Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Alda, they got rid of the women,” Giada said to her.

  Alda shook her head.

  “This is stupid. I shouldn’t have come. I think I’m going to head to that cocktail party,” Alda said.

  “Wait, Alda, just give them a chance,” Collin said to her, shocking her and apparently Gisella as her eyes widened and then she hugged Collin’s arms.

  “That’s an order,” Gisella added and then pulled Collin along. Dominick and the guys took Giada’s hands and left Alda alone for about five seconds. She faced the bar and a moment later one thick strong arm wrapped around her waist, instantly making that empty feeling disappear and she had to refocus as to not lean back into Royce and sigh in pleasure.

  “You are in a lot of trouble, wearing a sexy dress like this and standing alone at the bar,” he said and kissed her neck. She turned to face him.

  “I don’t mind being alone. In fact, right now I prefer it,” she said and went to take a sip from her glass, when the others joined them.

  “No kiss hello?” Logic asked, and pressed close and kissed her cheek. She looked at him, that sexy crew cut hair, and sultry smile. Her heart raced. She then leaned into Train, who kissed her on the mouth, surprising her.

  She pulled back. “Train, don’t,” she said, only for Brew to pull her close. He cupped her neck and head under her hair and wrapped her up tight in his muscular arms.

  “We have a lot to talk about, and I expect answers and the truth,” he said and kissed her. When he released her lips she exhaled in annoyance.

  “That’s not how this works,” she told him.

  “Well, we either talk or I throw you over my shoulder, we head out of here right now and I take you home to talk,” he said very seriously.

  “It isn’t that simple, Brew.”

  “You don’t need to tell me. None of this is simple, baby. It’s fucking complicated, messy, and for some fucking insane reason, you, I want more of it. I want you. We all do. Let’s talk and listen, something we failed to do the other morning at your place,” he said and tears filled her eyes. Royce hugged her from behind.

  “Just a conversation, and then we see where it goes.”

  She looked at Royce and Brew then Logic, and Train.

  “I saw you when you came in. How the women flocked to you, calling you by name. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be…I won’t be just another woman you had in your bed.”

  Royce narrowed his eyes at her. “First, no other women have shared our bed in our penthouse, ever, and we have never shared the same woman before. We know the difference between you and women like that,” he said to her.

  “I’m not so sure you do,” she said and then turned away from them and toward the bar.

  “Being vulnerable is an emotion none of us are comfortable with,” Logic said to her. She glanced at him.

  “Just as jealousy can make a person do stupid things, like maybe stray toward another,” Train added.

  “You strayed?” she asked, feeling insulted, jealous, hurt.

  “Not us, you,” Brew said to her.

  “Me? I didn’t stray,” she said, pointing at her chest.

  “The two dicks in the newspaper. That pompous asshole Antonio and the other dick,” Brew added.

  “That’s business,” she said and went to turn, only for Brew to grip her tight and crush her between the bar and himself. She held his gaze, her head tilted up toward his face.

  “You let them touch you. Did you let them kiss you, pleasure you?” he hissed at her. She shook her head. He looked and sounded so fierce but also hurt.

  She felt his hand cup her ass and squeeze. “Brew.”

  “This is our body. You’re our woman. We fucked up and we know that. This is new, Alda, and we aren’t going to be a bunch of fucking pussies and pour our emotions out to you or snuggle on the couch and talk about secrets or things that make us who we are. We just aren’t those types of men,” he said to her. Tears filled her eyes.

  “I just expected something, Brew. Anything you would give me, a morsel of something personal about each of you. I was willing to accept your denial of your feelings. I know what type of men you are, but I didn’t expect to be diverted, then told how busy of a week it would be and that you all weren’t sure when we could get together, and then you ask for my key to my apartment. You didn’t even take me out on a date? Is that not acceptable either? Does that fall under making you all feel vulnerable?” she asked and a tear fell. She wiped it away and pushed against his arms.

  “No. You’re right. We should have been honest, but if we were, then you would have known how weak you make us,” Brew said to her. She couldn’t believe it. Brew of all of them was the hardest, the most demanding and rough.

  “He speaks the truth, Alda. We’re sorry we hurt you. That we made you feel unimportant to us. It’s the last thing we wanted to do,” Royce said to her.

  “Letting those men touch you, kiss you or more, won’t go unpunished though either,” Train said to her. Her eyes widened and Brew chuckled then pulled her close again, his hand squeezed her ass.

  “First things first,” Brew said, holding her gaze then lowering down to kiss her. When his lips touched hers, none of what happened yesterday morning even mattered, nor the crazy thoughts that bothered her all day. All that mattered was being surrounded by these four men, kissed and taken by them. Everything else was minimal.

  * * * *

  Alda was sitting on Brew’s lap in one of the chairs at a long table and the men were gathered around her, touching her, caressing her skin and talking to her about things being so different. Once they got through the awkwardness of explaining their childhoods and being adopted, she really seemed to relax and let down that guard she had up most of the night. Royce still wondered what she did with Antonio and his cousin, but she apologized for sort of cheating on them and kissing other men. They caused her to do it, so he had to forgive her, but the jealous feeling ate him up inside, and he knew he was never going to let Alda out of his sight.

  “So why this sexy dress tonight? Were you planning on making us drool?” Logic asked and eased his palm up and down her thigh then over her knee.

  “I had backup plans,” she said and then looked away from them.

  “Back up plans?” Brew asked.

  She turned in his arms. Royce saw her cheeks blush.

  “I didn’t know how things would turn out here and I had a plan B,” she told them.

  “Did plan B involve other men?” Royce asked.

  “Well, it involved a cocktail party in a penthouse in Times Square,” she said and then stood up and fixed her dress. Brew grabbed her hand and Train stood up behind her.

  “Those two dicks live in a penthouse in Times Square?” Brew asked.

  “No, a friend of theirs was throwing a party and I was invited. I told them I may not make it. Plan B,” she said.

  Train gripped her shoulders and massaged them as he whispered into her ear but they could all hear.

  “Brew and the rest of us had a plan B too in case you didn’t fully cooperate,” Train told her.

  “Guys,” Royce said but it was too late as Brew bent and pulled her up over his shoulder. He kept a hand on her ass as she screamed and yelled at him to put her down.

  “Good night, all,” Brew yelled to their friends, who all hooted and hollered, laughing and cheering them on as Brew and Train walked out of the room and through the crowd with Alda over Brew’s shoulder. Logic looked at Royce and shook his head.

  “Plan B wasn’t necessary. She was cooperating and listening.”

  “I think Brew and Train just want her alone, and naked, pretty much as we do.” Logic laughed as they followed their brothers out of the club.

  “I also think Brew and Train wanted everyone to see us all leave with Alda and with her over his shoulder. Maybe it’s his way of saying we’re off the market and so is Alda,” Royce said and Logic slapped his brother’s shoulder and smiled wide. Nothing was going to get in the w
ay of making Alda all theirs. Nothing.

  * * * *

  Alda gasped when Brew set her feet down on the ground by the SUV and then turned her around and smacked her ass. “Get in,” he demanded.

  “What?” she replied as she went to move, but apparently not fast enough as Brew scooped her up again into his arms, this time in a cradle position and slid into the back seat. Train followed and Royce and Logic got in up front. She was embarrassed, shaking, aroused, annoyed, turned on, and then moaning as Brew pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again. When he pulled from her lips, she reprimanded him. “How could you do that to me, Brew? All those people watching and whistling, yelling as you acted like a bunch of cavemen,” she said. He looked so serious as he held her gaze and then licked his lips.

  “I had enough of the talking. That’s how you make me feel, baby. Wild, animalistic, desperate to claim your body, mark you, make everyone know who you belong to and then make love to you and pound it into you, so you never stray again. It’s barbaric, I fucking know it, but that’s what you do to all of us. I can’t explain in words. I know that somehow pissed you off before and made you stray but not again. You accept my actions. Our actions and understand them, damn it,” he told her then kissed her again. She was turned on by his words, his desperate need that mimicked hers.

  Train ran his hand up her thigh and she parted them for him. He scooted closer.

  “Don’t push us away. We don’t know what the fuck we’re doing. We’ve never been serious about a woman, had a girlfriend, never mind one we all want, shared and continue to want you,” Train told her.

  Brew pulled from her lips and she looked at Train, her lips parted, her breathing hitched. “I don’t want to feel used,” she whispered, tears falling from her eyes.

  “Never. We’re sorry if we made you feel that way. Maybe we need to do more feeling, more touching, and zone in on the power and connection we all have?”

  He stroked her thigh and gripped the upper part then slid his hand down again. It felt so good, so right. Then Brew cupped her breast, caressed a thumb over the nipple, arousing her further. Her legs parted, accepting Train’s exploration. That desperate need built up inside of her.

  “That’s right. You know when one of us touches you that you’re to obey our commands and give us what we desire,” Train said to her and stroked along her groin. Her lips parted and Brew helped Train push the material of her dress to her hips. “Red fucking panties. She’s wearing tiny red lace panties,” Train said.

  “For us, not for those fucktards!” Logic yelled from the front seat, shocking her. He seemed so calm, and less aggressive than the others.

  The SUV slowed down.

  “Come here,” Train ordered. Brew eased her up off his lap and Train lifted her like she weighed hardly anything at all onto his lap. He cupped her cheeks and hair, held her gaze and looked over her lips. “You belong to us. You need to accept what that means in every way. Do you understand me, Alda? In every way, you give full control over you to us. There’s no other way to make this relationship work. No wasting time on worrying about things that don’t exist, you’ll know you belong to us only and there will be no other men and no other women. Understand and accept?”

  She stared at him, her heart racing, her pussy throbbing with need. Even her ass tingled in anticipation, and enjoyment of what it felt like when they all made love together.

  “Yes, Train. I want that.” He pressed his lips to hers gently and when he pulled back the SUV stopped.

  “When we get you upstairs, you slowly undress for us, and then you are to place your hands on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide, ass lifted, and you accept your punishment from us.”

  She gasped.

  “What? What do you mean, punishment?” she asked and wondered why she felt aroused, intrigued by this dominance and control they demanded over her.

  Brew stroked her jaw as the door opened.

  “For letting two other men touch you, kiss you, press you between them and want you, when you belong to the four of us.” He tapped her jaw.

  “Now move,” Train stated.

  She looked to the left and there stood Royce. Logic was right behind him, arms crossed and a fierce expression on his face.

  Train lifted her off his lap to Royce. Royce helped her out and she fixed her dress. She noticed that Logic held her purse and the phone was out of it and with the purse. Before she could ask him anything Royce pulled her against him, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. She felt his palm grab her ass then lift her thigh up against his hip as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. That kiss was hot, filled with desire and so commanding she relaxed in his arms until he released her lips and then gave her body a little shake.

  “You are in for it tonight.” He gave her ass a smack as he set her straight and then turned her to walk toward the elevator in the underground parking garage. Logic turned away and stepped in first. They all followed. He didn’t look at her but passed her phone to Train and then to Brew. Royce’s hand tightened on hers. She looked up at him and he was staring straight ahead and appeared as if he were biting the inside of his cheek. Was he still angry with her? Were they really going to punish her, spank her ass, and expect her to obey their order?

  She gulped as the doors opened and then they walked down the small hall to another elevator, stepped inside and then Logic punched in the code and the doors closed and then opened a few seconds later to the other hallway before their penthouse. As they got inside Royce released her hand.

  “To the bedroom and do as you were told,” he said to her. All four men stared at her, looking serious and stern. Train rotated her cell phone in his hand.

  “Train, what are you doing with my phone?” she asked.

  “It was going off on our way here.”

  She swallowed hard. It didn’t take a genius to tell that whomever texted her said something that upset them.

  “Who was it and what did they say, since apparently you read it?” she asked all of them.

  They were quiet.

  “All control of you, Alda. It’s what we require and need stepping forward. It’s the kind of men we are, our professions and the way we need this relationship to be,” Royce said to her, mimicking Train and Brew’s words to her earlier.

  “I understand,” she said and waited, thought about this. The text was probably from Antonio. He expected to see her tonight. He hinted about spending time alone with him, but she realized she was being stupid and looking for excuses to stay clear of Brew, Royce, Train, and Logic out of fear of the uncertainty, but their actions since they arrived at the club showed her how upset they were, too. How they missed her, hadn’t meant to make her feel like used goods, but that they had commitment issues, never had a girlfriend but were making an effort their way. She could accept that because she cared about them, hell, maybe even fell in love somewhere between their stupidity and hers.

  She reached back and undid the zipper on her dress slowly. “It doesn’t matter what he said. What any man other than the four of you says or wants. I don’t belong to him. I’ve never belonged to any man, and as much as it scares me to tell you I belong to each of you, it arouses me. Makes me wet, and only the four of you get that reaction.” She let the dress fall, saw their hunger in their eyes and she stepped from the dress, then reached back and unclipped her bra.

  “Forget the texts. I’ll be in the bedroom, in position as ordered,” she said, dropped the bra, let them get an eyeful of her and she walked down the hallway as sexy as possible with her legs shaking, her heart racing and wondering whether the ass spanking would hurt, or make her fall deeper under their spell.

  As she entered their bedroom, Royce’s from what she remembered them saying, she stepped from her heels and the thong panties and then got herself into the position they told her to. Every inch of her was oversensitive, even her palms as they hit the thick, white comforter. Her forearms tingled, then her shoulders, her pussy, ass, and thighs as she sens
ed them entering the room. They were quiet, but their presence a force field of masculinity, toughness and macho-ness she just couldn’t describe fully, or its effect on every one of her body parts.

  As a palm glided along her ass, she hissed and tightened.

  “You think that little speech will make us go easy on you? Think again,” Royce stated firmly.

  She looked to the right, Brew was naked already.

  “Eyes closed,” Logic ordered, cupping her chin, making her turn to the left.

  She saw him naked, his thick long cock dripping already with pre-cum. She licked her lips.

  “Closed,” Train ordered from behind her with Royce.

  She closed her eyes and gripped the comforter. Hands encased her wrists on both sides by Train and Brew.

  “Relax. Everything we do to you, to this body, is for your pleasure and ours. You accepted our dominance and control. Now relax and receive your punishment,” Train told her as he and Brew caressed up and down her forearms then gripped her wrists just as the first smack landed on her ass cheek.

  “Oh,” she gasped, not expecting the combined sensation of being restrained and the hand on her ass. She jerked and then the second hand smacked her ass. Her pussy throbbed and leaked.

  “Those men can’t have you. You’re ours,” Logic said and then smacked her ass hard.

  “Oh God. Oh.” She moaned and her pussy leaked.

  Smack, smack.

  “Ours,” Royce commanded.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes, I am. I want that. Please,” she begged.

  “Ours,” Brew said to her and kissed the top of her head.

  “Always,” Train said and kissed her head. They both eased their large, firm hands up her arms to her shoulders.

  Smack, smack. She jerked forward and Train and Brew stepped back and Logic and Royce took their places. Logic gripped a fistful of her hair and lifted her head toward him. She opened her eyes. “I need so badly it burns in my heart. It actually burns. It’s foreign for me, Alda,” he said to her, his eyes so serious and emotional.


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