Letters to Penthouse III

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Letters to Penthouse III Page 10

by Letters to Penthouse III- Hot, Bothered

  I lay there on her for a minute, exhausted, before easing my rod from her bottom. I turned her over and kissed her. “I'm crazy about you,” I told her.

  She smiled, a coquettish, little-girl sort of smile. “I still think I'm a good girl,” she said coyly.

  “No, you're not,” I replied. “You're better.”—M.D., Boston, Michigan


  I am a white male, five-foot-ten, one hundred sixty-five pounds, and I love to be spanked. As long as I can remember, I have fantasized about and enjoyed erotic spankings. My girlfriend enjoys this aspect of sex very much.

  Besides enjoying this, she finds that it's a good way to discipline me when I am a bad boy. After our relationship was a year old, I had to tell her my feelings about being spanked. To my surprise, she gladly said she would give disciplining me a try. I was more than ready to get started then and there, but she said the time wasn't right. She said that she wanted to wait until she had a good reason to punish me.

  Two days later, while we were out on a date, we got into an argument, and I said something mean that I readily apologized for. Then she said that she didn't accept my apology. She ordered me to turn off the highway onto a deserted dirt road she knew about. Once we were in a suitably deserted spot, she ordered me out of the car and around to the back. She proceeded to undo my thick leather belt and free it from my pant loops. Then she ordered me to turn around. She unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled them and my shorts to my ankles. She told me to bend over, place my hands on the trunk lid, and to stay that way until she said different.

  Using a force that I had not known she possessed, my girlfriend slapped my behind so hard that an “Ouch!” escaped me. She placed each stinging stroke from the top to the bottom of my ass cheeks. I was at the point of crying when the twentieth and final stroke fell. Then, after ordering me to stand and face her, she pulled me close and said all was forgiven. With my raging hard-on pressing against her dress, I asked, “May I please be made to cry from another spanking?”

  She replied that if that was what I wanted I should resume the position. She stepped to a nearby tree and tore off a switch; roughly three feet in length. I started to cry after the first hard stroke, but she continued with the switch for seven more stinging strokes.

  Finally, she removed her panties and crawled on the trunk. She said, “Make love to me.”

  And I did—like I never had before. Using all the sexual energy I had built up, we went hard and fast like two horny teenagers.—J.R., San Francisco, California

  Oral Sex


  Until a couple of weeks ago, probably like the majority of your readers, I had never had a sexual experience that deserved special notice. But a very special and unusual experience came my way recently aboard my ski boat after the annual river raft race.

  I had invited two girls to come along with me in my boat to watch the day's events and to catch some sun. At the last moment, Karen had to cancel because of a sick relative.

  Fortunately, though, Toni said she would still like to go. After leaving the dock, Toni and I had a swell time taking in all the sights, sipping cold beer and soaking up the rays.

  Toni wore a sexy black string bikini that left very little to the imagination. After we'd jumped overboard to cool off, I could see the outline of her nipples through the material. This was a real turn-on, because I had often thought of making it with her and caressing those sexy breasts.

  When the raft race was over, Toni and I decided to take a cruise down the river to get away from the wakes thrown up by all the other boats. After we'd gone several miles, Toni asked if Rich, a friend of ours, really skied naked. I laughed, told her it was true, and asked Toni if she wouldn't like to give it a try. I couldn't believe my ears when she said it sounded like fun.

  My delight turned to disappointment, however, when I remembered that I had left the skis and other accessories at home to give us more room in the boat. I offered to find a secluded spot so we could take a dip in the buff, which, I assured Toni, was almost as much fun. She said she would give it a try if I agreed to turn around while she slipped out of her suit and jumped into the water. I gave her my promise and looked the other way until I heard her splash into the river; then I dropped my cutoffs and leapt overboard to join her.

  We splashed and played for a while, and I “accidentally” brushed up against her breasts a couple of times. When Toni said she was ready to get out of the water and dry off, I climbed into the boat and helped her over the side. To my amazement, she then laid herself back on the seat, naked. I sat at her feet and she began to playfully massage my stiffening cock with her feet, It was a turn-on to see her painted toes playing with my cock.

  I moved up beside her, touched her breast, and kissed her gently on the lips. I moved my hand slowly down her stomach and stopped at her navel before moving lower to her silky mound. Toni gave me no sign of objection, so I slipped my hand between her thighs and began to caress her pussy lips. Soon I had a finger inside her rapidly moistening cunt. Her juices really began to flow when I touched her clitoris.

  I began to position myself so I could fuck her, but Toni said she didn't have any contraceptives and that she feared getting pregnant. After I promised to pull out when I began to come, she leaned back on the boat seat, drew her knees toward her chest, and spread her legs for me. Her nipples were standing at attention and droplets of water still clung to her blond pubic hair. Her outer lips were spread flowerlike to either side of her swollen, red cunt.

  Together we guided my cock into it. What an amazing experience it was to see my cock being slowly swallowed by her pussy. I pulled out almost to the tip of my cock and then penetrated her again. When her warm, tight pussy was well lubricated, I pistoned in and out with a steady rhythm. Toni's brown eyes were closed, and she had a smile on her lips. I hoped I could bring her to orgasm before I had to pull out.

  When the time came, with great reluctance I withdrew my pulsing cock just as the first drops of sperm began to spurt out. My gooey, hot wad landed on Toni's inner thighs and stomach. Toni sat up and took my drooling cock in her hand and worked the shaft up and down, letting my come dribble over her fingers. She leaned forward, took the head of my cock in her mouth, ran her tongue and lips over it, and licked off every drop of sperm.

  When Toni had licked me clean, I reached down to touch her damp pussy. She leaned back down and pulled her knees up, letting her legs rest on my shoulders. I thrust my tongue into her cunt and tickled her clitoris until her breathing grew heavy and her stomach muscles tightened. A quiet, muffled cry escaped from her lips as she climaxed.

  After Toni's orgasm we both just leaned on each other, exhausted. While we cleaned ourselves up in the water, she told me that this was the first time she had experienced oral sex. I asked if she had enjoyed it. Of course she said yes—adding that she had never climaxed before except when she'd masturbated at home with a brush handle.

  Dusk was falling when we dressed and began the seven- or eight-mile trip back upriver. Toni and I have since become very good friends, but we'll have to say good-bye at the end of summer, when she leaves for college. We'll make the most of the weeks remaining and look forward to our college vacations.—Name and address withheld by request


  Last year I attended a southern university where I was a cheerleader for the football and basketball teams. I've always been considered quite attractive. I have a deep suntan and a flawless complexion, and although my breasts are not huge, they are ample for my small, well-proportioned body (34–24–32). I've never had any trouble getting guys to notice me, and I must admit that I've had fun prick-teasing since coming to college.

  I try to wear the shortest cutoff jeans that I can without being tacky and I always wear shirts that button down the front, leaving the top four buttons undone when possible. And, of course, I always go braless. It's fun to see how distracted the jocks get when talking to me.
  Although I tease a lot, I haven't had many sexual encounters because I've always been particular. I'll only go out with a guy who is well-built, well-hung, and, more important, cute as hell! I've had a few guys of this type to myself already, but I grew tired of them after a few weeks and told them to scram. This semester, though, I learned a lesson.

  I was in my first class, a biology lab, when in walked this guy whose appearance left me breathless. He was about five feet ten and blond as hell, with a deep tan that complemented his hair. He had on a pair of light blue cutoffs that were oh-so-very short. You could even see the outline of his balls. He wore his shirt out over his pants and left it open all down the front. This, I might add, always turns me on. I asked the girl next to me who he was. She said that his name was Paul and he was a member of the swim team.

  A few days later I bumped into him in class. He looked at me and gave me a smile. I nearly melted away and said something stupid. I couldn't quite put my finger on what made this guy so sexy. His smile seemed to say, “If you're a good girl, I might let you suck me off someday!”

  I was more than ready. During our next class period together, my lust intensified. He came into class late, as usual. I figured he came in late so everyone would look at him. He sat down next to me and said, “Boy, it's hot as hell out there.”

  Although his cutoffs fit very tightly everywhere, they were a little loose around his narrow waist, leaving the whole female population eager to slip a hand down there. The combination of his large, well-developed chest, small waist, tight ass, cute smile, and a few droplets of sweat here and there made him unbearably sexy. I told him that I was a cheerleader, which seemed to impress him. I leaned forward a few times as we spoke, exposing a little more of my body than he expected, and that impressed him even more. I asked him if we could get together sometime, glancing down at his crotch and then looking him in the eye with a sexy smile. He said he'd think about it! I couldn't believe it.

  He walked out of class with several other studs, his tight ass swaying. His crotch was stuffed to the point of bursting the seams of his cutoffs. As for me, my pussy was soaking wet.

  Well, that night he called me up. One of the guys on the swim team was having a party, he said, and I could come if I wished. I asked him if he was inviting me. He said he already had a date, but I could go to the party with them. His date wouldn't mind, he said. It sounded strange, but I agreed. He told me to wear a bathing suit. Well, I had a nice-fitting suit, but I wanted to show this stud that I could be uninhibited and sexy, so I went out and bought a tiny string bikini that blended almost perfectly with my tan. It was a rich deep brown. You could hardly tell where the suit began and my bronzed body left off.

  About an inch of my ass crack was visible above the top of the suit. I thought I'd have to shave around my pussy to wear it, but I decided that if some of my pubes showed, it would only be more sexy. The top wouldn't have covered two golf balls, let alone my size-34 boobs.

  The chick he was taking to the party was blond like him, well-tanned, and built beautifully. She hung all over him and didn't mind other girls at the party doing the same. I felt a little out of place. There was Paul, in a very small bikini bathing suit, playing around with several girls at poolside. All these beautiful girls in string bikinis were hanging all over him, eager to get into his pants, and you could see that he didn't even have a hard-on. He was very well-hung to be sure. You could see the outline of his prick and nuts, but he never got hard. Occasionally he'd flash that smile at me and drive me wild, but I was getting ready to give up on him when he said that he and Sally were ready to leave and wanted to know if I wanted to go with them. He was treating me badly, but I still had one thing on my mind: sucking him off.

  “Listen,” he said, with Sally standing right next to him, “we're going to my place to fuck around. Do you want to come?”

  “What about Sally?” I asked.

  “We just met yesterday,” he said (and she laughed). “If you're not coming, I'll go inside and get one of those other chicks.”

  “Okay,” I said, thinking to myself how lucky I was, and I put on my blouse. Before leaving, Paul put on his cutoffs. He didn't wear a shirt, though, and I was beginning to fantasize in the car en route to his place.

  Sally tried to put me at ease. As we walked to the apartment she told me, “Listen, he is one of the most popular hunks on campus. He spends half the day in the sun and the other half in the sack, getting laid. It takes a lot to satisfy him. He won't sleep with just one chick at a time. He insists on two.”

  When we entered his apartment, he lay back on the bed. Sally was still wearing her bikini, so he simply pulled the strings and let it fall away. When he touched me, I thought I'd go wild. He unbuttoned the front of my shirt and said, “Your tits are just the right size.” He told me to strip while he watched. While I did as he said, Sally was rubbing her hands all over his body. I looked at his crotch, which appeared stiff but not really hard. He brought out some suntan lotion and told us to oil him down. Sally and I enjoyed that, oiling him down in his cutoffs while we both were nude. Finally he said that we could strip him.

  We unbuttoned and unzipped the front of his shorts, just as I had done so many times in my imagination. Out popped the most beautiful dick I've ever seen. It was tanned and rooted in a tangle of blond hair. I wondered how he'd ever got a suntanned dick.

  He told Sally to sit on his face because he'd been wanting to eat her all night long. Then he looked at me with that special smile and said, “Laura, go ahead and do whatever you like.”

  His cock tasted sweeter than any I'd ever sucked before. As I put his big dick in my mouth, it started to grow. I pulled the foreskin back to maximize his pleasure. I saw his pole grow to eight inches while I slurped away. He told Sally to dismount because he wanted to watch me suck him off. He looked at me between his legs with a big smile on his face. “Do you like what you're doing?” he asked. I slurped a big yes. “If you do a good job,” he said, “I may let you do it again sometime, but I'm afraid there's a long waiting list.”

  I couldn't believe this. What really drove me wild with desire was that he wasn't teasing. It was true. All the chicks wanted to suck him off. “Sally, give Laura a hand,” he commanded. Sally quickly began tonguing the base of his dick while I worked over the tip.

  Wanting to really turn him on, I stared him straight in the eye while blowing him. “Stud,” I whispered to him. He could see the pleasure in my face. “Please come,” I pleaded as I lapped away. He had a big grin on his face as he lay back and savored the experience. Paul definitely enjoyed sex; it just took him a little longer to get worked up because he had so much of it. He came in big squirts. I lapped up his come and swished it around in my mouth like vintage wine. He liked that.

  “Give me a few more minutes, babe, and round two will begin. Sit on my face while you're waiting. And Sally,” he said, “why not get behind Laura and help me massage her tits.” After a few minutes Paul said that he was getting hard again and wanted to fuck.

  “Listen, Laura, you get under me. I want you to massage my balls and eat me while I fuck Sally. But take it easy massaging my balls. I had a rough day at practice today.” So Sally and Paul went at it doggie-style while I crawled under. It looked neat to see Paul's dick sliding in and out of Sally's blond snatch.

  I told Paul to stick just the head of his prick into Sally's pussy so I could get more tongue on the situation. He liked the idea and said that it felt fine that way. When he came, I got out from under and grabbed him around the waist. His ass looked so neat. There were no bathing-suit marks to spoil his suntan. I massaged his buns until I couldn't stand it anymore. I was crazy with lust. So was Sally. But he fell asleep while she and I were trying to suck him off. He was tired. He'd had a rough day.

  The next day, I waited for him at class. He came in late, as usual. He looked at me with his if-you're-lucky-you-can-suck-me smile and winked like I've seen him do with so many other chicks. I asked if I could h
elp him after class and he told me that while he really had enjoyed my company the other night, he had already invited some “help” over to his apartment. He said that he might call me in the future if he thinks of it.—L.K., Baton Rouge, Louisiana


  I am a twenty-six-year-old Canadian reader of your magazine. I first came across Penthouse Forum about seven years ago, when I was in the middle of a very bad marriage to an abusive drunk. We never made love; he just fucked me and I never got any pleasure from it.

  I remember reading your magazine at the time, and being struck by the fact that the men and women who wrote to you told of loving, sexual experiences wherein both of the adults involved enjoyed and took pleasure from the experience. I used to fantasize about some of the letters, not so much because I was titillated by the sex, but because of the respect and love shown between the partners, even during casual encounters.

  Eventually I got out of the marriage and moved to this province. I landed the job I have now about three years ago. I am one of four secretaries in one department of a large organization in my city. It was at this office where the incident that I want to relate to you happened

  I had been on the job for only eight months. Since I had the least seniority, I ended up with the late lunch hour. I had few friends and, thanks to my husband, I did not trust men in my age group. As a consequence, I spent a lot of lonely hours in the empty lunch room.

  One of my co-workers was a man named Darryl. He was fifty-three years old, a very polite and quite man, who reminded me of a gray elf. He was not handsome, but he had a lovely smile. He started to visit me in the lunch room. His visits gradually became longer until, by the time my first year at the office was up, we were spending nearly the whole lunch hour together. I grew to love his smile, and I asked him out to dinner. On our first date, walking back to the car, I took his hand, but it was four more dates before I was able to convince him to come up to my apartment. We had been to a concert of classical music that evening and Darryl was still humming a melody from the performance when, on impulse, I took his hands and kissed him. He studied me intently for a few moments before kissing me back.


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