Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 6

by Talia Carmichael

  Miguel smiled at the mischievous look on his face. The professor was full of surprises.

  “Not yet, Prof, but I will be. And so will you.”

  “Come and get it.” Robert blushed, then winked.

  Miguel whooped and ran to him. Robert squeaked and ran. Miguel chased him, but slowed and waited until he was close enough to the bed. Then he tackled Robert and cushioned him as they fell on the bed. Robert laughed. Miguel’s heart filled as he watched the laughing man beneath him. He would try to give him time to decide if he wanted to move in with him. Miguel kissed Robert, then stripped him out of his robe and shrugged off his own. Then he made love to this man, fully realizing he was falling in love with him.

  Be patient, Miguel. He wondered how patient he would have to be.

  MIGUEL ABSENTLY ran his fingers down Robert’s arm. Robert made a noise, then snuggled in, continuing to watch the show on TV. Miguel had no clue what it was about. Some science documentary or other. He tightened his arms around Robert, just glad to be with him. He glanced at Robert. His attention was fixed on the show. He bit his tongue in an effort not to ask what he wanted to know.

  It’s only been a few days. Be patient. Miguel shifted.

  Robert glanced up at him. He kissed the underside of Miguel’s jaw softly, then went back to watching the show. Miguel continued to watch him. Robert hadn’t mentioned moving in at all. Miguel assumed he was still thinking about it. He wanted him to decide and move in.

  He could say no. Miguel refused to believe Robert would turn him down. They were good together. In the weeks they’d spent together, he had gotten to know Robert and found his first impression of him to be proven true. He was a smart, good, and intense man. His wicked sense of humor was a surprise. In the last few days, he’d discovered that Robert was also a focused lover with a devilish side in bed. His cock hardened as he imagined all they had done. Miguel stroked his hands down Robert’s arms. Robert shivered against him. Miguel made a soft sound.

  This feels so right. Miguel kissed the top of his head. Robert leaned deeper against Miguel. Then he sat up and groaned. “Is that the time? Crap, I’m going to be late.”

  Miguel checked the time. Robert got up and put on his shoes. He leaned over and took Miguel’s face in his hands, kissing him thoroughly. Miguel growled and hugged him. Robert withdrew and chuckled.

  “I’ve got to go. Bernie is waiting for me.”

  “When am I going to meet this wonderful, competent assistant?” Miguel asked.

  “Soon. I’ll be back about seven. What’s for dinner?” Robert asked as he gathered his briefcase.

  “Who says I’m feeding you?”

  Robert stopped, then grinned. “Feed me, Officer.”

  A wicked twinkle was in his blue eyes. Miguel stood, heading for him. Robert laughed, backing away.

  “Uh-uh. I’ve got to go. See you later,” he said as he headed to the door.

  Miguel followed him, leaning against the wall close to the door.

  “I’ll cook something for dinner.”

  Robert glanced at him. “You can cook?”

  “Yes. Very well too. Mami taught us all to cook. She made sure we knew how to make the family recipes. Don’t tell him I said this, but Tomas is the best cook of us all. ” Miguel studied Robert. “Maybe I should let you cook for us instead.”

  “If it’s in a can, and I can heat it up, fine.” Robert laughed.

  “You can’t cook?” Miguel smiled.

  Robert glared. “Hush, you. I can heat up. That’s cooking.”

  Miguel snorted. “Yeah, it is. The lazy way.”

  Robert rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “I’m gonna do real cooking. I’ll make empanadas for dinner,” Miguel replied.

  Robert stopped, then walked over to him, kissing him thoroughly. Miguel locked his knees to keep upright. Robert stepped away, going back to the door.

  “What was that for?” Miguel asked hoarsely.

  “I love empanadas. Chicken, preferably.” Robert gave him a pleading look.

  “Kiss me like that and I’ll make you as many chicken empanadas you can eat.”

  “Later.” Robert winked.

  Miguel chuckled as Robert opened the door and left. He stopped smiling and walked to the kitchen. He pulled out the ingredients for the empanadas. He put the chicken in sink to defrost. Leaving it, he went back to the living room. He sat, then got up and paced. The indecision surrounding Robert moving in was bothering him. Glancing at the clock, he realized he had hours before Robert returned. Heading back to the kitchen, he put the chicken in the fridge, closing the door. Then he grabbed his keys and headed out.

  In moments he was in his SUV. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into a driveway. In quick movements, he shut off the engine, got out, and walked up to the front door. He absently glanced at flowers lining the stone walkway. Standing before the door with the stained-glass inserts, Miguel wondered if he should have come.

  This indecision was not like him. Robert had him addled. Shaking it off, he rang the bell. A sultry voice crooned “Miss me, baby? Get used to it. You’ve done me wrong.” Over and over again. The door opened. Miguel laughed at the sheepish smile on the face of the man who stood there.

  “What’d you do to piss Simon off?”

  “None of your business. What’re you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be snuggled up with your man?” Hector sneered.

  “Someone’s in a pissy mood.”

  “Dude. Pissy? Really?” Hector looked at him like he was crazy.

  Miguel smiled sheepishly. “It’s one of Robert’s words.”

  “It sounds more like him or Simon. But not you. Don’t ever let me hear you say it again. Please.” Hector shook his head.

  He stepped back and let him in. Miguel went inside.

  “Where is Simon?”

  “He’s on a photo shoot,” Hector answered, leading the way to the kitchen.

  Following him, Miguel sniffed. “You’re making roast chicken with paella. And I bet there is Arroz con Leche for dessert.”

  “What are you, Super Nose now?” Hector went to the stove.

  “All of Simon’s favorites. It’s your ‘get me out of the dog house’ meal.” Miguel sat at the island in the center of the room.

  Hector ignored him and seasoned the meat. He turned down the stove on the Arroz con Leche—rice pudding. He got them each a beer and came to the island. He put one in front of Miguel and sat facing him. Miguel took a drink and put the bottle down, saying nothing.

  Hector glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you here?”

  “What did you do?”

  “Why do you believe I’m the one who did something?”

  “Because you’re the one cooking Simon’s favorites instead of him cooking yours.”

  “He makes a mean lasagna.” Hector grinned.

  Miguel said nothing, waiting him out. Hector sighed, and then mumbled. Miguel didn’t catch what he said.


  “He asked me to take his car into Hannigan’s for a tune up.”

  Miguel waited for the rest, since that couldn’t be all.

  Hector sighed. “I might have suggested he should put it out of its misery.”

  Miguel winced. “You didn’t. He loves that car. Did you lose your mind?”

  “It’s a clunker. A disgrace. He needs to let it go. I told him I was concerned about him getting stuck somewhere if it gave out.” Hector looked at Miguel miserably.

  Miguel shook his head. Simon loved his old car. It ran very well, even though it looked like an old clunker that should be in a museum somewhere. A junk museum. He knew Hannigan was the reason. The man was a master with cars. He took keeping Simon’s car running as his personal project, if for no other reason than to irritate Hector. Hannigan and Hector liked to snipe at each other. Miguel looked at the food on the stove, then back at Hector.

  “This is so not getting you out of trouble.”

  “Shut up, peanut galler
y,” Hector grunted.

  “You need some bling,” he said.

  “I can’t bribe Simon with jewelry. At least, not this time,” Hector grumped.

  “Not for Simon,” Miguel countered

  “Huh? What are you talking about?” Hector growled.

  “For the car. Get him some bling for the car. A ‘make nice gift’,” Miguel suggested.

  “Come on. For the car? It’s a car.”

  “It’s not for the car, but to give to Simon for the car. It could win you major ‘forgive me points’.”

  “You know, that might work.” Hector stared at him, chewing on his lip thoughtfully.

  He grinned, then slapped his hand on the counter. “You are a genius. A ‘make nice gift’ for that old clunker. Simon will eat it up.”

  “Don’t call it ‘old clunker’.”

  Hector snorted. “Please. Simon would wonder what was wrong with me. He’s used to me calling it that.”

  Hector got up and went back to the stove. He stirred his pots.

  “Now that you’ve butted into my business, what’s up with you?”

  Miguel picked the label off the beer. Hector came back and sat across from him. He drank his beer, waiting.

  “I asked him to move in,” he admitted.

  “What did he say?” Hector inquired.

  “He’s thinking about it.” Miguel sat back in the chair.

  “That’s good,” Hector replied.

  “What? Why?” Miguel glared at him.

  Hector smiled. “You sound like me when I found Simon. I asked him to move in a week after knowing him.”

  “Which he did. And you’re still together. “

  “Well, we both knew it was right. Plus, I’m a sexy hunk of manhood, as Simon likes to say.” Hector winked.

  “TMI,” Miguel groused.

  Hector laughed, then sobered. “Seriously. Up until a few days ago, Robert didn’t even know you were gay, much less that you were interested in him. Hell, you’re practically living together already. He’s spending every night there.” Hector’s eyes narrowed. “When did you ask him to move in?”

  “The first night we were together.” Miguel shrugged.

  “Miguel! He probably thinks it was the sex talking, you doofus.”

  “Pot. Kettle. Black.” He studied Hector. “You should talk. You did the same with Simon.”

  “Back to that sexy manhood thing.” Hector grinned lasciviously.

  “Stop before I vomit,” Miguel groaned.

  Hector laughed.

  “It wasn’t about the sex. I want to be with him, and for us to build something together,” Miguel said quietly.

  “I know. Now you need to convince him of that.” Hector raised his bottle, taking another drink, then pointing it at Miguel. “This time, before the nakedness occurs.”

  Miguel nodded. They were silent for a bit.

  “So what about some rims for Simon’s car? The clunker would get a nice look with them. I’m sure Hannigan has some that would work, or he’ll know where to get some.”

  “That might do it.”

  “The food is ready for later. Come with me to help me pick them out.”

  “Referee, you mean.”

  “That too,” Hector said, standing.

  “Fine, but if he pulls out the power wash, you’re on your own.” Miguel chuckled.

  “You wuss,” Hector teased. “Shit! Hannigan is out of town. Let’s go by the garage anyway and at least see if they have anything on hand.”

  He turned off the burners on the food. He grabbed his keys and wallet, and they walked to the door.

  Later, as Miguel put the finishing touches on the meal he had prepared, the doorbell rang. He went to get it. Opening the door, he pulled Robert into his arms and kissed him.

  Chapter Four

  ROBERT WRAPPED his arms around him. Smiling, he pulled back, and Robert blinked, opening his bright blue eyes.

  “Wow. What a greeting,” he purred.

  “Come on, querido. Let’s eat,” Miguel said.

  He led him into the kitchen to the breakfast nook by the window. Robert gasped. Miguel smiled, pleased with his hard work. There were two steaming plates of empanadas. In the center of the table was a vase filled with red, white, and peach roses. He had dressed up the table with matching plates and napkins. His Mami had taught him well. The look on Robert’s face was worth all the work.

  “Before we eat, I have something I need to say,” Miguel stated.

  Robert gave him his attention.

  Miguel cleared his throat before he spoke. “The last time I asked you this, I should have waited and done it this way, so you could know I was serious.” He took Robert’s hand in his. “I’m not real good with words. I tend to be aggressive, demanding, and not say everything I might mean when I want something.” He paused to get his thoughts together before continuing. “I want you to move in with me. For us to build something together. I’ve gotten to know you these last few weeks, and I want you. I want you to be with me, get those tests so we can make love bare. Just be together as a couple. We can learn whatever more we need to know by being together.”

  Robert stared at Miguel, then opened his mouth. Miguel put his finger on his lips, stilling his words.

  “No. You don’t need to answer now. Take the time you need to decide. I just wanted to let you know what I feel. Now let’s eat.”

  He guided Robert to the table and waited until he sat. Silent, he sat across from him. He put some of the empanadas on Robert’s plate.

  “Delicious,” Robert moaned as he took a bite.

  Miguel smiled, then leaned over and kissed him. The seasoning and chicken flavored their kiss. He sat back.

  “Eat up. There is dessert too.”

  They ate in a comfortable silence. Then Miguel served the dessert.

  Robert glanced at his plate. “Another empanada?”

  “Taste it.”

  He took a bite and his eyes widened. “Apple? I didn’t know you could make dessert empanadas. Oh man. I might have another favorite.”

  “Eat up, querido. I have plans for you.”

  “Good ones, I hope.” Robert ran a finger down Miguel’s hand.

  Miguel gave him a look. Robert put down the food. Miguel stood and put out his hand. Robert put his inside Miguel’s, and Miguel pulled him up. Holding his hand, Miguel led Robert out of the kitchen, down the hall, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. Slowing, he lowered the lights, then went to the bed. He undressed Robert, then himself. He laid him on the bed, then covered him with his body. Robert watched Miguel with those sexy blue eyes.

  “I’m gonna taste you all over.” Miguel leaned over and kissed him.

  The taste that was distinctly Robert mixed with the food they had consumed filled his mouth. He rolled his hips, rubbing his cock against Robert’s. He leaned back and watched Robert. Lines of pleasure etched his face, and he panted. There was a slight flush on his skin.

  “Come on, Miguel. Don’t tease. I want you,” Robert whimpered.

  He took the lube and condom from under the pillow. He put on the condom and squeezed out some lube. He sank one lubed finger into Robert’s hole. Robert undulated around his finger. Miguel growled. He quickly stretched him, then positioned himself against Robert’s crease. He put his hand next to Robert’s shoulder, bracing himself as he pushed into him. Robert clenched, then relaxed around his cock, letting him in. Miguel moaned at the tight clutch of Robert’s grasping canal. Robert shifted his hips, taking more of him in.

  Miguel thrust deep. Lowering his eyes, he watched Robert’s face as he thrust into him. He knew his look was fierce, but in contrast, his thrust was lazy. Miguel twisted his hips. Robert’s voice rose in a canopy of sound. He put his hands on Miguel’s shoulders, gripping them as Miguel moved in and out. His warmth clenched Miguel’s cock greedily. Miguel looked into Robert’s eyes. His breath caught at the tenderness in his gaze. Miguel smiled and pumped his hips, lazy and slow. Raising Robert’s legs aro
und him, Miguel slipped deeper into his wet heat. Robert gasped, then groaned at the feeling.

  Robert leaned forward, and Miguel lowered his head to meet him. They kissed hungrily.

  “Fuck me, amante. Fuck me harder,” Robert whispered against Miguel’s lips.

  At the sound of “lover” on his lips Miguel leaned back on his knees, then held Robert’s hips and increased his thrusts. He stroked in and out in fast movements. Robert bowed up, and his head went back.

  “Más duro, mi amante.”

  Harder, my lover. Miguel was only too glad to oblige. He pounded into him, Robert’s slick heat sliding on his cock. Robert’s hands wrapped around his own cock, and he started jerking in time with Miguel’s thrusts. Miguel moaned at the view.

  “So fucking sexy. Muy caliente. Pull it harder, honey,” Miguel grunted as he plowed into Robert.

  “Yes,” Robert moaned.

  Miguel met his gaze and leaned up until their lips almost touched.

  “I can’t wait for our tests to get back so you can fuck me bare,” Robert grunted.

  Then Robert kissed him, a carnal clash of tongues. Miguel roared and came. Robert’s moan vibrated in his mouth. Wet heat splashed on his stomach as Robert’s cum coated him. Purring, Miguel collapsed onto his lover. Robert’s fingers petted Miguel’s hair while his legs tightened around him, cradling him. Mustering up some energy, Miguel lifted his head, searching for Robert’s lips. Their kiss was slow and wanton.

  “I’m still gonna lick and taste you all over,” he mumbled, burrowing his head against Robert’s chest.

  “Sure, mi amante. Rest and we’ll do it again,” Robert said.

  His fingers stroking his hair lulled Miguel to sleep.

  MIGUEL STIFLED a chuckle. He could feel Robert looking. After last night, and then this morning, he was in a great mood. He had fed Robert breakfast, then offered to drive him to work and pick him up later to take him to his place. Since he hadn’t driven him in before, Robert sputtered a little on what to say. The baffled pleasure on Robert’s face was his answer, and funny—although Miguel knew better than to laugh. Pulling into the parking lot, he followed Robert’s directions to the area closest to his office. Finding a spot, he pulled in and turned off the car.


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