Letters to Penthouse III

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by Letters to Penthouse III- Hot, Bothered

  I never saw him after that. I went back to the fifth floor time and time again, but he never returned. Still, I always sat in the same carrel—and I never wore any underwear, just in case.—J.V., Atlanta, Georgia


  Connie and I were married this year. The most exciting thing in the world to me is to cause her to have a stimulating, mind-blowing, earthshaking orgasm. One night, after watching an X-rated video, we went to bed and started talking about our fantasies. Connie told me that her favorite fantasy was to have two men in bed with her at the same time. I then revealed to her that one of my fantasies was to see her in bed with another man, watching her get a huge cock put inside her beautiful little snatch. We laughed and talked about it a little longer.

  Later, we spoke more about this, and I told her that if we really wanted to, I could set this up. I told her about an old friend of mine, Michael.

  Michael has been married for ten years now and has a family. The good thing about him is that he has a huge cock. We continued to talk and decided that if we could find a way to set this up we would go ahead and try. I found it hard to believe that this was a fantasy of mine because I'm probably the most jealous person in the world—with good cause. My wife is five feet eleven inches, with blond hair, blue eyes, big beautiful breasts and the greatest body.

  When I went to see Michael, I showed him a photo of Connie. He commented that Connie had a nice set of tits and that she looked like a model. I knew then that this was going to be easy. In virtually no time, Michael and I had everything set up.

  It took place on a Saturday. Connie and I went to dinner and had a few drinks. When we got home I had a big bottle of wine chilled. I told Connie that this was going to be a night to remember. Connie had taken off her dress and was wearing her matching black silk bra and panties with her black garter belt and black stockings. She also had on a black silk robe that barely reached the bottom of her very sexy ass. We turned out all the lights in the house and lit some candles. I had made sure to plan this evening very carefully so it would flow perfectly.

  We continued to drink wine. The more we drank, the more we talked about sex—our desires and fantasies. Just knowing what was in store for us gave me the biggest, hottest hard-on that I've ever experienced. It was obvious that Connie was getting hot too. As she spoke of her fantasy of making it with two guys, she would occasionally reach down to touch her moist panties.

  It was about nine that evening when the doorbell rang; Michael was right on time. Connie asked me to see who it was. I looked to see, acting as though I was not expecting anyone, and yelled out, “It's Michael!”

  Connie started to put her dress back on, but I was able to convince her not to put any more clothes on, but to just have fun teasing Michael. She was very agreeable to this. When Michael came in, I went to get him a drink and I watched Connie go into the living room to greet him. She was wearing just her slinky, silky lingerie. Michael's hard-on sprang up almost immediately. Michael's cock is rather large, and I noticed that Connie could hardly take her eyes off his gigantic bulge.

  We sat down and talked, mainly about sex. Somehow the subject of cock size came up and Connie said, “Let's have a contest. Whoever has the largest cock gets to remove my panties and show me just what good fucking feels like!” She said that the second-place winner was to watch and wait his turn. At this point we were all excited, because it was obvious that Michael's large cock was going to be the winner. Off to the bedroom we went.

  Connie took off her robe, then Michael helped remove her panties. When they got in bed, Connie started to suck Michael off. Her hands looked very small as she grasped his cock. She was dripping hot as Michael slowly moved his fingers in and out of her pussy. Then Connie pulled Michael on top of her and between her legs. My heart was pounding with excitement. Connie reached down and guided Michael's huge cock up to her wet pussy. Her face winced with pleasure as Michael slowly introduced himself to her. After his full penetration was complete, their bodies moved together with a very fluid motion.

  I came just watching them copulate. They continued screwing for about thirty-five minutes. I went to the end of the bed and enjoyed every in-and-out stroke of Michael's cock. Connie moaned almost every time he went in! All of a sudden, Connie's body started to quiver and become very rigid, as did Michael's. I was able to watch them both have the biggest orgasms that I've ever seen in my entire life. They jerked and moaned, and as Michael came inside Connie's pussy, I could see that not only did his cock fill her up, but his hot creamy juices flowed outside her pussy. While he moved in and out, I could see his come oozing from her pussy.

  All the excitement caused me to get stiff again, and I wanted to get some of the action. I moved in close so that Connie could give me some head. Michael was so hot that he never lost his hard-on, so he continued to grind his big cock in and out of Connie's tight little pussy. I never knew that my wife was so talented. She handled the two of us very well. Within about fifteen minutes we all came again.

  I think we were so excited having this threesome for the first time that it caused us all to have multiple orgasms. I wouldn't suggest this arrangement to someone with heart problems. But Connie and I just can't wait to experience it again!—T.L., Bangor, Maine


  It was nearly dusk, a starry night, and the Jacuzzi was steaming as Al arid I sat enjoying our wine. Al went inside and poured me another glass. Then he said he was going out for a while, but that I should sit back and enjoy myself.

  I kicked back, enjoying the night and the wine. When I looked around me, everything was dark except for a faint red glow coming from our bedroom window just across the deck. Then there was another soft glow and another. Our bedroom was filled with shadows and colors reflecting off the wall. I looked up to the window and saw a shadow moving about. It seemed that Al was undressing, but all I could make out were shadows reflecting against the mirrors and walls in the bedroom. It was even more mysterious because of the steam coming up from the Jacuzzi.

  I briefly considered going inside to join him but decided to sit back and enjoy the show. He was very clever about it all. Every once in a while he seemed to glance my way, but he never stopped his act.

  He was undressed now and on all fours, on the bed. Then he was on his knees, on the bed. Soon he was holding his cock in his hand. Then he turned ever so slightly, and everything changed—kind of. Now I could see him stroking his shaft, but I could also see another shadow that looked just like him, his shadow on the wall.

  Now the entire wall was a shadow of Al stroking himself for me. I could see his head tilt back, his hand on his shaft, stroking slowly. It must have felt very good to him. Especially since he knew I was watching.

  His cock was all I could see now. He has the biggest tool I've ever seen. It filled the entire wall. It appeared to be four feet long, and his hand was slowly working its way up and down his long dick. He began stroking faster—his ass jiggling and his mouth open. He was stroking faster and faster until streams of juice was all I could see.—J A., Phoenix, Arizona


  I never thought I would qualify for a “My letter was printed in Forum” T-shirt, since after several years of almost perfect wedded bliss, I was convinced my marriage would remain monogamous forever. Then the most incredible thing happened on the last evening of our vacation in Puerto Rico.

  I was sitting at the beach bar of the vacation condo where we were staying, sipping rum and Cokes while my wife waded in the clear waters of San Juan. Ellen was engaged in conversation with two men and a very attractive young woman. This woman stood out more than my equally lovely wife, because each gentle wave revealed her beautifully formed, naked breasts.

  I was content to stare at her until the two men came to the bar and joined a third man seated beside me. They must have all been new arrivals, as I had not seen them before. One was a fair redheaded young man, one was dark with curly hair, and the third was a quiet
muscular man.

  Red and Curly were very excited and spoke animatedly. Their voices grew louder, and I could hear part of their conversation. Pointing to the women in the water, they told the third man, whom they called Phil, of their good fortune in running into a girl they had known in school. When they claimed she had given the most exquisite blowjobs to a great many of the senior class males, my interest in her was piqued. I have always considered my wife unsurpassed in that category and am naturally interested in anyone who can possibly compete with her talents.

  Red and Curly delighted in telling Phil of the woman's escapades, including the time they witnessed her suck off six men at a friend's bachelor party while her girlfriend fucked the bridegroom. Curly said that although she worshiped cock, and they had often enjoyed her hand jobs and oral ministrations, they knew of no one who had fucked her. Now that she had promised to meet them later, they were hopeful they would “get it all.” They were anxious to go buy a couple of bottles and get set up in their room.

  Phil was invited to join them in apartment B-10 after they got things going. They felt sure the girl wouldn't object once the party got started. But Red cautioned Phil not to come in too early. “Look in first and make sure things are well under way before you attempt to join us.” He added, “Don't blow it!” and the three left, laughing at the pun.

  The sun was setting when Ellen joined me, and we moved to a nearby table. We had drinks and sandwiches while watching the beautiful sunset. Even though I made no mention of the conversation I overheard at the bar, it was foremost in my mind.

  Later, when I invited Ellen to go for a long walk on the beach, she told me she wanted to shower and do some last-minute shopping. She went back to our room, and I went walking alone.

  San Juan has a seven-mile stretch of beautiful, sandy beach. I walked until it got dark, then I turned around and headed for apartment B-10. I had a stiff cock just thinking of the action that might be going on there.

  I approached the apartment patio, and could hear the drone of the air conditioners and music as I tried to conceal myself behind the giant leaves of the tropical plants. The sliding glass doors heading in from the patio were closed, but the drapes had been left open. As I moved to a better position, I could see clearly into the studio. The redhaired man stood with a drink in his hand in front of the couch talking to my wife. What was she doing there?

  Curly walked into view and served Red and Ellen new drinks. Then he sat on the couch beside Ellen. They talked, laughed and drank. Both men wore only bathing suits, and my wife had changed into a pair of shorts and a halter. As they talked, Curly nonchalantly rested his hand on Ellen's thigh. She did not protest. After a few minutes, Curly must have hit paydirt. Ellen's facial expression changed; she closed her eyes, licked her lips and parted her thighs. He had worked his hand to her pantyless crotch.

  As if on cue, Red's bathing suit dropped to the floor and he stepped forward. Ellen opened her eyes and her mouth, and engulfed Red's semi-erect cock.

  My jaw dropped open. I was suddenly struck by the revelation that Ellen was the girl they had been talking about! She had been sucking dick all those years before I met her, and loving it!

  Ellen took Curly's rod out of his trunks and stroked it while she sucked on Red's fully erect cock. She stopped momentarily, took Curly's pre-come, coated Red's shaft with it, and resumed licking and sucking. Curly stood up beside Red, letting his trunks slip off, and Ellen alternated between them. She licked the sensitive underside of their balls while she pumped both cocks, desperately trying to make them spurt the cream she loves so much. When Red's first burst hit the floor, he immediately received Ellen's full attention as she sucked his cockhead in her mouth, trying to squeeze out every last drop.

  Someone moved outside. I stepped back and hid. It was Phil. He walked to the patio and stood by the window, looking into the room and blocking my view. He stood there rubbing his crotch through his shorts, inspired by the action inside. After a few minutes, he walked out of sight and around to the front. I moved back to where I could see what was going on inside.

  They had moved to the bed. Ellen lay naked on her back, sucking off Curly as he knelt by her head. Red lay on his belly, his head between her legs, eating pussy. Ellen worked frantically, trying to coax the cream from Curly's cock.

  Phil walked into the room. He had stripped, and stood there watching them. Ellen didn't notice him until he changed places with Red. Curly ejaculated as Ellen looked up, trying to figure out who belonged to the extra body. Caught off-guard, she tried to catch as much come as she could in her mouth. Then she rubbed the jet of cream that had hit her breasts into her body and licked her fingers. She said something and smiled.

  Phil climbed on her and started fucking her hard and fast. Ellen closed her eyes and Curly put his soft cock back in her mouth. He stroked her head softly while he watched Phil pump her.

  Red said something and Phil, without pulling out, rolled over so that Ellen was on top of him. With her breasts flattened against his chest, they glued their mouths together and continued fucking.

  Red was stroking Ellen's back and buttocks. He bent down and started kissing and licking her ass cheeks. She parted her legs and ground her pelvis into Phil.

  Red then knelt between her legs and started jerking himself off with his cock between Ellen's cheeks. Ellen writhed between the two men. Her head began moving from side to side and her eyes were closed tightly. Red held Ellen's hips and started thrusting. Red's body stiffened. Then he collapsed on top of Ellen, drained of energy. They were all motionless. Finally, the forgotten Curly moved Red aside, and as soon as Ellen rolled off Phil, Curly mounted her, fucking furiously. Phil and Red left the bed and watched them from the couch. Curly didn't last very long. He lay still as Ellen got out from under him. When she got up and started dressing, I cut out.

  I rushed to our room, stripped, and climbed into bed. Confused thoughts reeled in my head. It seemed forever before Ellen arrived. When I heard her enter the room, I feigned sleep.

  She came to the bed immediately and removed her clothes. Breathing heavily, she bent over me and kissed me on the mouth. Ellen tasted of liquor and semen. Her body smelled of sex. My erection grew as she peeled back the sheets and took my cock in her mouth. Then she straddled my head and pressed her sopping pussy against my face. She rubbed her cunt harder against my mouth until I stuck my tongue into her wet pussy. As soon as I did that, Ellen came violently, soaking my face with juices. I started coming so much it hurt. My balls emptied gobs of cream into her mouth. She kept sucking long after I was empty.

  She got up from our 69 position, swung around, and sat on my semi-erect cock. It slid easily into her slippery pussy and grew hard as she moved against it. Hundreds of sexual thoughts assaulted my mind. I couldn't believe how insatiable she had become.

  We haven't discussed that night, and I don't know if Ellen has any idea what I witnessed. Twice since our return from Puerto Rico, Ellen has come home late after “going out with her girlfriends.” She is still very horny when she gets home, and comes straight to bed. It's obvious to me she's been freshly fucked, but it turns her on when we have sex like this more than at any other time.—S.R., Portland, Oregon



  On a vacation trip to Las Vegas—a first for my wife—we both encountered an experience that I wish to share with your readers. I have a beautiful wife, as I am often told. She is a tall blonde with a dark tan. Everywhere we go, men look at her. For the past three years of our ten-year marriage we had been fantasizing about a threesome. While in Vegas, we were in a casino, playing the dollar slots, when my wife and I both hit jackpots, one right after the other. My wife was still jumping up and down when a young couple next to us hit a jackpot too.

  In no time at all, the four of us were fast friends. I invited them to join my wife Lynn and me for a drink. We ended up spending the rest of the evening together—gaming, dancing, and having dinner. During those four hours
that we spent together, I had become aware of Tim's interest in my wife, who, though in her mid-fifties, gives the appearance of being much younger.

  In my opinion, Tim's wife Carole was quite a knockout herself, a very tall, athletic-looking blonde with tits that would make most men look twice. Her legs were long and well-shaped, and she wore a very short skirt. Tim and Lynn danced together many times and, as they returned to the table, I noticed the growing bulge in his pants. I knew that Lynn was well aware of the effect she was having on him by the sexy flush on her face. I was not aware that Carole had noticed her husband's hard-on until she mentioned it to me during one of our dances.

  She danced very close to me, and I didn't know if she meant anything by it or if it was just her style. Then she whispered in my ear about the effect my wife was having on her husband, and I said, “What the hell! We're in Vegas. Let them have their fun and so will we.”

  She pulled closer to me, practically riding my thigh. For the next hour I danced with Carole at her request, and my wife danced with Tim. Carole got to where she would move her pussy up and down over my engorged and aching cock, without saying a word. She was moaning and gasping in my ear. It was Tim who suggested that we do a little casino hopping. The women wanted an hour to freshen up and change clothes, so we went to our rooms. While I was changing, Lynn mentioned that she had noticed my hard-on and had seen Carole rubbing herself all over me. I told her that I had seen the effect she and Tim were having on each other. There was a moment of silence, then Lynn said that she supposed it was true. She asked if I was upset, and I said no. We reassured each other of our love and agreed that this was what we had been fantasizing about for so long. We decided to see where this encounter was leading.

  Lynn put on a white dress that came to just above her knees, white heels, black stockings, and a black garter belt. Her sexy look turned me on so much that I nearly canceled our meeting with Carole and Tim.


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