The Tower Bridge

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The Tower Bridge Page 8

by Steve Simons

  As Andrew and David shuffle closer to the ball of light, Andrew says, “Exciting isn't it?”

  Before David has a chance to reply Andrew is gone.

  David soon finds himself also enveloped by the ball of light. The familiar gloom and smell of burning dust of the loft area are the next senses that hit David.

  They have successfully returned!

  Henry announces, “Well done boys! We made it safely back, now to shut this device down.”

  Henry opens the black fuse box and turns the power off. Just as he does, the glowing patterns of the ball of light, seem somewhat brighter and a large oval shape emerges from the top of the bubble. It disappears as quickly as it appeared.

  Stuart asks, “What do you think that was Henry?”

  “Who knows, could have just been a disturbance caused as Andrew's device stopped working.” Henry replies.

  “Of course, the disk spinning would be slowing by now. I forgot that part.” Andrew comments.

  “Well done professor, you got us all home safely.” David says.

  Henry smiles, “I am not actually a professor David. What we don't know is what time frame we have returned to. It could be a few moments after I left, in which case you lot have travelled back in time, or it could be soon after you, David, had left, in which case I have travelled to the future. This is strange is it not? Who's future, who's past?”

  Stuart replies, “In either case a chance for you to re-connect with your family.”

  “True, true I had quite forgotten that aspect of the situation.” Henry looks somewhat serious now.

  David says, “Whatever, home is home. I am just glad to be back, that place wasn't too nice by all accounts, what with those say-whats-its.”

  Henry suggests, “Well let us find out what awaits for us below.” He heads for the door and the spiral staircase. As he descends the stairs he exclaims, “My, my this is impressive.”

  As Andrew descends, he is at the same time pleased and sad, pleased to see that the room below is exactly as he remembered it, sad that Henry has not returned to his family.

  Stuart unable to contain his excitement asks, “Who's what is it?”

  Andrew simply replies, “Ours.”

  David mystified by all this asks, “What time have we returned to?”

  Stuart now standing on the landing and about to descend the stairs replies, “We appear to have come back to our time, but as for the year and date, who knows.”

  There is a faint jingle noise as the “No Exit” sign is removed by Henry.

  “This room is amazing!” Henry enthuses and continues, “I knew it had potential to be a great space, but we never got around to realising it. We just had a few chairs up here, but with this furniture you can really enjoy this space and the view.”

  Stuart says, “David, I had best explain that this place used belong to Henry's family. All the equipment upstairs was built by Henry about 100 years ago.”

  “Oh I see, confusing isn't it, this time travel?” David replies.

  “So Henry what are you going to do now you have arrived home?” Andrew asks.

  Henry replies, “I don't know really, I was selfishly hoping that I would arrive back at my time frame and this would still be my family home. Instead of which I am homeless and strangers are living in what would be my home.”

  Stuart says, “That is a horrible thought really isn't it.”

  “Especially when you add to that the fact that my immediate family are all long dead.” Henry replies.

  Andrew suggests, “Ah but don't forget, we may be able to find living relatives that we can hook you up with.”

  “Do what young Andrew?” asks Henry.

  “Sorry introduce you to.” Andrew says.

  “In the meantime where am I going to live? I can hardly live up there.” Henry points towards the spiral staircase and the ceiling.

  “Good point.” Stuart says.

  David says, “I'm sure if we explain the situation, the hotel manager will be able to help you. We are not full at the moment, I am sure he could spare a room.”

  “You are assuming that you have returned to a time soon after you left this place.” Henry suggests.

  “Hey there's a newspaper on the table here, assuming it is only a few days old, if not today's paper, that will give us a date.” Stuart says as he picks up the bulky paper.

  David says, “It is most likely to be today's unless a guest has been keeping it in their room, as the staff clear this room every morning, first thing.”

  “Well, what is the date?” asks Andrew.

  “Three days after we left. See here.” Stuart passes the paper to Andrew.

  “I suggest we go to see the manager as soon as possible, after all I have to explain why I have been gone and these boys parents must be frantic with worry, oh and we have to sort out somewhere for Henry to stay.” David says.


  The manager is delighted to see that David and the boys are safe and well. He is so delighted that it takes some effort on David's part to get the manager to listen to their story and to consider Henry's plight.

  “Well I must say this all sounds absolutely incredible.” the manager says, then goes on to say, “Are you sure you are all OK?”

  “How do you mean sir?” asks David.

  “Well I would imagine it is a very confined space up in the roof area, you didn't bang your heads or anything like that?” asks the manager.

  “It is all true sir, I can assure you.” Stuart implores.

  “It is just that you disappear for days and suddenly re-appear with this strange tale.”

  David suggests, “Why don't you come up and see the device for yourself sir?”

  “David, I am running a hotel, I cannot go exploring at the drop of a hat.” the manager picks up his phone and starts dialling a number.

  Andrew says, “At least you would be able to see if there was likely to be any chance of truth in what we are telling you. Please come and see for yourself.”

  The manager has finished dialling, he waits a moment then says, “Ah inspector, the boys and our member of staff have turned up in my office with a gentleman who is unknown to me. Could you send an officer to interview them?” There is silence, then the manager says, “Thank you that will be fine, I am sure there will be no problems, no here in my office will be just fine.”

  David asks, “Why get the police involved sir?”

  The manager smiles as he explains, “David the police were already involved days ago, when the boys here were reported as missing, Then your disappearance added to the mystery. But do not worry the inspector and his men are really good they will get to the bottom of this matter quite quickly I am sure. They have to talk to you all, just to make sure that the situation is as you have told me and that there have been no criminal actions. I am sure you understand that they have to follow their procedures and close up the case properly. I am sure that everything will be straightened out very quickly and painlessly. If I or anyone else come to that went up to the roof space, I may in my innocence disturb some evidence.” The manager then speaks in a quiet secretive tone and says, “I can say that to some degree I lean towards believing your story, as when the police went up to the roof space, they found some electrical equipment was on and asked me if they should turn it off. I had a strange feeling about it at the time, I still cannot explain why, but I told them to leave it on. Maybe in the depths of my mind I had linked it to your disappearance. They wouldn't let me go up to see it and I know they still wouldn't, in-case I disturb anything. Let us talk again when the police have finished their interviews.”

  Henry sounding very upset by this turn of events asks, “Why after all I have been through, am I going to be treated as a criminal and be handed over to the police? I have always been an upright and law abiding citizen, never been in trouble with the police in my life.”.

  The manager replies, “It is alright sir, if you have not done
anything illegal, you have nothing to fear. The police just have to follow their procedures.”

  Henry protests, using the phrase circumstantial evidence, over and over again, much to the confusion of Andrew and Stuart. David explains in whispers that if the police can find no other evidence as to what had happened to the boys, the fact that they re-appeared with Henry would indicate that he had something to do with their disappearance.

  There is a knock on the door. The manager shouts, “Come in.”

  Nothing happens, apart from a further knock. The manager gets up from his chair and opens the door. There are two police officers outside. There are mutterings at the door, then the three enter.

  The manager asks if the officers would like him to leave. One officer asks if they could have use of a further room to carry out the interviews. The Manager arranges for a room to be made available. The officer who had requested the room takes Stuart with him, the other officer stays with the remaining group.

  Each person in the group is interviewed one at a time, at the end of which, Henry is taken away by the police in handcuffs. He is in tears. David goes with him, to help.


  Chapter 15 - Re-United

  The wait for news of Henry is torment to Andrew and Stuart, two days have gone by and nothing heard from Henry or David.

  As Andrew crosses the reception area to head towards the stairs, the receptionist, Gareth, calls out to him, “I have a message for you young sir from David.”

  Andrew knows Gareth quite well, they have often had chats about cricket, something that Stuart has never been that interested in. Gareth, like Andrew, is a real fan and the two have been exchanging information about the test match that has been taking place. Andrew changes direction and heads for the desk.

  Gareth waits until Andrew is close enough and resumes, “David rang about fifteen minutes ago and said that the police are releasing Henry as they have no evidence on which to hold him. Our manager asked me to tell you and your friend, Stuart isn't it?”

  “Yes Gareth, that's right.” Andrew replies.

  Gareth smiles, I thought so, the manager asked me to let you know that Henry will be welcome back to the hotel, he has reserved a room for him.”

  “Wow that's great news, thanks very much Gareth. Any idea when he is likely to get here?” Andrew asks.

  Gareth looks across at the reception computer screen, he is silent for a moment then replies, “Oh yes, that was it, David reckoned it would be about an hour and a half by the time the police finish the paperwork and arrange transport. Oh and Henry's room is in the same block as yours and on your floor, about six door down from yours.”

  “Thanks.” Andrew says and sets off for the stairs again.

  “You're welcome, you off up to the tower?” asks Gareth.

  “Yes Stuart said over breakfast that he thought he had found Henry's granddaughter's, daughter and what is more, it appears that she does not live far away. We are going to call her. Dad has lent us his mobile, he doesn't know who we're calling though, so don't say anything OK?”

  “Mum's the word.” Gareth replies.

  “What?” Andrew asks.

  “I'll keep it to myself dork.” Gareth laughs.

  Andrew heads off again for the stairs.


  The door of the tower room opens, both boys stand as soon as Henry enters. They run over to him.

  “How did you know we would be here?”Stuart asks.

  Henry replies, “Someone called Gareth told us you would be here. Oh he said he has arranged to send up some cakes and drinks, managers treat apparently. Excellent news about my room, is it not? Just down from yours apparently.”

  “We have some good news for you Henry.” Stuart hands Henry a piece of paper, “This is the telephone number of your daughter's, daughter. We found her and have spoken to her, she wants to meet you. She lives about an hour away, just outside of Gloucester.”

  “Is this really true, how did you?” Henry holds out a shaking hand and gently takes the paper, then says, “Why am I taking this, I do not know how to use this information.”

  “What do you mean?” Stuart asks.

  “I have no idea how to use these numbers, to see my, my, great granddaughter.”

  Andrew steps forward and says, “Don't worry we can help out there, it is a number that allows you to speak to her, using one of these.” Andrew holds up his Dad's mobile and continues, “I will dial it for you and you can talk to her and invite her over here. She knows you are staying here.”

  “That is amazing, but then why am I so surprised this is the future.” Henry replies.

  Andrew dials the number and Henry speaks to Alison, between them they arrange to meet at the hotel that very evening. As Henry hands the phone back to Andrew he says, “Incredible, absolutely incredible, apart from a slight accent, she sounds just like my daughter. Even to the things that she said.”


  Henry has been pacing up and down the reception, as if he were being held prisoner. He closely eyes everyone who comes through the entrance, scanning their faces with great interest and care.

  David looks up from the newspaper he has been reading and remarks, “Hey this is pretty weird, have you seen this article on the incident at Hinckley Point?”

  Henry replies, “I do not have a clue as to what you are referring to David, I don't do newspapers, it was my wife who read those. What is this Hinckley Point anyway, is it some sort of monument, like one of those, what do you call them, oh yes, obelisks?”

  “No Henry, the nuclear power station at a place called Hinckley Point. Not far away. But south of here.”

  “What is a new clear station?” Henry asks.

  “Now you have me, its a bit complicated, but basically there is some sort of reaction chamber where they bash atoms into each other, that generates a lot of heat, which heats up steam, well water, to make steam, that drives a generator which makes electricity. Anyway the paper said there was some sort of scare yesterday, some technicians were changing rods, when they saw what looked like a ghost, it walked right through the reactor wall and emerged again an hour later, glowing even more than before. This thing went straight through the shielding walls and burnt a hole right through. Some scientist chap reckons it was ball lightning or some such thing.”

  Henry notices that Andrew is as white as a sheet, as if he had just seen the ghostly apparition himself. He asks, “You don't think it was a Saysestrian do you Henry?”

  “I never thought of that, it could be, perhaps one came back through the tunnel with us.” Henry suggests.

  Stuart remarks, “There was that strange thing that disturbed the bubble, just before you shut it off, wasn't there? Perhaps it was a Saysestrian.”

  Just then Henry's attention is taken away from the conversation as he sees a lady and small child enter the hotel, the lady's dress swirling as she walks, she has an air of sophistication about her. The child a girl, quite young about three judging by her height and the way she walks. Behind the pair walks a tall thin man, smartly dressed and as he turns his head to look at something to one side of the entrance, his face is lit up and a wide smile can be clearly seen.

  As the lady steps out of the shadow of the entrance archway, Henry exclaims, “My goodness don't you look the image of your grandmother?”

  The lady lets go of the little girl's hand, much to the little one's surprise. The lady then runs to Henry, hugs him and exclaims, “It is you, I don't believe it, I would recognise you anywhere, Mum and I often looked through the pictures of you. She talked about you so much, I almost feel like I know you.” She hugs him even tighter and continues, “Oh I can not believe it, you really are here!”

  “Oh Alison, I can not believe it, it is just like having my daughter and grand daughter back again. Who is the elegant young man with you Alison?”

  Alison steps back, grabs Henry's hand and says, “This is my partner Jason Fredric
kson. Jason, this is my, er, great great grandfather, my that sounds awfully impressive doesn't it?”

  Jason steps forward and shakes Henry by the hand and says, “Delighted to meet you sir, Alison didn't give your name, is it Henry?”

  “My she does talk about me then, yes Jason, likewise delighted to meet you also.” Henry bends down and holds out a hand to the little girl who seems somewhat abandoned and lonely, Henry asks, “And your name little one, would be Princess delightful would it not?”

  “Oh My God!” Alison exclaims, then holds her hand up to her mouth as if she had just sworn, “Sorry I don't believe it, you used to call my mother that.”

  Henry smiles, “Well I do believe, some traditions must be passed on, do you not?”

  Alison nods excitedly.

  The little girl looks up at her mother for re-assurance that it is alright to talk to the stranger. Alison responds by saying, “It is alright sweetie this is your great great great grandfather, his name is Henry.”


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