Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 93

by Talia Carmichael

  Rhodes pushed his hand away, stepped behind him, and rubbed his shoulders. “You’re all tense.” He leaned closer until he was by his ear and whispered, “We can work it off later.”

  “I planned on it.” Taggart turned his head. “It’s why I parked my car by your place and got a ride over with Walker and his wife. You’re my ride when we leave here. Oh, I broke into your place so I could let my dogs into your house.”

  “You what?” Rhodes frowned. “My alarms didn’t send an alert to my cell.”

  “Told you I was good at breaking into places. It was my specialty. Being unseen is a handy thing.” Taggart smirked.

  “You’re going to tell me where the weakness in my system is.” Rhodes didn’t like that someone could get near his place without his knowing.

  “It’s not a weakness. I made a jammer that cut off your system so I could get in. No one else would have been able to make a jammer like I did. Well, except for maybe Grayson, who is a wizard at making them. He doesn’t live here, so it’s okay, at least until he visits. He’ll take your complicated system as a challenge to crack.” Taggart stared at him. “I hope you don’t mind. I just wanted to see if I could. I’ll give the jammer to you. And make sure Grayson, when he comes, doesn’t mess with your system.”

  Rhodes eyes narrowed. “A jammer? I want to see it. But I trust you, so I don’t need you to give it to me. As for your brother, I can’t wait to meet him. His file was impressive.” Rhodes paused. “But just be aware, if you come in and I hear you coming, until I know it’s you, it might be an iffy thing if I’ll try to take you out.”

  Taggart leaned closer and kissed him then, “I’m not worried about it. Also, please don’t mention you saw Grayson’s file to his face. Ever. Trust isn’t an easy thing to give or receive.”

  Although he didn’t come out and say it, Rhodes knew that meant Taggart trusted him. He turned him to him and kissed him softly.

  “Stop groping him, Taggart, and introduce me.” A woman spoke beside them.

  Rhodes released Taggart and stepped back. Taggart touched his arm, stopping him, and moved to his side.

  “Nosy woman.” Taggart’s tone was fond. “Rhodes, this is Walker’s better half—”

  “Hey, I’m standing right here,” Walker said as if he said it all the time.

  Taggart continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “—Rosalind. She got the manners and beauty in the family.”

  Taggart elbowed Walker, who was by his side.

  “As you can tell, these two don’t know how to behave.” Rosalind chuckled, putting out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Rhodes. I’ve heard a lot about you. Although not so much recently.”

  From the wide smile, Rhodes could imagine the things Taggart had said about him.

  “They’re all true.”

  Rosalind’s eyes widened and she laughed. “Oh, I’m going to like you.”

  “I’m a likeable guy.” Rhodes looked over at Taggart. “Sometimes.” He returned his attention to Rosalind. “I can’t believe we’ve never met at Second Sunday before.”

  “Well, I don’t get to come as often as Walker does. I’m a surgeon and I get called in or sometimes I’m working on Sunday. So I miss it.” Rosalind sipped her wine before she spoke again. “The times I have, I don’t think you were here.”

  “Rhodes doesn’t come often either,” Aristotle said as he joined them with Theron by his side. “We have a deal that he comes once every three months and to one of the holiday things like this one or I’ll sic my mama on him.”

  “Humph, I’m not afraid of your mama.” Rhodes snorted. “It’s your nagging that irritates me, and that’s when I want to shoot you. But since you’re a pain in my ass, but a friend, shooting you wouldn’t be such a good thing.” He paused. “Maybe.”

  Most of them around him laughed, but Rhodes noticed Taggart and Walker didn’t. Walker was watching him with his brows furrowed. Rhodes smiled his “I am harmless and no threat” smile. Walker’s eyes narrowed, and Rhodes could see he didn’t believe him. Rhodes shrugged. He didn’t care either way. He listened absently as the others talked but didn’t participate. Taggart put his hand on his back and Rhodes leaned into his touch. He didn’t come to many of these gatherings because he didn’t like being among people he didn’t know well. It made him antsy. In Rhode Island, he would go often because he knew the Berkus clan and their friends well. He had only a passing acquaintance with many of the people here. The others drifted off, and he and Taggart were alone again.

  “I don’t like being around people I don’t know well either.” Taggart pressed his hand on Rhodes’s back, then removed it. “I’ll get us another beer. You want anything else?”

  Rhodes shook his head. Taggart went off to get their drinks. Rhodes wasn’t surprised by Taggart’s words about his not liking to be around people he was not familiar with. They had some similar ways. Taggart soon returned with two beers and a plate of food. Rhodes took the beers, putting them on the table they were standing close to. Taggart placed his food down and pulled out a seat, moving it next to the other that was against the wall. Rhodes went around him, pulled out that chair, and sat. From this vantage point, he could see everything in the room. It was why he had stood there. Taggart sat next to him and picked up his fork.

  “Aristotle always has a table set up in this spot. I thought it was for me until I thanked him one day and he looked confused. I didn’t mention it again. He does it in case you come.”

  Rhodes didn’t reply since there wasn’t a question. He drank his beer as Taggart ate.

  “Video time,” Aristotle said.

  Rhodes sat back in his chair. The others in the room sat on chairs, the floor, or cushions around the room. In moments, they were all quiet. Aristotle, from his seat on the couch with Theron, pointed the remote and the screen came on. Rhodes laughed along with everyone else as Kira came on, cursing. Awed, he watched the TV incident unfold. Rhodes winced when she rushed the TV and did a back kick.

  “Wow. They really need to stop teaching her to kickbox,” Taggart said.

  Rhodes knew he was referring to the Berkus brothers, who met up for kickboxing every Saturday morning.

  “I bet Aristotle is regretting showing her now.” Rhodes watched the screen. “I wonder what he did with the TV she kicked.”

  “He put it in his workshop. Kira brought him that one.” Taggart pointed at the TV. “For Christmas. She even had it installed so it was mounted on the wall and not easily kickable.” Taggart laughed.

  “I’ve heard about what she did, but somehow I didn’t think it was that bad.” Rhodes shook his head. “But seeing it….”

  “You’re glad yours was mounted and you took the precautions you did.”

  “Hell yeah.” Rhodes chuckled. “I want a copy of this disk so I can play it to tease Kira the next time she comes by to watch TV.”

  “I think we all do, but not happening. Aristotle promised Kira no one would get a copy.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t take it from him.”

  “She has a soft spot for him. So she’s leaving it in his care. I expect it’ll be played a few times to tease her, and after that, Aristotle will make something for her. Then that will be the end of the disk.”

  Knowing Aristotle as he did, Rhodes knew he was right. “Oh… how did your parents react to their Christmas gift?”

  “Of course they protested such a costly trip. They couldn’t believe all of us kids went in together to buy them the trip and give them spending money. The pocket money they fought about, but in the end we convinced them. They might have acted like it was too much, but we could tell they were pleased. They don’t get to visit my siblings in Europe and Asia that often. Maybe every few years or so and only for a brief time. This way they can go for a few months. They leave the first week in January and will be back in July.” Taggart sipped his beer, then spoke again. “We’ve wanted to buy them this trip for years but knew we couldn’t get them to leave the store. With my brother becoming p
art owner of the business last year, we knew we could now. He’ll run the bookstore while they go off and have some fun. I didn’t get to ask before. What did your parents think of their gift?”

  “Dad is a gadget junkie and loves the new and shiny. But he still believes in using something until it is dead, then trying to save it and use it again. So a new computer for them when the old one is still working was met by lots of protest. From both him and Mom. More him, though. Mom’s protest was for giving them each an iPad. Said I shouldn’t be spending all that money on them.” Rhodes chuckled. “They didn’t protest too much since they have a soft spot for my emissary. From the video they showed me after Lawrence set them up, he laid it on that he had taken the time to build them a computer system, and he was hurt that they didn’t want it. Dad told him he was full of shit, and Mom just laughed at his antics. They were impressed that he had them up and running so quickly. When we Skyped, they also let me know their thoughts on my costly gift. Yeah, they used the same words your parents did. It must be a parent thing.”

  “They want to spend and take care of us but not let us take care of them.”

  “Yeah. You did it for us so now it’s our turn.” Rhodes shook his head. “It’s hard to get that through my parents’ heads.”

  “I know what you mean. They are so stubborn about it. But we find ways around them.”

  “Yeah.” Rhodes smiled.

  “It was convenient that Lawrence was going to be in the area so he could deliver your gift to your parents.”

  “Not really. The trip is to one of our first customers. They moved to Georgia a few years ago. One of us makes the trip this time every year. It was his turn.”

  “I thought you didn’t make the client trips for the company.”

  “Usually no, but I do for this one.” He took a piece of ham off Taggart’s plate.

  “You said you didn’t want anything.” Taggart shifted his plate so it was between them. He held up a forkful of macaroni and cheese.

  Rhodes took the bite and swallowed before he spoke. “I didn’t until you came with it. It smells good.”

  “I’m going to have to get another plate.” Taggart took a bite of corn. “I know how you eat.”

  “You should have brought two since you know my eating habits.” Rhodes took the fork from him and started to eat.

  “Hey—” He stopped as another plate was put before him.

  “You should have known to get another plate,” Lawrence said as Rhodes put the fork down. Lawrence went back across the room.

  “Humph, you’re best friends and you’re both pains,” Taggart said as he started to eat his new plate of food.

  “Proud of it.” Rhodes reached onto Taggart’s plate for a piece of turkey.

  Taggart slapped his fork against Rhodes’s and moved his plate away. “Mine. Eat your own.”

  “You’re going to pay for that later.” Rhodes chuckled.

  “Promises, promises.” Taggart leaned close to him. “I still need to finish my tasting of your skin.”

  Rhodes lost his appetite for food. He stared into Taggart’s eyes. “Let’s go.”

  “Nope, I want to eat my food. Enjoy my friends.” Taggart sipped from his beer. “Your company. Then much later we can go.”

  “Tease.” Rhodes looked at the plate and pushed it away.

  “Takes one to know one.” Taggart continued to eat.

  Rhodes drank his beer as he glanced around the room. He thought of what Taggart said earlier. “Wait. You left your puppies in my house? Did you have them trained and not tell me?”

  “Nope. They’re probably ripping shit up now.” Taggart laughed.

  “You’ll pay for that too.” Rhodes glared.

  Taggart snorted and choked. Rhodes patted him hard between the shoulder blades.

  “I’m okay. Christ, don’t break my back.”

  Rhodes rubbed the spot. Taggart leaned against his touch, then pulled away.

  “I still have things here I want to do.”

  Rhodes resigned himself to wait.

  Hours later, Rhodes followed Taggart up the steps to his house. Rhodes could hear the puppies barking like crazy inside. He unlocked and opened the door, expecting the worst. Rhodes strode from room to room on the ground floor and was pleasantly surprised that everything was in place. He heard Taggart in the kitchen and went back to that room. He stopped in the doorway, watching as Taggart let the puppies in from outside.

  “They didn’t mess anything up.”

  “Humph, so you know how to act when you’re at other people’s places, but not my house.” Taggart leaned over, petting the puppies. “Good doggies. But we’re going to make you act nice at home too.”

  Rhodes moved behind him, touching his ass. Taggart moaned, pushing back into his touch. He straightened and turned in Rhodes’s arms. Rhodes pulled Taggart close, kissing him urgently. Taggart rubbed against him and nipped his lip.

  “I can’t wait anymore.” Taggart moaned.

  “Your fault you made us wait.”

  “Christ, yes it is. There. Are you happy?” Taggart pulled on Rhodes’s shirt, ripping it open.

  The buttons clinked on the floor. Rhodes yanked on Taggart’s T-shirt, ripping it off. Taggart growled and unbuckled Rhode’s belt, then undid the button of his jeans and lowered his zipper. Rhodes hissed as Taggart pulled his cock free of his clothing and ran his thumb over the tip. He thrust into Taggart’s hand, took off Taggart’s belt, and opened his pants.

  “Protection, right pocket,” Taggart said.

  Rhodes pushed his hand into the pocket and pulled out the condom and small packet of lube. Once he had them, he put the items between his teeth and pushed off Taggart’s slacks and boxers in one shot. Taggart shifted, toeing off his loafers as he stepped out of the pants pooled at his ankles. He pushed at Rhodes’s pants along with his boxers until they were off, and Rhodes kicked off his shoes. Rhodes took the condom and lube and went to the table and threw them down. Once he did that, he turned to Taggart and gazed at his naked muscular form before he moved. They came together in a clash of bodies. Rhodes lifted Taggart, kissing him hard. Taggart wrapped his legs around Rhodes, grinding against him. Sucking Taggart’s tongue, Rhodes carried him to the table and set him to his feet beside it. He picked up the condom and lube, handing it to Taggart.

  “In me now.” Rhodes turned and placed his hands on the table.

  “I was thinking we’d do it the other way.”

  “Not now.” Rhodes shook his head. “I won’t last as long as I want to if I do you first.”

  “Like I will,” Taggart muttered.

  “Come on.” Rhodes pushed his ass back toward him.

  He shivered at Taggart’s touch on his hip. Taggart moved his hand back toward his ass. Rhodes widened his legs, waiting. Taggart parted his cheeks and slid his fingers along the crease. Rhodes moaned and moved into his touch. Taggart stopped, and a moment later Rhodes felt the cool lube tricking down his butt. Taggart rubbed his fingers, spreading the lube. Afterward he pushed into Rhodes’s hole, opening him quickly. He moved and Rhodes moved back as Taggart pressed his blunt heat against him. In one thrust, Taggart filled him.

  “Taggart.” Rhodes moaned.

  He clenched at the fullness inside him, demanding through clenched teeth, “Move, damn it.”

  “Pushy man.” Taggart kissed him between his shoulders before he gripped his hips.

  He thrust hard, then did it again. Rhodes braced his hands on the table, feeling the muscle straining, and he took the pounding Taggart was giving him. Taggart moved in quick motions, faster and faster. Rhodes grunted at each thrust and moved into it, wanting all Taggart could give. His cock was hard and precum was dripping from the tip. Rhodes shifted his back, moving to get more friction from the penetration. He growled, frustrated when he didn’t. Taggart slid his hands over Rhodes’s stomach and held him tight. He jerked Rhodes against him and Rhodes whimpered as he felt Taggart rub against the nerves inside. Taggart kept hitting
that spot over and over, making his body buzz with pleasure. Soon Rhodes’s sac went tight and he grunted as he came.

  “Rhodes… fuck.” Taggart shook as he came, resting along his back.

  Rhodes held his arms rigid, holding them both up. Taggart blew out a harsh breath, then kissed the side of his face before he pulled out. Rhodes’s ass spasmed as he did, and he wanted Taggart inside again. He leaned over, lowering his arms, and rested against the cool surface of the table. Rhodes moaned softly. Taggart slid his hands under him and lifted him up, turning him in his arms. Rhodes went willingly. Suddenly Taggart bent and lifted him over his shoulder. Rhodes flailed at being in that position.

  “Stop before I drop you.” Taggart slapped him on the butt.

  Rhodes wasn’t concerned he would. But he was unsure why Taggart had lifted him. As if knowing what he was thinking, Taggart spoke again. “You’re moving too slow. I want to taste.” Taggart turned and shifted him on his shoulder before he started walking.

  From his upside-down view, Rhodes saw he was heading for the kitchen door. He relaxed as Taggart carried him out of the room over one shoulder.

  TAGGART FELT Rhodes relax his body and he sped up. He wanted him spread out before him. Taggart put his arm behind Rhodes’s knees and went up the stairs. At the top, he paused.

  “Left,” Rhodes said, laughing. “Ummm… your dogs are following us.”

  “We’ll close the door.” He continued to the left.

  He pushed open the partially open door, went in and, closing it with his foot, locked the puppies outside. Taggart didn’t register anything but the huge bed in the center of the room. He approached it, and soon after he upended Rhodes off his shoulder and onto the bed. Rhodes bounced, looking up at him. Taggart moved over him. Rhodes moved backward farther onto the bed and Taggart crawled over him each time he moved. When he was at the pillow, Rhodes stopped and Taggart did the same, staring into his lust-darkened gaze. Taggart reached for his left hand, lifting it up and back.


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