Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 20

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What do you mean, a bad dude and what about the drugs you’re talking about?”

  C.J. panicked, Fogerty was going to kill him but his cousin was more important.

  “I could get killed,” he said.

  Dominick grabbed him by his shirt and gave him a shake.

  “Do you know Royce, Brew, Train, and Logic?” He nodded. “Then you’d better tell us everything you know right now, or you’ll wish all someone did was put a bullet in your head. Those men torture before they kill, and who knows what they’d do to someone who got their girlfriend hurt, or worse. Now talk.”

  * * * *

  “It all makes sense, but we still don’t know where they took Alda, Dominick,” Train said into the phone. He had it on speaker. They were all there with their friends trying to find her. They checked the penthouse where the two men lived, the airport to see if they flew somewhere, and nothing.

  “I’m getting Garlitto in on this. He’s fucking pissed that these dicks were using his territory behind his back, and that Lou Carvetti and Salento Sorenno were working with these men to bring this drug into our clubs and streets. He’s putting an end to it. He’ll find out where they took her. Hang tight and I’ll call you as soon as I hear from him.”

  “Okay,” Train said and ended the call.

  “Can you believe this shit? These fucking nobodies come in here and try to do this under our noses and sell this crap?” Harley said.

  “I never liked that fucking Carvetti and nor did Collin and Fedarro. I know he did some small things for Dominick and them but still, the guy wanted to be big fast,” Jack said to them.

  “I would love to put a beating on these dicks for what they did to Alessa, getting that shit out there. I don’t even want to think about how those men could have hurt her at the party they planned on taking her to,” Lenox said.

  “It sounds like they gave that shit to Alda. We need to find her fast,” Logic said, reminding them of the severity of the drug and how incapacitated it would make her and susceptible to the two men.

  Royce slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. “Come on and call already. Fuck, if they touch her, hell, rape her—”

  “Don’t, Royce. We’ll get them. It’s a good thing her cousin was in the club tonight. It saved us time running in circles and also helps to stop this fucked up drug from circulating into the clubs and city.”

  The phone rang and it was Dominick.

  “They took her to a house in the country. Forty minutes north from the G.W. Guys, there’s something else we found out. It seems that Tatum, Antonio’s cousin, gives the drugs to women a lot but apparently killed a woman.”

  “What?” Brew asked.

  “We found out from Garlitto as his guys interrogated C.J.’s friend Fogerty.”

  “That dick that hit on Alda and Alessa that night at the club,” Lenox stated.

  “What did Fogerty say?” Train asked.

  “That a few guys were called in for cleanup. That Tatum went crazy and beat the hell out of the woman and killed her. He was on something.”

  “Let’s move. Time is running out quickly,” Logic said and they ended the call and headed to the address.

  “Forty fucking minutes. Jesus, we aren’t going to get to her in time,” Brew stated.

  “We will. We’ll get to her and those men will wish they never touched your woman or tried to push into our territory,” Cobra stated.

  * * * *

  “Look at her, Antonio. She wants it. She does want us,” Tatum said and smiled. Alda was pressing her arms above her head and moving around on the bed. He climbed up and stretched over her, cupping her cheek and then her breast.

  “So beautiful and giving. You like this bed, Alda?” Tatum asked.

  “Mmm, it’s soft, and I’m so tired,” she said in a seductive moan.

  He lowered down and kissed her. She put her arms around his shoulders and he pressed between her thighs.

  “That’s right, baby. You are going to be spending a lot of time in this bed. By the time we’re done with you, you’ll know who you belong to,” he said to her.

  “Brew,” she whispered.

  Antonio stopped where he was. Tatum lifted up and gripped her arms.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “She’s high, Tatum. She doesn’t know what’s going on and that’s what we want. We’ll keep her drugged. Get her used to our touch. Months from now, she’ll be under complete control.” Antonio stroked her jaw and then down her chest.

  “Train,” she whispered when Antonio cupped her breast.

  “It’s Tatum and Antonio. Say it.” Tatum raised his voice.

  “Tatum.” She moaned and moved to the side. Antonio pulled her on top of him and kissed her mouth, her neck.

  “That’s right, baby. Holy shit, you have one hell of a body on you,” Antonio said as Tatum unzipped her dress.

  “A fucking tattoo. She has a tattoo,” Tatum stated, feeling aroused and ready to take her.

  He pulled off his shirt and Antonio rolled her to her back and began to undress her. Her breasts swayed in the very sheer, sexy bra she wore and as they pulled down her dress, they saw the tiny thong panties, the tattoo and belly ring.

  “I told you. I fucking told you she was perfect,” Tatum said and then began to touch her, caress her skin and then lick along the tattoo.

  “Train, please. Oh. Train.” She moaned and gripped Antonio’s shoulder and Tatum’s hair.

  “Fuck.” Tatum gripped her hips and shook her. “Tatum. The name is Tatum. Say it,” he demanded and she moaned and shook her head.


  He struck her across the mouth. Antonio grabbed his arm.

  “No, Tatum, she doesn’t know what she’s saying. She’s high, remember?”

  “No. She can say our names. Make her say our names.”

  Tatum pulled her up and she grabbed at him. He dropped her back down.

  “Grab her arms and hold her.”

  “Oh, Royce. Royce, please,” she yelled and lifted her hips.

  “Fuck,” Tatum yelled and gripped her face hard. “Tatum. Say Tatum,” he yelled at her. She wiggled her legs and kicked them. He struck her again.

  “Just do it already. She’ll learn, Tatum. We don’t want her beaten and ugly. Look at what you did to her face, her lips and eye. What the fuck, Tatum.”

  “Fuck you, she’s mine and I’ll do with her what I like and what I want. I can’t listen to her say their names. She should be saying ours.”

  Tatum started to undo his pants. Her mouth was bleeding, her cheek swollen when suddenly the lights in the bedroom went out.

  “What the fuck?” Tatum said.

  Antonio released her arms. “Something is wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong. I’m going to take her. You can fuck around with the power.” He gripped her hips and the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs like an army of people and then the door burst open. He had his pants down and felt the hit to his head.

  * * * *

  Brew took out Tatum and Train took out Antonio. Logic and Royce hurried to the bed. The sight of Alda, lying in only her panties and bra, dress ripped from her body, face battered and bleeding, made Royce wince. She was moaning and completely out of it.

  “Alda, baby, come on,” Logic said her name and caressed her arm.

  “Get her out of here. We’ll take out the trash,” Cobra said to Royce and Logic.

  “We’ll help and meet you at the penthouse,” Brew said straight-faced. They nearly got to her too late. The sight of Tatum standing between her legs with his pants down ready to rape their woman would haunt his thoughts forever.

  He felt the hand on his shoulder as Royce held her in his arms and carried her from the room. “You got to her in time. That’s what matters,” Turbo told him and Logic as they quickly went through the house and out to the SUV.

  “Bastards. We should have made them suffer,” Logic stated, wiping the blood from her lips as she moaned and
held on to Royce.

  “It’s over. Two less scumbags walk this earth hurting innocent women. Protecting Alda is our number one priority,” Royce said and they headed home.


  “Whose house is this?” Alda asked as the SUV pulled into the driveway of a really nice house in the suburban neighborhood in New Jersey. It had been a few weeks since the incident at work. Surprisingly she remembered the meeting and the funny feeling she had after drinking the water. From there on out was blank, and what she insisted on her men telling her made her love them even more.

  They spent so much time together and she declined being the cover model for MAX Industries cosmetics line but remained on board at Maxwell’s insistence as CEO of the company. She would be working with Max hand in hand, hiring on new staff and working to maintain their reputation here in the US for the time being. Haley was fired by Maxwell and threatened by multiple organized crime families, including her men. The drug situation was destroyed, as only Antonio and Tatum knew how to get the drug or create it. No one knew but anyone involved with the selling and distribution was dealt with by the Garlitto family. She was grateful that Dominick and Royce saved her cousin C.J. from getting killed or beaten for his involvement, considering he helped end it all and save her life. That meant a lot to Dominick and the others, who hired him on to be trained accordingly and by Brew and Train personally.

  “It’s a surprise, baby. Someone very important to us, and that we wanted you to meet,” Royce told her.

  When they got to the front door of the beautiful, small home, someone answered the door, a young woman in her thirties and she smiled wide.

  “Good afternoon, sirs. She’s been waiting very impatiently for all of you to arrive.”

  “Thank you, Liza. This is Alda,” he said to her and the woman smiled.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” She nodded.

  “She a caretaker for our—”

  “Oh my goodness. She’s gorgeous!” the older woman stated as she stood by the hallway looking old, yet strong and spirited.

  “Mom,” Logic said, surprising Alda. She heard all about Abigail James and how she was their foster mother and helped to save them from the streets of New York. In the past few weeks they explained about their good times and bad. Brew’s stint in jail for assault as he helped protect a young woman, and their crimes they got away with, but then their education and achievements all because of one another and Abigail.

  “Come here, Alda,” Logic said after the men greeted their mom.

  “Mom, meet Alda Ruffinno. The woman we’re all in love with,” Train said, shocking Alda by his confession of love and making tears hit her eyes. The older woman opened her arms to Alda and she hugged her, inhaling that lavender scent Brew secretly told her about and how comforting it had been as a child who was neglected and scared.

  She pulled back and Brew pulled her close and kissed her neck.

  “Let’s enjoy some lunch outside. I want to hear all about how you found Alda and finally let down your guards and fell in love. I have the feeling it’s going to be one hell of a love story with you four troublemakers,” their mom said and she laughed. They moaned and groaned.

  “Troublemakers? We were your favorites,” Royce said to her, helping their mom down the two stairs and to the screened in porch. There was another woman setting up lunch and pouring iced tea. It seemed the four men got their mom people to take care of her and provide for her. They were giving back, or at least trying to give her what she provided for them years ago.

  “So Alda doesn’t know about your pasts,” their mom teased.

  “She knows some of it, Mom, and still wants us. So don’t go messing it all up and scaring her,” Train said to their mom as they all gathered around the porch.

  “Oh, Alda doesn’t look like she’ll get scared off. She looks strong, and loves each of you, I can tell. Don’t know why you waited to tell her until today,” their mom said.

  Alda laughed aloud. Brew squeezed her hand.

  “You know us, mom.”

  “Yes, I do. Stubborn, hard-headed men but men I’m proud of.” She smiled.

  “Now, stories about their childhood. Where to begin,” their mom teased and rubbed her hands together like Train did so often. It made her think about their relationship with this woman, how they were orphans and learned to accept her love and even pick up on her expressions and personality. They were opening up to Alda more and more each day, and she knew today was a big deal. Them bringing her to meet their mom and to learn about their troubled childhoods and the miracle they received when Abigail took them in. No wonder they called themselves brothers. They truly were, and she was now part of this family.

  When it was time to say good-bye Abigail asked when they would visit again and the men made plans to come next week with Alda but to take their mom out to dinner. By the time they got to the SUV and were driving back to the city, Alda felt so content and loved by them. She didn’t think she could be any happier than she was right now.

  “What did you think of Mom?” Royce asked her.

  “She’s so nice, such a big heart and caring woman. I think it’s awesome that you all take care of her and have people here to help her so she doesn’t have to lift a finger unless she wants to. It’s very sweet,” she told them.

  Brew lifted her up onto his lap and she held on to his shoulders. “Don’t tell anyone though. We need to keep our bad ass reps,” he said and winked. She cupped his cheek.

  “Oh, I know all too well about the reputations you need to keep, Mr. Bad Ass,” she said and they chuckled.

  “Someone is still needing some training, I see,” Royce said.

  “I think it’s going to take many, many days and nights of your training.”

  “Are you sure you can accept us the way we are, Alda? Not mushy and all sappy and shit,” Train asked and she smiled, glancing over toward him as she sat on Brew’s lap.

  “Oh, I accept all of you just the way you are. I’ve loved you for a while now. I didn’t want to scare you and tell you. Something like that could send Brew over the edge,” she teased,

  “What? Why wouldn’t you tell us? We said no secrets.”

  “Well, you kept this secret from me, and waited until you were in front of your mom to tell me you all loved me.”

  “Mom asked us if we told you yet and we said no, so she asked that we tell you when she was present so she got to at least hear it first as a memory of what she’s wished for us for some time,” Royce confessed.

  “Awe…that is so, so sweet. Totally not bad ass, Brew, sorry,” she said.

  “Why, you little stinker.” Brew dipped her over Train’s seat and both men tickled her. She laughed and screamed for them to stop but then those tickles turned to caresses, and more. Train kissed her lips and Brew stroked her thighs, pushed up her skirt and dipped fingers into her cunt. These men were full throttle sexy, dominant men and she loved them with all her heart. Even if their ways of communication were totally non-traditional. Either way, they left her needy for their touch, desperate for their love because with these four men it was all or nothing, and she was just fine with that because they loved her and she loved them.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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