Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Santiago, Lara - Range War Bride [Tasty Treats 11] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 10

by Неизвестный

  “I understand.” Rafe hugged her tight and kissed her. “No more tears.”

  “I hope Alex is as forgiving.”

  “If that kiss he gave you before leaving your presence didn’t convince you of how he feels, I’m wondering what on this earth will?” He squeezed her once more.

  “So all those times in your bed the past few days trying to get me pregnant worked. If the deputy’s scanner is correct, I’m pregnant right now.”

  “I’d bet on it.”


  “Two reasons. First off, the fertility machine in the barn said you were ripe for implantation. And second I made an extra effort for the past few days in light of that knowledge.”

  “I thought you said it didn’t work on humans.”

  “I said it wasn’t reliable. Most women don’t register.”

  “But I did.”

  “Yep. How do you feel?”

  She grinned and pushed out a sigh. “I feel grateful to know it isn’t Cody or Simon’s hell-spawned progeny.”

  “Now that we’ve established that you’re carrying our child, will you marry us?”


  “Will you stop trying to leap out of windows and run away?”

  “Now that I don’t have to go protect my brother, yes.”

  “Will you be happy here?”

  She pushed out of his embrace, turned, and flung her arms around his neck. She kissed him hard and quick. “Yes. I’ll be happy here. Thank you for opening up the electrified fence line.”

  “Trust me, it was my pleasure.”

  Alex joined them. “I’ve sent my guys to fetch your brother. He’ll be here before you know it.” He kissed her cheek. “Is it true that he might be in line to inherit Cody’s ranch?”

  She shrugged. “I know my mother’s family lived somewhere around in this area. I guess it’s possible. My step-father is Kyle’s father, or at least I always thought he was.”

  “A local lawyer who is the executor of Dylan’s will mentioned a codicil attached naming Kyle as a direct descendant of Dylan’s late father. With Kyle’s father in jail, they’re giving temporary custody of Kyle to you. They’re sending a copy of the document for our perusal. If Cody and Simon are convicted, and it seems clear they will be, their land is forfeit to the next family member in line. Maybe it’s your brother.”

  Brianna’s eye narrowed as if calling a distant memory. “I know my mother spent some time here after my father died. She was very distraught. I remember stayed in New York with my best friend for that whole summer while she recuperated here. My mother came back to New York, but then she married my step-father right before Christmas. That was fourteen years ago.”

  “When was the document drawn up for your marriage to Dylan?”

  She thought about it a moment. “Actually, it was right before the wedding. And my mom had Kyle in July. A seven-month pregnancy.” Brianna released a long sigh.

  “Are you upset about that?”

  Brianna shook her head. “No.” She laughed. “Trust me, there are so many other things to be upset about, that won’t even make the top 100 on my list. What if Cody and Simon are found innocent? They’ll come after my brother.”

  “They won’t be. And we’ll protect him.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Brianna’s expression said that she wanted to believe but had obvious doubts as to the validity of the charges. He couldn’t blame her.

  “There are some whispers going around that Dr. Nicholson was possibly an FBI informant. If Cody and Simon are on any kind of video showing that they killed him, trust me, they aren’t going to be found innocent.”

  Later that day, Brianna was reunited with her brother. He looked very much like her with the red hair and bright blue eyes. Rafe surmised they each resembled their mother. However, Kyle had a distinct cleft in his chin.

  Brianna’s former fiancé Dylan also had one, and so did his father, Drake. Rafe knew it was a genetic trait because Drake used to brag about not being able to deny Dylan was his son. It wasn’t a stretch to believe that Brianna’s mother had been intimate with Dylan’s father. Just as it was plausible Dylan’s old man set it up so that his son would marry the daughter of the woman he cared for. But Cody had other ideas.

  Later in the day a rumor came out that there was possible circumstantial evidence that suggested Cody and Simon had eliminated Dylan and made it look like an accident so as to inherit his land. Rafe was just glad they were finally out of Brianna’s life for good.

  And he was elated further that she was likely carrying their child.

  The memory of his conversation with Alex, right before a flame-haired vixen galloped into their lives and changed everything, crossed his mind. His most fervent wish was about to come true.

  He would have a baby nestled in his arms before the turn of the century. Extraordinary.

  * * * *

  “Where are Kyle and Rafe?” Brianna asked as Alex came through the front door of the house all alone carrying a shopping bag of some sort. It had been three weeks since she’d charged on to Drakestone property and changed her fate forever. Her life was nearly perfect.

  “They went to town.” His gaze swept up and down her body with measured care.

  “Why? What are they doing?”

  Alex removed his cowboy hat one handed and hung it on a wooden peg by the door. “Gambling or drinking. Not sure. I just know we’re alone for the next few hours.”

  She laughed. “You both realize he’s barely fourteen, right?”

  "Of course, I was at his birthday party last week." Alex sat on a bench seat at started to remove one of his boots. “But the sooner he learns about all the really fun things in life, the better cowboy he’ll be.”

  “Really?” She didn’t believe for a second they were gambling or drinking, but they did love to tease her. Kyle was the happiest she’d ever seen him, so she let them have their fun.

  “So whatever will we do here all alone by ourselves?” She moved closer as he removed his other cowboy boot and left the pair by the door.

  Alex stood and lifted the shopping bag. “I have something for you.” His sly grin made a girlish giggle escape. She loved this man so very much.

  Brianna moved closer. Just as she grabbed for the bag, he pulled it slightly out of her reach. “Patience is a virtue.”

  “It’s a virtue you know for a fact that I don’t possess, so what’s in there?” She lunged for the plastic bag, but he kept it just out of her reach.”

  “Fine.” Brianna pretended to back up then suddenly leapt forward, shot one arm around his neck and hooked the handle of the bag with a finger.

  “Woman,” he said in mock anger.

  “Man,” she replied in the next second.

  Brianna pulled the bag closer and saw a scrap of what looked like blue lace inside.

  “Is is a nightgown?”

  He pushed out a long-suffering sigh. “No, a corset. I’m trying to teach you a woman’s place on this ranch.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Not that it will do any good. The second either one of us displeases you, you’ll shimmy out the nearest window.”

  “I only did that one time. You can’t use that against me anymore.”

  “Sure I can.” But he let her take the bag and watched as she opened it. She pulled out the garment and laughed. “It is a corset.”

  “I told you it was. Will you try it on?”

  “Is this some sexual fantasy of yours?

  “Maybe.” His grin said it was.

  “Okay. I’ll try it.” She turned and headed for the bedroom. Over one shoulder she called, “Meet me in bed in ten minutes.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And you’d better be naked.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he repeated. The sound of his steps sped up.

  Brianna walked into her bathroom and stripped down to nothing. She extracted the corset and a matching lace thong from the bag and put the garments on. Her breasts sat on to
p of the molded half cup at the top of the silk-lined corset where her nipples were barely covered by two strategically placed lace fans.

  Surprisingly, it was much more comfortable than expected. The silk lining felt good on her skin and it wasn’t too tight at all, but then again, she didn’t expect to have it on very long anyway.

  “Are you ready for me?” she called out.

  “I’m naked and waiting in your bed as you demanded.”

  She opened the door and stepped out into her large bedroom. Even though they each had their own rooms adjoining hers, usually they all slept in her large suite.

  Alex was on the bed completely naked. His head rested on the arm folded behind his head. His gaze immediately scanned her body up and down. Down and up and back down again. The smile tugging the corner of his mouth led Brianna to believe he liked what he saw.

  He lifted his torso and balanced on an elbow. “You look amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “The blue matches your eye color exactly. I knew it would.” He paused a moment and added, “So how hard is it to remove?”

  Brianna laughed out loud. “I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

  “Come here and let me take a closer look.” He motioned her with an outstretched hand.

  She sauntered slowly to the side of the bed.

  “For as much time as it took me to put this on, I think you should consider leaving it in place for a while.”

  “How long is awhile?” His hand suddenly shot forward and slipped between her legs. One finger glanced across her clit and made her jump in delighted surprise. “Ooh. I like how the panties are easy access.”

  She brushed his face with one hand. “I knew you’d love that feature.”

  Alex rose to his knees, pulled her onto the bed, and hugged her to his chest. “Maybe we could leave it on during the activities I have planned.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “Turn around and face the headboard.”

  The moment her back was turned and her hands rested against the flat surface of her wooded four-poster bed, she felt Alex press his body against her back.

  “Thanks for trying on what I bought for you.” His hands rested at the stiff confined sides of her waist. He rubbed his fingers along every inch of the garment.

  “Of course, I have to admit it makes me feel a little sexy.”

  He pressed a kiss to one shoulder. “You are a lot sexy.”

  “You’re just saying that because I’m wearing a corset.”

  “No. You’re always a lot sexy, I just enjoy this color and seeing you dressed in it.”

  “Are any activities ever going to take place?”

  “Patience is a virtue.”

  “We’ve already had this discussion,” she joked. “Nothing has changed.”

  “Oh yes it has. Last time you weren’t dressed in a sexy blue corset.”

  Brianna laughed until he pressed his cock between her legs and immediately buried his shaft deeply into her pussy. His groan of appreciation as he withdrew and stroked inside again brought a smile to her lips.

  No matter how many times they made love she always wanted more. “You can push harder, I won’t break.”

  He pushed a little bit harder with his next thrust. His hands slid up her sides to her barely covered breasts lingering only for a moment. He dipped his fingers between her legs and caressed her clit with tender care until she was writhing and ready to explode in climax.

  Three strokes of his talented fingers later and she cried out in overwhelming release.

  “I love you, Brianna.” Alex’s whispered endearment came seconds before he pierced her one final time, stiffened his body against hers and growled in what sounded like utter fulfillment.

  “I love you too, Alex.”


  Brianna put a hand on her swelling stomach and smiled as her baby pushed against her fingers. This was going to be one rowdy little child if the activity in her belly was any indication.

  She’d likely gotten pregnant the day she’d run across the border onto Drakestone land. Alex and Rafe were very confident of this. She couldn’t really argue.

  Once Kyle had been delivered safely to their ranch by Matt, Rafe had taken him under his wing immediately and showed him the cowboy life. These days the two of them were nearly inseparable.

  Last week she’d caught them playing another game of poker with some stable hands. It wasn't the first time. She didn’t approve of gambling for teenagers as a rule, but given Kyle’s previous sheltered life with his father, he deserved a little happiness.

  Poker with Rafe made him happy, and they only played for old fashioned wooden matchsticks anyway.

  The FBI, in association with the county registrar, confirmed that her brother Kyle was indeed Drake’s son only two days after Cody was arrested. Illegitimate or not, DNA won out over everything, and her brother, at the advance age of thirteen, became a land owner a week before his fourteenth birthday. His new land was determined to be second in size only to that of her new husbands.

  “How is my baby doing?” Alex asked from the doorway of their bedroom.

  She rubbed her belly. “He’s kicking up a storm.”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed in mock disagreement. “It might be a girl, you know.”

  “I think it’s a boy, no question in my mind.”

  “The doctor is on his way out to check on you.” He crossed the room to sit next to her.

  “Another house call from our doctor? You must be rich and powerful.”

  “I am and don’t you forget it.” He kissed her smiling mouth before adding, “Before too much time gets away, I’d like to discuss education.”

  She rubbed her belly again as the baby moved restlessly beneath. “I think we have some time before we need to talk about kindergarten through college plans.”

  “I meant for you.”

  “Me?” Her heart sped up. “What do you mean?”

  “You wanted to go to school before coming here, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Rafe and I wanted to tell you that once the baby is born, we fully support your going back to get your education, if you still want to.”

  Brianna sent him a startled gaze of pure joy. “I know what I said, and I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll hang out and spend time with our little boy.”

  Alex crossed the room. “Our daughter will be very happy to have you around the ranch.”

  “Rafe will be delighted when it’s a boy, too. He adores Kyle.”

  “He wants a baby to bounce on his knee. He doesn’t care about the gender. And the truth is, neither do I, but I do like to spar with you.”

  “Thank you.”

  His brows furrowed in puzzlement. “For sparring with you?”

  “No, silly. For offering to let me go to school. I appreciate it. And I’ll likely take you up on it eventually, but not quite yet.” Her focus was on her child.

  “Whenever you want. Whenever you’re ready.” Alex put his hand over hers as the baby kicked his hand.

  “She’s anxious to get out there and start shopping, don’t you think?”

  “No. He’s anxious to play football and ride galloping horses across your land.”

  He pressed his mouth to her cheek. It was a soft, sweet kiss filled with the promise of a future she’d never want to run away from ever again.



  Lara Santiago is the bestselling author of over eighteen books. She's a 2009 WisRWA Write Touch Readers' award winner for Menagerie, a 2007 Passionate Plume finalist for The Lawman’s Wife, an Ecataromance award winner for The Miner's Wife, and has garnered a coveted four and half stars from Romantic Times Book Reviews for her novel, The Blonde Bomb Tech.

  From her futuristic novels to her contemporary romantic suspense, she's known for her independent heroines and those compelling alpha males we all adore.

bsp; After turning in her twelfth manuscript, she came to the realization that this writing gig might just work out after all. She continues to dream up stories, keeping no less than ten story ideas circulating at any given time.

  Also by Lara Santiago

  The Wives Tales Prequel: The Prosecutor’s Paramour

  The Wives Tales 1: The Miner’s Wife

  The Wives Tales 2: The Executive’s Wife

  The Wives Tales 3: The Lawman’s Wife

  The Wives Tales 4: The Mercenary’s Wife

  The Tiburon Duet 1: Just a Kiss

  The Tiburon Duet 2: Just One Embrace

  The Tiburon Duet 3: Kissed By Fate

  Blind Date After Dark 1: Mr. Right

  Blind Date After Dark 2: The Perfect Tool

  Blind Date After Dark 3: The Mistletoe Mistake

  Rogue’s Run

  Sex or Suffer


  The Forgetful Spy

  The Blonde Bomb Tech

  Little Red Rides the Wolf

  Siren Publishing Print Collection: Once Upon a Time

  Siren Publishing Print Collection: Rapture

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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