Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 37

by Talia Carmichael

  “Isn’t that what we are?” Bur frowned, confusion plain on his face.

  “Partially, but you introduced me as Gerald, your friend, and not your date.”

  “But we’re on a date.”

  “I’m glad you realize that.”

  Bur crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not sure what the problem here is, Gerald.”

  “If you were on a date with another man, one who you were interested in being with, how would you have introduced him?” Gerald said.

  Bur lowered his arms and whispered, “My date. But Gerald, up until a few weeks ago, we couldn’t be in the same room as each other without you being a surly asshole. Until a few days ago, you’ve never been interested in, much less dated, a man. Now that changed, but I can’t just flip a switch like you seem to have done. What did you want me to do, Gerald?”

  “I didn’t flip a switch. I thought about it. I—”

  “That is what you said. Harper and Bernie said it too. But I still don’t get how thinking can just change a lifetime of you liking women. Think about it, and now, poof, you’re gay. It doesn’t work that way,” Bur said.

  “True. But I’m not gay. And I don’t even fit into the bi category, either. I’m not attracted to other men. It’s only you, Bur. You flip my switch, and I’m here, willing to see why. Find out why, as you said, after a lifetime of liking women, I’m attracted to you,” Gerald stated.

  Bur stared, and then his lips twitched. “Flip your switch. You say such funny things.”

  “Be serious.”

  Bur moved until he sat beside him. “I am. Your humor is what made me curious about you. Then your gentleness under that surly attitude drew me in. Now, can we stop being sappy and get on with our date?”

  “Sappy works sometimes. But on you. No. Please don’t do it again. I’m scared.” Gerald shivered exaggeratingly.

  Bur laughed and leaned against his side. Gerald put his arm over his shoulder.

  “How do you know the only male you’re attracted to is me?”

  “The hostess who seated us was sexy.” Gerald was not about to admit his trip to the bar to find out.

  “If you want, you can get her number,” Bur said.

  “Bur,” he said warningly.

  “What? You could. But you’d have to wait until after we stop dating to call her. I don’t share. If I catch you dating or with anyone but me, I will kick in your head.” Bur bared his teeth.

  “Your violent tendencies turn me on.” Gerald hugged him closer.

  “I’m not violent.”

  “Let’s recap. You’ve threatened to kick in my kneecaps, now my head. Yeah. You’re not violent.”

  “I talk about it. Although it would probably feel good, I wouldn’t actually do it,” Bur replied.

  “That’s good to know, because I would hate to have to arrest you for assault,” Gerald said.

  “Nope. You wouldn’t arrest me. You’re too attracted to me for that.” Bur blinked and widened his eyes.

  “See? Now you’re getting it.” Gerald laughed.

  “I’m a slow learner.”

  “Says the man who, from what you and the others say, is a genius.”

  “True. But in being with someone, I’m not,” Bur admitted.

  “Then we’ll learn together. I’ve only been in one serious relationship.”

  “A relationship? This is our first date.”

  Gerald smiled patiently. “Of hopefully many, while we figure out if we even like each other. But Bur, I don’t think that will be a problem. I think you should get used to me being around for a long while.”

  “Slow down. Let’s have a few dates first before you say things like that,” Bur retorted.

  “That sounds weird, coming from you.”

  “Well, if you knew me better, you’d know it isn’t. I can be full steam ahead, but when it comes to something that’s really important to me, I take my time,” Bur stated.

  “I can take time.” Gerald was pleased about him thinking they were important.

  “Good. Then, Gerald, what are some of the things you like to do with your free time?”

  “Museums and art shows. I love going to them. When I was a kid, my mom took me all the time, saying she wanted to give me a little culture to temper me out. Even when I was small, I was outspoken, which is my mom’s fault. I take after her. At first, going to the shows felt like a punishment, but then I really started to like it. We go all the time to the museum and art shows.”

  Bur looked surprised. “I wouldn’t have thought you would like that. I do too. Whenever we toured, I would make sure I visited the museums in the countries we were in. Check out galleries. I have a few pieces that are fabulous. I’ll have to show you my collection sometime. You talk about your mom fondly. Are you close to her?”

  Gerald wondered at the way Bur worded it, but answered, “She’s a great lady. We’re close. My dad died when I was a baby, so it was just us. Well, actually more like us and the families in our neighborhood. We all looked out for each other. Made a big, extended family, as you’ve seen from being around us. It’s why we all are close.” Gerald thought of Bur’s statement yesterday at Del’s. “You called your band family. When did you all meet? Are they going to bring your stuff from England?”

  “They are my family. We’re all runaways. The story of our meeting is a long tale of crazy antics and hijinks. They are bringing the rest of it. There isn’t much there I want to keep.” Bur shrugged.

  Gerald imagined he didn’t have much with not being too solvent. “Tell me about how you all met.”

  “It was a dark, stormy night—”

  Gerald laughed.

  “No really, it was. I was….”

  Bur filled him in on the meeting of the men who would become the group TrebleBur. When Sampson, along with the waiters, returned, he paused as they served them. Bur made a point to reintroduce him as his date. Sampson nodded, not commenting, and left them with their meal. Bur picked up the tale. Then the conversation changed to them continuing to learn about each other as they ate and drank. At the end of their meal before dessert, Bur kissed his cheek then exited the booth. Gerald sat again, watching as Bur met Sampson by the band that was warming up. They went over to the group. From where he sat, Gerald was too far away to hear what was being said, but the leader of the band didn’t even wait for Bur or Sampson to speak. He started talking and gesturing. Soon, Sampson left them. Gerald heard some murmurs.

  “It is him. I’m sure of it,” a lady’s voice said.

  “But why would he be in here? He lives in England. Besides, he’s retired from music,” a man replied.

  “He’s retired from performing, but on the message boards, they say he still writes music. There are rumors that he’s working with other artists on a musical score. It’s him.”

  “It isn’t. Stop staring and have your dinner,” the man replied.

  Gerald couldn’t see the people who had spoken. With the height of their booth, they were out of view. From the direction of the sound of their voices, they were to his left at one of the tables. The band started playing. Gerald had listened to some of the TrebleBur music, but not enough to recognize the sound.

  “‘Ground Swell.’ That’s a TrebleBur ballad. It’s him. That’s Bur.” The woman’s voice rose.

  The sound of the diners in the room went silent a moment. Then the sound increased as murmurs of “Bur” and “TrebleBur” went around the room. The music swelled, and a voice belted out. There was no build up, just a release of a sound of raw power. Chills went up Gerald’s spine, and he sat forward, eyes locked on Bur. His face was alight with pleasure as he held the note effortlessly. He held the mike, looking like he was caressing it, with his eyes closed. Suddenly, his lids flashed open. Pale green eyes met Gerald’s head on. Bur slowly lowered the note, then he went into the song. Gerald was mesmerized as Bur seemed to fill the area with his magnetic presence.

  Rise with me as I fly and bring you into my hemisphere.

>   Gerald lost track of the words, all his attention on Bur moving back and forth on the stage. He strode in front of the band with long-legged, predatory strides. He spun and danced, rocking his hips as he moved. Bur commanded the stage, each note and movement holding you as a lover would. Gerald rubbed his hand over his heart, breathing out. If this was how he was when he performed, no wonder Simon talked about the music so much. Through that song and the three others Bur performed, Gerald sat enthralled. At the end of it, Bur waved at the band and walked into the wings of the stage. Gerald waited for him to return.


  He glanced up at Sampson, who was by his side.

  “Get your truck and come around to the back entrance. To your left onto Russo Street. Bur will meet you there.”

  “What? Why?”

  “He’ll explain. Just go, as the band covers for you.”

  The band started again, playing another song.

  “He’s coming back to perform,” the excited voice of the woman said.

  Gerald stood. “The check?”

  “Taken care of. He sang for it. I’ll have to convince him to come more often to get him to sing for it. It was nice meeting you, Gerald.” Sampson put out his hand.

  Gerald shook it and left. He saw the woman he thought might have been the one who had spoken. She didn’t even glance his way. None of the patrons did. They were focused on the stage. Gerald walked past the hostess. She waved, which he returned, heading for the front door. Outside, he got his truck and went as Sampson had instructed. He slowed by a gate. Through it, he could see the back of the club. A figure hurried to the truck. He recognized Bur and unlocked the door. Bur got in.

  “What’s with all the cloak and dagger?” Gerald said.

  “Got a call from Ramsey. He was pissed that he was woken by notification I was in America and performing. He’s planting info that I’m somewhere in Europe to throw off the media. Playing it off like it was a look alike. I’ve gotten too used to not being in the spotlight.” Bur sighed.

  “How did he find out? Why would the media care?”

  “Someone with a cell taped it and posted it to the net before I was even off stage. He handles those sorts of things. So if anyone can make the media believe it, he can.” Bur glared at him. “The media care because of my brief moment in the spotlight.”

  “I recognize the sarcasm. I admit, I didn’t fully understand when you said you want to do music, or that you’d be recognized by people. But seeing you on the stage, I can see why. You were phenomenal,” Gerald said.

  “I knocked your socks off.” Bur winked.

  Gerald looked at his feet, then back at him. “I’m still wearing them.”

  “That was so bad.” Bur laughed.

  “But you laughed, so it worked.” Gerald drove toward Harper’s.

  They chatted easily. At Harper’s, he followed Bur to the door. Gerald spun Bur around and kissed him hungrily. Bur moaned, arms tight around him. Gerald released his lips, breathing hard. He kissed him gently, then stepped back.


  “You’re leaving,” Bur said in disbelief.

  “We’re taking our time. See you tomorrow.” As Gerald turned, he adjusted his hardened member in his pants. He went down the walkway facing Bur, walking backward. “We’ll definitely find out about you becoming a music teacher. You love it, and you should do something you love.”

  “I don’t need a job, Gerald,” Bur said in exasperation.

  For now, he’d leave the topic alone. But he would do some research of what was needed and present it to Bur.

  “Okay. ’Night.” Gerald lifted his hand and turned to his truck.

  Inside, he looked at Bur, who was still standing on the front porch. The moonlight bathed him, highlighting his compelling presence. Their first date had gone well, at least in his opinion. He was looking forward to seeing what else there was in store with getting to know Wilbur Jenkins. He chuckled as he thought of the name. Bur hated to be called by his given name, but Gerald planned to call him that, just to see his eyes narrow and that cute snarl curl his lips. Prickling Bur’s temper was fun. Whistling the notes to the first song Bur had sung at the club, Gerald honked the horn and drove away.

  Chapter Five

  “GET A move on, Wilbur,” Gerald said.

  Bur’s gaze narrowed, and his lips curled. “Stop calling me that.”

  “He’s doing it to antagonize you.” Harper followed behind them as they made their way up the walk to Miguel’s house.

  “And he better quit it,” Bur warned.

  “Okay.” He readily agreed.

  “You said that yesterday.” Bur poked at his shoulder.

  “Yep. I got my one Wilbur a day out of my system for today,” Gerald said cheerfully.

  “You said it again.” Harper laughed.

  “He asked.”

  “Why do you need to call me that once a day?” Bur asked.

  “That look.”

  Bur’s brow furrowed. Gerald glanced at Harper, who was snickering. He opened the door to the house, entering without answering.

  “What look?” Bur said.

  “You get this screwy look on your face, like this,” Harper replied.

  Gerald turned his head to see them. He chuckled as Harper copied the look.

  “I don’t look like that,” Bur protested, stepping forward.

  Gerald put his arm over his shoulder, then touched the middle of his forehead. “Right there, you get a line between your eyebrows.”

  “My fist would look good right in that spot on your face,” Bur replied.

  “Again with the violence. Whisper sweet nothings to me again.”

  “You’re an ass.” Bur chuckled.

  “What alternative universe are we in? Bur and Gerald are getting along.”

  Gerald lifted his head, focusing on the poker crew. They were staring at them.

  “We’re dating.” He shrugged.

  Bur pushed Gerald’s arm off him. “Gerald.”

  He shifted his gaze to Bur. “What? They’re our friends.”

  “But you don’t just announce it like that. You sound like you’re in high school. This is my boyfriend. He’s accepted my letterman jacket. Look at me, the big man on campus,” Bur simpered, then glared. “You can—”

  Gerald cut him off. “Okay. Got it.” He spoke to the poker crew. “Scratch that. Bur and I are dating exclusively. But we are not yet a couple. I repeat, we’re not yet a couple.” Gerald smirked at Bur. “There. Is that better?”


  “I still don’t know what that means,” Gerald said.

  “Look it up.” Bur stomped off.

  The men laughed.

  “You and Bur are always entertaining. Good joke, Gerald.” Miguel joined them.

  The men around the room echoed his words, still chuckling.

  Gerald met Miguel’s gaze. “It’s not a joke.”

  The room went silent.

  Miguel’s smile faded, and he stared at him. “I’ve known you since we were in diapers. And you’re not gay, or even bi.”

  There was disbelief in his tone. Gerald noted the other men had the same expressions.

  “What the hell is going on?” Alejandro demanded.

  The sentiment was echoed around the room.

  “I’m not gay or bi. I just like him.” He jerked his thumb toward Bur, who was standing with Bernie, Robert, Alex, and Nicolas. “I’m not interested in any other man. I still find women attractive.”


  “He thought about it,” Harper interjected.

  Gerald saw the men in the room who knew him relax. They looked between him and Bur.

  “Okay. But remember, because of Bernie, Bur, by extension, is a Rodriguez. So don’t make us have to hunt you down if you hurt our brother. But then again, we wouldn’t even have to. The Berkuses would take care of it. And facing them, I’d be sorry for you, visit you in the hospital. We’d bring flowers.” Miguel sl
apped him on the shoulder.

  Gerald laughed. He knew Miguel was not only referring to Bernie being partnered with Tomas, but also Robert, Miguel’s partner, who saw Bernie as family.

  “It has to be the water or air in Mapson,” Bur said.

  “What are you talking about?” Alex asked.

  “None of you seem fazed at all by us.” He gestured between Gerald and himself.

  “He thought about it,” the majority of the men in the room said.

  “This again. I don’t get it,” Bur said.

  “You’re not the only one,” Alex said.

  “I’m glad someone else doesn’t understand. They make me feel as if I’m daft.” Bur rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t think you need any help with that,” Gerald said.

  Bur raised his hand, then ticked off his fingers one by one, leaving the middle one extended.

  “Do you see what I have to put up with?” Gerald lamented.

  “And you deserve it,” the men said together, and then they laughed.

  “Wait. If Gerald likes men, he’s been checking out our asses all these years.” Tomas jumped up and held his butt.

  “No, no. He only likes Bur. Not other men. So your mangy ass is safe.” Longoria slapped Tomas on the ass.

  “Hey, careful. That belongs to Bernie,” Tomas said.

  “Tomas.” A blush filled Bernie’s cheeks.

  Gerald wondered if Bur blushed too. He’d never seen him blush.

  “Is Bur why you had us take you to a gay bar?” Nicolas asked.

  “He went to a gay bar?” Bur sounded shocked.

  Gerald strolled over to him. “Yes. No big deal. I don’t see what the big whoop is about finding a man attractive.”

  “You didn’t find anyone attractive?”

  “Haven’t you been listening? Only you. But we can go back there again. I didn’t get a chance to play pool. They also had darts. They make a delicious shepherd’s pie.” Gerald gave Bur a kiss and headed toward the kitchen.

  Inside he saw a few of the men talking and Tomas was writing on top of a sheet of paper.

  “What are you all doing?”

  “Trying to win some money? Your lucky streak is over. This time I’m going to win this bet,” Tomas replied.

  Gerald moved next to him and glanced at the paper. Written across the top was “Gerald and Bur.” He noted the dates and types of bets.


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