Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles) Page 100

by Talia Carmichael

  “Why did you let Charlie and Betty Anne meet?” Taggart glared at him.

  “Hey, you’re the one who left me with all the cushions.” Rhodes nodded. “That’s it. It was the cushions’ fault. They befuddled me, then made me do things.” Rhodes shuddered playfully.

  “Blame it on the poor cushions. First the dogs and now cushions.” Taggart shook his head.

  “That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I’m innocent, I tell you.”

  “Innocent my ass. So you had a very interesting Valentine’s Day?” There was suppressed laughter in Taggart’s voice.

  “I fed you. Now I want that dance.” Rhodes pulled him inside, locked the door, and led him to the media room. “Since we’re not under watch anymore, I’m calling in my date for the puppies’ training day.”

  Taggart frowned. “That’s expired.”

  “Nope, was just on hold. See if you can get the weekend off?”

  “The weekend?” Taggart stared. “Why?”

  “Remember, no questions. My date, and you just come along.” Rhodes picked up the remote from the side table and pressed a button, followed by another.

  The lights lowered and the music came on. Taggart stepped into his arms and they moved together to the slow beat.

  “Thanks for getting me the cushions. Give me the receipt and I’ll pay you for them,” Taggart said.

  “They’re a gift to you and the puppies.” Rhodes kissed his nose. “Our first Valentine’s together.”

  “Well, we didn’t spend much of it together.” Taggart spun them and moved with him.

  “We did the parts that count. Woke together and now ending the day together.” Rhodes lowered his voice. “I have plans for those cushions.”

  “I figured.”

  “Lots of plans,” Rhodes whispered.

  TAGGART’S COCK went hard at the softly spoken words. He kissed Rhodes and they danced together. Soon it became heated, and Rhodes moved him to the cushions. He stripped them, and Taggart lay back on the cushions. He rubbed against their softness. Taggart glanced to his left and spotted the puppies sleeping on their own cushions. He focused back on Rhodes, who was sliding a condom on.

  Moments later, he pushed in, and Taggart gripped his shoulders. He moaned as Rhodes moved. It was slow and intense the way they both liked. Rhodes kissed him as he stroked deep.

  “Rhodes,” Taggart whispered.

  “Taggart.” Rhodes’s voice was deeper than usual. “I need you.”

  “I’m here,” Taggart said, and he meant it.

  Rhodes’s eyes went darker and he moved quicker. Taggart rocked and took all he could give him. He shook as he came, and Rhodes groaned, shaking against him as he joined him. Rhodes collapsed on him and Taggart held him, kissing the side of his face. He put his lips by his ear.

  “Where are we going on the weekend?”

  Rhodes huffed and said, “You’ll find out when we get there.”

  Taggart frowned, but knew he would have to wait. He hated not knowing.

  SATURDAY MORNING, Taggart watched out the windshield at the still-dark area outside.

  “I hope we’re not going too far. I need to be able to get back if we get any leads.”

  “No, we’re not. If there is anything about Hanu, I’ll bring you back.” Rhodes touched his leg. “There is cell service, so stop worrying.”

  “You could just tell me.”

  “What fun is that?”

  Rhodes put both his hands on the wheel. Taggart leaned against the seat and closed his eyes.

  “Taggart.” Rhodes’s voice penetrated his sleep.

  He opened his eyes and smiled. “Yeah.”

  “We’re here.”

  He stretched. looking around. They were in a parking area, and beyond was a forest.

  “Hiking and camping,” Rhodes said. “Not too far in case you need to get back.”

  “Great date.” Taggart got out and met Rhodes at the trunk. He hadn’t seen what he’d packed in the SUV earlier.

  He opened it and they each shouldered a pack. Taggart looked at the towering trees and could feel his tension melt away. He looked at Rhodes and frowned when he saw he was looking somewhere off in distance with a weird expression on his face. Taggart looked in the same direction but saw nothing.

  “What are you looking at?” He walked to Rhodes.

  “I thought I saw someone I knew, but it’s not possible.” Rhodes shook his head and shouldered his pack on his back. “You ready?”

  “Yep.” Taggart decided to not think of Hanu, Billy, or anything work related. They would be there when he got back. He would enjoy being in these beautiful surroundings with Rhodes. He looked at him and saw calmness on his face. They headed off to the trail.

  A WEEK later, Taggart glanced at the calendar on his computer screen—February twenty-second. The weekend he’d spent in the woods with Rhodes seemed very far away. Since they had returned, things on Billy’s case had started moving. The ADA got her court date and would start presenting on the upcoming Monday. The week had passed by fast, and they only had a few more. The date seemed to mock him. They hadn’t caught Hanu. He’d gotten away—again. Since he had been spotted, they hadn’t obtained any more information to find him. His cell dinged and Taggart picked it up off his desk. He read the text from Walker and rose, grabbed his jacket, and rushed out the door.

  “Ramirez, Miguel.” He glanced to see who else was around. He gestured for Eva, Gerry, Klein, and Hill to come too, as well as Tobias. He had them grab more weapons and earpieces. As they walked, he filled them in.

  “Walker found Hanu. He’s in a warehouse at Dewey Street. He confirms he’s seen him. But he has people with him, and we need to cover him so he doesn’t get away.” Taggart looked at Hill. “We’ll take your SUV and mine.”

  They went to the respective vehicles and piled in. Taggart focused on getting there. Hanu was in his grasp and he wouldn’t let him get away this time. They approached Dewey Street and Taggart pulled over where Walker had said to meet. They got out, and Walker came from the alley.

  “He’s there—” Walker turned his head and stepped back, gesturing for them.

  They all moved with him into the alley. Taggart looked out and saw what Walker had—three SUVs moved down the street slowly. They passed them, driving farther down the street, and stopped in front of the address Walker had given him. The doors for the vehicles opened and over a dozen men got out. Taggart’s eyes narrowed.

  “Got you,” he whispered as he spotted Billy.

  Billy wasn’t supposed to be there, but it was good he was. Another link to prove Billy knew Hanu. Taggart reached into the car and pulled out his guns. The rest of the men also armed themselves. Taggart loaded his shotgun, then looked to see that everyone was ready. Taggart gauged what they had.

  “Looks like we’re going to catch Billy with Hanu. Tobias, call for backup and stay here to coordinate.” Taggart watched the men approaching the building. “Tell them we’re going in. We can’t wait.”

  They waited for the men to go in, and Taggart gestured for the others to follow him. They put in their earpieces and moved toward the building. Taggart gestured to his men where he wanted them and stood with Walker at the front door.

  “In place,” Hill said.

  The others echoed him as the teams got into position. Taggart nodded at Walker, and they went in. Taggart went low and Walker went high. He looked around the area and didn’t see anyone, but he could hear the cursing of the men who went in before.

  “Why is Hanu in this dump?” Billy sounded disgusted.

  Taggart gestured to Walker and they moved to the left, in the direction of Billy’s voice. Billy kept bitching about the place. Taggart knelt and looked around a crate, spotting him in the center of the area. The men with Billy were looking around. Movement made Taggart look beyond them and he spotted Gerry, who had his gun leveled on the men. As he looked around, Taggart saw his men were ready.

  “Billy?” Taggart called out.
  “Monroe.” Billy looked around frantically.

  “Time to give it up, Billy.”

  Billy’s eyes narrowed, and he sneered. “You’re all talk. You don’t get your hands dirty.”

  “Now.” Taggart stood and pointed his gun at him.

  The rest of the team was also doing the same. Billy drew his gun, looking around, and his men also glanced around. He cursed and lowered his gun. Just as Taggart expected, he was a coward. Suddenly a shot sounded, and Billy cried out and grabbed his shoulder. Taggart looked to where the shot came from. He spotted Hanu, the man they had been hunting for months.

  “Motherfucker, you’ve been trying to kill me.” There was a look of desperation on Hanu’s face as he lifted the gun again and shot. Taggart looked toward Billy and saw him running away.

  Taggart turned, lifted his gun, and shot at Hanu, who shifted just as Taggart fired so the bullet nicked Hanu’s shoulder. He held his shoulder and looked down at Taggart, then turned and ran. The sound of gunfire came through the warehouse as Billy and his men scattered, and Hanu and his men did too.

  “Hill and Klein, go get Hanu. Walker, with me. Ram—” Taggart snapped off orders as he ran behind Billy.

  He moved quickly and Walker, who was to his left, ran too, following the path Billy took. He heard Billy sniveling up ahead and slowed. He gestured to Walker, and they moved in. He spotted Billy and slipped up behind him. Taggart pressed his gun to his head. Billy stopped and gazed at him, surprise on his face.

  Taggart waited as Walker cuffed Billy headed back the way they’d come. He spotted Hill and Kline leading Hanu, who spit at Billy and started cursing. The rest of the team came back, bringing men with them. Taggart counted and knew they hadn’t caught everyone. But the number was good enough. They had the two most important ones—Billy and Hanu. Arresting the two men would close two cases. He glanced at Billy. Taggart reacted instinctively to the red dot on Billy’s chest and jumped in front of him, knocking Billy and Walker over. The bullet whizzed by his cheek and he hissed as it grazed him.

  “Cover!” Ramirez yelled.

  Taggart crawled off Billy and Walker. Walker stood, and they dragged Billy across the floor to get behind the crates on the right. The wood splintered as another shot was fired. Taggart cursed and moved them to the left. Another shot cut them off. Taggart gestured and they pulled Billy straight ahead, then ducked behind the crates. They pressed their backs against them. Taggart realized all of his team and their prisoners were hunkered down in the same place. It made them easy to pick off. He knew they’d been herded but couldn’t do anything about it.

  Taggart looked out and stared as a man came from behind a crate in front of him. The man was slim and his blond hair was piled high on his head in a ponytail. Shades shielded his eyes.

  Suddenly he moved and threw a knife. Taggart barely saw it in time to move. He shifted back as it whizzed by his face. Taggart turned his head and saw it embedded in the wall. His eyes widened as he saw what the blade was next to. The numbers ticked down. He looked back to the man, who gave him a two-finger salute and stepped back, seeming to blend into the shadows. Instinctively Taggart knew he was gone.

  “Bomb. Move.” Taggart stood, ran to the bomb, noticing the timer whose numbers were ticking down, yanked the knife out, and grabbed the paper it had under it. He shoved the note into the inner pocket of his jacket and held the knife.

  He turned and joined the others as they ran toward the exit. Taggart rushed out the door, steps behind Ramirez, urging him to move along. He jerked as the bomb went off. It hadn’t sounded loud enough to be the one he spotted. He realized there had to be multiple devices. He prayed it was a controlled blast, or they would not get far enough away from harm. He felt the heat on his back and glanced back as he heard a rumble and saw fire shooting out. He grabbed Ramirez by the back of his jacket and threw him, then jumped as the place blew. Taggart dropped to the ground, teeth clacking. He took a moment to get his bearings, then rolled over. Taggart reached and patted Ramirez.

  “Your best feature is on fire.” Taggart laughed, then called out, “Is everyone okay?”

  He heard the confirmation from his team. The sound of sirens coming closer was music to Taggart’s ears. He touched his cheek and then forehead, looking at his fingers and seeing the blood. It could have been worse. He didn’t feel anything major. Taggart sat up and looked down the line of his team. His vision went wavy and he blinked.

  Rhodes. That was his last thought as he passed out.

  Chapter Eight

  TAGGART WOKE but was still and didn’t open his eyes. He listened and heard voices and the scent that told him he was in the hospital. The din let him know it was the emergency room.

  “Stop playing like you’re sleeping,” Rhodes’s voice was gruff.

  Taggart opened his eyes and saw Rhodes sitting by his bed. The curtain was drawn, enclosing them in privacy. Well, as much as they could have in the emergency room.

  “How long was I out?” Taggart cleared his throat.

  “About an hour, give or take.”

  “How’d you get here so fast?”

  “I was in town checking on something for Willow. Philip was here when you all were brought in. He called Theron and he contacted me,” Rhodes said.

  He leaned forward and gripped Taggart’s hand.

  “I would have called when I woke.”

  “I know. But at least this way you didn’t wake alone.” Rhodes studied him.

  “I’m okay. Probably a concussion, some slight burns and nicks here or there. But I’m okay.” Taggart squeezed his hand.

  “I know. Your doctor told me.” Rhodes smiled.

  “You did not intimidate the doctor.”

  “I would have, but I didn’t have to. Charlene was here and told him—it wasn’t Philip—to tell me before she punched him out.” Rhodes chuckled. “God, I love that woman.”

  “Christ… another one.” Taggart gazed at him. “She is lovable.”

  “Yeah.” Rhodes watched him. “I’m going to take care of you at my house. The family decided.”

  “They what?” Taggart frowned.

  “Yeah, Charlie called them and told them you’re okay. That they could come by and see you in a few days at my place.” Rhodes rubbed his thumb on Taggart’s fingers. “Grayson wants you to Skype with him when you get home.”

  “God. She called all of them that fast.” Taggart rubbed his hand over his face. “Why didn’t you take her cell? She’ll have everyone thinking I’m at death’s door.” Taggart lowered his hand. “Did she call Mom and Dad?”

  “Yes. But don’t worry. They aren’t flying back. They want a Skype too,” Rhodes said.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know.”

  Taggart stared at him. “You seem weird.”


  “Just off.” Taggart tried to get up and winced. He pulled Rhodes toward him. He rose and sat on the edge of his bed. “I’m fine.”

  “I know.” Rhodes relaxed and he could see it. “You’re too mean to die.”

  “Sweet words again,” Taggart teased. “Too bad I can’t do anything about it.”

  The curtain was ripped back. “None of the kissy-face shit.” Ramirez walked toward him gingerly.

  Taggart could tell his ass was hurting. He watched Ramirez and the rest of the team who had been with him. He also saw their various families with them. They all mouthed thanks to him. Bur especially gave him a significant glace. Taggart shook his head. He wasn’t the one who saved anyone. It was that mysterious man who threw the knife that showed him the bomb. Taggart remembered the note in his jacket. He decided to wait to read it.

  “You saved my best feature.” Ramirez put out his hand. Taggart shook it. Ramirez held on. “Admit it, you just wanted to touch my ass.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t resist the flaming awesomeness of it,” Taggart said.

  They all laughed. Charlene came in with Betty Anne and joined the group. The emergency room st
aff tried to keep them from making too much noise. When that failed, they threatened to put all the guests out. Rhodes crossed his arms, and Taggart recognized the look. He wasn’t going anywhere. Taggart saw the others weren’t either. Taggart spotted Del speaking with the staff. He didn’t know what he said, but they were all moved into a massive room until they could be discharged.

  Hours later, Taggart was sitting upright on the bed watching the others. Rhodes sat on the edge of the bed playing with his crossword game. Charlene was sitting in the chair beside his bed reading on her e-reader. Betty Anne was asleep in the other chair.

  Chuck walked in and waved them off from getting up to greet him. He checked with each person who’d been injured. Charlene went to rise, and he waved her to stay and kissed her cheek. He came to Taggart and put his hand on his shoulder and stared at him.

  “Trying to get yourself blown up is not to be done, ever again.” Chuck closed his eyes.

  Taggart touched him on the shoulder. He knew it was hard on Chuck. He’d have to be fielding the information and couldn’t let show he was concerned.

  “I’m fine. We’re all fine.”

  “You stubborn bastard.” There was no heat to it. Chuck took a deep breath, opening his eyes. “Hanu is talking. Tobias is taking his statement in a safe house. We don’t want to chance Billy’s connections getting to him.” Chuck’s face went grim. “Billy is in jail and he isn’t getting away.” Chuck leaned over. “You should have told me, Taggart.”

  “I shouldn’t have. Now when you speak to the press as the Chief of Police you can honestly say you are shocked at this development.”

  “You claim to not be a politician, but you sure know how to talk the game.” Chuck hugged him fiercely, then pulled away slightly. “There’s going to be a lot of fallout for this. The media is going to be rabid. They’re already circling. I want you and those here to take a few days off. Away from the station.”


  “No. A few days for you and those here, including Tobias. Your unit will round up those involved with this thing with Billy by the time you all are back. Then you can close the case on Billy and Hanu, but give it a few days.”


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