’s my safe house,” Remi answered. “I’ve found that having a safe place can come in handy over the years,” he smiled.

  Ana lo
oked around, taking in the space. “Exactly how old are you?” she asked.

  Remi ran his hand through his hair and smiled. “Are you sure you really want to know?”

  “I’m a big girl. I can handle it,” she smirked as she sat down on the small loveseat.

  Remi sat down next to her. “Okay then. I was born in 780 B.C.,” he said with a straight face.

  Ana was in complete shock. “780 B.C.?” she gasped. “As in before Christ? There is no way you’re that old!”

  “I asked if you really wanted to know,” Remi countered. “I’m an angel, of course I’m old. We don’t have small life spans like humans do.”

  “But you’re talking over two thousand years old.”

  “Some women think men get better with age. Like a fine wine,” he joked.

  Ana couldn’t agree more. The man was beautiful, even if he was ancient. “I suppose so.”

  Remi knew that Ana thought so. Even though she tried to act nonchalant, her eyes told the truth. If there was one thing that Remi had learned over the years, it was how to tell when someone was lying.

  He moved to grab her hand and just held it, gently rubbing the back of it with his finger. Ana looked up at him and he couldn’t help himself. He leaned down and gently kissed her. Ana loved the softness of his lips on hers. Neither of them tried to move, both just in the moment.

  Remi pulled away first and ran a finger down Ana’s cheek. “That was wonderful,” he said.

  “Likewise,” Ana confirmed. “Will you tell me about your life? What happened?” she asked quietly.

  Remi moved then, so that her head was resting on his shoulder, their hands intertwined on his lap. “It’s not a pretty story, Ana.”

  “But it’s a part of you. So it’s important to me.”

  “What am I supposed to do with you?” he joked. His smile quickly faded and he took a deep breath. “I haven’t told this story in a long time,” he paused. “I was a member of the transcendental guard. Sam was a member too. We were the protectors of the light, we were responsible for keeping the dark out. To protect the innocent and serve the council and their orders. It went without saying that we were expected to give our lives up to the cause and if we happened to die in the process, well that was just one possible outcome.”


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