Thorn In My Side

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Thorn In My Side Page 15

by Sheila Quigley

  'Friggin’ hell.' Quickly he stabbed the button to replay the message, then again, four more times.

  'Etal,' he finally murmured. 'What the hell does she mean by Etal?'

  He flopped down onto the settee. Etal, Etal… 'Oh God.' He clasped his hands together to stop them shaking with excitement as a thought occurred to him. 'She’s still alive… She is still alive… Thank you, God.'

  He stared at the phone, then got up and pressed it again just to hear her voice. He listened to it again and again. Yes, she definitely said Etal.

  Sitting down again, he put his elbows on his knees and rested his chin in his hands, running the word ‘Etal’ over and over in his head. Etal what?

  It just doesn’t make sense! Why the hell hadn’t she said more on the phone? Unless she was in a hurry ‘cos someone was after her?

  Chewing his thumbnail and totally perplexed, he sank back into the cushions.

  What the hell’s going on? The frown line between his eyes grew deeper. What if it’s the nutter who murdered Alicia? What if he’s chasing Shelly?

  He took a drink of water. 'Unless…' The next moment, he sat bolt upright in the seat, spilling most of the water over his jeans. Ignoring the cold wet patch, he yelled, 'Yes. Yes. That’s got to be it. Etal Castle.' Satisfied with himself that he’d remembered the first time he’d told Shelly that he loved her, and she had told him back, was in the grounds of the ruined castle. He snapped his fingers. 'Gotta be Etal Castle.' He punched the air with his fist. 'Yes!'

  Jumping up, he ran to Evan’s bedroom door. His fist, ready to knock, hovered in the air for a moment before falling to his side. 'No,' he whispered, 'Evan’s not gonna appreciate a trip out to Etal Castle at this time of night. No way, man.'

  Turning, he went to the hall closet and picked Evan’s black leather jacket off the peg. Shrugging it on, he searched for Evan’s car keys. 'Damn it, where the hell are they?' he muttered, after searching all round the sitting room for the third time, looking under cushions, under the coffee table, even tipping the chair up. Scratching his head, he looked around again. 'For fuck’s sake!'

  Exasperated, and impatient to be away, he went into the kitchen on the off-chance they were somewhere stupid, like in the sink. He’d found his own house keys there more than once. He spotted them immediately, hanging on the key rack. Tutting, he reached for them. 'Might have bloody well known.'

  He stopped for a moment outside Evan’s door, chewing his lip. He really didn’t want to leave him, but Shelly needed him more. He had to go. He left in a hurry and headed into the street. Evan’s car, a black Audi, his pride and joy, was parked at the curb. Danny got in, started the car, and, excited that he would soon be with Shelly, headed across the bridge where Shelly had fled a night ago. He failed to see the car, nor the men sitting in it, waiting across the road. Slowly they pulled out behind him and started to follow.


  Shelly sat with her back to the ruined inner wall of the castle. She’d managed, more by luck than any planning, to catch a bus that dropped her at Etal, knowing that she would never have been able to make it on foot. Her feet were really killing her now, even though the shoes were pretty comfortable. Her feet felt damp, and she knew they were probably still bleeding. A hospital was needed, far away from here, and as soon as possible.

  She sighed, cursing herself again for having become involved. Yeah, it was a great story. Secret families running the world since God knows when. How the hell did I think I could take them on single-handed, when they had their fingers in every flaming pie imaginable?

  Who would believe me anyhow? It would just get put down as another stupid conspiracy theory, if that, seeing as they control the newspapers, and the fucking Internet. We’re all just a herd of cows to them, that’s all we’ve ever been. Nothing more than cash cows to the bastards!

  When she’d first found out about the whole business of the families, it had had a devastating effect on her. She realised now that it would probably have the same effect on everyone, everyone on the planet.

  Would it be kinder to keep what I know to myself?

  She tutted, thinking, quite a lot of people may even commit suicide if the truth ever comes out. The knowledge would be catastrophic. Suddenly finding out that we are nothing more than puppets. Used and abused by a bunch of fucking creeps.

  But should they be allowed to get away with it? Can I let them get away with it? She clenched her fists in angry frustration.

  Can I live with myself if I do?

  For fuck’s sake… They have cures for just about every illness in the world, and they just sit on them.

  Damn it, they have got away with it for centuries. My parents died, and they could have been saved… Along with how many others?

  It all boiled down to the same question. Who can I trust?

  She looked up at the crumbling walls of the old castle and sighed. She loved it here. She and Danny visited often, and after a bit of a panic attack when she got here a few hours ago, she’d even managed to grab a cup of tea and a sandwich at the Lavender Teahouse set in the village post office, before it closed for the day, without actually drawing too much attention to herself.

  Using the toilet, she’d taken her insulin, and collected enough food from the shop to see her through a small war. Now she was seriously wondering if she was going to have to spend the night here alone.

  'Where the hell is he?' she muttered, staring up at the full moon.

  She figured it was around eleven o’clock. Surely he’s got the message by now, the stupid idiot? She fumed as she wrapped her arms around herself. A chill seemed to have set in, and she was starting to feel cold. She transferred her gaze from the moon to the stars as a tiny drop of rain tickled her cheek.

  'That’s all I bloody well need,' she said to the rabbits. She could only just see them as they hopped around the well-mown grass. At the sound of her voice they froze, then slowly one by one they started to disappear.

  'Where are you?' She wanted to stamp her feet in frustration, but, knowing the pain it would bring, she kept it in check.

  Really, I should have phoned Alicia. But the last thing Shelly wanted was to get Alicia into the same sort of trouble that she was in. Alicia would have insisted on coming to help her.

  I will when I’m safe. Have to send her a warning, tell her to back off, keep away.

  Alicia didn’t know the half of it, and she sincerely wished that she didn’t either. But it's done now.

  She knew that Danny would help her, give her money so that she could go far away, if there was any place far enough away.

  She sighed, her heart feeling a loneliness she never thought possible, and a fear of equal proportions.

  A moment later her spirit lifted as the headlights of a car pierced the darkness in front of her. The remaining rabbits froze again, caught in the car's twin beams.

  It’s got to be him, she thought, jumping up. She had forgotten her earlier resolution to keep off her feet, crying out as pain shot up her legs from her injured soles. She moaned. Slowly lifting one foot at a time and carefully placing it down in front of her, she made her way to the corner of the wall.

  She peeped round, her heart somersaulting. It could be them. I know they won’t stop looking for me, not until they see me dead. She saw the car, but it was hard to tell what make it was in the dark. She figured it was black because there was no reflection coming off it. Then she recognised Evan’s number plate.

  'Yes!' She jumped from behind the wall, so excited to see Danny. She felt no pain until she was halfway to the car then, wincing, she dragged herself the rest of the way.

  The driver’s door started to open, and Shelly held her arms out. 'Danny, oh Danny.' Sobbing with relief, she reached the car.


  Danny jumped out of the car, ran to Shelly and grabbed her tightly. In a state of near-collapse, thanking God that Danny had understood the message, Shelly rested her head on his shoulder and cried. Her sobs t
ore at Danny’s heart. He found himself crying along with her.

  After a moment, he held her at arm’s length. 'What’s all this about then, Shelly? Everyone’s been worried sick, love. No one knew where you were.' Then, before she had a chance to answer, a sudden thought struck him. He gasped. Does Shelly know about Alicia?

  Thinking he was shocked by the mess she was in, she said frantically, 'I… I’m in trouble, Danny… Really bad trouble.' She put her face in her hands and sobbed. 'You’ve got to help me. Please say you’ll help me.'

  He put the thought of Alicia to the side for the moment, waiting for a better time. 'Of course I’ll help you, silly, you don’t have to ask… But what do you mean, you’re in trouble? Is that why you’ve been hiding, eh? Is someone after you?'

  Sighing, she shook her head. 'I can’t tell you. If you find out what I know, and they know that you do, they’ll come looking for you and… and… Ohh.'

  'Who will?'

  'Can’t say… But we have to get as far away as we can now. Were you… did anybody follow you?' She looked nervously over his shoulder.

  Spooked, Danny looked behind him. 'No, don’t think so.' He’d never thought to check, but why would I?

  Because of Alicia, he answered himself. Because some freaked-out headcase has murdered a wonderful person, and it’s looking more and more as if Shelly may be involved.

  'Has this got anything to do with Alicia?' he asked, frowning at her.

  Shelly hung her head for a moment, then looked up. 'Not really. Well, perhaps a little bit… Is she all right?'

  Oh dear God, what do I say? 'Er… We best get into the car, Shelly. We’ll talk inside. OK?'

  But Shelly refused to move. 'No. Tell me now, is she all right?' she demanded, panic making her voice rise with every word. 'Tell me!' Grabbing hold of his jacket, she shook it as hard as she could. 'Tell me now, Danny!' Fear stared out of her eyes as she shook him again.

  Danny sighed. He could tell by her voice that she’d guessed something was up or, rather, that she knew for certain something was up. 'Please get in the car, Shelly. I’ll tell you everything if you just get in the car.'

  'No, damn it, I want to know now! What the hell’s going on with you? I’m not stupid, Danny, you’re an open book, always have been, now friggin’ well tell me!'

  He had no choice. He knew that Shelly never did what anyone told her, even if it was for her own good.

  How to tell her?

  How to say it?


  In the end, he did it the only way he could. Taking a deep breath, he said quietly, 'Alicia’s dead, Shelly. She was murdered in our bed. I’m sorry… But no one knew if you knew about it. I thought that’s why you might have run away…. If you knew, that is. But you…'

  'What!' Shelly’s eyes widened in shock. She slumped against Danny and slid down his body, sobbing hysterically. Danny pulled her up. Half carrying and half dragging her, he managed to get her into the car and in the seat, belted her in then quickly ran round to the driver’s side.

  Slamming the door behind him, he reached over and cuddled Shelly to his chest. Her sobs were tearing at him, and tears filled his eyes. After a few minutes he lifted her face, wiped her eyes with his fingers, and said slowly, 'You’ve got to tell me what the hell’s going on, Shelly. You know I love you to bits, and I’ll help no matter what sort of trouble you’re in. But unless I know what we’re up against, I can’t help, can I?'

  'No,' she sobbed. 'Please, Danny, I can’t tell you. Because if you know what I do, then they’ll do to you what they did to Alicia. I couldn’t cope with that. I can hardly bear this. Oh God, I can’t believe it. Not Alicia.'

  'Just tell me. We’ll sort everything else out later.’

  'How did they… How was she…' Shelly gulped, then sniffed before going on. 'How… how was she murdered?'

  'I don’t know. All I know is, there was blood all over the friggin’ place. I’ve never seen so much of it.'


  'That’s all I know, right?' Danny snapped, sick of her trying to wriggle her way out of letting him know what he wanted. 'Now, for fuck’s sake, tell me what the hell’s going on.'

  She sighed, and stared out of the window for a moment, before saying, 'OK. I’ll tell you. But will you get my bag first, please? It’s behind the wall.'

  'You’ve got your bag.' Danny frowned.

  'No, no, there’s another one, a blue carrier bag. It’s got food in it, a couple of chocolate bars, other stuff.'

  'Oh Shelly, love. Sorry. Do you need something now?'

  She nodded. 'I will do shortly.' Sighing again, she leaned her head against the headrest.

  God, she looks so pale, Danny thought as he jumped out of the car. 'I’ll be right back, love.'

  He ran to the wall, looked round and spotted the bag at once. 'Got it,' he yelled, as he went to pick it up. His voice was drowned out by the car starting and the sound of spitting gravel.

  'Shit!' Danny yelled, as he appeared from behind the wall. 'Shelly, what the hell are you doing?'

  He ran after the car, but Shelly made it to the exit. Suddenly the full beams of two cars blocked the way out, lighting everything up nearly as bright as day.

  'What the...?' Danny stopped dead a moment later, as he felt what he imagined to be a gun sticking in his back.

  'Put your hands behind your neck,' a deep, guttural voice with an American twang said in his ear.

  Danny froze, though his heart was doing double-quick time, 'Is… is that a gun?'

  'What do you think, dipstick?' Danny felt the gun grind deeper into his spine. 'Hands.'

  Slowly, heart pounding, Danny put his trembling hands behind his neck.

  'Now move towards the first car.' He did as he was bid. 'Not your car, stupid.' The American dug the gun into Danny’s neck. Feeling the cold steel, Danny shook with fear. Wondering Who the hell are these people? And what on earth can Shelly have done to upset them?, he reluctantly moved on to the first car.

  Two other men got out of the second car, and between them pulled a screaming Shelly out of Evan’s car. Yelling and kicking, she fought them every inch of the way. 'Get off me you slimy bastards,' she spat, her fingers clawing at anything she made contact with. 'Get off me, now. Go on, fuck off. Danny, help!' she screamed, trying her hardest to break free. But in her weakened state, she was no match for the men.

  Danny was in no state to help himself, but struggling, he yelled, 'Leave her alone!' as one of them punched Shelly in the side of her head – only to receive the same treatment himself, from the man with the gun, a moment later.

  'Bastard,' he muttered, dying to take his hands off his neck to rub his head. 'Bastard.' he repeated. Defiantly glaring at the gunman, he took his hand down and rubbed his head.

  'Clever shit.' He raised his fist to punch Danny again. 'Put them on your head, and get in the car… Move.' The gunman shoved Danny so hard he nearly fell. Recovering his balance, Danny got in the car and watched, fists clenched, Shelly being pushed into the other car. The man with the gun jumped in beside him. He waved the gun in Danny’s face. 'One word, one fucking word and you won’t see past midnight. Got it?'

  Staring at the man in horror, Danny nodded. Just what the hell has Shelly got herself into? Are these men the reason Alicia is dead?



  Danny stared out of the car window, his heart hammering. Although it was dark, he guessed it was probably about two or maybe three in the morning. But he didn’t have a clue as to where they were heading, north, south, east or west. The fact that they hadn’t blindfolded him was also more than worrying, his imagination running riot. He guessed that if he saw them, it meant that they weren’t bothered, because he wasn’t coming back.

  Oh Shelly, what the fuck is all this about?

  There were three men in the car with him. Big buggers, an’ all, Danny thought, looking at the one by his side. He was staring straight ahead, as if it were a foregone conclusion t
hat Danny would behave himself.

  OK. So what would Evan do?

  We have three heavies. He was staring at the bull neck of the one in front. Good God, a bloody mell hammer wouldn’t take that fat sod down.

  What would Evan do? Danny sighed, getting a threatening look from the man at his side.

  Fuck you, an’ all, Danny thought, turning back to look at Bull Neck.

  Really, the question should be, what the fuck could anybody do?Goosed, that’s what we are!

  The car started to slow down, and Danny cocked his head to the side to look over the driver’s head. The man beside him snorted as they stopped outside of a pair of heavy wrought-iron gates, as much as to say, Look all you want – you ain’t coming back out.

  Danny curled his lip at him, and the man snorted again.

  The men in the front turned to look at them. 'Right cocky little twat we’ve got here, guys,' the man beside him said. The other two shrugged, showing complete uninterest as the gates started to open.

  Slowly the car drove up a long, gravelled drive. Halfway there, Danny turned to the man at his side, and was about to open his mouth when the man drew his finger across his throat. 'Keep it shut.'

  That did it. 'You fucking well keep it shut!' Danny yelled in the man’s face, as he brought his head back and nutted him. The sound of the man’s nose snapping was loud in the confines of the car.

  He soon found out what a major mistake that had been. A moment later, he was dragged from the car and repeatedly kicked and punched by the three of them. The man with the broken nose seemed determined to kick him to death.

  Danny thought he could hear Shelly screaming, as he rolled into a ball to protect himself. Soon, as blow after vicious blow rained down on him, everything started to go dim. A final kick behind his ear dripped more blood onto the gravel and sent him spiralling helplessly into the dark.


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