Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 33

by Talia Carmichael

  “Ramirez,” Nicolas said.

  He glanced up at Nicolas. Gerald groaned as he spotted the man who was with him.

  “Why did you bring him?” Gerald asked.

  “Now, Gerald, you’re the one who called and interrupted our night out.” Alex Hayes’s grin was devilish.

  “You two are dating? Christ, I’ve really missed a lot,” Gerald said.

  “No, we’re not. We’re friends. And I was enjoying my day off with Alex. We were just finishing dinner when I got your frantic call. We were on our way to a movie. What is this burning need to visit a gay bar?” Nicolas demanded.

  Nicolas was a trauma doctor. Gerald knew he put in long hours at the emergency room. Gerald glanced back and forth between the two men and didn’t have a clue what to say.

  Chapter Three

  GERALD OPENED his mouth, then closed it.

  “Let’s just go inside,” Alex said.

  Gerald was surprised and grateful for his rescue. Nicolas didn’t budge. Alex leaned by his ear and said something too low for Gerald to hear. Then they looked at him.

  “Okay. We’ll go in,” Nicolas replied.

  He let them go first, then followed. At the door, Gerald took a deep breath. He was about to enter a gay bar with the intention of seeing if he was attracted to men. He wondered if he was asleep and having a really wiggy dream. Gerald stepped in the door that Alex held. The music and people inside weren’t what he expected. He followed Nicolas and Alex as they made their way deeper into the bar. The men paused to chat with a few people, introducing him, then continued on. They found a booth and slid in. Gerald sat opposite them. He continued to look around. The décor was understated, sort of a mix between elegant and comfortable. There were men laughing and chatting. He noted some were touching, even spotted a few kissing here and there. Off to the right, a distance away, was a dance floor. Men were dancing to the sensual music, their bodies close together. It didn’t seem any different than most bars he had been in, just the gender was different. Gerald focused back on Nicolas and Alex. They were watching him.

  Gerald grasped on the first thing he could think of to say. “Can you believe Alejandro is engaged? I didn’t even know he was seriously dating someone.”

  “He did mention it, but since you’ve not been coming to the poker games or to hang out much, maybe you missed when he told us. Julia, his fiancée, is a perfect match for him. She fits right in.” Nicolas studied Gerald.

  Gerald spoke to Alex. “How’s the transferring of your clients in your old hometown in Rhode Island to someone else going? Once you are finished, that’ll be fewer trips there. And what is this about you taking on a partner for your increased business here?”

  Alex blinked, then replied, “Yeah, the traveling is getting to me. I wasn’t only going there for my clients, though, so I’ll still be going. And I did take on a partner. We’re setting up offices in the same building where Hector has his law firm.”

  The waitress came, interrupting them. They gave her their order. Once she left, the men still watched Gerald. He blurted out another topic.

  “At least your house is finally done.”

  “Ummm… yeah. It took me longer, since I was traveling so much. My gym turned out very nicely. The Berkus brothers and I had a very vigorous session of kickboxing.”

  Gerald thought about Harper mentioning what Bur had taught him.

  “I box, but never tried kickboxing. Maybe I can come by and watch you all sometime.”

  “Sure,” Alex said slowly.

  “Have you started working on your car yet?”

  Alex blew out a breath, then said, “Nope. Planning to soon.”

  “You better call Maestro.”

  “Enough with this Maestro. I don’t need help with rebuilding my ’70 Hemi Clone. And I think he must be imaginary, since I’ve never actually met this genius of mechanics.”

  “You’ve never met him. I know he’s been busy with his shop, but he’s hosted and been at poker games. More of them than I have,” Nicolas said.

  “It must be when I’ve not attended. I’ve never been to one at his house. I’m usually out of town when one happens to be there. I don’t know why I haven’t run into him.” Alex shrugged.

  “It’s stranger that you all keep missing each other. But you have seen him,” Gerald interjected.

  “Really? When? I don’t remember it.”

  “At Karl’s funeral. He led the tribute to Harper.”

  “The lead motorcyclist? I saw him, but was he at the wake?”

  “No, he had to fly back to Italy for a race. He was helping a race car company with their cars.”

  “Hmmm… so he’s a supposed international mechanical genius.”

  “Call him. You’ll regret it if you don’t and fuck up the car and he finds out,” Nicolas said.

  “I don’t need his help.” Alex got a stubborn look on his face.

  “You do. Call Maestro,” Gerald added.

  The waitress brought their drinks. Gerald raised his beer and again studied the men in the bar. None peaked his interest. He lowered his drink to the table, meeting the gazes of his companions.

  “This isn’t what I expected.”

  “What, you expected everyone to be naked and in a wild orgy? That happens on Tuesdays.” Alex smirked.

  Gerald laughed. “Okay. I get it. It’s just a bar.”

  “With men picking up men. We could have taken you to a different place if you wanted. But we weren’t sure if the case you’re on calls for it,” Nicolas said.

  Gerald glanced between him and Alex, then said, “Alex, what did you mean about going to Rhode Island for other reasons than business?”

  “I’m looking for a friend who I’ve lost touch with,” Alex replied.


  “Let’s cut the bullshit, Ramirez. You’re not here on a case. All I want to know is if you’re here because of Harper,” Alex said.

  “What? Why? No. I’m not here because of him.”

  Alex and Nicolas exchanged glances, then focused back on him.

  “I’ve been where you are, Ramirez. Trying to sacrifice for someone. Even asked them to marry me,” Alex said.

  “You asked a man to marry you?”

  Alex was flirtatious, and Gerald didn’t think he would even think of settling down.

  “A woman.”

  “But, aren’t you gay? Wait. You’re bi, then?” Gerald asked.

  “You had it right the first time. I’m gay, but I asked her to marry me.”

  “But why?” Gerald waited for him to answer.

  Alex picked at the label on his beer, then replied, “I won’t go into detail, but about four years ago, we met at the worst time in both of our lives. We should have hated each other, but instead bonded and became the best of friends. She and her son—”

  “She had a child too?”

  “Yes. He’s the smartest fourteen year old… wait, he turned fifteen last August. He’s very smart, and had started taking after me. When I decided to move here, I asked her to marry me and move with me to Mapson. Being the smart lady she is, she refused. We would have made each other miserable. I’m gay.”

  “Then why did you ask her?”

  “I felt I owed it to her.” Alex looked sad, and then the expression cleared and he said, “But she made me see I didn’t, that I deserved to find happiness with someone who I could actually be attracted to. Obligation is a bad reason to get involved with someone.” Alex’s look was pointed.

  Gerald knew what he was referring to. In the last few weeks, with all the thinking he’d been doing, he’d already come to the conclusion it was foolish for him to want to take Karl’s place by Harper’s side. He wasn’t about to go into it with Alex and Nicolas though. He needed to break the news to Harper first.

  “You’ve never mentioned this woman before.”

  “She’s the reason I go to Rhode Island. Right after I moved here, she started acting really strange, and then about eight months ago,
we lost touch. I went to her address, and she was gone, and I can’t find any trace of her. I’ve even hired investigators, and nothing. It’s like she vanished. The police in Rhode Island took a report, but called me a few days after I filed to tell me she was fine. They didn’t let me ask any questions. When I went back to Rhode Island again, I went back to the police. They made me wait hours, and then some man came and threatened me that if I filed a report, they would arrest me for filing a false police report. It’s as if no one cares that she’s gone.”

  “Alex, you should have told me,” Nicolas said.

  “There’s nothing you could do.”

  “I can’t, but I can ask one of my cousins to check into it.”

  “Why would they be able to do anything?”

  “Wait. I forget, you haven’t met any of them yet. There are a few of our family in the FBI. Even some in various other law enforcement agencies.”

  “Oh. Do they work in Mapson?”

  “Yep. But they don’t make the games often. Just like me. I’ll ask them,” Nicolas said.

  “Thanks. I’ll give you info on her later.” Alex reached over and covered Gerald’s hand with his. “Tell me you’re not going to do anything idiotic?”

  Gerald couldn’t tell him that, since he didn’t know what he was going to do about Bur. Listening to Alex, it had dawned on him that he really had to face him. Gerald observed Alex’s handsome angular features. When Alex smiled, dimples bracketed his lips. His auburn hair of unruly curls framed his face, emphasizing his pale gray eyes. Gerald then studied Nicolas. He had similar looks to all Rodriguez men—the sharp cheekbones, full nose, and hard, dimpled jaw came together to make him very handsome. His inky-black hair, as usual, was away from his face in a band at the base of his neck. Dark, smoky-brown eyes studied him curiously.

  “Why am I not attracted to either of you?” Gerald looked between the two men.

  “You couldn’t handle me,” Alex quipped.

  “Seriously. What makes someone know they are attracted to men?” Gerald asked.

  Alex and Nicolas again exchanged glances. Alex tightened his fingers over Gerald’s hand.

  “For Christ sakes, Gerald, you don’t need to fall on your sword and be Harper’s man,” Alex said.

  “It’s not Harper,” he said firmly.

  “Then who?” Nicolas asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. Answer my question.”

  “What makes someone know they are attracted to women? It’s the same thing,” Alex replied.

  “Are you feeling that way?” Nicolas asked cautiously.

  “I’m not sure,” Gerald admitted.

  They stared, and then Alex patted his hand before picking up his beer. Gerald watched him swallow. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Alex, you’re a sexy man—”

  Alex choked on his beer. Nicolas patted him on his back, laughing.

  “And Nicolas, your eyes are so compelling.”

  Nicolas stopped patting Alex and watched Gerald, eyes narrowed. “Don’t make me take a scalpel to your balls.”

  Gerald winced and covered them. “Let me finish.”

  “Be quick about it.”

  “But I’m really not attracted to either of you.”

  “I can breathe so much easier now,” Alex said dryly.

  “I know you’re devastated by your loss. After all, I’m a great catch. Check out my fine face.” Gerald smirked.

  “I’d rather not lose my dinner,” Alex bantered back.

  They started to trade barbs. Gerald drank, laughed, and had fun with the two men. Much later, they left, and he headed home. At least spending time with the men let him know what he had to do.

  EARLY THE next morning, Gerald walked up to the kitchen entrance of Harper’s. He stopped at the closed door, then turned and went left on the wraparound porch. He peeked in the windows of the family room. Seeing Harper was alone, he knocked on the window. The book Harper held flew in the air, and he jumped up, looking around. Gerald laughed and waved at him through the glass. Harper came to the door. Gerald moved toward it.

  “You’re trying to give me a heart attack,” Harper said.

  “No, just need to speak with you.” He gestured with his head.

  Harper looked curious. Gerald led the way to the table and chairs. He sat, and Harper sat in the chair facing him.

  “Harper, I’ve been thinking that you need someone to love you like Karl did. An—”

  “Oh, for the love of God, Gerald. Don’t do this. I don’t want you to take Karl’s place. I know sometimes, after a cop dies, there are fellow police friends or partners that get close to the spouse. And they bond in grief. Even might fall in love with each other. Gerald, I love you, but not in a sexual way,” Harper said.

  Gerald sat back and laughed, long and loud. When Harper called him Gerald, he knew he was either angry or really worried. In this case, he could figure which. Harper looked confused. Gerald tried to control his laughter as he spoke.

  “It took me awhile to get what everyone had been subtly saying, and some had been trying to hit me over the head with it. I did some thinking during these last two weeks. Except up until last night, I was thinking I would have to break your heart, because I didn’t want you in a sexual way.” Gerald chuckled, then spoke again. “But then I had an epiphany that woke me out of my sleep. Harper, you and I are only friends. That’s all you feel for me. So I didn’t need you to tell me that.”

  “Then why are you saying I need someone to love?” Harper asked.

  “Because I know you. And Karl. He would want you to eventually find someone to live the rest of your life with. I know eventually you’ll find someone.”

  “I won’t find anyone like Karl again,” Harper whispered.

  “Probably not. He was one of a kind.”

  “He was,” Harper said.

  “You have a great capacity for love, Harper, and that’s what drew Karl to you. Someday, you’ll find someone to share your heart with again. I think you needed to hear that.” Gerald patted his hand and stood.

  “You’re wrong, Gerald. I had my once in a lifetime love. And I’m good with having had that,” Harper said.

  Gerald opened his mouth to pursue it, but let it go, seeing the set expression and crossed arms. He headed into the house. Gerald strolled down the hall and to the other man he needed to see.

  BUR GRABBED the teapot and lifted, then poured. The loose leaves filled the tea strainer as the tea filled his cup. He inhaled the fragrant tea. When the cup was filled, he put the teapot on a cozy. He spooned some sugar into his cup, then took it to the table. He sat in what had become his seat. Sipping the hot brew, he rolled his shoulders. He stiffened instinctively, knowing Gerald was behind him. It was as if he had radar when it came to Gerald. He knew when he entered a room.

  “Ramirez, want a cup of tea?” he asked.

  Bur heard Gerald’s steps as he came toward him. Then Gerald pulled out a chair and sat beside him. Bur raised his head, watching him cautiously. Gerald had an expression he didn’t recognize.

  “You always call me Gerald.”

  He did, but after his stupidity, Bur had decided it was best for some distance. Starting with calling him Ramirez, as everyone else did.

  “Ramirez is what you’re known by.” He lifted his cup to his lips.

  “I like when you call me Gerald. And if we’re dating, I want you to call me by my name,” Gerald said.

  Bur was thankful he hadn’t taken a sip yet, because he would have choked. Maybe that was it. He’d choked on his tea and was waiting for someone to save him. Yep, that was it; he was passed out on the floor unconscious. That or having a really realistic dream. Bur reached over and pinched Gerald.

  “Ow! What the hell was that for?” Gerald rubbed his arm.

  “To see if I had choked on my tea or was dreaming. Otherwise, I’m delusional, because I could swear you just mentioned ‘dating’ and ‘us’ in the same sentence, which isn’t at all possible. So one of us ne
eds to be in the loony bin. And I don’t do well in confined places.” Bur lifted his cup again.

  Gerald took it from him, replaced it on the table. “Usually, you pinch yourself, not others.”

  “Why would you do a stupid thing like that? It’s more fun to pinch someone else,” Bur retorted.

  Gerald continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “You didn’t choke on your tea, and you’re not crazy. So give me your answer.”

  Bur frowned, confused. “What was the question?”

  “Dating. You and I dating.” Gerald said it slowly.

  “You do know speaking to me as if I’m an idiot really isn’t the way to ask a man out.”

  “And still no answer.”

  “When you ask me a valid question, I will respond,” Bur said.

  Gerald rubbed his forehead, then muttered, “I figured it would be easier to ask a man out. Hell, it’s worse than asking a woman.” He glared at Bur. “Will you, Wilbur, go out with me?”

  “Yep, loony as a jaybird in a willow tree. Asking me out and calling me Wilbur, which I hate being called. And he was so young too.” Bur made a tsking sound, shaking his head.

  “Dammit, Bur. Answer the damn question.” Gerald made a growling noise.

  “But… but you’re straight.” Bur wiggled his eyebrows. “Did you get the movie reference?”

  “I did. Lethal Weapon.”

  “Hmmm… I can’t remember which one.”

  “We’ll watch it sometime. Maybe cuddle on the couch. Wait. Do gay men cuddle?” Gerald asked.

  “You are really trying my patience, Gerald. Let’s get to the ha-ha part, so I can get back to my tea.” Bur gestured to his cooling cup of tea.


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