Lady Boss (The Spitfire Book 2)

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Lady Boss (The Spitfire Book 2) Page 4

by Silver, Jordan

  "Who're these lovely ladies Flanagan?" I'd almost forgotten Rossis was here, I turned and made the introductions while my sisters and mother sat at the table.

  Tony and Mikey joined them followed by Rossi and Alphonso; I sat next to Mouth and reached for some food. She must've told ma what we were up to, though my mom liked to pretend I was a legitimate business man, she knew the ropes, she'd been around grandpa long enough.

  "So, she texted you and........?"

  "Oh, she told me where she was and that you had some sort of control panel on the wall, we figured it was the keypad to open the door from the inside and so I gave her the code and voila. Then we decided to come over and cook a little late night something and keep her company."

  "Ma....there's something wrong with that story, how do you know my code?"

  "Son, please, I've known your code since you were in high school and I used to read your emails and stuff."

  "What the fuck?" I felt my face heat up when I remembered some of the things I used to write to my squeezes back then.

  "That's all kinds a messed up." I had to watch the cussing; she wouldn't let me get away with too much of that shit in her presence.

  "That's what you get for using her birth date as your code idiot, some mob boss you are, she never read mine or Anna's, even Anna and I use to read your stuff sometimes. My sister Sophia smirked at me after divulging that shit.

  I was not fucking amused though everyone else seemed to find this shit funny, all except Mouth who I noticed hadn't said one word since we sat down. She was even ignoring her father and uncle who didn't seem to find anything wrong with that, they carried on conversations around the table like there wasn't a silent person smack dab in our midst.

  Okay I have to admit, that shit was.....scary, it's like waiting for the other shoe to drop, but not just any shoe, a steel toed boot.

  "Mouth let me talk to you?" I whispered that shit, the last thing I needed was for any of these assholes to see me beg.

  She didn't even bat a lash, it's like I hadn't even spoken. All throughout the meal it went like that, I was beginning to get frustrated as fuck, I mean if she screamed or came at me with a gun I could deflect that shit, but it was like I didn't even exist.

  I have to say I don't like that shit one fucking bit, no way, no how.

  The group moved to the living room after the table had been cleared and the dishes put away and still no word from Mouth.

  I sat next to her on the couch, even put my arm around her, nothing, she didn't even tell me to fuck off, didn't try to move from under my arm. I didn't exist, fuck that shit.

  I got up and dragged her from the room, in our bedroom I pushed her against the door and kissed her, or at least I tried, she just stood there, looking right into my eyes but with no response.

  I tried again, biting into her bottom lip the way she liked, cupping her breast in my hand. Her nipple pebbled but she still didn't move or say anything. Fuck me, she was seriously pissed, I'm not sure I knew how to handle this shit.

  I finally released her when I realized that she wasn't going to respond.

  "So how long is the silent treatment gonna last, cause I gotta say, I'm not having much fun with this shit, you know I was right Arianna that was no place for you, so stop being a brat and talk to me."

  Still nothing.

  "Fine be that way, but understand I would do it again if I had to, to protect you from this shit I will do anything within my power so you be fucking mad all you want to." I left her standing there, finally working on my own mad. Fuck, I was just trying to protect her, was that so fucking bad, I don't care how fucking mad she got she wasn't getting involved in this life, fuck no.

  I rejoined the others in the room who stopped all conversation when I sat back down. I gave them the finger, all except ma of course and settled down in my chair until I saw Mouth leave the bedroom with an overnight bag.

  Oh fuck no.

  "You ready Arianna?" Ma got up and went for her purse.

  "What's going on?"

  "She's spending the night and maybe the next few days with me until this cools down."

  "No she isn't." I turned to look at her. "You're not leaving me...."

  "She's not leaving you son, she just needs some time apart right now........"

  I heard rushing water in my ears, that's all I heard before I lost my shit. Well at the time I didn't know I had lost my shit but apparently that's what happened.

  The room was a fucking wreck when I came to my senses. The flat screen was shattered on the floor, the center table was up against one wall, the couch was on its side and who knows what the fuck else was broken, it looked like a tornado had passed through.

  The men were standing around me with their hands on my shoulders, ma was holding Mouth back from getting near me, and it all came back into focus.

  "You're not leaving."

  "FINE, but I'm not talking to you asshole." She had tears in her voice as she ran to the bedroom and slammed the door.

  Fuck, I think I scared Mouth; I haven't had one of these episodes since I was a kid, damn.

  Mom came over and hugged me while the others got ready to leave.

  "Are you sure she's safe here with him?" Rossi asked mom as they were headed to the door.

  "She's the only one who is."

  Chapter 10

  I walked into the bedroom where she was lying on the bed fully clothed. I toed off my shoes and got in behind her.

  Pulling her stiff body back against my front I held her tight.

  "I'm sorry I scared you, but you will never leave me, be mad all you want but you be mad here, from now on that's where you belong, with me."

  She didn't answer but I didn't care so much anymore, she had been afraid for me hadn't she, and she was here with me now, that was all the evidence I needed, she'll get over her mad soon enough, I hope.

  Damn she had turned me into a fucking lunatic and we had only just begun.

  I awakened sometime in the middle of the night with the boner from hell; I still had a tight grip on Arianna as she slept.

  I wonder how seriously she would hurt me if I tried to fuck her right now, shit, she was asleep, if I did shit just right I could be in the pussy before she even awakened.

  I started inching up her t shirt slowly, inch by inch, my fingers itched to touch her soft skin but I couldn't take the chance, I'll have to play after I was buried inside her.

  How the fuck was I gonna get her wet if I couldn't touch her, shit, I didn't want to move, to reach over to the night table to get some gel, that might jar her awake too.

  Fuck Flanagan you're a moron, I had a sinister grin as I used my hand to take some of the pre cum that was now running out my dick, ever so gently I smeared some over her slit, using the bare tips of my fingers, holding my breath, hoping she didn't wake up.

  So far so good. I couldn't resist running my cock head up and down her slit from behind once before pushing in to her.

  Fuck so soft, so hot.

  Only when I was fully seated in her did I release my breath, her ass was tucked against my groin, held there with my hand on her belly.

  I started a slow in and out, my dick swelling even more, I wanted to pound her so bad, but not yet, I knew it wouldn't be long before she woke up and I had to be ready for whatever she was gonna throw at me. The pussy was so good I didn't even mind a fight, shit.

  Her ass twitched, her pussy tightened around my dick and she arched her back with a sigh. She pushed back against me, trying to take my root inside her, I let her have it.

  My hand swept up towards her breast and I pinched her nipple as I sped up my hip movements a little more.

  She was fucking back at me, good girl, see, I was worried for nothing. I nibbled her neck marking her, before turning her over onto her stomach.

  Leaving her upper body flattened against the sheets, I lifted just her ass in the air, and plowed into her from behind, there was no other word for it.

  She screamed into
the bed as I grunted behind her, my dick couldn't seem to stop swelling inside her, I was hitting her spot with every plunge inside her, my hips were moving faster than I'd ever seen them, it was the most amazing fuck of my life.

  "Shit Arianna, what the fuck have you done to me?"

  My head felt like it would explode, the emotions in my chest could not be described, what....the ...fuck....?

  I became a madman, at least that's how I would describe it, I bit and snarled all over her back, the need to mark her so strong, like some primitive being from another time. I have no fucking idea what came over me, all I know is that I needed to see my mark on her, to own her, possess her.

  This was some Bram Stoker shit.

  She whined beneath me as I attacked her body with mine, I wasn't fucking anymore, I was mating, where those words came from I don't know, but that's the thought that ran through my head.

  I had to cum in her, deep in her, I didn't stop to think why, I just had to, it was almost as if I was compelled to do it.

  I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to, I twisted my hip for a different angle, and on the next thrust I butted against her cervix.

  It was soft, almost spongy, and felt amazing, and then my cock head pushed through into her womb.

  "Fuuuuckkkk,Arghhhhhhhhh." I never came so fucking hard or so long in my life. All energy deserted me as she reached a climax beneath me, screaming, and writhing.

  I dropped to my back like a wet rag, if Mouth decided to finish me off now I couldn't stop her, and if she knew what I had just done to her she would finish me.

  I don't know how I knew but I'd just planted my kid in her, now to be fair, I didn't plan it, it seems almost like something pushed me to do it, I can't tell her that shit because she'd never believe me.

  Fuck, I'm not telling her shit, she'd find out in a few months like everybody else does, I'll just have to keep an eye on her for both their sakes.

  I turned to her pulling her back to me, her body was back to being a block of wood.

  Alright, that's the way it is is it, tough. I forcefully pulled her back into my arms; she actually struggled for a little bit before I tangled her up with my arms and legs.

  "Seriously Mouth, I don't need you to talk to me to fuck you, you wanna give me the silent treatment go ahead, but in this room that shit is dead, now stop being a brat, and settle the fuck down."

  Her body just stopped, just like that, I didn't trust it but she didn't move for the next five minutes, then I heard it, she was sniffling, what the fuck?

  I turned her over and was gutted, she had fucking tears streaming down her face.

  "No, no, no, no, no, baby...ssh, come on now, don't do that."

  Have I mentioned how much I hate for the women in my life to cry, well seeing ma or the girls cry is nothing compared to this shit, you could fillet me with a hatchet, and that shit wouldn't hurt as much.

  "Please, fuck, what did I do, did I hurt you, shit?" I was checking all over her body for injuries, it couldn't be the bite marks could it, I didn't think I was biting her that hard, hard enough to mark but not hard enough to break the skin, fuck.

  She made a hiccupping sound as I pulled her little body closer to me.

  "Tell me why you're crying; please tell me why you're crying baby."

  "You didn't respect me."

  "When, just now, Mouth...."

  "No, before, when you locked me in the room, you don't respect me, you think I'm too stupid to handle myself, when I've been evading Carlo Stacco all this time on my own, I got all that information together and everything, but in the end you treated me like an air headed bimbo."

  Fuck me, now she put it that way, I sounded like a real asshole, fuck, what the fuck was I supposed to do now?

  "How can I fix this, huh, tell me what to do."

  I didn't see the smirk that crossed her face, had I seen it I would've covered my balls and ran for cover.

  Chapter 11

  Prince of the City

  Sucker, I'm glad his mom had let slip how much he hated tears, now I had him just where I wanted him, I knew the silent treatment wouldn't work for too long on his hard headed ass, the man had Alpha male stamped all over his shit, but there's always more than one way to skin a cat, now I had him in the palm of my hands, oh the possibilities.

  I had to control my grin before I could answer him, couldn't give myself away had to make him sweat the little shit.

  "I don't know that there's anything you can do, you made me look stupid in front your boys and my uncle and dad." I gave a little sullen shrug for effect.

  You should see his face, if he could kick his own ass in that moment he would've. Meanwhile the tears are still flowing, hehehe.

  "Come on now baby, stop crying you're fucking killing me here, whatever you want me to do I'll do it."

  I let him hug me close, after all I loved his hugs and the sex, sweet merciful heavens, that shit was hot, maybe I should freeze him out more often because he went above and beyond on that one.

  "I don't know, I'll think about it, let's just go to sleep okay."

  "You done crying?" I nodded yes with tears on my cheeks. "You sure?"

  Damn, he really hated tears, click, locked away for future use; life was so good to me. Don't laugh Ari he'd see through you in a flash if you do. But it was so hard not to, the big bad mobster freaked over a few tears, this was gonna be good. Though I'm not a simpering imbecile it wouldn't hurt to keep his ass in check every once in a while, and if I played my cards right, he'd never catch on that I was playing him. Sweeeeet.

  Well that didn't last long, I had one day of free reign after my crying jag, a day where he treated me with kid gloves and let me do whatever I wanted, even going back to the club because I whined about how much I missed it. He wasn't too happy about it but he let me work a shift.

  Then his natural bossiness kicked back in and it was all over. Damn.

  Now he's on a tear because he heard through the grapevine that Carlo Stacco made a threat against me.

  I walked into his study where he was once again ranting on the phone, his face a dark scowl as he sat behind his desk, shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows , buttons undone to his chest.

  Hmmm; if he ever caught on to how much I wanted him he'd be hard to deal with, better keep that to myself for a while yet.

  I'd had no real idea who he was when I first came here, I knew of him of course, the youngest man in my father's profession so to speak, but I'd always pictured some heavy jowled out of shape blowhard, imagine my surprise when we first met.

  He was the complete opposite to all that and I'd found myself day dreaming about him since then. I always swore I'd never end up with a guy like him, I wanted to get about as far away from this life as possible, but here I am, and if this nut had anything to say about it, here I'll be staying.

  "They fuck with Mouth I would burn this whole mother fucking city down, no one fucks with what's mine and live, bring his bitch ass to me."

  I rolled my eyes at his hot headed ass, if I ever see Carlo Stacco, which I planned to do soon, I'm going to kick his stupid ass, it's because of him that Don Vito had revoked my rights as a free thinking female.

  He beckoned me over to his side, pulling me down into his lap as he gave orders to bring some guy name Taylor to him.

  "I'm getting ready to leave." I told him as soon as he hung up the phone.

  "Go where, where're we going?"

  "To the club, I'm on tonight; they gave me back my shift."

  "I can't go to the club right now I’ve got shit to do."

  "Uhm, what does that have to do with the price of eggs, I'm going to work not hang out."

  "You're not going without me and I can't get away right now."


  "Don't start no means no, now sit your hard headed ass right there and let me think."

  I folded my arms and gave him the bitch please glare, which he ignored completely. Gah.

  Chapter 12

  Prince o
f the City

  Okay, so Mouth is back to being her old pain in the ass self again. The furor from Stacco's hit is keeping my guys busy and now Ma has some wild hair about having everyone over for Sunday dinner, which means the fucking Rossi brothers.

  To top it all off, Poppy has decided to leave his retirement paradise to pay us a visit. Fuck me, Poppy is a piece of work, I'm not sure about him and Mouth being in the same room together.

  Fuck my life can nothing ever be simple? I think ma and the girls are in some sort of conspiracy with Mouth to make me lose my fucking mind. Every time I turn around she's on the phone with one of them, huh, not too sure about that turn of events. Though Mouth could out bitch the lot of them, those girls were hardcore, I'd have to keep an eye on that.

  "Mouth could you please just listen to me and keep your ass at home, please, it will make my life so much easier if you would obey me."

  "What am I a dog, and who died and made you the boss of me?"

  "You're gonna get your ass spanked you keep this shit up, now let's go eat, it's getting late."

  "Dinner's been ready."

  "Yeah I know, I smelt it, smells good baby." I kissed her neck and squeezed her tit. Maybe I shouldn't start anything if we were planning on eating, but she always got me going with that damn mouth of hers.

  I took her hand and rose from the chair heading into the dining room where she had the food covered to keep it warm. After seating her I took my seat across for her and dug in when she was ready.

  "So anyway it's nice out I think I'll walk to the club.” I dropped my fork on my plate, was I speaking a foreign language or some shit?

  "Arianna, you...are...not....going......"


  You see this shit, right there, umph.

  How the hell do I get her stubborn ass to behave without making her cry again, that shit makes my stomach hurt, I can't go through that shit again, I would be very happy if she never repeated that experience in this lifetime thank you very much, I didn't want her thinking I didn't care about her feelings though.


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