Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 98

by Talia Carmichael

  “Taggart,” Rhodes called softly.

  He turned, surprised to see him. Rhodes held out his hand. Taggart went over and clasped it. Rhodes led him into the house. Taggart expected him to take him back to the living room but he bypassed it, going down the hall. Rhodes pulled him into the office, and to the desk, taking him behind it. He pushed him into the chair.


  “This is a load of shit,” a familiar voice said.

  Taggart looked at his computer and, seeing his brother, he laughed at their favorite saying. “It is, Grayson. It sure is. Where is Anna?”

  “She’s at the Masterson Ranch.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot you said Mrs. Masterson was watching her when you had to work and after school.”

  “Yeah. I was on my way to get her when Rhodes called. I didn’t know you were dating anyone.” Grayson put his hands under his chin. “From the last I heard, you were still annoyed by him.” He leaned closer to the screen. “Come to think of it, you haven’t mentioned him since before Thanksgiving.”

  “We’ll talk about that another time.” Taggart stared at his brother and wished he were close by instead of all the way in Texas. “I miss you.”

  “Me too.” Grayson studied him. “You’re worried. Tell me what Billy is up to. Rhodes only mentioned he was being an asshole and he should have gutted him when he had the chance.”

  Taggart laughed, because that sounded like Rhodes. He chatted with Grayson on Skype and filled him in. Over an hour later, Taggart walked toward the living room, smiling. He glanced into the kitchen and saw that Dante, Lawrence, Walker, and Walker’s wife were there eating. He continued to the living room, paused in the doorway and looked at Rhodes. Betty Anne was perched in his lap again.

  “I swear, Rhodes, I wanted to deck him. He was in a three-piece suit but so slimy in the way he looked at me.” Betty Anne flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I told him no when he walked up and even before he spoke. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer and put his hotel key on the bar and introduced himself. ‘My name is Hanu,’ he said. A j—”

  Taggart stepped forward at the name. “Did he walk with a limp, about six-one, black hair and blue eyes? He has a tattoo of a hawk right here on his neck.” He touched the spot on his neck, then his lip. “And a scar right here cutting through the right side of his top lip.”

  Betty Anne looked at him and blinked, shaking her head. “He has a tattoo, scar, and a limp. But his hair is blond and his eyes are green.”

  Taggart thought about that. “When did you see him and at what hotel?”

  “Last night at the bar of The Founders. He said he was staying there. Why?”

  “I’ve got to go.” Taggart looked at Rhodes.

  Rhodes nodded. He turned and walked out of the room.

  “What was that about?” He heard Betty Anne ask.

  “Police business,” Rhodes said.

  Taggart went to get his gun after going to the kitchen doorway and gesturing to Walker. Walker kissed his wife’s cheek and came to him. Taggart led the way outside. He glanced at Walker.

  “Hanu is at The Founders hotel. That’s why we can’t find him.”

  “When I couldn’t find him in a dive or something else, I checked all the high-end hotels in Mapson. I knew he wouldn’t be using his real name, so I showed his picture around.”

  “He’s there. He changed his hair and eye color. Probably contacts.” Taggart slapped his fist in his hand. “He tried to pick up Betty Anne last night.”

  Walker’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll call Ramirez and Miguel to meet us there.”

  He nodded and they headed to Taggart’s SUV. Soon they were inside, and as Taggart drove, he hoped this time they would catch Hanu and Billy would be put away soon.

  Chapter Seven

  HOURS LATER, Taggart rolled his shoulders as he walked into the house again. Stopping by the entry table, he took out his keys. The lights were all off except for some in the living room. From the size of the glow coming from the room, it was a lamp as well as the TV. He passed the room on his way to the office. After he put his gun in the safe, he retraced his steps. He rubbed the back of his neck as he entered the living room. Rhodes was slouched on the couch playing on his crossword game with the TV sound low. He lifted his head and looked at Taggart.

  “You didn’t catch him.”

  “No. He’s like fucking Houdini or some shit.” Taggart grimaced. “Someone warned him. He seems to have lots of people who warn him. Every time we get close, he’s like smoke and disappears.” Taggart moved deeper into the room.

  “You’ll get him soon.” Rhodes put his game down on side table, then pulled Taggart down beside him, holding him against his side.

  “I hope we do,” Taggart murmured.

  “So this Hanu is the one who has something to do with Billy.” Rhodes only sounded mildly curious.

  “I can’t tell you how. It’s related to an open case.” Taggart shifted his shoulders again.

  “Tense again,” Rhodes grumbled, and moved him so Taggart’s back was turned to him.

  Rhodes pressed his thumbs at the base of Taggart’s neck, smoothing them down. Taggart sighed at the touch, feeling some of the tension already flowing away.

  “I had to leave you with everyone. Did you and Dante figure out your strategy?” Taggart knew he should feel bad he had warned Rhodes, but he didn’t. Rhodes wouldn’t get blamed for something he didn’t do—not with Taggart watching and doing everything in his power to stop it. Taggart made a mental note to make some calls.

  “Yes. Be polite, try not to intimidate or frighten the easily agitated cops, and answer the questions only when Dante says to.” Rhodes grunted, then said, “I don’t like the police.”

  Taggart turned, looking at him pointedly.

  “You I abide.” Rhodes smiled slyly. “Besides, you give good bribe. A man would be stupid to turn that down.”

  “Bribery—is that a euphemism for sex?”

  “I’ll be damned! That’s the word.” Rhodes stopped rubbing and reached for his game. He typed and nodded before he put it back. He started massaging again. “Thank you.” He kissed Taggart briefly, still moving his hands on his shoulders. “I’ve been trying to get that word for over an hour.”

  “Glad to help.” Taggart tapped his head. “Have lots of words up here.”

  “Your house isn’t bugged. So no one is listening in on your conversations.”

  “What?” Taggart blinked, startled at the abrupt change of subject. “You checked my house for bugs.”

  “Like you don’t. I check whenever I spend the night here.”

  Taggart could give him that. He did because one couldn’t be too careful.

  “I can install something so even if someone does bug your place, it will kill it, then tell you where it is.” Rhodes rubbed more firmly on his shoulders.

  “Is that something your company invented?”

  “Yeah, for the clients. We have a lot of clients who request it. High-end ones and those who just want privacy.”

  “Okay. Do it and give me the bill.” Taggart moaned as Rhodes moved down lower.

  “I will.” Rhodes rubbed his knuckle in the center between his shoulders. “I was invited to come in to the station tomorrow.”

  “What? Why aren’t they coming to you?” Taggart thought about it. “It’s because of me.”

  “Same thing Dante said. You have quite a rep in the force. Seems like you intimidate or scare the hell out of people.” Rhodes put his face close to his. “No wonder I’m with you. Despite you being a cop.”

  “I just do my job. If people are intimidated or scared, that’s on them.” Taggart stared at him. “How are you going to pull off what Dante wants?”

  “I’m an affable, harmless, and sweet security expert. There is nothing to see here.” Rhodes smiled.

  “Oh God. I better get some bail money ready. Because none of those words come close to who you are.” Taggart turned to him, laughing hysterically.

  “But to most people I am. You, on the other hand, are a smart man and savvy enough to see the real me.” Rhodes wrinkled his nose. “Such a sexy man.”

  Taggart calmed and looked at him. “Are you trying to seduce me? Because you’re using the wrong words.”

  “Hmmm… how about these? The strength you have, that ability to scare the crap out of people, and that snotty tone make me horny.” Rhodes moaned. “And when you get that cool look on your face which clearly says you don’t want to fuck with me, I want to jump you.”

  Taggart’s breath caught, then he blew it out. He took Rhodes’s hand and placed it on his hard cock in his jeans. “Now those are the words.”

  “I know.” Rhodes chuckled, moving in.

  Taggart met him, kissing him gently. He hoped he wouldn’t need to actually bail Rhodes out tomorrow.

  THE NEXT day, Taggart watched from the viewing room as the detectives on the case questioned Rhodes. So far Rhodes had done everything Dante had requested. Taggart could tell Rhodes had the detectives convinced he wasn’t the one who had tried to kill Billy. Dante was keeping them on point and they were wrapping up. Taggart relaxed but didn’t let it show on his face. The captain of the squad the detectives were from had let him in to observe. It wasn’t protocol, and the captain could have said no. Taggart glanced at Walker, Rodriguez, and Ramirez by his side. They had refused to let him go alone. It was their case, too, that had been taken away. Taggart had agreed, so they were all here. He heard the door in the room open.

  “What is that asshole doing here?” Ramirez growled.

  Taggart looked back in the room and stifled a curse. The man who entered had it in for him.

  RHODES WAS ready for this to be done. He’d answered all the questions Dante allowed him to. At least from the detectives’ body language, they were about to wrap it up and let him go. The door opened and Rhodes looked up, suddenly no longer in a rush. He exchanged glances with Dante and saw him nod. Rhodes almost laughed. Yeah, it was about to get fun.

  “Russy-boy… to what do we owe this unexpected surprise?” The insolence in Dante’s tone was clear. “Maybe you heard I was in the building and had to come see me. I heard your reelection isn’t going so well.”

  “Russell,” the DA said in his haughty tone.

  Rhodes wondered how on one man a haughty tone was sexy, and on this one it seemed pompous. He thought of Taggart and glanced at the mirror behind the detectives. He winked. Yeah, he knew Taggart was there. The type of man Taggart was, there wasn’t any way he wasn’t watching him being questioned. Rhodes ignored the barbs being exchanged between Russell and Dante until he was mentioned.

  “This thug is not going to get away this time. He threatened a police officer. A highly decorated one.”

  Rhodes glanced at his nails as if bored. He listened as Russell continued.

  “He has the knowledge to get into Billy’s and take a shot at him.”


  Russell glared at the detective who dared speak. Rhodes knew they were about to point out it was a distance shot and not close up. The detectives didn’t say anything else, turning to look at each other with their arms crossed over their chests. Yeah, same old Russell—a prick with an overinflated self-worth.

  “Have you been watching the news, Russy? This so-called highly decorated cop is in a boatload of shit. There is no paddle and he is sinking fast. Yet you still seem to be in the boat.” Dante leaned forward. “You’re going to drown.”

  “Fuck you, Dante.” The same rage and threat in his voice was also on his face.

  Rhodes almost sighed. It seemed Russell had forgotten himself. He lifted his head and looked at Russell. All Russell’s focus was on Dante.

  “This time when we face off in court, I’m going to be the one who will win,” Russell gritted out, then pointed at Rhodes. “And he will be in a cage lik—”

  He stopped immediately when he met Rhodes’s gaze. His eyes went wide with fear. Rhodes lowered his lids, smiling.

  “He….” Russell cleared his throat, staring at Rhodes.

  Rhodes widened his grin.

  “He’s threatening me,” Russell said, looking at the officers.

  Rhodes shifted his look back to the one he used with the cops. They looked at him before focusing on the DA. Their expressions clearly said they thought he had lost it.

  Russell glared at him. Rhodes turned his head back to Russell and mouthed, “Boo.” Russell literally squeaked in fear, jumped, and scuttled backward. Rhodes lowered his head to look at his nails so they couldn’t see his grin.

  “What is wrong with you, Russy?” Dante rose.

  Rhodes looked up. Dante was stifling laughter. He looked at Rhodes and shook his head. Rhodes subsided, pouting. Dante had ruined his fun.

  “He’s….” Russell glanced between Rhodes and Dante, saying to the detectives. “I want them held.”

  “On what charge?” the senior detective asked.

  “Now,” the DA said.

  The door opened and the police snapped to attention. Rhodes looked at the Chief of Police.

  “May I speak with you, Russell?” Chuck was very polite as he asked. He glanced at Rhodes and Dante. “Thanks for coming in, gentlemen. You are free to go.”


  Chuck gave Russell a look and he stopped speaking. Rhodes was impressed. It was almost as good as Taggart’s stare. Thinking of the man, he stood and followed Dante. He nodded to Chuck and he returned it.

  Rhodes looked at Russell again, saying in an almost inaudible tone, “Boo.”

  Russell jerked, then glared. Rhodes put his fingers into the front pocket of his jeans.

  “Rhodes, remind me I need to vote on March first.” Dante glanced back at Russell. “It’s a duty to make every vote count.”

  “Yeah, I’ll go with you. We’ll grab your brothers and have a voting party,” Rhodes said.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Dante strode before him.

  Rhodes came out and saw Taggart standing with Walker, Miguel, and Ramirez. He didn’t stop, and Taggart fell into step with him. Dante led them out, and Rhodes was amused when people got out of his way. Dante in lawyer mode was an arrogant bastard. When he wasn’t, he was so laid back that people tended not to know what to make of him. Rhodes looked at Taggart, who was like that too. As usual, his suit was immaculate and his expression cool.

  They got on the elevator and still didn’t speak a word. Rhodes observed the looks Taggart was getting. They ranged from the ones he’d mentioned last night, but there was also respect in the officers they saw. On the ground floor, they exited and walked to the front door. Rhodes, seeing Hannibal, lifted his hand in greeting as they walked by. They walked a little distance away from the station house.

  “Russell is still an asshat,” Rhodes said.

  “Like he would ever change.” Dante nodded at Taggart. “Try to keep this one out of trouble.” He walked toward the garage.

  “Did you have to piss the DA off?” Taggart asked.

  “Yeah. He’s an idiot and always has been.” Rhodes touched Taggart’s arm. “It was fun. You should try it sometime.”

  “I have, every time I can. He doesn’t like me much. I thought he would take that out on you.” Taggart looked after where Dante had gone. “There was another case Dante came for, and I noticed they had bad history.” He looked at him. “Seems like you do too.”

  “Yep.” Rhodes didn’t say anything more on the subject. “Dante’s idea of a vote party is a good one. We can invite some friends of yours and mine. And of course Charlie and her hubby.”

  “You want to have a vote party.”

  “I’ll even cook.” Rhodes smiled.

  “You like to cook even though you deny it.” Taggart studied him. “Russell will hopefully lose his reelection for DA. One of his ADAs is running against him. She’s good. She’s the one working the Lowry case.” Taggart shook his head. “The DA gave it to her to fail. He doesn’t think the charges on Billy will sti
ck. He’s hoping it goes to trial before election so he can have fodder for his campaign.”

  “And that isn’t going to happen yet. Not till you find Hanu.” Rhodes kissed him. “You’ll find him. So think about the vote party. I have to get back to work.”

  “We can have it. Where do you want to do it—my place or yours?”

  “Mine. That way if we get rowdy, the neighbors are trees. And they don’t complain.”

  “Rowdy.” Taggart lifted an eyebrow. “Who are you inviting to this party?”

  “Friends.” Rhodes squeezed his arm, then stepped back. “Oh, when did you want to have your squad over to your place?”

  “Hmm… I’m still thinking on it. See you at your place later.” Taggart waved before turning and going back to the station.

  “I’ll pick up the puppies.”

  Taggart lifted his hand to acknowledge him, stopped, and went back to him. “Here, take the key. No breaking in because it’ll be your luck that some cop will see you and arrest you. Keep it so you can come and go at my place whenever you want.” He gave him the key, kissed him, and left.

  Rhodes watched him a moment. He threw the key in the air and caught it, and after he went to retrieve his SUV from the garage. When he was inside, he tapped his finger on the wheel of his vehicle. The attempt on Billy’s life and the way it had been done had him thinking. He would have to make a few calls. Rhodes turned up the radio and sang along with “Grenade” by Bruno Mars.

  Over an hour later, Rhodes pulled into his driveway. He parked and got out. Rhodes let the puppies out and they went to the house. In moments, he was in his office. He set the bottle of water on his desk before using the walkie-talkie to let all his team know he was back. Soon he went to work. He didn’t leave his house to do the actual security of the center. There were men he assigned to do that. He was in one of the monitor houses that kept an eye on everything. He shared the duty with his second in charge, who was in a house on the back end of the property. Rhodes did the day shift and his second the night. They never took the same days off. When either of them had a day off, one of the other security people he had filled in. Rhodes reviewed the status reports of the overnight security at the center and made some notes for his next meeting with his team.


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